COP 4813 HW 2 (50 points) - School of Computing and ...

COP 4813 HW 2 (50 points)You’ve complete the Part Entry screen and the Chief Wingmen Officers like what they see. They see potential in opening this system to other private entities and would like you to expand the Web Form into a more comprehensive system. However, to attract private entities, they feel that you must add the following:The entire system should have a templated look and feel with a header which has the DangerZone logo and a menu which will go to different pages. Leverage Master Pages to make sure any pages in this system have the same header and the same menu.The Menu will contain a link to the FormEntry.aspx (which will now have the logo removed) and will have the following other pages.A “Home” parent node. Which will point to About.aspxA “Part Entry” sub node which will point to PartEntry.aspxA “Client Registration” sub node which will point to ClientEntry.aspx with a request parameter of type=”Client”.A “Vendor Registration” sub node which will point to VendorEntry.aspx with a request parameter of type=”Vendor”.A “Mechanic Registration” sub node which will point to CreateMechanic.aspxHome PageThe Home Page will have a short bio (less than a paragraph) about the company and its two CWOs (Maverick and Iceman). Use the images attached but feel free to make up your own history. Example: Since 1996, Danger Zone Aviation has been serving the aviation industry with its top notch customer service and agile manufacturing methods. Since their retirement from Top Gun Academy, Its Chief Wingmen Officers LT Pete “Maverick” Mitchell and LT Tom “Iceman” Kazanski have dedicated themselves to …..The images should be stored in an images folder and you should use a relative path to refer to them. The CWO would like to have this home page show a count of all the “work orders” that have been completed by the company right after your intro.Use an AJAX control to automatically refresh this page every 30 seconds. Use a Label which says “Work Orders Completed” and have another label to have the count. Use the Page Load method to dynamically increase the count for now (Hint: Start the count at 0 when the page is first loaded and increase the count every postback afterwards). Client Registration and Vendor RegistrationFrom the point of View of DangerZone inc. both the Client and Vendor Registration pages will leverage the same fields.Therefore, you will need to create a user control file “ClientVendorUC.ascx” which contain the following fields:Required Fields Section:Federal Tax Id: An alphanumeric identifier of the business. Can be up to 15 characters.Business Name: Alphanumeric and up to 50 characters.Address Line: Alphanumeric and up to 100 characters.City: Allows an alphanumeric up to 50 characters.State: A dropdown control limiting it to several states (all 50 are not needed).Zip Code: Allows only valid zip codesI’m a Vendor: Label and radio buttons with “yes” and “no” values that the user will fill out the form to identify themselves as a vendor.The User control will be shared in both ClientEntry.aspx and VendorEntry.aspx.For the required fields, use the required field validators to mark the fields as required. Mark the required fields with an asterisk “*” and use the validation Summary control to provide the appropriate error message.Create a button to save the fields. Change the label of the button to “Save Client” or “Save Vendor” depending on which Page has been accessed. You can do this based on the parameter that has been passed to the page by the menu click.When the button is clicked it will call a method in the control named “SaveClientVendor” in which the radio button “I’m a Vendor” will be evaluated.If the radio button is “yes” then call the method “SaveVendor” which will just return true for now. If the radio button is “no” then it will call the method “SaveClient” which will just return true for now.Mechanic Registration PageThis page will be used to create the users in your system. It will have the following fields Required FieldsMechanic Call Sign: Can accept up to 10 alphanumeric characters. A call sign is a nickname for a mechanic.Call Sign Check Label: To be used in Call sign checking. Will be empty by default.First Name: Can accept up to 25 alphanumeric characters.Last Name: Can accept up to 25 alphanumeric characters.Specialty: A drop down with the following: Avionics, Flight System, Engine, Landing GearUse Required Field validation as appropriate.Call Sign CheckCreate a Javascript file CreateMechanic.js for the following AJAX functionality.This form will have a button next to the Mechanic Call Sign with the label “check call sign”. When the button is pressed a WCF service named DangerZone.svc will be called through Javascript. The service have a method called checkMecCallSign(). This method will use a web service call to check if the entered call sign exists. In your service method, create an ArrayList of Call Signs “Viper”, “Jester”, “Cougar”.If mechanic’s call sign already exists, use JQuery to change the “Call Sign Check Label” to have the message “Your Call sign already exists, Please try another one” And blank out the Mechanic call sign textbox. If it doesn’t exist, change the Call Sign Check Label message to “Your call sign has been verified”.All the manipulation of DOM elements should be done in the callback method of the Javascript file in JQuery.Save Button:The Save Button will call a method named SaveMechanic() will just return true for now.StylingFollow the same styling as dictated in HW 1. Add any additional styling that you’ll like to do to DangerZone.css.DeliverablesYou will put the following header on all your files./** * Name: [FirstName LastName] * Panther Id: [Id] * Assignment: [Assignment Number] * Class: COP 4813 * Semester: [Semester] * * I attest that this is my original work * - [Name] */ Please compress your website solution an email it to me when done.This is an individual project but feel free to use all the web sites available to you (W3Schools, StackOverflow, etc). Collaboration takes place between developers all the time. It is ok to collaborate with your classmates when facing a challenging issue. For example, asking the question “I’m trying to center the logo but I’m not successful, what techniques can be used?” is a fair question. However, asking “Can you send me the code to center the logo?” is NOT a fair question and thus not allowed. ................

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