Effective Communication Syllabus

Effective Communication1 credit 930.610.XX[Day & Time / ex: Monday, 6pm-9pm][Start & End Dates / ex: 8/20/18–10/15/18][Semester / ex: Fall 2018][Location / ex: Washington, DC]Instructor[Full Name]Contact Information[Email Address][Phone Number, ###- ###-#### (Optional)]Office Hours[Specify the day and time of the 2 hours that will be dedicated to office hours each week. For evening classes, faculty may wish to hold their office hours by phone or email. While faculty are permitted to state “and by appointment,” office hours should not be held exclusively by appointment.]Required MaterialsCohen, S. D. (2011). Public speaking: The path to success. San Diego, CA: Cognella.Munter, M., & Hamilton, L. (2013). Guide to managerial communication (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.Pack of fifty 3”x5” index cardsArticles and Chapters Available Through BlackboardBariso, J. (2018, April 30). Jeff Bezos knows how to run a meeting. Here’s how he does it.?Inc.?Retrieved from?, R. B. (2001, October 1).?Harnessing the science of persuasion.?Harvard Business Review, 72–79.Duarte, N. (2012). HBR guide to persuasive presentations. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press.MindTools. (n.d.). The hedgehog concept. Retrieved from , D. (2017, January 11). Mastering the informational interview. Forbes. Retrieved from DescriptionThis course prepares Innovation for Humanity (I4H) teams to communicate effectively with internal and external audiences. Students refine their written and oral communication skills through analyses and practice of communication strategies adopted by successful business professionals. In particular, students learn to write compelling memos, deliver persuasive presentations, and construct convincing arguments.Prerequisite(s)NoneLearning ObjectivesBy the end of this course, students will be able to: Write a business memo for a management-level audience.Apply principles of effective speaking to formal and interpersonal situations. Integrate appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication techniques.Create visual aids to support presentation content.Use logical reasoning and evidence to craft persuasive arguments.To view the complete list of Carey Business School’s general learning goals and objectives, visit this webpage.Attendance PolicyStudents are expected to attend all class sessions. Failure to attend a class without a valid excuse will impact your final grade. If you miss class for any reason, ask a classmate to e-mail you his/her class notes. Please do not e-mail me to ask what you missed.Out of respect to your classmates and instructor, you should plan to arrive on time in this course, and be courteous and respectful in all class interactions. You should turn off cell phones and laptops unless they are needed for class activities. Class PoliciesPlease notify me before class (via e-mail) if you need to leave early for any reason.There are no makeups for in-class activities unless you are absent due to an illness or religious holiday. You must notify me of potential conflicts on or before the first day of class.You should plan to wear business attire on the team presentation day.You must upload written assignments to Blackboard before the start time of the class on the day they are due. E-mailed assignments will not be accepted. Assignments will be penalized 10% if they are submitted late and an additional 10% each calendar day they are missing.Remember to proofread every assignment before submitting it. The tutors at the Student Success Center are available to help you with any assignment in this course.I occasionally send course announcements via e-mail. As such, please check your e-mail account on a regular basis.In the event the university closes due to inclement weather, I will announce changes to the course and/or assignment schedule via e-mail.Feel free to make an appointment with me if you have questions or need advice. I am committed to helping you succeed academically and professionally.AssignmentsThe following percentages apply to the assignments. For specifics on how the assignments will be assessed, please review the rubrics on Blackboard.AssignmentLearning ObjectivesWeightAttendance and Participation2, 3, 515%Memo1, 520%Revised Memo1, 520%Team Presentation2, 3, 4, 530%Visual Aids4, 515%Total100%Attendance and Participation (15%):Students are expected to complete all readings and assignments and to participate actively in class discussions and exercises. Attendance is only part of participation. Assessment of participation will include an evaluation of both the quantity and quality of your contributions to class discussions and group projects.Memo (20%):In your I4H teams, write a memo to your project sponsor about how you plan to research a specific business problem. First, demonstrate that there is a problem (i.e., provide evidence of its existence and its impact) and then summarize how you will study—and eventually solve—the problem. Provide a clear rationale (reasons for what you propose); a research plan and timeline, including an indication of how and when you will present your findings and recommendations; and a brief discussion of what you will need (e.g., organizational charts, access to key personnel/sensitive data). You should address the memo to your project sponsor. It should be no more than two pages in length, single-spaced.Revised Memo (20%):Use the feedback you receive to revise your memo. The revised memo should be no more than two pages in length, single-spaced. The document should be attractively designed, using Munter & Hamilton’s tips on the use of white space for high skim value.Team Presentation (30%):In your I4H teams, prepare an informative presentation in which you discuss the research questions you are trying to address. The presentation should focus on the problem definition, your proposed research plan, and the actions you plan to take in-country. You will have six minutes to present and two minutes to answer questions from the audience (who will act as the project sponsor and organization representatives). Each team member should speak for roughly the same amount of time.Visual Aids (15%):In your I4H teams, create a PowerPoint deck to accompany your presentation. The deck must include an appendix that provides further detail on your project (e.g., background information, financial projections, interview/survey data). You are welcome to reference these slides, as appropriate, during the Q&A session.GradingThe grade of A is reserved for those who demonstrate extraordinarily excellent performance as determined by the instructor. The grade of A- is awarded only for excellent performance. The grades of B+, B, and B- are awarded for good performance. The grades of C+, C, and C- are awarded for adequate but substandard performance.?The grades of D+, D, and D- are not awarded at the graduate level (undergraduate only). The grade of F indicates the student’s failure to satisfactorily complete the course work.Please note that for Core and Foundation courses, a maximum of 25% of students may be awarded an A or A-; the grade point average of the class should not exceed 3.3. For Elective courses, a maximum of 35% of students may be awarded an A or A-; the grade point average of the class should not exceed 3.4. (For classes with 15 students or fewer, the class GPA cap is waived.)Tentative Course CalendarI reserve the right to alter course content and/or adjust the pace of instruction to accommodate class progress.WeekContentReadingsAssignments1Communication at Work(Audience-Centered Approach; The Writing Process; Business Memos) Cohen, ch. 1 (Course Text)Munter & Hamilton, ch. 1–3 (Course Text)Bariso (E-Reserves)2Strategic Communication(Relationship-Building; Influence; Informational Interviews)Cohen, ch. 2 (Course Text)Cialdini (E-Reserves)Schwab (E-Reserves)Memo: Submit on Bb and bring a printed copy to class3Presentation Skills(Informative Briefings; Verbal & Nonverbal Delivery; Visual Communication)Cohen, ch. 4 (Course Text)Munter & Hamilton, ch. 5–7 (Course Text)Duarte, ch. 6 (E-Reserves)4Team Presentations(Feedback; Debriefing; Finding Your Hedgehog)MindTools (E-Reserves)Revised Memo: Submit on BbTeam Presentation: In ClassVisual Aids: Submit on Bb5–8Team Consultations with Instructor (as Needed)Weeks 5-8?of Effective?CommunicationIn the final four weeks of the term, Dr. Brian Gunia and I?will assist I4H teams in applying the course lessons to their I4H fieldwork and presentations. In particular, Dr. Gunia will advise students on their problem definition and problem structuring, use of relevant evidence, and the logical coherence of their thinking. I?will advise students on their verbal and nonverbal presentation skills as well as their presentation materials. Any other questions should be directed to the relevant I4H instructor.?Student teams may schedule?20-minute feedback sessions, as needed. These sessions can take?placeMonday through Friday,?either virtually (e.g., via Skype) or in-person, but all team members must be present. Whenever possible, students should?send the request?at least three business days?in advance.?They must explain the purpose of the meeting and include available?time slots?(preferably, on more than one day) between 7:00?am-7:00?pm ET.?Students are responsible for sending an agenda and?sharing any relevant information prior to the meeting.Carey Business School Policies and General InformationBlackboard SiteA Blackboard course site is set up for this course. Each student is expected to check the site throughout the semester as Blackboard will be the primary venue for outside classroom communications between the instructors and the students. Students can access the course site at . Support for Blackboard is available at 1-866-669-6138.Disability Support ServicesAll students with disabilities who require accommodations for this course should contact Disability Support Services at their earliest convenience to discuss their specific needs. If you have a documented disability, you must be registered with Disability Support Services (carey.disability@jhu.edu or 410-234-9243) to receive accommodations. For more information, please visit the Disability Support Services webpage.Academic Ethics PolicyCarey expects graduates to be innovative business leaders and exemplary global citizens. The Carey community believes that honesty, integrity, and community responsibility are qualities inherent in an exemplary citizen. The objective of the Academic Ethics Policy (AEP) is to create an environment of trust and respect among all members of the Carey academic community and hold Carey students accountable to the highest standards of academic integrity and excellence.It is the responsibility of every Carey student, faculty member, and staff member to familiarize themselves with the AEP and its procedures. Failure to become acquainted with this information will not excuse any student, faculty, or staff from the responsibility to abide by the AEP. Please contact the Student Services office if you have any questions. For the full policy, please visit the Academic Ethics Policy webpage.Student Conduct CodeThe fundamental purpose of the Johns Hopkins University’s regulation of student conduct is to promote and to protect the health, safety, welfare, property, and rights of all members of the University community as well as to promote the orderly operation of the University and to safeguard its property and facilities. As members of the University community, students accept certain responsibilities which support the educational mission and create an environment in which all students are afforded the same opportunity to succeed academically. Please contact the Student Services office if you have any questions. For the full policy, please visit the Student Conduct Code webpage.Student Success CenterThe Student Success Center offers free online and in-person one-on-one and group coaching in writing, presenting, and quantitative courses. For more information on these services and others, or to book an appointment, please visit the Student Success Center website.Other Important Policies and ServicesStudents are encouraged to consult the Student Handbook and Academic Catalog and Student Services and Resources for information regarding other policies and services.Copyright StatementUnless explicitly allowed by the instructor, course materials, class discussions, and examinations are created for and expected to be used by class participants only.?The recording and rebroadcasting of such material, by any means, is forbidden. Violations are subject to sanctions under the Academic Ethics Policy. ................

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