JCPS Transition Plan 2016-2017 - Pages - Home

Early childhood

Transition Plan


This document is to be used in conjunction with the School REadiness Goals and implementation plan

Mission Statement

The Jefferson County Public Schools Early Childhood Program is empowering families and children through high quality transition and school readiness activities.

Action Component Transition

District Name: Jefferson County Public Schools Component Manager: Holli Moore: Specialist I

School Name: Early Childhood Programs Date: 2016-2017

|Priority Need |Goal (Addresses the Priority Need) |

|Research shows that young children need support from both the school and family members as they |Develop a set of coordinated transition and orientation to preschool or kindergarten experiences that|

|transition from one educational setting to the next. Children that have a smooth transition into the |result in children that are ready to be successful and schools that are ready to receive children and|

|next educational setting are more likely to be successful. |their families. |

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| |Objectives |

| |Collaboration with the school district and community will make the transition to preschool or |

| |kindergarten less stressful. |

| |The SRLT consisting of Administration, Specialists/Coordinators, Instructional Coaches, Kindergarten |

| |Teachers, Head Start Teachers, Preschool Teachers, Parents, FamilyAdvocates, and FRC Directors, will |

| |meet to develop and evaluate a transition plan. |

|School Readiness Leadership Team Members |School Readiness Leadership Team Members |

|Names of 2016-2017 members will be listed here | |

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|Objective Label |Strategy/Activity |Expected Impact in Terms of Progress and Success |Responsible Person |Start Date |End Date |Estimated Resources |

| | | | | | |and Costs |

|2 |The Early Childhood School Readiness Leadership Team |Collaboration of stakeholders will increase the success |Readiness Team |Oct. |June |$50 Copy Costs |

| |will meet at least 3 times a year to collaborate on |rate of planned transition activities for our students and| |2016 |2017 | |

| |transition projects. |families. | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |The Transition Specialist and the Transition | | | | | |

| |Committee Chairperson will serve as an Early |Community collaboration and resources help coordinate |Transition Coordinator, | | |N/A |

|1 |Childhood representative on the Metro United Way |services to children and families. |Transition Committee |Oct. |Aug. 2017 | |

| |Transition to K Action Network to collaborate on | |chairperson, |2016 | | |

| |initiatives that effect the transition of students | |Transition to K Action | | | |

| |between agencies and programs. | |Network | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Early Childhood staff will advise preschool parents | | | | | |

| |on choices for district elementary programs and | | | | | |

| |magnets (using the CHOICES booklet) and assist in the| | | | | |

| |online kindergarten application process via |Parents must be aware of their choices of programs for |Student Assignment Office, | | | |

| |conferences, home visits, and parent orientation |their children. Parents that are assisted in the online |Transition Coordinator, | | | |

| |meetings held throughout the city. |application process are more likely to complete this task |Family Advocates, Teachers, | |Jan |N/A |

|1 | |correctly. |Instructional Coaches |Nov |2017 | |

| | | | |2016 | | |

| |Early Childhood Staff will collaborate with various | | | | | |

| |community agencies to host a series of “Kindergarten | |Coordinator, Early Childhood | | | |

| |Countdown” activities throughout the summer with a | |Teachers, Kindergarten | | | |

| |culminating celebration in August to assist in the | |Teachers, Community | | | |

| |preparation of students for kindergarten. |Community collaboration and resources allow the Early |Stakeholders | | | |

| | |Childhood program to better offer transition services to | | | | |

| |A Summer Transition Activity Book will be developed |children and families. | | | | |

| |and distributed to each child transitioning to | | | | | |

| |kindergarten. Summer transition activities on Big Day| | | | | |

| |for PreK Family Space and on Ready4K website. | |Readiness Committee, | |Aug. |N/A |

|1 | | |Coordinator, Early Childhood |June |2017 | |

| |Training and resources will be provided to Early | |Staff, |2017 | | |

| |Childhood teachers regarding the transition process. | |Materials Production | | | |

| | |Providing activities that develop the whole child during | | | | |

| | |the summer months decreases the likelihood that children | | | | |

| | |will regress before beginning kindergarten in August. |Coordinator, Instructional | | | |

| | | |Coaches | | | |

| |Parent Trainings will be offered regarding the | | | | | |

| |transition to preschool and / or kindergarten. |Professional development (PD days and/or Collaborative | | | | |

| | |Fridays) in best practices in transition will enable | | | | |

| | |teachers to provide quality transition activities for | | |Aug. |N/A |

|1 - 2 | |students and families. | |May |2017 | |

| | | |Family Advocates, |2017 | | |

| | |Educating parents on the transition process will likely |Specialists/ Coordinator, | | | |

| | |result in a more smooth transition for their children from|Instructional Coaches, | | | |

| |Ongoing authentic assessment practices will be |one program to the next. |Classroom Staff | | | |

| |utilized with all early childhood students. | | | | | |

| |Assessment results will be analyzed by staff through | | | | | |

|1 |PLCs and 3 times a year by transition committee. | |Coordinator, Instructional | |April |N/A |

| |Curriculum decisions and next steps will be | |Coaches, Early Childhood |March |2017 | |

| |determined and recommended. Assessment results will | |Teachers, Parents, |2017 | | |

| |determine individual goals for each student and be | |Kindergarten Teachers, | | | |

| |shared with all stakeholders (parents, kindergarten |Research shows that conducting and analyzing ongoing |Assessment Committee | | | |

| |teachers, etc.) |assessment is an educational best practice. | | | | |

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| | | | | | | |

| |Kindergarten Camp will be offered at three or more | | | |June |N/A |

|1 |locations serving up to 1000 students. | | |May |2017 | |

| | | | |2017 | | |

| | | |Early Childhood Staff, | | | |

| |Early Childhood staff will collaborate with one | |Kindergarten Teachers, | | | |

| |another to plan transition activities through | |Stakeholders | | | |

| |classroom observations, visits, lessons, and other | | | | | |

| |transition activities i.e. Early Head Start staff | |Specialists/ Coordinator, | | | |

| |with preschool staff and preschool staff with | |Instructional Coaches, EHS | | | |

| |kindergarten staff. | |Home Visitors | | | |

| | |Collaboration of stakeholders will increase the success | | |June |$15,000 |

|1 | |rate of students entering kindergarten by decreasing | |Aug. 2016 |2017 | |

| |Early Childhood curriculum will be reviewed each year|summer learning loss. | | | | |

| |to ensure it is aligned with all KY Early Childhood | | | | | |

| |Standards, Work Sampling Assessment/ Ounce Scale | | | | | |

| |Indicators, and Head Start Early Learning Framework. |Head Start Performance Standards require transition | | | | |

| | |activities for children and families served and center |Early Childhood Instructional| | | |

| | |based programs. |Coaches, Specialists/ | | | |

| |Ongoing Professional Development will be provided to | |Coordinator, Readiness | | | |

| |staff in implementing instructional best practices | |Committee, Curriculum | | | |

| |that are tied to school readiness including the | |Committee | | | |

| |ITERS-R, ECERS-R, and CLASS. | | | | | |

| | | |Early Childhood Instructional| | | |

| | | |Coaches, Specialists/ | | | |

| |The Early Childhood Readiness Committee will maintain|Big Day for Pre K curriculum and instruction is tied to |Coordinator, | | | |

| |and review a set of school readiness goals that are |successful school readiness. |PD Committee | | | |

| |aligned with the KY and Head Start definition of | | |July |July |$1,000,000 |

|1 |school readiness. | | |2017 |2017 | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Readiness Committee | | | |

| |The Family Engagement Committee will develop a series| | | | | |

| |of school readiness activity kits for teachers that | | | | | |

| |will include science, literacy, math, and health. | | | | | |

|1 |Parents will be invited to school to participate in |The ITERS-R, ECERS-R, and CLASS are internationally | |Aug. 2016 |July |N/A |

| |these activities with classroom teachers and family |research based scientifically proven instruments that are | | |2017 | |

| |service workers. |indicators of classroom quality. Classroom quality is tied| | | | |

| | |to enhanced school readiness. | | | | |

| | | |Teachers, Specialists/ | | | |

| |The School Readiness Leadership Team will be composed| |Coordinator, Family Advocates| | | |

| |of 7 sub-committees that will be responsible for |Head Start requires each agency to establish goals for | | | | |

| |carrying out responsibilities to ensure our program |improving school readiness of the children they serve. | | | | |

| |is promoting school readiness and will make | | | | | |

| |recommendations to the leadership team for approval. | | |Aug. | | |

| | | | |2016 |July |N/A |

|1 | | | | |2017 | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |Collaboration of stakeholders will increase the success |Specialists/ Coordinator, | | | |

| | |rate of planned transition activities for our students and|Instructional Coaches, | | | |

| | |families. |Teachers | | | |

| | | | | | | |

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| | | | |Aug. 2016 | | |

| | | | | |July 2017 |N/A |

|1 | | | | | | |

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| | |The work of committees can ensure our program is organized| | | | |

| | |in such a way to ensure we are meeting school readiness | | | | |

| | |goals. | | | | |

| | | | |Aug. | | |

| | | | |2016 |July | |

| | | | | |2017 |N/A |

|1 | | | | | | |

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| | | | |Aug. 2016 | | |

| | | | | |June 2017 | |

| | | | | | |N/A |

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| | | | |Aug. 2016 | | |

| | | | | |June 2017 | |

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| | | | | | |N/A |

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Transition Plan Evaluation

How will the transition plan be evaluated and when?

The Early Childhood Transition plan will be reviewed periodically at each school readiness committee meeting. The school readiness committee will meet a minimum of three times each academic school year. The transition plan will be evaluated at the end of each academic school year by the school readiness committee.

Jefferson County Public Schools

Early Childhood Program

Transition Plan Approval Page


Printed Name Signature Position/Agency Date






















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