Logic Design - Unisa Study Notes

Assignment number: Unique number:Student number:Student name:Module code:Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Logic Design PAGEREF _Toc465762577 \h 3JavaScript File PAGEREF _Toc465762578 \h 3Output PAGEREF _Toc465762579 \h 4Markup Validation PAGEREF _Toc465762580 \h 5Questions and Answers PAGEREF _Toc465762581 \h 5Permission Letter PAGEREF _Toc465762582 \h 6Declaration Form PAGEREF _Toc465762583 \h 7Assignment 7 – Rubric PAGEREF _Toc465762584 \h 8Logic DesignIn your Microsoft Word Assignment 7 document design the logic for each of the functions you will be adding to your JavaScript file using Pseudo code, use the information you studied in ICT1511 from chapter 1 – 11 to accomplish this task.Here is the link to a Youtube video that you can watch that explains it well, with examples: function to place daysOfWeek values in header row cellsfunction to place day of month value in first p element within each table data cell that has an idfunction to place activity values in second p element within each table data cell that has an idfunction to populate calendarfunction to updateAttendeesfunction to populate imagesfunctions to switch images to left or rightfunction to automatically switch imagesfunction to zoom imagesfunction to add eventListenersfunctions to validate input fields in order form and contact us pagefunctions to submit meeting schedule and meeting sign up pagesfunctions to accept cookies informationfunction to calculate refreshment costsJavaScript FileUse your text editor to write the code, Notepad, Notepad++, Notepad 2, once your JavaScript code is complete, copy the code and paste it into the Microsoft Word Assignment 7 documentRequirementsYou are required to design a simple website for the company where you work which will allow employees to capture birthdays and to sign up for birthday celebrations. If you are unemployed you need to contact a business in your area and obtain permission from them to design the site based on their business information. The site must consist of a MAXIMUM of THREE pages and ONE output page.Page 1 = Home PageThe name and logo or brand of the business must be displayed on the home page. A short description of what the business does must be provided.A short description of YOUR role in the business must be provided. If you are unemployed you should write what you would like your role to be in the business you are developing the site for.The home page must show a calendar where birthdays scheduled by the users are displayed as links on the day the birthday is going to take place (chapter 3 and chapter 7). Users must be able to click on the link in the calendar to sign up for a specific birthday celebration. The home page should also contain a minimum of 5 images related to the business.The images must runs as a photo gallery at the top of the page (chapter 5). The user must be able to zoom in on the images.Page 2 – Create CelebrationThe form which the user can complete to create a birthday must validate all fields entered by the user to ensure the correct information is being enteredThe form must also make use of cookies to remember specific user information (chapter 8 and 9). The form should allow for capturing of: the name of the person who’s birthday it isa short birthday messagetime and date of the birthday celebrationduration of the celebrationvenue of the celebrationallow the user options to select whether refreshments will be served: such as tea and biscuits if it’s a short celebrationfinger lunch if its more than 2 hourssit down lunch if its more than 4 hours the name and contact details (phone number, office number and e-mail address) of the person scheduling the celebrationPage 3 – Sign-up for CelebrationThe form where a user can sign up for a celebration must validate all fields entered by the user to ensure the correct information is being enteredThe form must also make use of cookies to remember specific user information (chapter 8 and 9). The form should allow for capturing of:name and contact details (phone number, office number and e-mail address) of the person attending the celebration list of celebrations should be shown in a select listusing radio buttons the user should indicate if they will partake in the refreshments or notif the user selects to partake in the refreshments the program must calculate the TOTAL amount for refreshments for a specific celebrationPage 4 - Output PageThe Create Celebration page (Page 2) should contain a button which allows the user who created the celebration to view a screen of the information of everyone who signed up for the celebration as well as the total cost of the refreshments for the celebration.OutputUse a screen capture tool to capture the images and paste it in your Microsoft Word Assignment 7 document. MINIMUM of 8 images.Render your HTML pages in your preferred browser and make screen captures of each pageAdd the screen capture for the home page, zooming of images, entering information for meetings, entering information for attending meetings, the pages indication some of the errors when user enters incorrect information and the submitted pages, these must be clear images so we can determine if the JavaScript functions are implemented.Markup ValidationUse a screen capture tool to capture the image and paste it in your Microsoft Word Assignment 7 documentUse the markup validation tool described in chapter 1 to check the home page, gallery page, services page and contact us page.Add the screen capture for the 3 pages to the document, these must be clear images so we can determine if the pages validated correctly.Questions and AnswersRewrite one of the functions in your code. Answer the following 3 questions related to the function you are using.[5]Question 1Identify the element, a local variable, a DOM object and parameters used in the function.[3]Question 2Explain why these particular parameters were used.[1]Question 3Explain what the purpose of this function is.[1]Permission Letter4808220194310I, _________________________________________________________________, manager/owner of ____________________________________________________ (name of business) hereby grant permission to________________________________________________ (name of student) to create a website for our business as part of his/her assignment for the module ICT1512 – Introduction to Interactive Programming for which he/she is a registered student at the University of South Africa.Business phone number: __________________________________Business street address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________The website, as created by the student, will remain the property of the business and the business may not be charged any fees for creating this website.It is not a requirement for the website to be loaded onto the World Wide Web. Any arrangement for the loading of the website onto the World Wide Web as well as the maintenance of the website once it is made public is between the student and the business and UNISA will not be held responsible in any way or manner.Should you require confirmation from the University please contact us at:ict1512@unisa.ac.za _______________________________________________________Manager/OwnerStudent_______________________________________________________Date SignedStudent NumberDeclaration FormICT1512INTRODUCTION TO INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMINGI _________________________________________________________ (name and surname) __________________________ (ID number) hereby solemnly give my word that:The project I am submitting today is my own work. I have not received an unacceptable level of assistance in the preparation of the project. The project or any parts thereof do not correspond exactly with those of other learners or published/unpublished websites developed by a person other than myself. Should it be found that the statement you have made here were not truthful you will receive 0 (zero) for you project and disciplinary action will be taken against you.Signed ________________________ on the _________ th day of ______________ 2018 at __________________________________ (place).Assignment 7 – RubricSpecific OutcomesCommentsStudent MarkMarker MarkFormatting of assignment0 = None of the prescribed formatting was applied1 = Some of the prescribed formatting was applied3 = Template was implemented but not updated5 = Professional formatting appliedCase project website was created0 = Web site does not conform to project specifications at all1 = Very limited conformation to project specifications2 = Limited conformation to project specifications4 = Exact conformation to project specifications5 = Additional development done from project specificationsDesign logic (pseudocode)0 = No logic design1 = Logic design do not correlate with code2 = Limited logic design3 = Adequate logic design5 = Advanced logic designComments in code0 = No comments explaining code1 = Comments do not correlate with code2 = Limited comments3 = Adequate comments5 = Detailed commentsImplementation of coding – Mathematical calculation to compute days till new years0 = No calculation1 = Calculation not used correctly3 = Basic calculation usage 5 = Advanced calculation usage Implementation of code – Arrays to populate calendar0 = No arrays included1 = Limited used of arrays3 = Basic use of arrays 5 = Advanced use of arraysImplementation of code – use of if, if/else, else if, or switch statement0 = No coding if, if/else, else if, or switch statement1 = Limited if, if/else, else if, or switch statement3 = Basic if, if/else, else if, or switch statement5 = Advanced if, if/else, else if, or switch statementImplementation of code – event listener0 = No event listener included3 = Event listener not backward compatible5 = Adequate use of event listenerImplementation of coding – Date Object0 = No date1 = Date object not used correctly3 = Basic date object usage 5 = Advanced date object usage Implementation of code - Images0 = No coding to enhance images1 = Limited coding to animate images3 = Basic coding to animate images5 = Advanced coding to animate imagesImplementation of coding – Forms0 = No forms added1 = Limited form elements used3 = Basic form elements used5 = All form elements implementedImplementation of coding – Validation0 = No form element validation1 = Limited form element validation3 = Basic form element validation5 = Advanced form element validationImplementation of coding – Cookies0 = No cookies added1 = Limited use of cookies3 = Basic use of cookies5 = Advanced use of cookiesGraphical User Interfaces and Object-Oriented design should be applied0 = No GUI elements included1 = GUI elements included but no actions linked to GUI’s3 = Text boxes, push buttons with actions5 = Text boxes, selection lists, selection boxes, radio buttons, push buttons with actionsSreen dumps are included0 = No screen dumps included1 = Screen dumps do not conform to code2 = Limited screen dumps provided3 = Adequate screen dumps provided5 = Screen dumps presented in relation to codeScreen shot of Markup Validation0 = No screen dumps of Markup Validation3 = Markup Validation indicates errors in code5 = Markup Validation shows no errors in codeQuestions and Answers5 = Function provided 3 = Question 11 = Question 21 = Question 3? UNISA 2018 ................

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