French 2Honors / 3 – 2017-2018 Teacher: Kat Páez

French 2Honors / 3 – 2017-2018 Teacher: Kat Páez* room: ST222 * e-mail: *professional text: 720-688-5231AVAILABILITIES: Please confirm appointments with me via e-mail to ensure I am available to meet.NAVY AE (7 to 7:25)CARDINAL AE (7:55 to 8:10)1st BLOCK NAVY DAY PLANNING (7:30 to 9:05) ? Sorry, I am generally NOT available after school.Jeffco’s Established Goals for Level 3: Interpersonal Communication (back and forth with other people): Demonstrate skills necessary to initiate, sustain, and close short oral and written exchanges, using familiar phrases and sentences (speaking and writing). Interpretive Communication (understanding the language): Identify main ideas with supporting details when reading, listening and viewing. Use structural analysis strategies and other clues to identify increasingly complex language in order to derive meaning. Presentational Communication (giving “chunks” of information): Narrate with increased detail in the present and the past. Examine familiar products of the cultures studied as well as how the contributions of people from the target culture have impacted such areas as advanced science, technology, and the arts COURSE DESCRIPTION AND GOALS:French 3 Honors aligns with the Jefferson County CAP documents and the Colorado State World Language Standards to build French language proficiency and connections with the French speaking cultures. Students will continue to increase their ACTFL proficiency levels while using interpersonal, interpretive and presentational modes of communication. The goal by the end of the course is that students will achieve at least an Intermediate Low ACTFL level proficiency level per Jefferson County Public School standards. Successful completion of this course can be a foundational step to life- long fluency and also eventual enrollment in an Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) course. Approximately 80 to 90% of the time, the course will be conducted in French and students will be expected to speak in write in French to every extent possible. The use of English will be minimal.GRADES:A = 90-100B = 80-89C = 70-79D = 60-69F = 59 and belowParticipation - 20%Homework - 15%Writing – 15%Tests, Quizzes & Projects - 30%Final Exam - 15% STANDING SKILL ASSIGNMENTS: Composition Book: “You will be very successful in French if you use and maintain your composition book” French 1 students are required to have a composition book. All vocabulary, relevant notes and grammar will be organized by chapter. These books will be collected and assessed at the end of each unit of study. Composition books may be used as a tool during certain assessments. Active participation in class discussions in French of course!!! Points are recorded on a seating chart and averaged every two weeks.QUIZZES & TESTS:Quizzes will be given frequently to test mastery of vocabulary items and grammatical concepts as well as reading and listening comprehension. A comprehensive exam will be given at the end of each unit of study. ONE week will be allowed to make up quizzes and/or tests after an absence.HOMEWORK:Homework assignments are always posted on the white board in the back of the room, as “devoir / TAFs.” They are also posted online at the end of each day in google classroom. There is no excuse for not knowing what the homework is, even in case of an absence.MAKE-UP, LATE WORK & EXTRA CREDIT: The Jeffco Policy time-frame will be followed for make-up work. It will be extended at the teacher’s discretion but no longer than the end of the month! Assignments that are turned in late will lose up to 50% credit at the teacher’s discretion. Extra credit opportunities can be found on the website. There is a specific tab for it.TEXT: Bon Voyage! 2 & 3 – Glencoe French (hard copy classroom set only)CLASS MATERIALS:Composition BookFolder or Separate section in binderPaper, pencils, and colored pens (for color coding)2 Highlighters – different colorsRECOMMENDED ONLINE FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY & PHONE/COMPUTER AP:CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS:Behavior standards outlined in the DHRS student handbook are e to class alert and on time!Make a conscious effort to speak French in class.Have a willingness to take risks, knowing that by making mistakes we learn.Use my website to keep up with assignments even when you are absent.Incorporate French into your life as much as possible with: magazines (, Vogue), music (,…), French films, etc.General appropriate behavior incorporates kindness and safety considerations.Respect each other and school property.-Respect your classmates’ attempts to use French.-Work willingly and cooperatively with your partner and/or group.Always bring your book(s) and materials to e to class with a positive attitude!CONSEQUENCES FOR INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR:Students will be given one to two verbal warnings for minor issues. Whenever possible, it will be done so privately in the hall with the student. It will be documented in parent portal/infinite campus and/or by email/phone call home. Subsequent offenses will involve referral to the office. Major incidences of safety concerns result in immediate office referrals to administration or campus security.UNAUTHORIZED AIDE: Any type of unauthorized aide will result in zero credit on any type of work. Unauthorized aide may include, but is not limited to:Copying, cheating, translation programs, unapproved native speaker assistance “Google Translate” and other such translation programs are NOT approvedPLEASE DON’T BRING THESE ITEMS TO CLASS! Make-up, hair products or food/drinks that are not part of an approved class activity Technical/digital devices not part of a class activity1st Offense = The item will be confiscated during class and kept securely until the end of that school day.2nd Offense = The item will be confiscated and held until the student’s parent(s) come to retrieve it.CLASSROOM LAND PHONE LINE:Parents may contact the main office for emergencies, and their calls will be put through to my classroom during class time.SMILE ! LAUGH ! – HAVE FUN !!!!!!SONRIE! RIE! – DIVIERTETE !!!!!!!….......................................................................................................................................................................................................................Please print this page, and return this bottom portion for TEN POINTS (required assignment) the next time class meets.I have read and understand all contents of Ms. Páez’s syllabus, and I have discussed it with my parent or guardian.__________________________________________________Student name (please print)__________________________________________________Student signature______________________________________________________Parent/guardian signatureComments? Questions? ................

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