Googolplex Library System

Googolplex Library System


Software Requirements Specification


Ryan O’Malley

George Maslennikov


Aamir Siddiqui


September 26, 2002


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of SE 516 - Engineering of Software Systems

Chapter 1: Introduction 5—4

Chapter 2: Purpose 5

Chapter 3: Functional Requirements Definition 6

3.1. Add Holding 6

Brief Description 6

Initial Step-by-Step Description 6

3.2. Remove Holding 6

Brief Description 6

Initial Step-by-Step Description 6

3.3. Modify Holding 7

Brief Description 7

Initial Step-by-Step Description 7

3.4. Search for Holdings 8

Brief Description 8

Initial Step-by-Step Description 8

3.5. View Holding Information 8

Brief Description 8

Initial Step-by-Step Description 9

3.6. View On-Line Electronic Holding 9

Brief Description 9

Initial Step-by-Step Description 9

3.7. Check Out Holding 9

Brief Description 9

Initial Step-by-Step Description 10

3.8. Check in Holding 10

Brief Description 10

Initial Step-by-Step Description 10

3.9. Add User 11

Brief Description 11

Initial Step-by-Step Description 11

3.10. Remove User 11

Brief Description 11

Initial Step-by-Step Description 12

3.11. Modify User 12

Brief Description 12

Initial Step-by-Step Description 12

3.12. View User Account Information 13

Brief Description 13

Initial Step-by-Step Description 13

3.13. User Log In 14

Brief Description 14

Initial Step-by-Step Description 14

3.14. User Log Out 14

Brief Description 14

Initial Step-by-Step Description 15

3.15. Change User Password 15

Brief Description 15

Initial Step-by-Step Description 15

Chapter 4: Functional Requirements Specifications 16

4.1. Add Holding 16

4.2. Remove Holding 16

4.3. Modify Holding 17

4.4. Search for Holdings 18

4.5. View Holding Information 18

4.6. View On-Line Electronic Holding 19

4.7. Check Out Holding 19

4.8. Check In Holding 20

4.9. Add User 20

4.10. Remove User 21

4.11. Modify User 22

4.12. View User Account Information 22

4.13. User Login 23

4.14. User Log Out 23

4.15. Change User Password 24

Chapter 5: Entity Relationship Diagram 25

Chapter 6: User Interface Specification 26

Chapter 7: Non-Functional Requirements 43

Product Requirements 43

Process Requirements 43

External Requirements 43

Chapter 8: Glossary 44


The current problem facing the Googolplex University Library is that their library system is not computerized. The Library contains about 2000 holdings that include books, CD-ROMs, journals, and on-line electronic books. The users of the library are faculty, staff, and students at the University. Computerizing the Library system will allow users to search for holdings by title, author name, ISBN number, and/or call number. The users will be able to search for holdings according to one or more of those criteria. Since the system is available on-line, users can find the holding they are interested in without leaving their office or dorm room. This will save the users of the system a lot of time. Furthermore, since the system will also keep track of all holdings and all users account information, it will improve the performance of the library.

This system will be a stand-alone system available on-line but only for users on campus. Users will be able to use the system via any web-browser. The system will utilize a database that will contain all the information needed, such as holdings information, user accounts information


This Software Requirements Specification provides a complete description of all the functions and constraints of the Googolplex Library System. The expected audience of this document includes the Librarians, faculty, staff, and students of the Googolplex University and the software developer and persons desiring a model for software development documentation

Functional Requirements Definition

2 Add Holding

Brief Description

The Librarian adds a new holding into the system.

Initial Step-by-Step Description

1. The Librarian selects “Add New Holding” from the “Librarian Menu”.

2. The “Add New Holding” form appears.

3. The Librarian will input all of the required holding information.

4. The Librarian clicks on the “Add” button.

5. The new holding is added into the system.

6. The Librarian receives a confirmation that the new holding has been added to the system.

3 Remove Holding

Brief Description

The Librarian removes a holding from the system.

Initial Step-by-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the holding must exist in the system.

1. The Librarian selects “Remove Holding” from the “Librarian Menu”.

2. The Librarian is presented with a form asking for the call number.

3. The Librarian enters the call number of the holding.

4. The Librarian clicks on the “Submit” button.

5. The Librarian is presented with the “Holding Information” screen with “Remove” and “Cancel” buttons located at the bottom of the screen.

6. The Librarian clicks on the “Remove” button.

7. The Librarian is prompted to confirm the request.

8. The Librarian clicks the “Ok” button to confirm the request.

9. The holding is removed from the system.

10. The Librarian receives a confirmation that the holding has been removed from the system.

4 Modify Holding

Brief Description

The Librarian modifies the holding information.

Initial Step-by-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the holding must exist in the system.

1. The Librarian selects “Modify Holding” from the “Librarian Menu”.

2. The Librarian is presented with a form prompting for the call number.

3. The Librarian enters the call number and clicks on the “Submit” button.

4. The system retrieves the holding information based on the call number.

5. The Librarian is presented with the “Modify Holding” form containing the current information on the holding.

6. The Librarian makes the modifications.

7. The Librarian clicks on the “Save” button.

8. The system updates the holding information.

9. The Librarian receives a confirmation that the holding has been modified.

5 Search for Holdings

Brief Description

The user searches for a holding according to his/her search criteria.

Initial Step-by-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the user must be logged into the system.

1. The user selects “Search for Holdings” from the “User Menu” or “Librarian Menu”.

2. The “Search for Holdings” form appears.

3. The user inputs the criteria (i.e. isbn number, title, author, call number) for his/her search.

4. The user clicks on the “Search” button.

5. The user is presented with the “Search Results” screen that displays the search results matching user’s search criteria.

6 View Holding Information

Brief Description

The user views the information about the holding.

Initial Step-by-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the user must have searched for holdings and the search results must contain one or more holdings.

1. The user clicks on the “View Holding Information” link displayed on the “Search Results” screen next to the desired search result.

2. The user is presented with “Holding Information” screen containing the detailed information on the holding.

8 View On-Line Electronic Holding

Brief Description

The user views the contents of the on-line electronic holding.

Initial Step-by-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the user must have searched for holdings.

1. The user clicks on the “View On-Line” link in the “Holding Information” screen.

2. The system displays the electronic holding in pdf format.

10 Check Out Holding

Brief Description

The Librarian sets a holding as checked out.

Initial Step-by-Step Description

1. The Librarian selects “Check Out Holding” from the “Librarian Menu”.

2. The Librarian is presented with the “Check Out Holding” form.

3. The Librarian enters the user id.

4. The Librarian enters the call number of the holding.

5. The Librarian clicks the “Check Out” button.

6. The system sets the holding as unavailable.

7. The Librarian receives a confirmation of the holding as being checked out by the specified user.

11 Check in Holding

Brief Description

The Librarian sets a holding as available.

Initial Step-by-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the holding being checked in, must be set as checked out in the system.

1. The Librarian selects “Check in Holding” from the “Librarian Menu”.

2. The Librarian is presented with the “Check in Holding” form.

3. The Librarian inputs the call number of the holding.

4. The Librarian clicks the “Check In” button.

5. The system sets the holding as available.

6. The system removes the holding from the user account.

7. The Librarian receives a confirmation of the holding as being checked in.

12 Add User

Brief Description

A new user will be added into the system by a Librarian.

Initial Step-by-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated the user to be added cannot exist in the system.

1. The Librarian selects “Add New User” from the “Librarian Menu”.

2. The request is sent to the system and the “Add New User” form is displayed.

3. The Librarian inputs all the required information about the user.

4. The Librarian clicks on the “Submit” button.

5. The submitted information is sent to the database.

6. The user is added to the system.

7. The Librarian receives confirmation of the user being added to the system containing the new user’s id and password.

13 Remove User

Brief Description

A user will be removed from the system by a Librarian.

Initial Step-by-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated the user to be removed must exist in the system.

1. The Librarian selects “Remove User” from the “Librarian Menu”.

2. The request is sent to the system and the “Remove User” form is displayed.

3. The Librarian inputs all the required information.

4. The Librarian clicks on the “Remove” button.

5. The Librarian is prompted to confirm the request.

6. The Librarian clicks the “Ok” button to confirm the request.

7. The user is removed from the system.

8. Before this use case can be initiated,

9. The Librarian receives confirmation that the user has been removed from the system.

14 Modify User

Brief Description

The Librarian modifies the user information stored in the system.

Initial Step-by-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, this user must exist in the system.

1. The Librarian selects “Modify User” from the “Librarian Menu”.

2. The Librarian is presented with a form asking for the user’s ID.

3. The Librarian inputs user’s ID.

4. The Librarian clicks on the “Submit” button.

5. The request is sent to the system, and the system searches for the User ID inputted.

6. The Librarian is presented with the “Modify User” form.

7. The Librarian makes the desired modifications.

8. The Librarian clicks on the “Save” button.

9. The system updates the user’s account.

10. The Librarian receives confirmation that the user’s information has been modified.

15 View User Account Information

Brief Description

The Librarian views the User Account Information.

Initial Step-by-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the user, whose account is being viewed, must exist in the system.

1. The Librarian selects “View User Account” from the “Librarian Menu”.

2. The Librarian is presented with a form asking for User ID.

3. The Librarian inputs User ID.

4. The Librarian clicks on the “Submit” button.

5. The system searches for the User ID submitted.

6. The Librarian is presented with the screen containing the User Account Information.

16 User Log In

Brief Description

The user will be logged into the system or receive an error message stating the failure to log in.

Initial Step-by-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the user must have accessed the system.

1. The user is presented with a “Login” form, asking for User ID and Password.

2. The user inputs their User ID and password.

3. The user clicks on the “Login” button.

4. The request is sent to the system to check for the inputted User ID.

5. The system compares the password inputted by the user with the password stored in the system linked to the inputted User ID.

6. The user is presented with the “Welcome” screen.

17 User Log Out

Brief Description

The user will be logged out of the system.

Initial Step-by-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the user must be logged into the system.

1. The user selects “Log out” from the “User Menu” or “Librarian Menu”.

2. The user is presented with the “Goodbye” screen.

3. The user is logged out of the system.

18 Change User Password

Brief Description

The current user password will be changed by a Librarian to a new password desired by the user.

Initial Step-by-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the user whose password is being changed must exist in the system.

1. The Librarian selects “Change User Password” from the “Librarian Menu”.

2. The “Change User Password” form appears.

3. The Librarian inputs the user’s id.

4. The Librarian inputs the new password.

5. The Librarian inputs the new password again.

6. The Librarian clicks on the “Change” button.

7. The Librarian is notified that the password has been changed

Functional Requirements Specifications

1 Add Holding

|Use Case |Add Holding |

|Priority |Essential |

|Trigger |Selection from the “Librarian Menu” |

|Precondition |The Holding does not exist in the database. |

|Basic Path |The Librarian selects “Add New Holding” from the “Librarian Menu”. |

| |The “Add New Holding” form appears. |

| |The Librarian will input all of the required holding information. |

| |The Librarian will click on the “Add” button. |

| |The new holding is added into the system. |

| |The Librarian receives a confirmation that a new holding has been added to the system. |

|Alternate Paths |The Librarian clicks on the “Cancel” button. |

| |The Librarian is returned to the “Welcome” screen. |

|Postcondition |The Librarian has added the holding successfully, and a call number is assigned to the new |

| |holding. |

|Exception Paths |The Librarian does not input all of the required information. |

| |The Librarian clicks on “Add” button. |

| |An error message is returned, prompting the Librarian to input all of the required information. |

2 Remove Holding

|Use Case |Remove Holding |

|Priority |Essential |

|Trigger |Selection from the “Librarian Menu” |

|Precondition |The holding must exist in the system. |

|Basic Path |The Librarian selects “Remove Holding” from the “Librarian Menu”. |

| |The Librarian is presented with a form asking for the call number. |

| |The Librarian enters the call number of the holding. |

| |The Librarian clicks on the “Submit” button. |

| |The Librarian is presented with the “Holding Information” screen with “Remove” and “Cancel” |

| |buttons located at the bottom of the screen. |

| |The Librarian clicks on the “Remove” button. |

| |The Librarian is prompted to confirm the request. |

| |The Librarian clicks on the “Ok” button to confirm the request. |

| |The holding is removed from the system. |

| |The Librarian receives a confirmation the holding has been removed from the system. |

|Alternate Paths |Replacing step 8 above, the Librarian clicks on the “Cancel” button. |

| |The Librarian is returned to the “Welcome” screen. |

|Postcondition |The Librarian has removed the holding successfully. |

|Exception Paths |1. If the Librarian enters a call number that does not exist in the system, the librarian is |

| |asked to reenter the call number of the holding. |

3 Modify Holding

|Use Case |Modify Holding |

|Priority |Essential |

|Trigger |Selection from the “Librarian Menu” |

|Precondition |The holding must exist in the system. |

|Basic Path |The Librarian selects “Modify Holding” from the “Librarian Menu”. |

| |The Librarian is presented with a form prompting for the call number. |

| |The Librarian enters the call number and clicks on the “Submit” button. |

| |The system retrieves the holding information based on the call number. |

| |The Librarian is presented with the “Modify Holding” form containing the current information on |

| |the holding. |

| |The Librarian makes the modifications. |

| |The Librarian clicks the “Save” button. |

| |The system modifies the holding information. |

| |The librarian receives confirmation that the holding has been modified. |

|Alternate Paths |Replacing step 7 above, the Librarian clicks on the “Cancel” button. |

| |The Librarian is returned to the “Welcome” screen. |

|Postcondition |The holding information is updated. |

|Exception Paths |None |

4 Search for Holdings

|Use Case |Search for Holdings |

|Priority |Essential |

|Trigger |Selection from the “User Menu” or “Librarian Menu”. |

|Precondition |The user must be logged into the system. |

|Basic Path |The user selects “Search for Holdings” from the “User Menu” or “Librarian Menu”. |

| |The “Search for Holdings” form appears. |

| |The user inputs the criteria (i.e. isbn number, title, author, call number) for his/her search. |

| |The user clicks on the “Search” button. |

|Alternate Paths |None |

|Postcondition |The user is presented with the “Search Results” screen that displays the search results matching|

| |the user’s search criteria. |

|Exception Paths |None |

5 View Holding Information

|Use Case |View Holding Information |

|Priority |Essential |

|Trigger |Selection from the “Search Results” screen. |

|Precondition |The user searched for holdings and the search results show one or more holdings. |

|Basic Path |The user clicks on the “View Holding Information” link displayed on the “Search Results” screen |

| |next to the desired search result. |

|Alternate Paths |None |

|Postcondition |The user is presented with “Holding Information” screen containing the detailed information on |

| |the holding. |

|Exception Paths |None |

6 View On-Line Electronic Holding

|Use Case |View On-Line Electronic Holding |

|Priority |Essential |

|Trigger |Selection from the “Holding Information” screen. |

|Precondition |The user has been presented with the “Holding Information” screen and the holding type is |

| |electronic holding. The user must have a pdf file reader (ex. Adobe Acrobat Reader) installed |

| |on the user’s computer. |

|Basic Path |The user clicks on the “View On-Line” link from the “Holding Information” screen. |

|Alternate Paths |None |

|Postcondition |The user is presented with the contents of the electronic holding via the pdf file reader. |

|Exception Paths |If the user does not have a pdf file reader installed, the user would not be able to view the |

| |holding. |

7 Check Out Holding

|Use Case |Check Out Holding |

|Priority |Essential |

|Trigger |Selection from the “Librarian Menu” |

|Precondition |The user must exist in the system. |

|Basic Path |The Librarian selects “Check Out Holding” from the “Librarian Menu”. |

| |The Librarian is presented with the “Check Out Holding” form. |

| |The Librarian enters the user id. |

| |The Librarian enters the call number of the holding. |

| |The Librarian clicks the “Check Out” button. |

| |The system sets the holding as unavailable. |

| |The Librarian receives a confirmation of the holding as being checked out. |

|Alternate Paths |Replacing step 5 above, the Librarian clicks on the “Cancel” button. |

| |The Librarian is returned to the “Welcome” screen. |

|Postcondition |The holding is checked out and is marked unavailable |

|Exception Paths |If the call number does not exist in the system, the system will prompt the Librarian to reenter|

| |the call number. |

| |If the user has reached the limit for the number of holdings in his/her account, the Librarian |

| |will receive a message stating that the user is not able to take out any more holdings. |

8 Check In Holding

|Use Case |Check In Holding |

|Priority |Essential |

|Trigger |Selection from the “Librarian Menu” |

|Precondition |The Librarian must know the call number of the holding. |

|Basic Path |The Librarian selects “Check in Holding” from the “Librarian Menu”. |

| |The Librarian is presented with the “Check in Holding” form. |

| |The Librarian inputs the call number of the holding. |

| |The Librarian clicks the “Check In” button. |

| |The system sets the holding as available. |

| |The system removes the holding from the user account. |

|Alternate Paths |None |

|Postcondition |The holding is checked in and is marked available. |

|Exception Paths |If the Librarian enters a call number that does not exist in the system, the Librarian is |

| |prompted to reenter the call number. |

9 Add User

|Use Case |Add User |

|Priority |Essential |

|Trigger |Selection from the “Librarian Menu” |

|Precondition |The user to be added cannot exist in the system. |

|Basic Path |The Librarian selects “Add New User” from the “Librarian Menu”. |

| |The request is sent to the system and the “Add New User” form is displayed. |

| |The Librarian inputs all the required information about the user. |

| |The Librarian clicks on the “Submit” button. |

| |The submitted information is sent to the database. |

| |The user is added to the system. |

| |The Librarian receives confirmation of the user being added to the system. |

|Alternate Paths |Replacing step 4 above, the Librarian clicks on the “Cancel” button. |

| |The Librarian is returned to the “Welcome” screen. |

|Post condition |The new user is added into the system |

|Exception Paths |Librarian clicks on “Submit” button without inputting any or all of the required information, in |

| |which case the new user is not added and the Librarian is prompted to reenter the user’s |

| |information. |

10 Remove User

|Use Case |Remove User |

|Priority |Essential |

|Trigger |Selection from the “Librarian Menu” |

|Precondition |The user to be removed must exist in the system. |

|Basic Path |The Librarian selects “Remove User” from the “Librarian Menu”. |

| |The request is sent to the system and the “Remove User” form is displayed. |

| |The Librarian inputs all the required information. |

| |The Librarian clicks on the “Remove” button. |

| |The Librarian is prompted to confirm the request. |

| |The Librarian clicks the “Ok” button to confirm the request. |

|Alternate Paths |Replacing step 6 above, the Librarian clicks on the “Cancel” button. |

| |The Librarian is returned to the “Welcome” screen. |

|Post condition |User is removed from the system |

|Exception Paths |If the Librarian enters a user id of a user that does not exist in the system, the Librarian will |

| |be prompted to reenter the user id. |

11 Modify User

|Use Case |Modify User |

|Priority |Essential |

|Trigger |Selection from the “Librarian Menu” |

|Precondition |The user must exist in the system. |

|Basic Path |The Librarian selects “Modify User” from the “Librarian Menu”. |

| |The Librarian is presented with the form asking for the user’s ID. |

| |The Librarian inputs the user’s ID. |

| |The Librarian clicks on the “Submit” button. |

| |Request is sent to the system, and the system searches for the User ID inputted. |

| |The Librarian is presented with the “Modify User” form. |

| |The Librarian makes the desired modifications. |

| |The Librarian clicks on the “Save” button. |

| |The system updates the user’s account information. |

|Alternate Paths |Replacing step 8 above, the Librarian clicks on the “Cancel” button. |

| |The Librarian is returned to the “Welcome” screen. |

|Post condition |The user’s account information is updated. |

|Exception Paths |If the Librarian does not enter all of the required information, the Librarian will be prompted to|

| |completely fill in the form. |

12 View User Account Information

|Use Case |View User Account Information |

|Priority |Essential |

|Trigger |Selection from the “Librarian Menu” or “User Menu”. |

|Precondition |The user, whose account is being viewed, must exist in the system. |

|Basic Path |The Librarian selects “View User Account” from the “Librarian Menu”. |

| |The Librarian is presented with a form asking for User ID. |

| |The Librarian inputs User ID. |

| |The Librarian clicks on the “Submit” button. |

| |The system searches for the User ID submitted. |

|Alternate Paths |Replacing step 4 above, the Librarian clicks on the “Cancel” button. |

| |The Librarian is returned to the “Welcome” screen. |

|Post condition |The Librarian is presented with the screen containing the User Account Information. |

|Exception Paths |If the Librarian enters a user id of a user that does not exist in the system, the Librarian will |

| |be prompted to reenter the user id. |

13 User Login

|Use Case |User Login |

|Priority |Essential |

|Trigger |The user accesses the system. |

|Precondition |The user must exist in the system. |

|Basic Path |The user is presented with a “Login” form, asking for User ID and Password. |

| |The user inputs their User ID and password. |

| |The user clicks on “Login” button. |

| |The request is sent to the system to check for the inputted User ID. |

| |The system compares the password inputted by the user with the password stored in the system |

| |linked to the inputted User ID. |

| |The user is presented with the “Welcome” screen. |

|Alternate Paths |None |

|Post condition |The user is logged into the system. |

|Exception Paths |If the user enters in a user id / password pair that does not exist in the system, the user will |

| |be prompted to reenter the user id / password. |

14 User Log Out

|Use Case |User Log Out |

|Priority |Essential |

|Trigger |Selection from the “User Menu” or “Librarian Menu”. |

|Precondition |The user must be logged into the system. |

|Basic Path |The user clicks on the “Log out” button on the “User Menu” or “Librarian Menu”. |

| |The user is presented with the “Goodbye” screen. |

|Alternate Paths |None |

|Post condition |The user is logged out of the system. |

|Exception Paths |None |

15 Change User Password

|Use Case |Change User Password |

|Priority |Essential |

|Trigger |Selection from the “Librarian Menu” |

|Precondition |The user whose password is being changed must exist in the system. |

|Basic Path |The Librarian selects “Change User Password” from the “Librarian Menu”. |

| |The “Change User Password” form appears. |

| |The Librarian inputs the user’s id. |

| |The Librarian inputs the new password. |

| |The Librarian inputs new password again. |

| |The Librarian clicks on the “Change” button. |

| |The Librarian is notified that the password has been changed. |

|Alternate Paths |Replacing step 6 above, the Librarian clicks on the “Cancel” button. |

| |The Librarian is returned to the “Welcome” screen. |

|Postcondition |The current user password will be changed to a password chosen by the user. |

|Exception Paths |If the Librarian does not enter a second password that matches the first password, the Librarian|

| |is prompted that the passwords do not match. |

| |The Librarian reenters the passwords. |

Entity Relationship Diagram


User Interface Specification

The system assumes that the user is familiar with using a web browser to view html (web-based) documents. The user interface will be presented to the user as a series of web forms. The web forms will have the ability to accept user input. The user will input data using a series of web form fields. These fields include text boxes, pull-down menus, checkboxes, radio buttons, and action buttons. The web forms will also have the ability to present the user with information, stored in the system, in a meaningful way. On every form the main user menu will available at all times on the left hand side of the screen.

Add New Holding


Shown above is the “Add New Holding” Form. This Form will be used by the librarians to add new holdings into the system. It consists of few fields, which librarians must fill out. “Browse” button is for the on-line electronic book upload. “Submit” and “Cancel” buttons for submitting the new holding into the system, or canceling the request.

Add New User



Shown above are screenshots of the “Add New User” Form. This Form will be used by the librarians to add new users into the system. The Form consists of fields, such as name, and address, that the librarians must fill out. It also has the User Type, User ID and Password fields that are required. On the bottom of the Form, two buttons, Submit and Cancel, are located. These buttons are for submitting the new user information into the system or canceling the request.

Change User Password


Shown above is the “Change User Password” Form, which will allow the librarians to change users’ passwords. The librarians will have to enter user’s User ID, and new password twice. The librarian must click on “Change” button to submit the changes to the system.

Check In Holding


Shown above is the “Check In Holding” Form, which will be used by the librarians to check in the returned holdings. The librarians will have to input the Call Number of the holding along with the User ID of the user who checked out the holding. The librarians will have to click on the “Check In” button to submit the information, or “Cancel” button to cancel the request.

Check Out Holding


Shown above is the “Check Out Holding” Form, which will be used by the librarians to register the holdings being checked out. The librarians will have to enter the holding’s Call Number along with User ID of the person checking out that holding. The librarians will have to click on the “Check Out” button to submit the information, or click on the “Cancel” button to cancel the request.

Modify Holding


Shown above is the “Modify Holding” Form, which will be used by the librarians to change and update the information on any holding. In this Form the librarians will be able to make any desired modifications to the holding, and then click on the “Save” button to submit the changes.

Modify User


Shown above is the “Modify User” Form, which will be used by the librarians to change and update the information on any user of the system. In this Form the librarians will be able to make any desired modifications to the user, and then click on the “Save” button to submit the changes.

Remove Holding


Shown above is the “Remove Holding” Form, which will be used by the librarians to remove any holding from the system. The librarians will have to enter the Holding ID of the holding, and click on the “Remove” button.

Remove User


Shown above is the “Remove User” Form, which will be used by the librarians to remove a user from the system. The librarians will have to enter the User ID of the user to be removed, and click on the “Remove” button.

Search for Holding


Shown above is the “Search for Holding” Form, which will be used by all users of the system to search for the holdings, according to their criteria. The users will have to enter their criteria, such as Author, Title, and click on the “Search” button to start the search.

Search Results


Shown above is “Search Results” screen, which will be shown after the user clicks on the “Search” button on the “Search for Holding” Form. This screen will list all the holdings that matched the users’ search criteria. From this screen the users will be able to click on the “View Holding Info” link to get detailed information on the holding or click on “New Search” button to return to “Search for Holding” Form.

View User Account


Shown above is the “View User Account” screen, which will be displayed for the librarians, if they wish to look at the users’ accounts. This screen will show all the necessary information required by the library, such as user’s name, address, User ID, holdings that are registered under that user.



Shown above is the “Welcome” screen, which will be displayed to all the users, when they log into the system.



Shown above is the “Goodbye” screen, which will be displayed to all the users after they have logged out of the system.



Shown above is the “Login” screen, which will be displayed to all the users once they try to access the system. The users will have to enter their User ID and password and click on the “Login” button.

Non-Functional Requirements

1 Product Requirements

6.1.1. Users can access the system through any JavaScript enabled Web Browser

6.1.2. The system is available on-line to users on campus.

6.1.3. The system is available at all times.

6.1.4. The users must have a pdf reader installed on their computer.

6.1.5. The database will be backed up once a week.

6.1.6. The users must be enrolled at the Googolplex University as a student, staff or faculty member.

2 Process Requirements

6.2.1. The system should be available by the end of the Fall Semester of 2002.

6.2.2. The tools used to develop this system are the Java programming language, the Java Script programming language, PostgreSQL database management system, and HTML.

3 External Requirements

6.3.1. The system must be installed on a java enabled computer running Apache Web Server software.

6.3.2. The system will use a third party software system and tape drive to back up the database.


Button - an object in an html form, which performs an action, as, encoded in the form

Check – act of testing or verifying

Click – pointing mouse pointer over a link or a button and pressing the mouse button

Client - the person using the system

Database - an implementation for storing large amounts of data

Display – a setting or presentation of something on a computer screen

Error – an act that through deficiency or accident departs from or fails to achieve what should be done

Error Message Message" – a message that indicates an occurrence of an error

Exist – an item is currently on the system

Login - enter the system

Logout - exit the system

Message – electronic correspondence between a user and a computer

Modify - to change information stored in a database

Password – a sequence of characters required for access to a computer system

Receive – to acquire possession of something

Request – to ask a computer to perform an operation

Requirement Definition – short description of what the system is supposed to do

Requirement Specification – detailed description of what the system is supposed to do

Server - A computer that serves files and/or shared resources to other computers that request them

Submit – entering information into a computer system

System - the new scheduling software described in this document

Title – the official name of something

User - see client

User ID – a name under which a user is recognized on the system

Valid Login – username and password is accepted by the system, and a user is granted the access into the system

Validation – checking if the user’s username and password are correct

Verification – checking if the user is allowed to access the system, and the user level.


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