Mrs. Miller's Room 122

Junior English 2019-2020Mrs. Melissa Miller – Room 122Louisville Male Traditional High School4409 Preston Hwy. Louisville, KY 40213(502) 485-8292melissa.miller@jefferson.kyschools.usGRADES: AGENDAS: NOTICE: (1) Please utilize my website at . All daily agendas are posted on this site so that you can see what we are doing in class and what the homework assignments are. You may also see announcements and access numerous handouts and worksheets. You may also e-mail me directly from that site. (2) I will also be utilizing Jupiter Ed for grades and other assignments and activities. Information will be sent home for you to sign up for notifications and access to your student’s grades. Progress grades and end-of-semester grades are the only grades that I will post to Infinite Campus (aka the Parent Portal). Primary Objectives – See the complete list of Kentucky Academic Standards: Course Syllabus Outline: First Unit – Primary focus on the summer reading Catcher in the Rye. Selected pieces of Nonfiction. Review elements of the thesis, 3.5 essay. Introduction to elements of argument. Begin work on Researched Argument Essay.Second Unit – Primary focus on drama with The Crucible and exploration of McCarthyism in relation to visual rhetoric, propaganda, and nonfiction. Review of On Demand Writing (ODW). Continue working on Researched Argument Essay.Third Unit – Primary focus on the biography/ graphic novel – Maus: A Survivor’s Tale; understanding the Holocaust and its implications. Complete Researched Argument Essay following MLA format.Fourth Unit – Primary focus on The Great Gatsby, nonfiction, and exploring depictions of the American dream. Fifth Unit – Primary focus on historical fiction with The Scarlet Letter and literary analysis.Sixth Unit – Primary focus on reading and analyzing poetry and/or short stories, in addition to completing a personal essay project as a culminating activity.Areas of focus may need to be amended or substituted depending on time or resource constraints. Supplemental assignments will be given to enhance the rigor and relevance of each reading and writing focus as well as to address standards set forth by the Kentucky Department of Education.Classroom Rules and Expectations:??Be on time to class and fully prepared with book, notebook/paper, pens, etc. Any additional necessary items will be listed in the previous day’s agenda. Begin working as soon as bell rings. That means that you must be in your seat when the bell rings.??No food, candy, or drinks (water bottles permissible). Please refrain from these in my classroom as they attract unwelcome critters.??Hall passes – students will not be issued hall passes to return to their lockers to retrieve work or classroom materials. Homework may be brought to me later on for half credit. Restroom passes will be issued on a limited basis and must not disrupt the educational process. Students are encouraged to use the water fountains and restroom facilities during the passing periods.??Work must be turned in at time requested or will be considered late work and will receive only half credit. All typed assignments (i.e. portfolio pieces) must be printed prior to the start of class when it is due.??Make-up work is specifically addressed in the Student Agenda. If you have an excused absence, you have the number of days missed plus one to turn in work. It is your responsibility to get the agendas for the days missed and to request all make-up work. The daily agenda is posted on my website: . Work assigned prior to the absence is due when originally scheduled.??If a test or other assessment is missed, the student must make arrangements to take the assessment after school. Any assessment not taken within the number of days plus one for excused absences will receive an automatic zero unless prior arrangements have been made with and approved by the teacher for another day. ??If a group project or presentation is missed, you will either receive a 10 percent deduction or have to make arrangements to present after school, if that is even a viable option for the group. ??Keep all assignments in an English folder. If at any point there is a dispute over a grade, especially a zero, it will be necessary for you to produce the graded assignment in question. If you cannot produce that assignment, then the zero will remain. ??Plagiarism will result in an automatic zero, a phone call home, and a referral.??With the Chromebook cart, students are to use the Chromebook number that matches their assigned seat’s number and reporting any issues immediately. They must be responsible for putting their own Chromebooks away correctly in the cart: in the correct numbered spot and plugged into the charger. ??The Student Agenda, located on the school website, and the district code of conduct, located in the Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook for the current school year, cover all other rules. Parents and students are expected to have read those rules and to abide by them at all times. ?These classroom rules are in addition to the rules detailed in the Student Agenda and the district’s code of conduct and may be subject to change if behavior necessitates any further amendments. ??I am available after school for help on any work or conferencing on any writing assignments.Supplies Needed:??Composition notebook??2 pocket folder (AP students may wish to use a binder)??Loose-leaf paper, college-ruled??Pens and Pencils??Highlighters (at least 3 colors)Books to Purchase:Although this is not currently expected, each student may need to purchase a copy of a novel for annotating. Students may bring in their own copies as long as they can annotate in them. They may also pay a few dollars for a copy if I have to order the books. Do not bring in any money until instructed to do so.Grading: The grading for this course follows the prescribed 50% for Student Mastery, 30% for Student Progress, and 20% for Student Engagement in compliance with the Student Progress, Promotion, and Grading Handbook for 2019-20. The district’s grading scale is as follows: 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B; 70-79 = C; 60-69 = D; 0-59 = U. I will update grades once a week, but please be reminded that essays and other complex assignments may take weeks to evaluate and post. We are now on semester grades. That means that grades are final at the end of the semester, and students earn ? credit for each semester. If a student fails a semester, he/she will have to take that semester again, most likely through summer school/eSchool. There is a cost for this.Final Exams/Projects for each semester will be worth up to 20% of the overall semester grade following compliance with current JCPS SPP&G Guidelines.Please detach this page, fill out, and return to Mrs. Miller.Parent Section (Only one parent/guardian needs to sign)I have read the above syllabus and will abide by and cooperate with the rules and expectations set forth. If I have any questions or concerns I will contact Mrs. Miller to discuss them by e-mail at or by phone at (502)485-8292.I know that I can check the Daily Agendas on to see what my child is working on in Junior English and what homework or studying he/she should be doing. I also know that I can check for grades and missing assignments. I have logged into Jupiter and updated my account on the SETTINGS tab so that I can receive alerts about grades via the following: Circle one:TEXTSEMAILSTEXTS and EMAIL Circle one: DAILY (except weekends)ONCE A WEEK on _____________________ (write in the day)Print Parent Name(s) ___________________________________________________________Parent Signature________________________________________ Date__________________Phone Number(s) Used for Jupiter Texts ______________________________________________Parent Email(s)___________________________________________________________________Student SectionI have read the above syllabus and will abide by and cooperate with the rules and expectations set forth. If I have any questions or concerns I will contact Mrs. Miller to discuss them by e-mail at or by phone at (502)485-8292.I know that I can check the daily agendas on for my work. This is my responsibility to do before coming to class when I have been absent or have missed class for any reason.I can check for grades and missing assignments. I have logged into Jupiter and set my account so that I can receive text and/or email alerts about grades and missing assignments each week. I can also receive texts and emails from the teacher sent through Jupiter.Print Student Name_________________________________________ Period________________Student Signature_________________________________________ Date__________________Student Phone Number Used for Jupiter Alerts/Messages_________________________________Student Email Used for Jupiter_______________________________________________________ ................

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