CIS101 Final Team Project and Presentation

CIS101 Final Team Project and Presentation

As a final project for CIS101, you will team up with one other student to produce a Web site combining what you have learned about HTML and JavaScript. Each team will present their final project to the class during the time scheduled for the final exam.


You can produce a Web site on a topic of your choice, as long as it is appropriate material for a college course. Here are some suggestions:

• Web site for an existing business, or a business you would like to start

• Hobby or personal interest

• News event or news worthy topic

• Computer topic covered in this class

• Topic related to your major or another class

HTML Requirements

Your completed Web site must have the following HTML elements:

1. A main page for your project

2. 2 or more other linked internal pages displaying at least three levels of information.

3. On the total site (main and other pages):

3a - At least 3 absolute (external) hyperlinks

3b - At least 2 different H1, H2 and H3 headings

3c - At least one Ordered list and one Unordered list

4. On the total site (main and other pages):

4a - At least 3 images

4b - Hyperlinks from at least 1 of these images

4c - At least 1 table for text

JavaScript Requirements

You must include an example of JavaScript somewhere in your Web site. You can include either an example of JavaScript code you found from another source, or JavaScript code that you have written yourself:

• If you use JavaScript code from another source.

You must include a link from the page that contains the JavaScript to an internal page that has the following:

- clear and concise description of what the JavaScript code you are using is doing, how it works, and what statements, built-in objects and functions it uses.

- a link to the source of the JavaScript you are using

- a link back to the page that contains the JavaScript code.

• If you write your own JavaScript code.

You must include a link from the page that contains the JavaScript to an internal page that has the following:

- clear and concise description of what the JavaScript code is doing, how it works, and what statements, built-in objects and functions it uses.

- a link back to the page that contains the JavaScript code.

Requirements for the In Class Presentation

• All presentations must be from your personal Web space.

• All Web pages, graphics, and related documents must be uploaded to your personal Web space before the start of the Final class. Time is quite limited for presentations. There will be no time for uploading or testing before presentations begin.

• Both team members must speak and participate during the presentation. Both team members will be asked questions about any aspect of the project. Even if you split up the work, you must understand and be able to describe what your team member has done.

What to hand in

• Printout of Web page and all internal (linked) pages included in the project.

• Printout of html/JavaScript code for all pages that are part of the project.

Grading rubric for HTML/JavaScript Project:

|  |Teamwork |Web project |Presentation |

|Excellent (A or A-) |Each team member participates in|Web page has all required HTML |Web page ready to go when class |

| |the presentation. |and JavaScript elements, |begins, with all required |

| |Each team member demonstrates |including a link to a page that |elements uploaded. Team clearly |

| |mastery of the material. |explains (describes) how the |and concisely present Web page |

| | |JavaScript code included in the |and JavaScript component. Both |

| | |project works. |team members can answer |

| | |  |questions about their code. |

| | | |Team hands in all required |

| | | |material. |

| | | |  |

|Good (B- to B+) |One team members participates |Web page has most required HTML |Web page not fully loaded when |

| |more than the other. Both |and JavaScript elements, |class begins. Team presents |

| |demonstrate understanding of the|including a link to a page that |program with some confusion or |

| |program |explains (describes) how the |lack of clarity. Team can |

| | |JavaScript code included in the |respond to questions but answers|

| | |project works. |are not direct or do not address|

| | |  |question. |

| | | |Team hands in all required |

| | | |material. |

|Poor (C or below) |One team member does not |Project missing many required |Web page not loaded or missing |

| |participate in presentation. |elements. Does not contain |parts. Presentation is confusing|

| | |description of JavaScript code. |or incomplete. |

| | | |Team does not hand in required |

| | | |material. |


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