Bradford County Conservation District


Stoll Natural Resource Center

200 Lake Road, Suite E, Towanda, PA 18848

Telephone (570)265-5539 Ext. 6


The January meeting of the Bradford County Conservation District was called to order by Keith Heimbach, Chairperson of the BCCD, on January 6, 2020, at 12:30 PM, at the Stoll Natural Resource Center, Wysox, PA.

District Directors attending the meeting were: Keith Heimbach, Alvin Herman, Daryl Miller, Robert Miller, Tony Ventello, Brian Zeidner, and Nicole Harris.

Others attending the meeting were: John Sullivan – Associate Director, Josh Ford – Associate Director, Cathy Yeakel – District Manager, Jaci Kerstetter – DEP, Jeremy Yohe – PA Fish Commission, Michael Hanawalt – Natural Resources Conservation Service, Rob Sweppenheiser – District Engineer, Daniel Rhodes – Education Coordinator, Nathan Dewing – Ag. Team Leader, Miranda Neville – Ag. Resource Specialist, Kevin Brown – Ag. Resource Specialist, Amy Kneller – Ag. Conservation Technician, Joe Quatrini – Watershed Specialist, Tess Flynn-Belles – Natural Resource Specialist, Kristin Pepper – Dirt & Gravel Roads Specialist, Tim Robson – Dirt & Gravel Roads Specialist, Tori Welliver – Dirt & Gravel Roads Specialist, Vicki Wells – Volunteer, Chris Smith – Volunteer, Jeanette Smith – Volunteer, Sara Smith – Volunteer, Jenny Marino – Administrative Assistant, and Janet MacWhinnie – Accounts Supervisor.


Mike Hanawalt administered the Oath of Office to our newest Directors, Nicole Harris and Brian Zeidner and our returning Director, Daryl Miller.


Mike Hanawalt conducted the election of officers for 2020.

Daryl Miller nominated Keith Heimbach for Chairman, seconded by Tony Ventello. Tony Ventello made a motion that the nominations for Chairman be closed. Rob Miller seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Keith Heimbach nominated Daryl Miller for Vice Chairman, seconded by Al Herman. Rob Miller made a motion that the nominations for Vice Chairman be closed. Keith Heimbach seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Keith Heimbach nominated Al Herman for Secretary/Treasurer, seconded by Brian Zeidner. Daryl Miller made a motion that the nominations for Secretary/Treasurer be closed. Rob Miller seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Officers for 2016 are Keith Heimbach – Chairman; Daryl Miller – Vice Chairman; and Al Herman – Secretary/Treasurer.

Daryl Miller made a motion to accept the November 2019 minutes as presented. Tony Ventello seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.


Bradford County – Commissioner Miller reported that today had been busy at the Courthouse, as it was swearing in day.

Progress Authority – Tony Ventello reported that the broadband project was very close to starting Phase 1, with a goal set to start hanging fiber at the end of January. The Progress Authority has a meeting this week to discuss funding with the USDA. The Guthrie was heading up a redevelopment program for Sayre area in hopes of attracting and maintaining staff at the hospital and clinics. There are 400 job openings within the Guthrie System. The Progress Authority has been asked to do a natural gas value added survey to explore the ways the area can capitalize on the natural resource before it is shipped out of our area.

Natural Resources Conservation Service – Mike Hanawalt reported that there were only two stream bank stabilization projects wrapping up and two left to do. March 18th will be the Soil Health Conference with Rick Clark and Russel Hedrick as the speakers. Friday at the Farm Show, it would be announced that Dean Jackson had won the Leopold Award, which is a national award. There was a spring development project started just before Christmas, they are looking forward to seeing and sharing the results of the project since there have been changes made to installation requirements.

PA Fish Commission - Jeremy Yohe reported that due to the shortage of officers, the Fish Commission would again be looking for volunteers to help with stocking. He also reminded everyone that life vests are mandatory until May 1st. Summary Guides will be free again this year, due to the feedback received last year.

Nicole Harris – Keith Heimbach welcomed Nicole Harris to the Board. Nicole thanked the Board for the opportunity.

Claverack – Brian Zeidner reported that Claverack had been busy with 3,000 members having lost power during the last storm. There was a large number of downed trees with the heavy, wet snow. Claverack was considering adding an electric vehicle to their fleet. Brian had test drove a couple of options including a Chevy Volt and a Tesla. He was impressed with them all but his over all favorite was the Tesla. Keith Heimbach welcomed Brian to his new role as a Director. Brian thanked everyone and is looking forward to working together.


Appreciation Dinner Awards – Awards were presented to the winners that were unable to attend the dinner. Vicki Wells and the Smith family were presented with plaques in recognition of their volunteered time with the District. Josh Ford was presented with a metal sign for his farm as a thank you for his time as a Director. Josh would like to continue with the District as an Associate Director.

Education Committee - The Education Committee is meeting directly after the Board meeting.

Generator – Kevin Brown reported that an estimate was prepared by Histand’s for a generator. The cost was around $24,000. Kevin is going to get another estimate to compare.


Meeting Dates – Daryl Miller made a motion to accept the following 2020 Board Meeting dates:

1/6, 2/3, 3/2, 4/6, 5/4, 6/1, 7/6, 8/3, 10/5, 11/2, 12/7. There will be no meeting in September due to the Labor Day holiday. Nicole Harris seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Committee Appointments – Cathy Yeakel gave Directors and staff an opportunity to be added to, or removed from, a committee.

Committees for 2020 are as follows:

Ag. – Keith Heimbach, Daryl Miller, Josh Ford, Rob Miller, Mike Hanawalt, Mark Madden, Ron Harris, Al Herman, Staff Advisors:  Nate Dewing, Kevin Brown, Amy Kneller

Building & Grounds – Bruce Chase, Daryl Miller, Brian Zeidner, Anthony Ventello, Mike Hanawalt, Staff Advisor: Cathy Yeakel, Joe Quatrini, Kevin Brown, Jonathan VanNoy

Dirt & Gravel Roads Program – Daryl Miller (Ch), Mike Hanawalt, Jeremy Yohe, Matt Williams, Rob Miller, Staff Advisors: Joe Quatrini, Kristin Pepper, Tim Robson, Tess Flynn-Belles and Tori Welliver

District Operations/Employees – Keith Heimbach (Ch), Al Herman, Bruce Chase, Staff Advisor: Cathy Yeakel

Donations/Memberships – Cathy Yeakel (Ch), Rob Miller, Daryl Miller

Education & Youth – Bruce Chase (Ch), Nicole Harris, Dan Rhodes, Tess Flynn-Belles, Joe Quatrini, Kristin Pepper, Amy Kneller, Cathy Yeakel

Energy Conservation & Air Quality – Bruce Chase (Ch), Brian Zeidner, Keith Heimbach, Tony Ventello, Mike Hanawalt, Staff Advisors: Cathy Yeakel, Kevin Brown

Equipment – Keith Heimbach (Ch), Bruce Chase, Staff Advisor: Cathy Yeakel

Erosion & Sedimentation Pollution Control – Bruce Chase (Ch), Anthony Ventello, Mike Hanawalt, Staff Advisors: Cathy Yeakel, Joe Quatrini, Brad Cummings, Tess Flynn-Belles

Manchester Scholarship Award – Bruce Chase, Keith Heimbach, Nicole Harris, Cathy Yeakel

PACD Executive Council – Daryl Miller (Delegate), Cathy Yeakel (Alternate), Al Herman (2nd Alternate)

Public Relations and Outreach – Al Herman (Ch), Brian Zeidner, Cathy Yeakel, Tess Flynn-Belles, Dan Rhodes, Miranda Neville, Kristin Pepper, Chad Gadsby, Amy Gilbert

Strategic Planning – Cathy Yeakel (Ch), Rob Miller, Daryl Miller, Anthony Ventello, Joe Quatrini, Kevin Brown, Mike Lovegreen, Dan Rhodes

Watersheds, Waterways & Wetlands – Al Herman (Ch), Rob Miller, Anthony Ventello, Warren Singer, Mike Hanawalt, Staff Advisors: Cathy Yeakel, Joe Quatrini, Tess Flynn-Belles, Brad Cummings

Check Signers – Rob Miller made a motion to remove Bruce Chase and Josh Ford as signers and to add Nicole Harris and Brian Zeidner as new check signers. Al Herman seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Dirt & Gravel Roads – Daryl Miller made a motion to approve a contract with Warren Township for Regan Hill Road in the amount of $175,503.00. Rob Miller seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Staff is working on a two non-Dirt and Gravel Road culvert designs. One is for Warren Township on Thomas Road, the other is for Herrick Township on Hiduk Road. Each design will be priced at $3,000.00.

Tony Ventello made a motion to extend the contract with Sheshequin Township for Goose Hollow Road until the end of February. Al Herman seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Tech Team – Staff reported that a lunch and learn was held on December 12th. The 40 attendees watched a webinar, lunch was provided. February 19th will be the Tech Team Retreat. The seedling sale is fast approaching. This year marks the 50th year of the sale. April 15th will be packing day with sale day being April 18th. Volunteers are needed for both days.

Manchester Scholarship – Daryl Miller made a motion to award the two recipients, Brooke Ostrander and Megan Brown, each $1,500.

Draft Audit – Brian Zeidner made a motion to accept the 2018 draft audit. Tony Ventello seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Donations – Daryl Miller made a motion to donate $100 to St. Mary’s of the Assumption Church in Wyalusing in memory of Charles Palmer Jr. Al Herman seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Al Herman made a motion to donate $50 to Shriner’s Hospital and $50 to the American Cancer Society in memory of Janice Decker Chase. Brian Zeidner seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.


Tech Team - Staff reported that a DGLVR lunch and learn was held on December 12th. The 40 attendees watched a webinar, lunch was provided. February 19th will be the Tech Team Retreat. The seedling sale is fast approaching. This year marks the 50th year of the sale. April 15th will be packing day with sale day being April 18th. Volunteers are needed for both days.

Ag Team – The Ag team is planning a retreat for January. The date will be made available as soon as it is set.

ESI Training – The first round of training was held, with 40 people attending. During the three day training Mike Lovegreen and Jeff Parker assisted. The hope is to have one or two more trainings this year dependent on need.

DEP – Jaci Kerstetter went over the December/January talking points (see attached).


| | | |

| | |Treasurers Report |

| | |January 6, 2020 |

|1,709,098.18 | |PS D&G Road Municipal Balance |

|80,012.89 | |PS D&G Courtesy Checking |

|18,421.95 | |PS D&G LVR Municipal |

|331,206.46 | |PS General Municipal Fund |

|53,430.90 | |PS General Courtesy Account |

|0.43 | |PS Ag Reserve Account |

|9,637.55 | |e-commerce Acct |

|64,352.94 | |Manchester Memorial |

|1,014,025.58 | |First Citizens Municipal Fund |

|11,601.45 | |First Citizens Checking |

|70,193.59 | |First Citizens Ag Reserve |

| | | |

|$3,361,981.92 | |Total |

| | | |

| | |General Account Bills to be Paid |

| | | |

|178.80 | |Amy P. Kneller - Mileage |

|134.40 | |Al Herman - Director Mileage |

|48.00 | |Anthony Ventello - Director Mileage |

|11.68 | |Arey Building Supply, Inc. - Ed Materials |

|182,204.76 | |Bradford County Commissioners - Staff Salary Reimb 9-30-19 |

|226.38 | |Bradley W. Cummings - Mileage |

|76.80 | |Brian Zeidner - Assoc Director Mileage |

|61.44 | |Bruce Chase - Director Mileage |

|51.84 | |Cathy Yeakel - Mileage |

|89.51 | |Comcast - Building Internet |

|27.36 | |Daniel Rhodes - Mileage |

|34,500.00 | |Daren Thompson - EWP BR-18-010 |

|2,088.38 | |Equine Supply Trading Co. - Browns Creek GG |

|7,739.00 | |Erie Insurance - Ultraflex Policy |

|616.00 | |Erie Insurance - Business Catastrophe Policy |

|141,100.00 | |Insinger Excavating - EWP BR-18-011 |

|17.28 | |John Sullivan - Assoc Dir Mileage |

|82.08 | |Jonathan Vannoy - Mileage |

|54.72 | |Joseph D. Quatrini - Mileage |

|28.80 | |Josh Ford - Director Mileage |

|149.76 | |Keith Heimbach - Director Mileage |

|58.50 | |Keystone Advertising - Appreciation Plaques |

|123.84 | |Kristin Pepper - Mileage |

|1,873.04 | |Marcus Cole - County Initiative 2018 - Chilson Project |

|21.12 | |Miranda E. Neville - Mileage |

|619.13 | |MR Dirt - Snow Plowing |

|133.95 | |Nathan A. Dewing - Mileage |

|51,500.00 | |North Star Sand & Gravel - EWP BR-18-027 |

|269.13 | |Penelec - Electric Old Section |

|24.00 | |Penn State University - CSNT Samples |

|312.68 | |Quill - Office & Restroom supplies |

|61.44 | |Robert Miller - Director Mileage |

|78.24 | |Theresa A. Flynn-Belles - Mileage |

|195.90 | |Thompson Sports & Apparel - Staff Clothing |

|244.32 | |Timothy M. Robson - Mileage |

|203.99 | |Tori Welliver - Mileage |

|405.97 | |Valley Energy |

|975.00 | |Susan Johnson - Cleaning Dec |

|47,637.89 | |ALD Farm - HUA; MSA; Roof; Drains; Cattle Lane - Growing Greener |

| | | |

| $ 474,225.13 | |Total General Account Bills to be Paid |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |General Account Bills Paid Since Last Meeting |

| | | |

|19,500.00 | |Daren Thompson - EWP - #BR 18016 |

|22,960.00 | |Equine Supply Trading Co. - Browns creek GG |

|66,770.00 | |Insinger Excavation Inc. - EWP - CT-BR-18-004 |

|27,000.00 | |MR Dirt - EWP BR-18-009 |

|37,580.00 | |North Star Sand & Gravel - EWP - BR-18-019 |

|34,500.00 | |Daren Thompson - EWP - #BR 18-008 |

|240.00 | |Nicole Harris - Appreciation Dinner Center Pieces |

|276.61 | |Gannon Associates - Professional Engineering Renewal Broker Fee & Tax |

|847.00 | |Northern Tier Career Center - Appreciation Dinner |

|611.58 | |Visa - Pay CSY Credit Card |

|124.90 | |Wysox Municipal Authority - Oct Water & Sewer |

|115.15 | |Penelec - Electric New Section |

|642.97 | |Visa - Pay JDQ Credit Card |

|469.00 | |Visa - Pay JM Credit Card |

|5,000.00 | |Vanguard Brokerage Services |

|345.46 | |Bradley W. Cummings - Mileage & Clothing |

|290.40 | |Cathy S. Yeakel - Mileage |

|50.00 | |Commonwealth of PA - NAD NM Certification |

|41.28 | |Daniel Rhodes - Mileage |

|102.36 | |Gambal - Business Cards TW & TAFB |

|50.50 | |Howard Williams Garage - Chev Inspect oil chng |

|68.37 | |Howard Williams Garage -GMC Inspect oil chng |

|25.68 | |Janet A. MacWhinnie - Clothing Allowance |

|124.32 | |Jonathan Vannoy - Mileage |

|124.80 | |Joseph D. Quatrini - Mileage |

|215.42 | |Kevin Brown - Mileage & Expenses |

|218.40 | |Kristin Pepper - Mileage |

|68.76 | |Kyleen H. Dinelli - Clothing Allowance |

|360.00 | |Mansfield University - Lake Wesauking Survey |

|534.00 | |MSA Group - Fidelity Renewal Bond |

|775.00 | |NACD - 2020 Dues |

|238.06 | |Nathan A. Dewing - Mileage |

|30.00 | |Northern Tier Hardwood Association - 2020 Dues |

|250.00 | |PA Envirothon - Donation |

|219.94 | |Penelec - Electric Old Section |

|24.00 | |Penn State University - CSNT Samples |

|210.45 | |Quill - office supplies |

|30.74 | |Robert W. Sweppenheiser II - Mileage & Clothing |

|4,590.00 | |Strong Excavating - ESI Demo Project |

|186.80 | |Thompson Sports & Apparel - Staff clothing |

|242.61 | |Timothy M. Robson - Mileage |

|190.08 | |Tori Welliver - Mileage |

|304.70 | |Valley Energy - Building gas |

|200.17 | |Voyager Fleet Systems, Inc. - Vehicle fuel |

|87.92 | |Comcast - Building Internet |

|140.64 | |Theresa A. Flynn-Belles - Miles |

|338.07 | |Visa - Pay NAD Credit Card |

|426.53 | |Visa - Pay CSY Credit Card |

|2,086.19 | |Visa - Pay JDQ Credit Card |

|2,028.82 | |Visa - Pay JM Credit Card |

|99.92 | |Wysox Municipal Authority Water & Sewer Nov |

|19.05 | |PA Department of Revenue - Sales Tax 10/31/19 |

|19,221.85 | |Isbell, Richard - Stacking Area, HUAP, /drainage, fencing |

|350.00 | |wysox Fire Company Aux. - Soil Health Workshop - Deposit |

|139.94 | |Penelec - Electric New Section |

| | | |

| $ 725,913.57 | |Total General Account Bills Paid Since Last Meeting |

| | | |

| | |General Account Bills Paid by Credit Card Since Last Meeting |

| | | |

|22.75 | |Hoboken Sub Shop - Meal - NM Admin Training - NAD; KLB; APK |

|89.05 | |Postage - Farmland Preservation |

|8.30 | |Postage - ch 105 |

|34.48 | |China Garden - Appreciation Dinner Decorating Lunch - CSY, JM, TW |

|151.03 | |Advanced Auto - GMC Battery |

|5.98 | |Wengerds Farm Market - Appreciation Dinner Decorations |

|11.02 | |The Flying Cow - Staff Meeting Refreshments |

|22.98 | |Endless Supply Co. - Feeder Fish & Worms |

|22.98 | |Endless Supply Co. - Feeder Fish & Worms |

|38.00 | |Blue Moon Café - Meal - Breakfast Stream Conf JDQ & TAFB |

|9.25 | |postage - ch 102 |

|8.30 | |Postage - NPS Corn Stalk Tests |

|8.30 | |postage - ch 102 |

|8.30 | |Postage - NPS Corn Stalk Tests |

|7.35 | |Postage - ch 102 |

|15.90 | |Dollar Tree - Appreciation Dinner Decorations |

|893.80 | |Kost Tire - Chevy Truck Tires |

|1,068.00 | |National Business Furniture, LLC - Desk - TW |

|36.00 | |The Tin roof - Meal - Dinner Stream Conf JDQ & TAFB |

|35.19 | |Bunzzz Sports Bar & Grill - Meal - JDQ & TAFB Lunch Stream conf |

|485.10 | |Renaissance Hotels - Lodging - Stream Conf TAFB |

|485.10 | |Renaissance Hotels - Lodging - Stream Conf JDQ |

|72.00 | |Parking - Stream Conf |

|22.26 | |Dollar Tree - Appreciation Dinner Decorations |

|45.72 | |Wegmans - Meal - CSY, JV, TW DEP Roundtable lunch |

|11.02 | |ACMoore - Appreciation Dinner Kids Activity |

|159.99 | | - Desk chair KHD |

|15.98 | | - Cooler hinge Replacement |

|34.52 | | - Ed Materials Lexan Sheet |

|169.00 | | - Desk Chair TW |

|35.89 | | - Ed materials Plastic Latch Box 106 Quarts |

|41.00 | |Marzoni's - Meal - Lunch Stream conf - JDQ & TAFB |

|178.77 | |K-LOG - TMR Chair |

|17.60 | | - Legal Pads |

|25.76 | | - Avery Printable Cards |

|39.95 | | - Toilet Tissue |

|84.08 | | - Paper Towels |

|16.00 | |Weebly - 1 month subscription website |

|19.95 | |Weebly - 1 year subscription website |

|104.03 | |Etsy - Director Appreciation Gift |

|24.36 | |Endless Supply Co. - Feeder Fish & Worms |

|160.00 | |Registration CSY - PACD/SCC Winter mtg |

|10.55 | |Postage - ch 105 |

|8.30 | |Postage - NM |

|110.49 | |Tractor Supply - DG Boots KDP |

|160.00 | |Registration DM - PACD/SCC Winter mtg |

|42.17 | |Postage - AV equipment from conf room |

|22.98 | |Endless Supply Co. - Feeder Fish & Worms |

|195.15 | |JCPenney - JDQ - Clothing Allowance |

|103.99 | |Dicks Sporting Goods - JDQ - DG Boots |

|90.43 | |Conf Room AV equipment |

|109.99 | |Amazon - Sony Blu Ray Disc Player for conf room |

|15.99 | |1099 Misc forms |

|19.34 | |Batteries |

|19.05 | |Endless Supply Co. - Feeder Fish & Worms |

| | | |

| $ 5,653.47 | |Total General Account Bills Paid by Credit Card Since Last Meeting |

| | | |

| $1,200,138.70 | |Total General Account Bills |

| | | |

| | |Income Since Last Meeting |

| | | |

|5,000.00 | |BSFLA Scholarship Fund |

|50.00 | |ESI Training Bristol Excavating |

|50.00 | |ESI Training Windham Twp |

|250.00 | |GP3 - Bullard Creek ALD Site |

|250.00 | |GP3 - Rossi Site |

|139,012.50 | |EWP Reimb |

|250.00 | |GP3 - Shaffer Land |

|250.00 | |GP3 - Erma Rogers |

|250.00 | |GP3 - Chief Oil & Gas |

|135.00 | |Appreciation Dinner Guests |

|3,500.00 | |Donation - Green Career Day - Energy Transfer |

|250.00 | |GP3 - Johnnie Smiley |

|500.00 | |NPDES - Hawbaker Warner Waste Site II |

|2,060.00 | |Plan Review - Hawbaker Warner Waste Site II |

|1,075.08 | |Interseeder - Mt Glenn Farm |

|4,937.70 | |Interseeder - Brad Penn Farm |

|720.00 | |Interseeder - Roger Brown |

|3,000.00 | |Culvert Design - Warren Twp |

|40,147.00 | |CBP - Special Projects |

|70,192.50 | |DEP - EWP10172019EWP |

|9,105.00 | |USDA office rent - Nov & Dec |

|1,996.85 | |Interest - Nov & Dec |

|13,844.50 | |Watershed Specialist 9-30-19 |

|50.00 | |ESI Training - Smithfield Twp |

|592.33 | |Interseeder - Kilbourn |

|689.83 | |Interseeder - VanBlarcom |

|15,478.38 | |Interseeder - McNeal |

|852.00 | |Interseeder - JaJen Farm |

|412.33 | |Interseeder - Albavale Farm |

|164,156.25 | |EWP 11-15-19 |

|90.43 | |Close out PS Bank Ag Reserve Account |

|19,174.14 | |Umbrella Agreement - 9-30-19 |

|2,750.00 | |Lake Wesauking Bathymetric Mapping |

|100.00 | |ESI Training - Standing Stone Twp |

|175.00 | |GP8 - Insinger |

|4,302.35 | |Interseeder - Clark Enterprises |

|250.00 | |Security Deposit refund Appreciation Dinner |

|41,559.37 | |CDFAP - 9-30-19 |

|15.00 | |Appreciation Dinner |

|4,131.13 | |Interseeder - Kneller |

|129.00 | |Interseeder - Kinsman |

|31.00 | |Report copies |

|175.00 | |DEP Permit for dock |

|120.00 | |NPDES New Fortress Energy |

|250.00 | |Plan Review - AECom |

|69,476.25 | |EWP - Bill K |

|18,560.05 | |NM 9-30-19 |

| | | |

| $ 640,345.97 | |Total General Account Income Since Last Meeting |

| | | |

| | |Dirt & Gravel Roads Account |

| | |Dirt & Gravel Roads Account Bills To Be Paid |

|971.24 | |Gambal - DG Calendars |

|458.00 | |The Flying Cow GRS - IBS Bridge lunch |

| $ 1,429.24 | |Total Dirt & Gravel Roads Account Bills To Be Paid |

| | | |

| | |Dirt & Gravel Roads Account Bills Paid Since Last Meeting |

| | | |

|80,359.30 | |Smithfield Township - Final Bridal Path Rd |

|38,684.12 | |LeRoy Township - Final Bonney Road |

|40,908.64 | |Rome Twp - Final West Rd LVR |

| | | |

| $ 159,952.06 | |Total Dirt & Gravel Roads Account Bills Paid Since Last Meeting |

| | | |

| $ 159,952.06 | |Total Dirt & Gravel Roads Bills |

| | | |

| | |Dirt & Gravel Roads Account Income Since Last Meeting |

| | | |

|482,715.83 | |DG Replenishment 9-30-19 |

|33,563.38 | |D&G LVR - Replenishment 9-30-19 |

|3,925.59 | |Interest Nov & Dec |

| $ 520,204.80 | |Total Dirt & Gravel Roads Account Income |

Al Herman made a motion to accept the treasurer's report and pay the bills. Rob Miller seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.



#2 Pennsylvania ANGLER & BOATER

#3 Forestry Notes – NACD Fall Newsletter

#4 Roots & Branches – Delaware Highlands Conservancy Newsletter

#5 DEP, District Oil and Gas Operations

- Copy of Acknowledgement Waiver of Permit Requirements, Crandall Well Site, Ridgebury Township.

- Copies of ESCGP-3 to Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC for the following:

o Sherman M (03-144) Well Site, Columbia Township

o Warner to Bennett Pipeline, Stevens Township

o Alexander to Dobson Pipeline, Armenia Township

#6 DEP, NCRO Waterways and Wetlands

- Copy of Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit to Wyalusing Borough for the Brewer Creek Low-Flow Crossing, Wyalusing Township

- Copy of GP Acknowledgement Notification to PennDOT for the “SR 6 ov Mill Creek 972” project, West Burlington Township

- Copies of Emergency Permits issued to the following:

o Greg Pollock, Bullard Creek, Litchfield Township

o Leroy Township, UNT to Towanda Creek

o Greg Pollock, UNT to Bullard Creek, Litchfield Townships

o Nick Rockwell, UNT to Alba Creek, Canton Township

o Miles Antisdel, Stoney Brook (Trib to Wappasening Creek), Warren Township

- Copy of GP Acknowledgement Notification to Monroe Township Supervisors for the T-348 Millstone Road over Millstone Creek, Monroe Township.

- Copy of GP Acknowledgement Notification to Bradford County for the Bradford County Bridge No. 51, Springfield Township.

- GP Acknowledgement Notification to PennDOT for Bradford SR 1003/0050/0000 Pipe Replacement 1223, Tuscarora Township.

- Copy of Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit Issuance to PennDOT for the SR1012 Slide Repair Flood 2018 884, Wysox Township.

- Copies of Technical Deficiency Letters to Overton Township for the following:

o Morris Road Culvert Replacement

o Marshall Road Culvert Replacement

o Dibble Road Culvert Replacement

o Branch Road Culvert Replacement

o Deep Hollow Road 3 Culvert Replacement

o Deep Hollow Road 7 Culvert Replacement

o Deep Hollow Road 8 Culvert Replacement

- Copy of Notice of Violation to Gypsy Hill Farm, Orwell Township

#7 DEP, Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields Program

- Copy of Statewide Health Final Report Approval to SWN Production Co., LLC, Chamberlin-Meyer GU J Pad, Produced Water Release, Stevens Township.

#8 Invitation from the Bradford County Library for their launch of the Bookmobile, taking place Saturday, January 25, 2020 from 2-4PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 PM by Keith Heimbach, Chairperson.

The next meeting of the Bradford County Conservation District will be on February 3, 2020 at 12:30 PM at the Stoll Natural Resource Center, Wysox, PA.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Marino, Administrative Assistant

December 2019 DEP Conservation District

Field Rep Talking Points

Growing Greener Plus Grant Round Opens - The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced on November 7th that $30 million is available to help communities restore and protect water quality throughout the commonwealth. Funded through the commonwealth’s Growing Greener Plus program, the $30 million in grant funding will help communities restore and protect water quality by reducing abandoned mine drainage and urban and agricultural runoff pollution and addressing harmful algal blooms, climate resiliency, PFAS, and other emerging issues. Counties, municipalities, municipal authorities, county conservation districts, councils of government, educational institutions, and watershed and other organizations can apply for funding for projects with local or statewide impact. Last year, Growing Greener supported more than 100 projects in over 40 counties, from large-scale floodplain and stream corridor restorations to single projects, such as streambank fencing.

Applications will be accepted until 5:00 PM on December 20, 2019. Additional rounds are planned for next spring and fall. Find guidelines and application instructions at dep.. Select “Grants” and scroll down and select “Growing Greener”.

State Conservation Commission Requests “Contagious Disease Outbreaks” CCD Contact Persons - As you are aware the State Conservation Commission and the Pa Department of Agriculture have been actively involved in preparing and distributing information regarding potential contagious disease outbreaks, (i.e. High Pathogenic Avian Influenza – HPAI; African Swine Fever, etc.). In the event of a contagious disease outbreak, a county conservation district may be contacted by the local Emergency Operations Center for support information pertinent to the outbreak at hand. The Commission, on behalf of the Department of Agriculture, is developing a list of local points of contact at county conservation districts that may be utilized by the Department of Agriculture during an outbreak incident. The State Conservation Commission is asking that each county conservation district identify a primary and secondary point of contact, for both during and after business hours, and complete and return the contact form that Frank Schneider emailed to each county conservation district on November 12th.

Please return the completed form to Brady Seeley (braseeley@) no later than December 16, 2019.

If you have questions concerning this request, please contact Frank Schneider at 717.705-3895 or fschneider@.

Chapter 102 Permitting Update – The Bureau of Clean Water’s NPDES Permitting Division is working hard to have numerous tasks completed by Friday, December 6th, including:

• Reissuance of PAG-02 must occur by December 7th.  The Division is also attempting to issue the new PAG-01 General Permit at the same time.  They received numerous comments from districts and the public and have made some changes to the proposed final documents.  Note: they may not have time to formally respond to each of the comments received from districts, though they have reviewed all of them.

• The Division is also preparing two new application forms, instructions and checklists for individual NPDES Chapter 102 permits.  One will be for small projects less than 5 acres of disturbance and one will be for all other projects.  The small project application will be similar to PAG-01 in that specific PCSM BMPs must be used in order to use the application.

• The Division is finalizing four modules which will be used by the NOIs/applications: E&S Module 1, PCSM Module 2, Antidegradation Analysis Module 3, and Riparian Forest Buffer Module 4.

• The Division is working on updating all letter templates and creating new letter templates and are updating all of the SOPs.

• Finally, The Division is beginning to work on internal training materials.  Please note that in all likelihood the Division will not be able to provide training until mid to late December.  The reason is not only due to the workload they have in November, but also that the documents will change up to the final minute as the Deputy Secretary, Attorneys and Policy Office review them.  The Division wants to ensure that their training materials are completely accurate before providing the training.

At this point the Division is thinking of holding two webinars for the internal training – one that covers the new application materials and permits (including changes), and one that covers the updated SOPs.  The aim is to record the webinars in the event staff cannot participate.

Also, the Division will soon be sharing with you a form letter to send out to all permittees with existing PAG-02 coverage.  You will be asked to send this letter on or about December 6.  The letter will explain the changes to the terms and conditions of PAG-02 coverage and provide notice that an individual permit application must be submitted if the permittee is no longer eligible or can no longer comply with the reissued PAG-02.  The letter will be on DEP letterhead (as suggested by DEP and agreed to by PACD), and all you will need to do is make copies and place the letters in the mail.

If you have questions, please contact Sean Furjanic at 717.787.2137 or sefurjanic@

State Conservation Commission Approves Resolution for the Support of Reauthorization for the Collection of Fees to the Federal Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund - At the State Conservation Committee meeting in July, Commission members were briefed on efforts to reauthorize the federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) and the extension of the federal Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund. The restoration of abandoned mines affects 44 of 67 Pennsylvania counties. These abandoned mine sites contain dangerous highwalls, shafts, and waste pile, and significantly contribute to acid mine runoff that negatively impacts 5,500 miles of streams in Pennsylvania. At the July meeting, the Commission was asked to consider adopting a resolution supporting the reauthorization of SMCRA. Commission staff prepared a resolution supporting the reauthorization of SMCRA and the Federal Abandoned Mine Fund and the resolution was approved at the Commission’s November 2019 meeting.

2019 Dates to Remember:

Regional Roundtable Meetings

December 5 SE – DEP SERO, Norristown

2020 Dates to Remember:

SCC Meetings

January 22 Wyndham Garden State College, Boalsburg

March 10 Harrisburg

May 12 Harrisburg

July 22 Wyndham Garden State College, Boalsburg

September 15 Harrisburg

November 10 Harrisburg

PACD/SCC Winter Meeting

January 22-23 Wyndham Garden State College, Boalsburg

LDC Building for Tommoww – Staff Conference

February 12-13 Wyndham Garden State College, Boalsburg

LDC Building for Tomorrow - Regional Director Trainings

February 26 Clinton County CD

February 27 Monroe County CD

March 4 Erie County CD

March 5 Westmoreland CD

March 10 Berks County CD

March 11 Cumberland County CD

Spring 102/105 Technical Training

March 16-19 (Basic/Refresher) Wyndham Gardens State College, Boalsburg

March 31-April 2 (Topic Based) Wyndham Gardens State College, Boalsburg

Agricultural Conservation Technical “Boot Camp” Training

April 6-10 (Basic Level) Keystone Conference Center, Ft. Indiantown Gap

April 27-May 1 (Level II) Keystone Conference Center, Ft. Indiantown Gap

Spring PACD Region Meetings

March 24 SC Regional Meeting

Cumberland Conservation District, Carlisle

March 26 NC Regional Meeting

Clinton Conservation District, Mill Hall

March 31 SW Regional Meeting

Westmoreland Conservation District, Greensburg

April 3 NE Regional Meeting

DEP NE Regional Office, Wilkes-Barre

April 22 NW Regional Meeting

Venango County (location TBA)

April 30 SE Regional Meeting

Henning’s Market, Harleysville

PACD/SCC Joint Annual Conference

July 22-23 Wyndham Garden State College, Boalsburg

Conservation District Watershed Specialist Meeting

October 6-8 Toftrees Golf Resort, State College

Also, check the Conservation District Training/Special Events Calendar at, Select the "Events" tab and then the "Training Calendar" tab.

January 2020 DEP Conservation District

Field Rep Talking Points

Conservation District Advisory Committee Proposal and Nominations Request – Commission staff briefed Commission members during the November State Conservation Commission meeting regarding a proposal to establish a Conservation District Advisory Committee (CDAC). This general advisory committee will be used to provide input to the Commission regarding policies that affect the operations and management of county conservation districts. Prior to the Commission’s January 2020 meeting, Commission staff will solicit PACD and individual conservation districts for nominations to fill the six director and six management positions on CDAC. Commission staff will present the final recommended committee structure and recommended individuals to serve on this new committee at the January meeting. Attached is the current draft proposal for the CDAC.

The Commission is currently accepting PACD and individual conservation district nominations for the management and director positions on the Committee. To nominate a director or management staff person, please contact the Commission at 717-787-8821 or send nominations to Barb Buckingham at bbuckingha@. The Commission would like nominations by January 10th.

Spotted Lantern Fly (SLF) Update – PDA continues to work with county conservation districts in the Spotted Lantern fly (SLF) quarantine zone to help educate citizens about the SLF and to conduct land treatment activities to help control SLF. PDA is awarding 11 conservation districts nearly $1 million this fiscal year to help with these efforts. An update on SLF control efforts taking place at PDA and Penn State Extension is planned for the State Conservation Commission’s January 22, 2020 meeting in Boalsburg.

BOD Proficiency Points – Committees are an integral part of conservation district structure. Although we all struggle with adding another meeting to our full schedules, here are the Top Ten ideas for utilizing committees in your organization:

1. Practical way to structure and manage a board’s work

2. Provide advice and recommendations on specific topics

3. Better use of board member time and resources

4. Provide objective decision-making

5. Committee chairs should be directors

6. CD staff and associate directors can serve on committees

7. Invite community residents with specific contacts/knowledge to serve on committees

8. Establish “standing” committee- meets on a regular basis to propose program or procedural guidance; “ad hoc” committee- created for limited purpose or specific event

9. Some committee meetings must be advertised and open to the public

a. DGLVR QAB, Budget committee

10. Acquaint new board members with program details, keep former board member involved, recruit and train potential future directors

2020 Dates to Remember:

SCC Meetings

January 22 Wyndham Garden State College, Boalsburg

March 10 Harrisburg

May 12 Harrisburg

July 22 Wyndham Garden State College, Boalsburg

September 15 Harrisburg

November 10 Harrisburg

PACD/SCC Winter Meeting

January 22-23 Wyndham Garden State College, Boalsburg

LDC Building for Tomorrow – Staff Conference

February 12-13 Wyndham Garden State College, Boalsburg

LDC Building for Tomorrow - Regional Director Trainings

February 26 Clinton County CD

February 27 Monroe County CD

March 4 Erie County CD

March 5 Westmoreland CD

March 10 Berks County CD

March 11 Cumberland County CD

Spring 102/105 Technical Training

March 16-19 (Basic/Refresher) Wyndham Gardens State College, Boalsburg

March 31-April 2 (Topic Based) Wyndham Gardens State College, Boalsburg

Agricultural Conservation Technical “Boot Camp” Training

April 6-10 (Basic Level) Keystone Conference Center, Ft. Indiantown Gap

April 27-May 1 (Level II) Keystone Conference Center, Ft. Indiantown Gap

Spring PACD Region Meetings

March 24 SC Regional Meeting

Cumberland Conservation District, Carlisle

March 26 NC Regional Meeting

Clinton Conservation District, Mill Hall

March 31 SW Regional Meeting

Westmoreland Conservation District, Greensburg

April 3 NE Regional Meeting

DEP NE Regional Office, Wilkes-Barre

April 22 NW Regional Meeting

Venango County (location TBA)

April 30 SE Regional Meeting

Henning’s Market, Harleysville

PACD/SCC Joint Annual Conference

July 22-23 Wyndham Garden State College, Boalsburg


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