Course number, title and credits; total time allocation

|Course Letter/Number |SPN 222 |Credits |3 |Title |Spanish Composition & Conversation II |

| | | | | | |

|Lecture/Discussion |3 |hrs/semester | |Lab | |

|Able to read | |an average amount of material |Able to compute | |simple algebraic problems |

| | |an above average amount of material | | |higher order mathematical problems |

| | | | | | |

| |x |relatively easy material | |x |short compositions |

|Able to read | |moderately difficult material |Able to write | |medium length compositions |

| | |technical or sophisticated material | | |lengthy compositions |

| | | | | | |

| |x |keyboard skills/familiar with computer | | | |

|Able to use | |computer application |Other necessary | | |

| technology | |web navigation | abilities | | |

| | | | | | |

The course is usually scheduled

|Day: |x |Fall |x |Winter | |Spring |

| | | | | | | |

|Evening: | |Fall | |Winter | |Spring |

|Prepared by Susan Berendes Wood | |Date 11/21/2011 |

|Approved by Dept. ___________________________________________________ | |Date __________________________________ |

|Approved by Dean ___________________________________________________ | |Date __________________________________ |

|Approved by Curr. Comm. _____________________________________________ | |Date __________________________________ |

(Last names, please) Form Revised 12/4/00

Jackson Community College

Curriculum Committee

New Course Approval Form and Cover Sheet

Course Prefix SPN Number 222 (was 242)____

Course Name Spanish Composition and Conversation II

For any new course to be added all of the following must be done and then submitted to the appropriate department chair, then the academic dean and then the Curriculum Committee for approval. If the course has run as experimental, include appropriate documentation associated with new experimental course approval form.

Note: This form is not for the approval process for a course to be run as experimental. See Experimental Course Approval Form and Cover Sheet

|Done? |Task |

| |Obtain initial authorization from appropriate academic dean. Please include a brief statement of why the course is to be developed. |

| |Write a summary of resource impact on the institution including equipment and staffing needs. |

| |Consult with the registrar for assignment of course number. |

| |Complete the new course taxonomy form, available on the Academic Dean’s web page |

| |Submit an assessment rubric for each ADO for which the course will assess outcomes. Rubrics should be submitted to the appropriate Dean. |

| |Complete a course review packet, with attachments, including official course outline and syllabi. |

| | |





Signature Date

Department Chair

Signature Date

Academic Dean

Signature Date

Curriculum Committee



New Course Approval

SPN 222 Spanish Composition and Conversation II

Summary of resource impact on the institution including equipment and staffing needs.

Resource impact #1: Retain the contact hours lost from the cancelled courses.

In Fall 2010, the cancellation of SPN 231 and SPN 132 essentially eliminated the sequential courses of language study. The college needs to offer a higher-level course for students fitting the following profiles:

• Many students who complete SPN 131 would like to continue language study. There are universities which require 2 semesters of language study.

• Some students complete elementary level, SPN 131 & SPN 132, and now seek intermediate levels, the 200-level courses.

• There are students who have several years of high school Spanish and should not take a beginner course. These students are often mis-placed and mis-advised into the beginner courses when an intermediate-level course better meets their needs.

Resource impact #2: Attract students who did not consider a 4-credit Spanish grammar course but who would consider a 3-credit conversation course.

Students who consider a higher-level conversation course may fit these profiles:

• Students who have several years of high school Spanish and should not take a beginner course. These students are often mis-placed and mis-advised into the beginner courses.

• Students who are already working in the community, especially in the health fields or in supervisory positions and who may have contact with Spanish-speaking people at these jobs. These students are interested more in communication skills and less in grammar and reading skills.

Resource impact #3: Require no additional equipment needs from the college.

Resource impact #4: Adjunct instructors in Spanish are qualified to teach this course as they are the SPN 231-232 courses. These instructors are currently teaching SPN 131- 132 or

SPN 111-112 and are already employed by JCC.

Resource impact #5: Area community colleges and universities offer a similar course for 3 credits. There is a potential for transfer if this course is approved.

Resource impact #6: This course, SPN 222, could run concurrently with SPN 221 and be cross listed. The classes would meet at the same time. Students in conversation classes benefit when higher and lower level learners are mixed. This increases the opportunities for interaction and language practice. This would also maximize enrollments for a course in a specialized area.

NOTE: This course ran as experimental with the number SPN 241

Catalog course description

SPN 222 is designed for the student with some prior background in Spanish, continuing the work begun in SPN 221. This course offers additional practice in spoken and written Spanish to improve fluency and flexibility of expression. Students develop greater proficiency in pronunciation, build vocabulary and gain greater control over idiomatic expressions. Requires SPN 131 or higher, or instructor permission.

SPN 221 is designed for the student with some prior background in Spanish. This course offers additional practice in spoken and written Spanish to improve fluency and flexibility of expression. Students develop greater proficiency in pronunciation, build vocabulary and gain greater control over idiomatic expressions. Requires SPN 131 or higher, or instructor permission.


Faculty Member Completing Review Susan Berendes Wood

Date 21 November 2012

Course SPN 222

Please submit two print complete copies of the course review packets (this form and attachments)

to the Curriculum Committee for approval. More specific instructions can be found at

|Calendar | |

|C1. Has the course been taught in the last two years? |Yes XX No WN 2011 experimental |

|C2. Describe the target students for this course. Is this course scheduled at a |SPN 222 provides an intermediate-level course for students beyond the |

|time when target students can take it? Semester last taught WN 2011 |elementary level in conversation and composition. |

|C3. Is at least one full-time faculty member involved in teaching this course? |Yes No XX |

|If not, please explain. |Only 1 full-time language instructor teaches FRN. Other faculty are |

| |adjunct for SPN. |

|Documentation | |

|D1. Is the course description the same in the catalog, taxonomy, official course |Yes XX No |

|outline and syllabi? | |

|D2. Is the Official Course Outline current? |Yes XX No |

|Attach a copy. Send an electronic copy of the most recent version of the official| |

|course outline and syllabi to the Deans’ Office | |

|D3. Is the official course description consistent with what is being taught by all|Yes XX No |

|faculty in all delivery methods? | |

|D4. Are prerequisites appropriate to the content and correctly listed? |N/A Yes XX No |

| |Explain Instructor permission for this intermediate level. |

|D5. If this course is a prerequisite for another class, have the two departments |N/A XX Yes No |

|or faculty coordinated? |Explain |

|D6. When was the syllabus last updated? |WN 2011 |

|Attach copy of most recent syllabus. Send electronic copy to Deans’ office. | |

|Discipline and Quality | |

|DQ1. What instructional methods are used? (e.g. PowerPoint, group work, service |traditional classroom; pair & group work; online audio/oral practice; |

|learning, laboratory, etc.) Explain |home CD rom |

|DQ2. How have you revised the course based on the assessment data? |Attach a copy of most recent success tables. |

| |not yet assessed. ADO 2 and ADO 10 for fall 2011 |

|DQ3. Are Associate Degree Outcomes explicitly in the syllabus, and linked to |Yes XX No |

|course objectives? | |

|Currency | |

|CU1. Describe process used to monitor/maintain currency/changes of this course. |ADO 2 and ADO 10 |

|Attach supporting documentation. |success tables |

| |student course evaluations |

|CU2. What is the copyright date of the textbook? |No book is used. If the book is more than 4 years old, include |

| |rationale for its continued use. |

|CU3. Is this course a component of a recent program review action plan? Date of |Yes NoXX |

|last program review 2007-2008 |If yes, describe action taken: To provide sequential courses in |

| |language |

|CU4. Is current technology appropriate to the course or field included in content |Yes XX No |

|and/or methods? | |

| | |

|Are necessary equipment and aids current? |Yes XX No |

|Describe technology used |Computer, power point; CD Rom; online practices |

|Transferability | |

|TR1. Are the requirements consistent with requirements for comparable courses at |Yes XX No N/A |

|other colleges? | |

|Explain |Area colleges and universities offer a similar course |

TR2. How does the course transfer?

|Institution |Equivalent? |General |Unknown |

| | |Credit? | |

|SAU | | |x |

|SHU | | |x |

|EMU | | |x |

|MSU | | |x |

|WMU | | |x |

|UM | | |x |

|Other       | | |x |

Explain any problems. Course does not yet transfer officially.

( NOTE: A JCC student who took SPN 221 (241) in Fall 2010 and SPN 222 (242) in WN 2011 had these courses accepted at UM for transfer.)

|For Occupational Courses Only | |

|OC1. Is this a required course in an occupational program |Yes No Name of program(s):       |

|OC2. How do external partners have input into this course? |Explain       |

|Advisory Committee date:       | |

|Other :       | |

|OC3. Have recent course changes (taxonomy) been communicated to all programs |Yes No Explain:       |

|that require this course? | |

Attachments (paper copies) to include:

x Current syllabus, at least 1 from each delivery methods e.g. traditional, hybrid, and online (electronic version to Deans’ office as well)

x Catalog course description

x Taxonomy Summary form and any changes

x Official course outline (electronic version to Deans’ office as well)

x Assessment Plan (electronic version to Assessment committee as well)

Most recent assessment success tables N/A

x This form (completed)

x Other supporting documentation as needed Copies of local colleges with similar course.

For Committee Use: COMMENTS

Date reviewed ____________ Satisfactory/Needs more information

Date approved by curriculum committee__________________.

Spanish 222- Spanish Conversation & Composition II, Winter 2012

Instructor: Connie Cody, JCC e-mail: codyconstanj@jccmi.edu , Office hours: by appointment BW231, Mailbox in faculty office BW233-245, phone: 989-798-3720

Course description: 3 credit hours; Students receive more advanced practice in Spanish, with emphasis on pronunciation rhythm, on intonation, more advanced grammatical structures, and on mature conversation with free invention on the part of the student; a continuation of SPN 221.

Prerequisite: Spanish 131 or higher or permission of Instructor.

Instructional materials required : Supersite Internet access code for Vista Higher Learning MAESTRO Language Learning System and a Spanish-English dictionary. Other materials will be supplied by the instructor.

Associate Degree Outcomes: The course goals and objectives incorporate specific Associate Degree Outcomes (ADO’s) established by the JCC Board of Trustees, administration, and faculty. These goals are in concert with four-year colleges, universities, and reflect input from the professional communities we serve. ADO’s guarantee students achieve goals necessary for graduation, credit, transferability, and professional skills needed in many certification programs.

The ADO’s and course objectives addressed in this class include the following: ADO 2 – Effective communication: proficient oral and literacy skills in the language. ADO 10 – Diversity: proficient understanding of cultures different from one’s own.

Course goals: Students will be expected to participate orally in Spanish: 1) To use, in everyday situations, the constructions and vocabulary that would be used by the native speaker in Spanish 2) To get better acquainted with contemporary values and behavior of Spanish and Spanish-American cultures

Student performance requirements for successful completion: 1) To attempt to think in Spanish rather than translating first from English 2) To overcome the customary reluctance to speak in the language and to participate in each conversational situation

Units/topics of Instruction:

1. La Salud y el bienestar

Comunicación: 1) Health and well-being

2) Symptoms and medical conditions

3 )Health professions

4) Treatments and medications

5) Exercise, physical activity, nutrition

Vocabulario: 1) Parts of the body

2) Health and medical terms

3) Illnesses, symptoms, medical conditions

4) Health professions

5) Medications and treatments

6) Hospitals, doctors’ offices, clinics

7) Exercise, nutrition

Gramática: 1) The imperfect tense

2) The preterite tense

3) Preterite and imperfect uses

4) The conditional tense

5) The present perfect and past perfect tenses

Cultura: 1) Health services in the Hispanic world

2) Aguas calientes en Latinoamérica

3) Creencias sobre la salud

4) El estrés en España

5) Las farmacias

2. La economía y el trabajo (Economics, work, and the workplace)

Comunicación: 1) Express what you or others would do

2) Express will, emotion, doubt, denial, uncertainty, indefiniteness, condition, and intent in the past

3) Discuss hypothetical situations and events that depend on other events

4) Talk about work and the workplace

5) Discuss finances and the economy

6) Talk about professions and people in the workplace

7) Prepare job applications and resumes

8) Practice job interviews

Vocabulario: 1) Professions

2) Job-related vocabulary

3) Finances and economics

Gramática: 1) The conditional tense

2) The past subjunctive

3) Si clauses with simple tense

Cultura: 1) Mexico

2) Jobs in the Spanish-speaking world

3. La cultura popular y los medios de comunicación (Popular cultura and methods of communication)

Comunicación: 1) Create longer, more informative sentences

2) Reference general ideas

3)Talk about popular culture, trends, fashion

4) Discuss television, radio, movies

5) Discuss means of communication, newspapers, magazines

Vocabulario: 1) TV, radio, movies

2) Newspapers, magazines

3) Means of communication

4) Popular culture and current events

Gramática: 1) The present perfect subjunctive

2) The neuter lo

Cultura: 1) Lo mejor de Argentina

2) Bebidas y bailes

4. La literatura y el arte (Literature and art)

Comunicación: 1) Discuss what will have happened and what would have happened

2) Make contrary-to-fact statements about the past

3) Discuss literature and genres

4) Discuss types of art, artists, and movements in art

Vocabulario: 1) Literature

2) Literary genre

3) Art and artists

4) Artistic movements

Grámatica: 1) Future perfect tense

2) Conditional perfect tense

3) Past perfect subjunctive

Cultura: 1) Spain

2) Spanish artists/ El Prado

5. La política y la religion (Politics and religion)

Comunicación: 1) Describe actions in the passive voice

2) Make impersonal or generalized statements

3) Talk about unexpected or accidental events

4) Describe time and space relationships

5) Discuss religion and religious beliefs

6) Discuss politics and political positions

Vocabulario: 1) Politics

2) Political positions

3) Religion

4) Religious beliefs

Gramática: 1) The passive voice

2) Uses of se

3) Prepositions

Cultura: 1) Bolivia

6. La historia y la civilización (History and civilization)

Comunicación: 1) Express ideas about the past, the present, and the future

2) Determine when and how to use the indicative and the subjunctive

3) Discuss topics of history and civilization in the Spanish-speaking world

4) Talk about historical leaders, conquests, and independence of the Hispanic world

Vocabulario: 1) History and civilization

2) Concepts and characteristics of people and civilizations

3) Rulers and leaders

4) Conquests and independence

Gramática: 1) Uses of the infinitive

2) Review of the indicative verb tenses

3) Subjunctive vs. indicative

Cultura : 1) Los incas

Grading: Four written/oral exams, announced ahead of time. Each exam is worth 10% each for a total of 40% of the final grade. The other 60% of the grade will be for class participation, homework, and any other written or oral work. Grading scale: 90-100 = 4.0, 85-89 =3.5, 80-84 = 3.0, 75-79 = 2.5, 70-74 = 2.0, 65-69 = 1.5, 60-64 =1.0, 0-59 = 0.0

Attendance: Students are required to participate in 45 hours of classroom instruction during the semester. Instructional hours are to be arranged with the instructor. With the approval of the instructor, some instructional hours can be completed by attending Spanish 221 classes and leading conversational groups and/or tutoring individuals or small groups.

New Course


(Master Course File)*

*All fields must be completed

Effective Date WINTER 2012


|TITLE: |Spanish Composition & Conversation II |

|TITLE ABBREVIATION: |Spanish Comp. & Con. II (20 characters) |

| | |

|3 | |I | |

| |Credit Hours | | |

| |(15 contact hrs = 1 cr hr) | |Credit Type I=Institutional C=Cont Ed |

|3 | | | |

| |Billing Credits (BCH) | | |

| |(15 contact hrs = 1 BCH) | |Continuing Ed Units |

| | |45 | |

| |Course Fee | |Instructor Load (1 BCH = 15 contact hrs) |

|N | |25 | |

| |Pass or Fail Course (Y or N) | |Maximum Seating Capacity |

| | |Y | |

| | | |Instructor Permission Required (Y or N) |

|Repeatable: students may take this course more than once for credit. If yes, please explain: |

|Pre-Requisites Required: |SPN 131 or higher or instructor permission |

|Co-Requisites Required: | |

|Replaces what course? |SPN 252 (de-activated) and SPN 242 (re-numbered) |

| | |

|Does old course continue to fulfill all | |

|program requirements? | |

| |The old course is already inactive and has not run for several years. |

|Should old course be made inactive? If | |

|yes, please attach Change of Taxonomy | |

|Form. | |


|SPN 222 is designed for the student with some prior background in Spanish, continuing the work begun in SPN 221. This course offers additional|

|practice in spoken and written Spanish to improve fluency and flexibility of expression. Students develop greater proficiency in |

|pronunciation, build vocabulary and gain greater control over idiomatic expressions. Requires SPN 131 or higher or instructor permission. |

Catalog Action: ____ Remove from Catalog __x__ Add to Catalog ____Revise Catalog

| |

|Signature of Department Chair / Date Signature of Academic Dean/ Date Curriculum Committee Chair / Date |

| | |

| | |

|Registrar / Date |ACS Code |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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