Ethan Feldman

Ethan Feldman

Programming II For New Media

Intro to 3D Programming in Director

No screen coordinates

X, Y, and Z Axis

The place where you look at it from is the camera, and it can change.

3D worlds have lights. Background is often black. Change the background to a different color when you build your movie. Nothing will show up without proper lighting.

2 step process in Director to build something.

A model resource – fills out instructions for making a model, a template.

A model – takes the models resource as an argument to build your model. Has a position (x, y, z). I can build more than one model from the same model resource.

Shockwave 3D keeps track through everything in your 3D world as arrays. Everything in there is an array. They are hard to get at unfortunately.

Book – Director’s 3rd Dimension – all about 3D in Director

Director doesn’t reset the 3D world by itself.

Nothing in Shockwave 3D can have the same name.

iR is is int radius.

Shader option colors and textures your objects. You can give it a color, a shader, or give it a bitmap cast member to use as a cast member.

3DPI = 3d property inspector, a feature you can download for Director.

You only want to use as many faces as you need (resolution) to represent the thing you made. Res = length verts/width verts.


- Position

- Rotation

- Scale

You supply the vales as vectors. Vectors are collections of 3 values.

The 3DPI tool doesn’t save anything you do with it, it doesn’t save the code.

You have to, at some point, write it in the code.

You can get the values from 3DPI but you need to write the code in yourself.

model.transform.position = (x,y,z,); = move absolute (like in turtles);

model has 3 methods, translate, rotate, and scale

_global.mySphere.translate(2,0,0); (moves every frame on how much I tell it to move)

_global.mySphere.transform.position = vector(2,0,0); //moves it there once (absolute, just moves to where I tell it to, and then it stays there.)

Orange book has all the properties, but you need to figure our how to get them to work in javascript.

How 3D graphics work:

Every since thing in 3D is built out of triangles, in fact modern day graphics cards know how to do 2 things, make a rectangular space on you screen, and draw triangles. What each triangle has: Vertices, Vertex (xyz, position in 3d space. Face. Position Vector, Normal (vector that is perpendicular to the surface, (nx, ny, nz) – used for lighting) Vector, and has a set of 2D coordinates called U and V for texturing something. Each face has: position, lighting, and texturing.

Shading is like lighting. Lighting deals with angles, if the angle is over 90 degrees, where the light hits it, it will color it black. It checks to see if it is towards or away from the light. The more triangles you have, the smoother it is shaded.

Each triangle has an x, y, and z, but also a u, and v. In the picture for you texture, the top left is 0,0, top right is 0,1, bottom right is 1,1, and bottom left is 1,0. Cut a picture down diagonally down the center to fit it on a triangle to get a good idea of how it will look in 3D.

What you can build right away:





Mesh – for making worlds (planes), that are not flat.

Igloos are good thing to start out making a world with.

Make the circle halfway through the ground

Grass huts

Make a cone on top of a cylinder

Use 3 or 4 planes connected to build a hallway or a tunnel of a Quake (3D shooter) type game.

only w3d files can be imported into Director

tiles: 50 x 50 in PS, or 100 x 100


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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