Rafael Gonzalez

Rafael Gonzalez

Digital Art Director

Pasadena, CA | 626-246-2536

rafgonzalez01@ |

Innovative, strategic and proactive creative thinker, with 14 years of experience in digital design media, roles in digital strategy, web production management, branding and identity development, social media creative and development, and user experience design for entertainment, commercial and non-profit organizations.


Freelance, UX/UI Designer / Art Director

Cisco Systems, Contract Assignment, Pasadena, CA Present

Create a unique online user experience case study for the Customer Research Portal for Cisco Systems® using Cisco digital format and guidelines as reference. Work closely with the production and design team to create landing homepage, administrator and employee profile login pages and experimental pages (x16). Visualize, design and prototype this unique user experience on all mobile, tablet and desktop view sizes. Design and animate multiple product driven social banner ads for all social media channels.

Digital Art Director / Lead UX/UI Designer

One & All Advertising Agency, Pasadena, CA 2014 - 2018

Digital Art Director for advertising agency assisting major North American non-profit organizations with growth in the digital space, including Feeding America Food Banks Network, The Salvation Army, U.S. and Canadian Rescue Missions, Mercy Ships, Operation Smile, Boys and Girls Clubs. Worked closely with producers, writers, development and strategic teams on deadline-driven assignments for final products, through deployment. Contributed innovative ideas as part of Development and Strategy team to improve processes for updating and creating social media campaigns and website redesign.

• Visualized, designed and help produced new websites and microsites for U.S. Food Banks, Rescue Missions Network and Mercy Ships® Organization. Analytics and media teams reported 70-80% of clients saw an increase of 250% in online traffic, and higher donation growth from 150-350% in comparison to previous year.

• Worked closely with producers and creative team, helped design, develop and deliver large fundraising promotional web campaigns, social media banner ad assets, multiple seasonal emails and integrated microsites for non-profit organizations.

• Received daily assignments from Creative Director, assisted research team to find and teach new online tools for more efficient workflow.

• Handled a variety of paid social media, static and animated banner ads for all social channels, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

• Responsible for designing UX/UI framework, wireframes, navigation sitemaps, style guides, prototypes, home and internal content pages, donation widgets and landing platforms.

• Produced and updated numerous digital assets following production grid containing CT codes and links for newsletter appeals.

• Strategically visualized, designed and exported multiple digital A/B test optimizations for all digital platforms, including mobile devices, iPads and desktop designs.

Senior Web/UI Designer | Production

Warner Bros Studios/Telepictures Productions, Burbank, CA 2005 - 2014

Development of visual concepts and promotional designs for several branded marketing web campaigns projects, sweepstakes and giveaways. Designed and front end program for Warner Bros Studios daytime talk shows included Ellen, Extra, Bethenny, Anderson Cooper, Let’s Ask America, TMZ, People’s Court, Judge Mathis, Dr. Drew’s Lifechangers, The Tyra Banks Show, plus Telepictures Music.

• Worked closely with web development and marketing teams to ensure technical and design implementation on several large web campaigns for clients and their marketing needs. Clients include: Samsung, Shutterfly, Universal Orlando Studios, QVC, Google, Hyundai, Embassy Suite Hotels, Funjet Travels, The Voice, L’Oreal, Skype, GMC, Nivea, JCPenney, SkinnyGirl, and others.

• Designed and maintained daily blog entry content, programming daily online giveaways, multiple web client-based integration projects, photo/video galleries, weekly newsletters, food/beauty recipes and social media infographics on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest.

• Integrated branded design and animated banners, menus, logos, widgets, games and galleries for various sites. Conceptualized iPad and iPhone design elements for Ellen, Extra and TMZ. Web design for various pilot shows. Worked closely with music department to design and develop various micro sites for music groups and artists.

• Responsible for the daily programming and visual infographic design for the online production of the Let’s Ask America show site for half a season; included compiling, organizing, promoting, design and executing daily site updates using CMS.

• Creative development on major redesign for The Tyra Banks Show and Dr. Drew Lifechangers sites; collaboration with design team to wireframe, compose, design, build, maintain and update site for various seasons, including wardrobe and show galleries, food and beauty secret infographics, daily blog entries and multiple web campaign integrations.


California State University Northridge, Northridge, CA

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Graphic Design, minor in Photography and Art History

Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA

Art Center Extended Program @ Night, Design and Art Courses

Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA

Associate Degree in Arts and Sciences, Winner of City Grant Scholarship for Art Students


Digital creative, art direction, user interface design, interaction and experience design, social media creative, strategic communications, information architecture, digital communication management (WorkFront), web and graphic design, concept design, 360 degree branding, product and identity development.


Fluent and expert level in Adobe Creative Cloud, Wire-framing, Prototyping, Sketch, InVision,

Adobe XD, Adobe Animate, Dreamweaver, Flash, Final Cut Pro, Premier Pro, After Effects,

Lightroom, Keynote and Office Programs. Working knowledge and programming skills include: XHTML,

PHP, CSS, XML, UX/UI/IxD, CVS, WordPress, Movable Type, CMS and Crowd Fusion Systems, JavaScript

and JQuery code.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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