JCPS Application How-to - Teach Kentucky

JCPS Application How-to:

(This document follows the JCPS application pages in order.)

o Select external applicants

Log in with TKY credentials--Use import wizard if prompted.

Page 1, Personal Info o Please fill out the requested basic info. You will need your SS number.

Page 2, Current Employment Status o Select "No, I am not currently an employee of Jefferson County Public Schools".

Page 3, Postal Address o Please provide a permanent and/or present address. NOTE: Your permanent address should correspond to the permanent addresses you list on your Teach Kentucky and UofL applications. This will impact your relocation incentive from JCPS.


Page 5, Position Desired o Here, you may select general pool positions. These should correspond to your approved content area(s) (I.E. High School Teaching--> English). o Subject areas will be under 1.) Middle School Teaching, 2.) High School Teaching, or 3.) K-12 Teaching (World Language and Special Education--Learning and Behavior Disorders).

Page 6, Experience o List all previous work experience reflected on your resume.

Page 7, Education o Please list your your educational background beginning with the most recent. For each institution, list the college semester hours* you received in your major and minor. *Please list hours as semester hours (convert quarter hours to semester hours by multiplying the quarter hours by ). Use your best judgment here.

Page 8, Date of Birth o Insert date of birth

Page 9, Ethnicity/Gender o The race/ethnicity you select may qualify you for additional tuition supports from JCPS.

Page 10, Education (cont.) o Follow on-page instructions

Page 11, Semester Hours o You may indicate subject areas where you have had 15 semester hours (5 courses) or more. Do not check endorsement boxes for any areas.

Page 12, Student Teaching o Skip unless you have done student teaching in the past

Page 13, Certifications o For "Do you hold National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification?", select "No". o For "Do you hold or anticipate a Kentucky certificate?", select "Yes, certificate is anticipated". o For "How do you plan to obtain certification in Kentucky?", select "I have been accepted into an Alternative Certification Program in Kentucky". o For "List the Type(s)", select "Statement of Eligibility for Provisional Certificate in Teaching [your primary area of certification]. NOTE: These different areas of certification have been entered into this

list manually over time, and the names might be slightly different or omit words in the title here and there...use your best judgment. This can be changed at a later date. Page 14, Highly Qualified Teacher o select "no" to indicate you are not "highly qualified" in any school district. Page 15, Extracurricular o Optional opportunity to indicate a desire to direct, coach and/or advise certain school clubs/activities. Page 16, Statement [Certified] o Answer two short questions. There are no parameters for length, but responses should be concise. It is best to compose answers in a separate Word doc and then paste them in. Page 17, TeacherFit UE o You will be asked some questions about hypothetical classroom situations. Please answer to the best of your ability. This is not an evaluative component of our application process, so do not stress about it. Simply answer as thoughtfully as possible. Page 18, Language Skills o Indicate any other language skills besides English. Page 19, References o You must have email addresses on hand for your references. Surveys will be sent to those you indicate on this form. Currently, it seems the district is asking for three references, but we have seen this application require up to 5 references in years past. It is a good idea to have extra folks on hand to provide a reference for you if need be. Optional reference letters may be added at the bottom, but will not substitute for the required surveys. Page 20, Supplemental Materials [Certified] o This section gives you the chance to upload your resume, transcripts, and additional materials. For "Teacher Certification/License", please upload a blank document simply stating, "I anticipate a future teaching certification through Teach Kentucky." Page 21, Referral Source o please select "Other" at the bottom, and type in "Teach Kentucky". Page 22, Additional Information o You may list optional additional information about yourself. Page 23, Certified Disclosures o The answers to the first 6 questions on this page will likely be "No", BUT the answer to the last question, "Can you perform all the essential job function(s)..." must be "Yes". Page 24, Legal Information o Please follow directions on page. Page 25, EEO Form o Please include your personal data for statistical purposes. Page 26, Select Campuses o Be sure to select ALL GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS of the city. Page 27, Retirement Disclosure o Please follow instructions on page. Page 28, Confirmation o Please confirm that all required items on each page have been filled out. NOTE: You may choose to save your application or submit it. You can always go back in and change information at a later date. You will have to go back in and select vacancies to apply for once you have arrived in Louisville, and resubmit. TKY staff will guide you.

*****Contact us with any questions or issues.


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