JCP (Journey Cycle Plan) WHAT is JCP? - VG Portal


JCP (Journey Cycle Plan) WHAT is JCP?

A Web Based Portal to record / monitor /analyze the Dealer Visits of an ASE on Weekly as well as monthly Basis.

"Plan in advance and execute in structured way" Is the motto.

JCP will be integrated with current GPS (Global Positioning system)which will help in the analysis of Planned VS Actual Visit.

Total number of visits, list of Dealers visited & monthly target assigned Vs target achieved till now ,all such information can be viewed through this application.

WHY to use JCP?

"PLAN then ACT"

JCP provides a framework in which you can record your weekly Dealer visits in a structured manner.

This plan will then be viewed/updated and approved by the above hierarchy person (BM).

Proposed plan analysis & approval will become more effective as well as efficient through this application. This will help to reduce the man hours devoted to each of these activities.

Generate Reports for detailed analysis for other related activities (like TA/claim calculation). WHO will use JCP?

SO/SE, RM, BM: For JCP PLAN entry/Approval

Sales, Finance, HR, President Office, BM, RM, SO/SE: To View Reports Region wise, territory wise, Dealer Wise.

HOW TO USE JCP (Brief Description):

Login to with your SAP Code & password. Go To Applications -> Journey Plan JCP Entry :

Fill your Plan -Tick the check boxes against the dealer names under the required day column, ADD Button: Select the Pros/sub dealer name from the Drop down List and then press ADD. This dealer will be added in the present dealer list. SAVE: Save your plan. Analyze the plan later, modify it accordingly and then send it for approval. Once the plan is send for approval it is locked and now you cannot modify your plan.


PLAN APPROVAL: Above hierarchy person will view the plan, do the required changes and then approve it.

Once approved the plan cannot be modified by above hierarchy person also. PROS-SUB DEALERS: There is a provision to add prospective dealers also, Each ASE/BM have

the option to add NEW/Prospective dealers. Once a dealer is added through the pros-sub dealer page it will be automatically visible in the Drop down List of JCP Entry page as well as on Handset(on performing SYNC operation)


"Save Man-hour...Increase Productivity"

Allows you to plan your visit in a structured way, "by few clicks only", hence it saves your precious time and you will be free from all manual activity.

To develop Journey cycle plan to cover all Dealer for the assigned BRANCH/TERR. Analysis of Plan vs. Actual VISIT Analysis for Dealer N/W expansion Journey History can be maintained and reviewed by above hierarchy JCP can be made in structured way under the supervision of above hierarchy responsible. Can be helpful for Dealer Network Expansion Helpful for monitoring and reviewing the below hierarchy person's Visit Plan Integrated with GPS system for various reports for developing action plan (e.g.: service related

/BTL/Claim etc.) Readily available information about Dealer Visit Cycle Plan Vs. Actual Role based report access system.

Do's & Don'ts


Make sure that you fill your plan of coming week within the given window else the JCP Entry

page will be locked. Below is the allowed time frame for JCP Entry : Week 1 (29th of last month to 4th of current month) Week 2 (5th to 10th current month) Week 3 ( 11th to 17th current month) Week 4 (18th to 28th current month)

Recheck your plan before sending it for approval. The above hierarchy person should approve the plan on same day on which the plan is filled else

the plan will be auto-approved by the system. Below is the allowed time frame for JCP approval.


Week 1 (29th of last month to 4th of current month) Week 2 (5th to 10th current month) Week 3 ( 11th to 17th current month) Week 4 (18th to 28th current month)

While Entering/Approving the plan the number of dealers selected should be >=20,else the plan will not be accepted.

While adding any Pros-Sub dealer, make sure that the Dealer Name entered is correct/appropriate (Dealer name should contain alphabets). There is a remark field also next to dealer name; here you should give any relevant detail of that dealer (e.g. Location)

Dealer Mapping/Un-mapping should be done carefully; once a dealer is unmapped that dealer will not be visible on that ASE's handset. Only mapped dealers will be visible on handset.

ASE should ensure that the approved plan is followed properly as Planned & Actual visit analysis report would be analyzed for any discrepancy.

Don'ts While adding pros-sub dealer, do not fill absurd data in Dealer name / remarks. High % of discrepancy in plan VS actual visit report is not acceptable.


Application Process & View 1. How to Login: Each End User will login through his JCP login id & password.


After Login : The below page will appear Go to : Application -> Journey Plan


The next window will appear according to your Role/Designation. In case of SE the below Window will be visible.

It has two options I. JCP ENTRY: Here user will enter his Dealer Visit Plan. II. DEALERS: Allows the user to add Prospective/Sub-Dealers

III. REPORTS : To view the JCP/GPS reports.

7|Page 2. How to enter your plan: STEP 1: Go to JCP ENTRY Menu -> Click on Entry Plan.

The below window will Appear, this is the JCP Entry Page. The following Information will be visible:

I. Month Target: Displays the monthly visit target of ASE. II. Total Visited: Total no. of Dealers Visited till date. III. Month: Current Running Month. IV. Branch /Brand: Displays the Branch/Brand of the user V. JCP Week: Displays the Week cycle (Week 1/2/3/4) for which the plan is to be filled. VI. Date Range: Displays the date range for which ASE will plan the dealer visits.

The Grid shows list of all mapped dealers of ASE, against each dealer name there are 7 check-boxes 1 for each day (The highlighted ?RED colored column indicates Sunday).You may also give any related remark in the Remarks column.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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