Verifying the Installation

Scope : Oracle Discoverer Installation 11g.Author : Mustak Ahmedcd $ORACLE_HOME/dbsorapwd file=orapw$ORACLE_SID entries=5 force=y password=sysadminRCU installationcd /crp2-r12/oradata/discouat1/rcuHomeTo start RCU, insert the RCU CD-ROM and start RCU from the rcuHome/bin (on UNIX) or rcuHome\bin (on Windows) directory:On UNIX:./rcuPassword for all schema :disc_quikPassword for belwo repos – disc_quikLog file location of RCU :Initializing logger using the following location :/tmp/logdir.2014-05-27_03-33/rcu.logInstalling PORTAL repository...Log file location : /tmp/logdir.2014-05-27_03-33/portal.log===========================================================================JDK installation:Run from root user:Before start weblogic installation , Install jdk 1.6(Installing JDK 6u45)/mnt/ ./jdk-6u45-linux-x64-rpm.bin) Weblogic InstallationWeblogic Installation : JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATHchmod +x 6u <version>-linux-x64.bin ./jdk-6u <version>-linux-x64.bin chmod +x jdk-6u45-linux-x64-rpm.binjava -d64 -jar /crp2-r12/oradata/discouat1/wls1036_generic.jar quickstart check boxIf you want to run the QuickStart application, leave the Run QuickStart check box selected. QuickStart is designed to assist first-time users in evaluating, learning, and using the software. It provides quick access to the sample domains, information for upgrading your applications, and the online documentation.Discoverer software download link : Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer 11g ( for Linux x86-64 (Part 1,2,3,4) Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer 11g Patch Set 6 ( for Linux x86-64 Installation : you do not wish to use the Oracle central inventory, you can create a file called oraInst.loc and in this file, include the full path of the inventory directory of your choice in the oraInst.loc file. Then, you can start the installer and point to the oraInst.loc file. For example, on UNIX operating systems:./runInstaller -invPtrLoc location_of_oraInst.loc_filediscover inventory:inventory_loc=/oradata/oracle/middleware/oraInventory_discovererinst_group=dba-----------------------------------------------------------/oradata/oracle/middleware/oraInst.loc------------------------------------------./runInstaller -invPtrLoc /oradata/oracle/middleware/oraInst.locDiscoverer Patchset Installation:Patch Set 6 ( Installation:Note: Make sure you unzip: in another sub directory ‘patchset’Run the runinstaller/crp2-r12/oradata/discouat1/disco_patchset6/Disk1./runInstaller -invPtrLoc /oradata/oracle/middleware/oraInst.locConfiguaration :/oradata/oracle/middleware/as_1/binSh config.shPassword for below discoprod user :disc_quikVerifying the InstallationAfter you have successfully run the installer and configuration wizard, you can verify the status of your installation by performing any combination of the following:Verifying the Installation LogsVerifying the Domain Server LogsVerifying OPMN StatusChecking Browser URLsVerifying OPMN status:Goto path : /oradata/oracle/middleware/asinst_1/bin[oraprod@r12prodb bin]$ ./opmnctl statusProcesses in Instance: asinst_1---------------------------------+--------------------+---------+---------ias-component | process-type | pid | status---------------------------------+--------------------+---------+---------emagent_asinst_1 | EMAGENT | 602 | AliveRptSvr_r12prodb_asinst_1 | ReportsServerComp~ | 423 | AliveDiscoverer_asinst_1 | PreferenceServer | 32684 | AliveDiscoverer_asinst_1 | ServicesStatus | 32683 | Alivewebcache1 | WebCache-admin | 32500 | Alivewebcache1 | WebCache | 32499 | Aliveohs1 | OHS | 32376 | AliveThis information shows the components configured for this installation. The status "Alive" means the component is up and running.You can also run the opmnctl status -l command to obtain a list of ports used by the components. The example below shows the output on a UNIX system:> ./opmnctl status –l[oraprod@r12prodb bin]$ ./opmnctl status -lProcesses in Instance: asinst_1---------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+------------+----------+-----------+------ias-component | process-type | pid | status | uid | memused | uptime | ports---------------------------------+--------------------+---------+----------+------------+----------+-----------+------emagent_asinst_1 | EMAGENT | 602 | Alive | 239435305 | 63868 | 15:51:11 | N/ARptSvr_r12prodb_asinst_1 | ReportsServerComp~ | 423 | Alive | 239435304 | 63868 | 15:51:26 | N/ADiscoverer_asinst_1 | PreferenceServer | 32684 | Alive | 239435303 | 90592 | 15:53:13 | N/ADiscoverer_asinst_1 | ServicesStatus | 32683 | Alive | 239435302 | 11276 | 15:53:13 | N/Awebcache1 | WebCache-admin | 32500 | Alive | 239435301 | 150896 | 15:53:21 | http_admin:8091webcache1 | WebCache | 32499 | Alive | 239435300 | 166604 | 15:53:21 | http_stat:8092,http_invalidation:8093,https_listen:8094,http_listen:8090ohs1 | OHS | 32376 | Alive | 239435299 | 147536 | 15:53:27 | https:8889,https:8890,http:8888[oraprod@r12prodb discoverer_installation_txt]$ cat disc_config_installation_summary.txtType: Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer Installation Configuration Options Middleware Home Location: /oradata/oracle/middleware Oracle Home Location: /oradata/oracle/middleware/as_1 Oracle Instance Location: /oradata/oracle/middleware/asinst_1 Oracle Instance: asinst_1 Domain Option: Create Domain Domain Name: discoproddomain Domain Home: /oradata/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/discoproddomain Domain Host Name: r12prodb. Domain Port No: 7001 User Name: discoprod Automatic Port Detection: true Administrator Console: EM Console: EMAgent URL: Forms URL: Reports URL: Discoverer Viewer URL: Discoverer Plus URL: Console: Console: URL: URL: URL: Viewer URL: Plus URL: Database Connection FileDiscoverer needs access to the Database Connection (dbc) file for the database you wish to connect to. A dbc file is a text file, which stores all the information required to connect to a particular database.Copy the dbc file from the $FND_SECURE directory of the E-Business Suite Release 12 instance you are setting up Discoverer with to the Discoverer 11.1.1 $ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/Discoverer/Discoverer_<ias-instance> directory.Save the dbc file in lowercase.About DBC FilesThe default naming convention for the .dbc file for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 is <two_task>.dbcIf you are getting error "Could not locate or parse the .dbc file corresponding to the given Oracle Applications instance" when trying to connect to your E-Business Suite Release 12 instance from the OracleBI Discoverer Connections Page, please verify the filename of your dbc file. If your dbc file name does not match above default naming convention due to using virtual names, make a copy of your dbc file in your $ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/Discoverer/Discoverer_<ias-instance> directory that is the default $FND_SECURE directory on your OracleBI Discoverer node, and rename the file to match above default naming convention.Discoverer will attempt to find the dbc file in the following order:$FND_SECURE/<two_task>.dbc$FND_SECURE/<database host name>_<two_task>.dbcFor more information about dbc files see Appendix 'Setting up and maintaining Oracle Applications' of the Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide. Copy DBC from FND_SECURE to (Discovere Oracle Instance Location) /oradata/oracle/middleware/asinst_1/config/Discoverer/Discoverer_asinst_1move dbc file to small character (Ex-- prd1.dbc)Do the entry in tnsname.ora file Update tnsnames.ora FileOn your Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer 11g Release 1 node, include the tnsnames entry to connect to your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 database in file $ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/tnsnames.ora. Use the same entry as exists in the tnsnames.ora file on your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 application tier server node. The database name must match the two_task entry in the dbc file. Verify you can establish a connection to your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 database using sqlplus.Go to Path discoverer tns home path :/oradata/oracle/middleware/asinst_1/configPRD1= (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=r12prodb.)(PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=PRD1.) (INSTANCE_NAME=PRD1) ) )create tablespace DISCO11G datafile '/oradata/oracle/apps/apps_st/data/disco01.dbf' size 200M reuse extent management local uniform size 128K;create user eulus1 identified by eulus1 default tablespace DISCO11G temporary tablespace temp;Create the Discoverer End-User LayerGo to oracle_instace path of discoverer:/oradata/oracle/middleware/asinst_1/Discoverer/Discoverer_asinst_1/utilSet LIB_PATH toLIB_PATH=$OH/discoverer/lib:$OH/lib:/usr/lib:$OH/lib32Find the line that defines variable LD_ASSUME_KERNEL and comment it:#export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19(No such variable found).source discenv.shGo to patch orachle home of discoverer:Cd /oradata/oracle/middleware/as_1/bin/oradata/oracle/middleware/as_1/bin/eulapi -CREATE_EUL -APPS_MODE \> -CONNECT system/****@PRD1 -USER eulus1 -PASSWORD eulus1 \> -DEFAULT_TABLESPACE DISCO11G -TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE temp \> -EUL_LANGUAGE US -APPS_GRANT_DETAILS apps/****Section 5: Configure Oracle E-Business Suite for Oracle BI Discoverer 11g Integration5.3. Set Applications Profile Options for Discoverer using AutoConfigProceed with the following steps to allow AutoConfig to switch profile options for your remote, standalone Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer 11g Release 1 server.Login to Oracle Applications Manager and navigate to Site Map > AutoConfig > Edit Parameters.Specify following variable:5.6.1. Grant End User Layer Administration PrivilegesGrant the End User Layer Administration privileges for user SYSADMIN using the following command, executed on the standalone application server where Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer 11g Release 1 was installed in Step 3.2./oradata/oracle/middleware/as_1/bin/eulapi \-CONNECT eulus1/eulus1@PRD1 \-GRANT_PRIVILEGE \-USER SYSADMIN \-PRIVILEGE administration \-PRIVILEGE all_admin_privs \-LOG sysamdin_grant.logFor all further End User Layer Administration activities you must use the Oracle E-Business Suite User with the System Administrator responsibility (e.g. SYSADMIN). This E-Business Suite user must import and own the Workbooks and Business Areas of all future Discoverer patches and share them as applicable with other E-Business Suite users and responsibilities.5.6.2. Ensure that user SYSADMIN has full security access to all Business AreasThis step is not necessary for the first import into a new End User Layer because the End User Layer does not contain any Business Areas at this point. But for all subsequent future imports, ensure that the user SYSADMIN has full access to all Business Areas.Execute the following command on the standalone application server where Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer 11g Release 1 was installed in Step 3.2./oradata/oracle/middleware/as_1/bin/eulapi \-CONNECT eulus1/eulus1@PRD1 \-GRANT_PRIVILEGE \-USER SYSADMIN \-BUSINESS_AREA_ADMIN_ACCESS % \-WILDCARD \-LOG GRANT2.logAccess directory $AU_TOP/discover on your E-Business Suite Release 12 instance from your Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer 11g BI instanceEBScd $AU_TOPzip –r discovercopy from $AU_TOP to /oradata/oracle/middleware/asinst_1and then unzip/oradata/oracle/middleware/asinst_1/Discoverer/Discoverer_asinst_1/utilsource discenv.shGoto path /oradata/oracle/middleware/asinst_1/asinst_1/discover where u have unzip sh \connect=sysadmin/quik1234@PRD1 \resp="System Administrator" \gwyuid=APPLSYSPUB/PUB \fndnam=APPS \secgroup="Standard" \topdir=/oradata/oracle/middleware/asinst_1/discover \language=US \eulprefix=EUL \eultype=OLTP \mode=complete \iashome=/oradata/oracle/middleware/as_1 \logfile=import_complete_eul_us_cust120_28May14.logsh \connect=sysadmin/quik1234@PRD1 \resp="System Administrator" \gwyuid=APPLSYSPUB/PUB \fndnam=APPS \secgroup="Standard" \eulschema=eulus1 \eulpassword=eulus1 \twotask=PRD1 \iashome=/oradata/oracle/middleware/as_1 \logfile=refresh_eul_us_PRD1.log ................

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