Jean Piaget Toy Catalog - AP PSYCHOLOGY

Jean Piaget Toy Catalog

Introduction: Jean Piaget is considered to be one of the most important cognitive theorists in the history of psychology. His theory of cognitive development was revolutionary and is still taught and discussed today. How could a parent use Piaget’s theory to improve the cognitive development of their own children?

Task: Your task is to create a toy catalog for parents, recommending one toy for each stage of Piaget’s theory. Follow the following steps to complete your Piaget toy catalog.

Step 1: Create a cover for your toy catalog that has the following elements:

• A creative title

• A picture of Jean Piaget

• A one paragraph summary of his theory written in your own words.

Copying and Pasting information from the Internet will result in a zero for this project!

Step 2: For each stage of his theory complete the following:

• Summarize the cognitive abilities of children in this stage in your own words. Use key terms whenever possible.

• Using or another website to search for a toy that would stimulate the cognitive development of children at that stage. Place a picture of your toy into your catalog and write a paragraph that summarizes what the toy does and why you chose it. In other words, why is this a good toy for a parent to give to a child?

• Complete all four stages in this manner.

Step 3: In 1-2 paragraphs answer the following question:

• How is Piaget’s theory viewed today?

• Evaluate the benefits and criticisms associated with this theory. Think carefully about the terms you use in your web search.

Point Break Down

• 20 point per stage (4 stages = 80 points)

• 10 points for cover page (5 for title and pic, 5 for paragraph)

• 10 points for final summary

(100 points possible/ Assessment points)

DUE: ___________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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