Modifying nelson verb choice javascript

Modifying Barbara Nelson's multiple choice links w javascript

UM Language Resource Center

Revised March 2005

This exercise mimics the common print workbook exercise where students circle the correct answer. In this web exercise the student clicks on an answer (multiple choice) and sees feedback in the feedback field. There is no scoring, no submission. There can be multiple feedback fields (i.e. one per paragraph).

CONSIDERATIONS: pro or con depending on what you need

** familiar format; replicates print exercises

** specific feedback per item

** no scoring

** no student submit

** no built–in tracking

** blank web page (html) so you can customize design and insert media


1. Make a copy of the file NelsonJavascript.htm

sent as attachment with this file

on web

2. Open NelsonJavascript.htm in a web editor (GoLive, Dreamweaver) and View Design or Layout Mode.


3. Highlight the two paragraphs of Nelson's Superman text and copy and paste the text of your exercise in its place.

4. Be sure to leave the attribution text and link intact. The LRC has obtained permission from B Nelson to copy this script as long as we provide credit: JavaScript by Barbara Kuczun Nelson. Used with permission. See her Spanish Grammar Exercises.


4. Copy the link code before each choice that you want to convert to link

5. Copy end link code after each choice

6. Change Lookup number (x,0) for each instance of lookup function (each link)


7. The number of lines in the feedback array (at the top) must match exactly the number of link items. Delete any unnecessary feedback lines in array (top). Copy and paste extra lines if needed and change the numbering system to correspond to the number of feedback lines.

8. Insert your feedback text in array (top)

Be sure to leave punctuation intact (quotes and semi colons)

You cannot use punctuation marks such as quotations "text" in your feedback.

Can use colons: and parenthesis ( )

Cannot use html formatting either such as bold

9. Change FEEDBACK text box to a text area with multiple line width if you need more space for your comments. Be sure to name the new text area "feedback"

10. SAVE and UPLOAD web page onto server (your IFS space) as javascript will not function if it is not on server.

* * * * * * * *

If the page is long and you want to divide into sections to avoid students having to scroll up and down for feedback

1. Click on the original feedback text field and copy and paste as many as you need.

2. Modify the second number in the Lookup code that refers to the text field number. Thus (33,0) would change to (33,1)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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