Original file was S10Lab3.tex

CSCE 102 Final Project Part 4

Final Due Date – will be posted on your Lab instructor's web page.

Start early

it must be on your x-drive

No late submissions will be accepted

You will be adding the same CSS AND NAVIGATION as in the first three parts.

read the entire assignment before you start.

All work must be your own with a few exceptions. the code given in the video (slide show) and the required downloaded JavaScript. Carefully comment all code that you did not write.

This page is about you and fun! Your pages and your code should not look like anyone else’s. Be creative.

General information

• As always, you must write the code for this assignment (with the exception of the one JavaScript that is to be downloaded and code given in class). The work you turn in must be your work.

• Be sure to include comments for the code that you did not write so that it is clear where the code came from.

• Do not share your code with anyone.

• Do not copy from others.

• Do not copy from the web (with the one exceptions mentioned).

• Your code, layout, style and the content of your page will not look like anyone else’s.

• Use care not to plagiarize content or code

• Do not use anyone else’s code – you don’t want to be turned in to Academic Integrity.

• All cheating will be reported to the Office of Academic Integrity.

• Anyone found cheating will receive an F in the course.


Note: Download Brackets if you did not when asked earlier to your computer or use it in the lab. It is an editor that will help you with your code. Brackets provides suggestions as you type, the closing tags, etc. Brackets is available in the labs and can be downloaded to your computer. (It is free; we are not asking you to purchase anything.)



• Continue this part of the project in the same folder A_Final_Project_xx, in your All_102Submissions folder.

• You have already created three HTML documents for your web site, this is the last page. There will be exactly four pages.

• These pages open the door for you to show your creativity and to show what you know.

Layout and Style

• The layout should be planned and well thought-out. Make it look professional but remember, this is to be a fun page.

• Structure the page with HTML and apply the external CSS file used in part1,2,and part 3, You can use local styles and classes and ids.

• Note: You must use an external CSS; internal and inline/local CSS is optional for Part 4 and may be used also but most of your CSS must be in the external CSS. (Remember it matters whether link element is above or below the style element if you are using both.)


Page 4 ̶ is to be a page that you think is fun. It is about you and fun. Be creative! You are welcome to include more than the requirements. Be certain to watch the LectureVideos before asking the Monitors questions. The videos are the lectures. Each video is short and covers one or part of one topic.

• Create a page about you that is fun. Save this file as A_page4_xx.html.

• Include content that you want to include. It is to be a page that you and others think is fun.

• Include two JavaScript functions that you write.

• One must include an if statement.

• See the If videos

• Include a loop in your code that you write.

• See all of the Loop Videos

• Include a quiz of at least three questions, using check boxes, radio button, and/or a pull down menu.

• See the three videos on check boxes, radio buttons, and/or a pull down menus

• Include one JavaScript which is to be cut and pasted from the web. Select a free JavaScript from the thousands that are available – nothing too tacky. (Search for a free JavaScript and use one that you think will fit nicely into your page. Just cut and paste it into your code as directed.) Include comments telling where you got this JavaScript and what it does.

• Select one of the following:

• Incorporate a video of a TED talk. Try to find a TED talk related to your interests. See Embedding Videos below at the bottom of this page.

• Include an animation. See

• Extra Credit: Include a slideshow with at least eight images. See the slide show videos. You can use code similar to that code in the videos. (Worth up to 10 points)

• And you are welcome to include anything we have studied, buttons, textboxes, arithmetic, tables, lists etc. but do not use anything just copied from your lab assignments.


Embedding Videos

Here are three easy ways to embed a video in your web page.

1. Use the share/embed code from YouTube

1. Below the video on there will be a “share” button

1. Click this button and select “embed”

2. Copy the code provided and paste into your html file where you want the video to be located

1. Create your own element

1. Follow tutorial here

2. Note: id for video can be found after watch?v= in url

1. For example: watch?v=12345

2. video id is 12345

3. Use embed/12345 as src for

2. Use tag

1. Use embed/12345 as src

1. 12345 replaced by the id for your selected video


1. Some videos on YouTube are set to not allow embedding

1. If you are having problems try selecting another video

2. Do not use the tag

1. It requires the direct file not the YouTube link

3. Make sure to replace the watch?v= in the url with /embed/

Tips and hints

1. Include appropriate comments (in the CSS, the JavaScript and in the HTML) throughout your code to explain anything unusual, neat, or to point out things that were required in the specifications.

2. Be certain to start right away; don’t put it off. The project is not something that can be finished on the last day. Monitors will be busy up during open lab hours since other sections will also be working on their projects. Projects will not be accepted late.

3. All HTML code must be HTML5 compliant.

4. Test your page frequently in the browser; it is more difficult to debug after entering a lot of code.

5. If you do not know how to do something, refer to your notes, the videos, W3Schools and the monitors in the open hour. There are open hours almost every day.

6. Download the images you want to use; do not use the URL's to load images from the internet. All images must be available on your X drive.

7. Always save backup copies of your work. Keep more than one copy in more than one place. Flash drives and hard drives can go bad. It is more work than can be redone in one night.

8. Use the validation tools to check your code before submission at . You can also use the Chrome developer tools and Brackets.

9. There are lab monitors to help you during open lab hours.

10. The project will be graded based on completeness of code and content, accuracy as well as creativity.

11. Be creative. You can include sound (this is optional) or additional neat JavaScript functions that you write; include comments that tell what you are doing. You can also look at W3Schools for other neat things that you can do; be certain that you reference them and do not try to pass them off as your own. Include comments to explain the neat things that you have included.

12. Your code will not look like anyone else’s. You are to type your own code and include comments.

13. Do not copy text from sources online with the exception of the free JavaScript.

14. Do not use any code or text from someone else; using someone else’s work will lead you to the Academic Integrity Office. All work must be you yours. Your Submissions must be placed on your X: drive by the deadline.

15. There are no late submissions. Projects will not be accepted late; the semester is coming to an end.

16. Start early/ finish early.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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