Attn.: Wayne HU 胡寅Springer ShanghaiRM 1006-1007, Financial PlazaNo. 333 Jiujiang Road|Shanghai 200001|China?Tel? +86?21 6087 1688?ext. 825Mobile +86 135 0188 4931Fax +86 21 6075 1030AUTHOR?S/EDITOR?S TEMPLATE FOR A BOOK PROPOSALAuthor/Editor’s Questionnaire (AEQ)First please tell us if this book you are working on is translated from Chinese edition or not.YES ( )??? NO ( )??? 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The selected works can help?promote development of spacecraft TT&C technology towards interconnectivity, resource sharing, flexibility and high efficiency. Researchers and engineers in the field of aerospace engineering and communication engineering can benefit from the book. --------------*AUTHOR INFORMATION: Please give details of your area of work, honors, etc. which underline the usefulness of your book to the reader and may appear in the book.(English): *UNIQUE SELLING POINTS (USP) Please write 3 – 5 clear short phrases respectively in English and Chinese as selling points of your book making it unique compared to others. Example:The first book available on regular expressions usage in Java Includes over 100 fully functional, real-world J2SE regex examples, not just info on the API Offers in-depth examination of complex and subtle J2SE regex topics simply not covered elsewhere, either in Sun’s documentation and/or other books on J2SE regex Includes handy quick-reference tables to help readers with regular expression syntax-------------- * COMPETITIVE LITERATURE: What other works have been published on this subject within recent 3-5 years. 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