The Jewish Illuminati are deceived by Satan

The Jewish Illuminati are Completely Deceived by Their god - Satan!

Lorraine Day, M.D.

Because virtually everyone in the world (including all Americans ? and including all Americans who call themselves "Christians") have left God (almost none are diligently studying the Bible on their own, almost none are seeking the Lord "with all their heart"), God is stepping back temporarily and letting the world experience how it is to have Satan running the world.

Satan's agents are the Illuminati Jews. And here's why:

The Israelites were taken captive to Babylon around 600 B.C. (because they had rejected God). Seventy years later, after Babylon was conquered by Medo-Persia, the Israelites were allowed to return to Palestine. The Pharisees, a group of politicoreligious men, brought back from Babylon to Palestine the Oral Traditions of the pagan Babylonians. When Jesus was on earth, He strongly rebuked the Pharisees, telling them,

"By your traditions, you make the Word of God of no effect." Mark 7:13

Jesus also called the Pharisees vipers and hypocrites, and told them they were "of your father the Devil," and that they were the "synagogue of Satan."

It was the Pharisees who orchestrated the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. And 300 years after His death, resurrection and ascension to heaven, the Pharisees wrote down their Oral Traditions ? which became the Babylonian Talmud, the "holiest" book of the Jews.

And THAT was the beginning of Judaism: 300 years AFTER Christ!

Since todays Jews reverence the pagan Babylonian Talmud, they have become the spiritual ? but not physical ? offspring of the Pharisees, and thus have become the agents of the Devil, Himself ? according to the words of Jesus Christ.

So, the wickedness in the world today is orchestrated by Satan through his own agents ? the Illuminati Jews: the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, George Soros, Les Wexner, Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Jerome Powell and many other wealthy Jews.

The "jobs" are designated by the (Jew) Rothschilds, in this way:

(Jew) George Soros funds HATE and the extermination of the White Race: He funds Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and other such groups. He is using the Blacks, a group that the Jews HATE, to start a civil war against the Whites ? another group that the Jews HATE! Soros' job is to destroy America, reducing it to a 3rd world country AND the elimination of the White Race.

(Jew) Jerome Powell is the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, a private corporation whose Board of Directors contains Jews only. Powell's job is to engineer a massive depression, putting all Americans into poverty, confiscating their homes, cars, guns and virtually all their possessions.

(Jew) Bill Gates is in charge of Extermination of the Gentile population of the world, so the Jews can have the world to themselves. The Jews believe they will be able to slaughter 6 billion Gentiles ? especially Christians ? and have the world as their own. The beginning of their slaughter is occurring now, with the development of DEADLY Vaccines that will contain infertility agents as well as other ruthless killing agents.

The Jews may keep a few million Gentiles around as mind-controlled slaves for their "amusement."

(Jew) Les Wexner funded (Jew) Jeffrey Epstein and (Jew) Ghislaine Maxwell to promote pedophilia, and sex slavery of white Gentile under-age girls to compromise every politician so the political leaders of America and the world have no choice other than to take all their orders from the Jews. That's how the Jews control the Senate and the House of Representatives.

(Jew) Elie Wiesel's job was to promote the LIE of the "Holocaust" so the Jews can extort massive reparations from Germany, plus "Financial Aid" from America, so the nation of Israel can stay afloat financially. It's not yet clear who Wiesel's replacement will be.

(Jew) Henry Kissinger's job is to promote war, which has many "desirable" effects for the Jews: 1) wars kill a lot of Gentiles, both in the U.S. military and those of the opposing Military, 2) the Jews fund both sides of the war so they make billions of dollars, 3) illicit, mind-controlling and deadly drugs are administered to our military personnel leading to the destruction of our armed forces so they can easily be conquered by Jew-controlled Communist Russia or Jew-controlled Communist China.

So ? Where is the Deception? Satan believes he will rule the world after his agents, the Jews have slaughtered all the Gentiles. But little do the Jews know that Satan is just "using" them to do his bidding, like the Jews are "using" the blacks (and Hispanics)

to destroy the White population of the world ? particularly the white Christians, a group that Satan Hates!

Once Satan is in control of the world, he will create chaos among the Jews ? and gleefully watch the Jews slaughter each other!

Bigger Problem!

But there's an even bigger problem: Satan ADMITS he does NOT have Freewill. Even Satan is under the complete control of God.

In the first chapter of the book of Job, in the Bible, God points out to Satan the righteousness of Job. Satan responds:

"Then Satan answered the Lord and said, Does Job fear (reverence) God for nothing? Have you not protected Job, and his house, and all that he has! You have blessed all that he has and increased his substance in the land.

"But if you put forth your hand now and touch (destroy) all he has, he will curse You to your face." Job 1:9-11

There it is! Satan admits he cannot do anything unless God allows it. Satan is completely under the control of the Lord. Satan, the second most powerful being in the universe, admits that he does NOT have Freewill. He is under the complete control of God.

Soon, God will put an end to all the wickedness in the world and eventually everyone, including the Illuminati Jews mentioned above, will reap what he or she has sown. And what a horrific "reaping" that will be!

But through that horror, all of them will recognize their absolute need for Jesus Christ to run their life. Even though the Jews HATE Jesus Christ at the present time, eventually they will ALL bow down and worship Him!


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