Mills CV July 2013.docx - University of Arizona

CURRICULUM VITAEBARBARA J. MILLSSchool of AnthropologyHaury Anthropology Building1009 E. South Campus Dr.University of ArizonaTucson, AZ 85721-0030520.621.6298 (office) 520.621.2088 (fax) bmills@email.arizona.eduEDUCATIONUniversity of PennsylvaniaA.B., 1976Major: Anthropology University of New MexicoM.A., 1983Major: Anthropology/ArchaeologyUniversity of New MexicoPh.D., 1989Major: Anthropology/ArchaeologyRESEARCH INTERESTSSouthwest Archaeology, Ceramic Analysis, Archaeologies of Inequality, Migration, Identity, Colonialism and Culture Contact, Memory and Materiality, Archaeology of Religion, Heritage Preservation, Social Network Analysis in ArchaeologyPROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENTCurrent Positions:2018-presentRegents Professor, University of Arizona2002-presentProfessor, School (formerly Department) of Anthropology, University of Arizona2002-presentProfessor, American Indian Studies Graduate Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program, University of Arizona2004-presentCurator of Archaeology, Arizona State Museum, University of ArizonaPositions Held:2009-2013Founding Director, School of Anthropology, University of Arizona2008-2009Head, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona2007Acting Head, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona (Summer/Fall)2006-07Acting Head, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Arizona1993-2004Director, University of Arizona Archaeological Field School 2000-2004Associate Curator of Archaeology, Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona1998-2002Associate Professor, American Indian Studies Program, University of Arizona1998-2002Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona.1996-2002Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Arizona1991-1996Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of ArizonaAssistant Professor of Anthropology, Northern Arizona University1985-1988Ceramic Analyst, Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico1986 Archaeological Technician, Bandelier National Monument, National Park Service1984-1985Ceramic Analyst, Chaco Additions Survey, National Park ServiceResearch Assistant, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico1983-1985Graduate Assistant, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico1982Teaching Assistant, Ladder Ranch Project, University of New Mexico 1977-1981Research Archaeologist, Zuni Archaeology Program, Pueblo of Zuni 1976-1977Research Assistant, Zuni Archaeology Program, Pueblo of Zuni.HONORS AND AWARDS2017Presidential Recognition Award, Society for American Archaeology2015Award for Excellence in Archaeological Analysis - Ceramics, Society for American Archaeology2014Cotsen Archaeology Fellow, School for Advanced Research (summer)2006Gordon R. Willey Prize, Archaeology Division, American Anthropological Association, for an outstanding archaeology paper published in American Anthropologist: “The Establishment and Defeat of Hierarchy: Inalienable Possessions and the History of Collective Prestige Structures in the Puebloan Southwest,” 2004, AA 106(2):238-251.1993Research Professorship, Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Institute, University of Arizona, Fall semester 1990Elected to Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society1989Ruth E. Kennedy Dissertation Award, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico 1985-1986Challenge Assistantship, Office of Graduate Studies, University of New Mexico INVITED LECTURES2018Grace Elizabeth Shallit Lecturer, BYU, Provo, UT2017Plenary Speaker, Midwest Archaeological Conference (MAC), Indianapolis2016SBE Distinguished Lecturer, National Science Foundation 2016Distinguished Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Cornell University2015Keynote Speaker, Society for Economic Anthropology, University of Kentucky2012William D. Lipe Distinguished Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University2011Patty Jo Watson Distinguished Lecturer, Archeology Division, American Anthropological Association 2010Distinguished Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico2009Distinguished Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania2009 Distinguished Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder2006Invited Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley2006Invited Lecturer, Archaeology Center, Stanford University2005Distinguished Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas2005Invited Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa BarbaraGRANTS AND CONTRACTS2019-21National Park Service, “Linking Southwest Heritage Through Archaeology, Session 7” (co-PI with Sara Chavarria, $85,000)2018-20National Park Service, “Linking Southwest Heritage Through Archaeology, Session 6” (PI with Sara Chavarria, $85,000)2017-20National Science Foundation, RIDIR Program, “Collaborative Research: cyberSW: A Data Synthesis and Knowledge Discovery System for Long-term Interdisciplinary Research on Southwest Social Change” (Lead PI, $1.7 million; UA portion $1.1 million, co-PIs: Sudha Ram, Jeffery Clark, Matthew Peeples, Scott Ortman)2017-18National Park Service, “Linking Southwest Heritage Through Archaeology” (PI, $72,000)2016-17National Park Service, “Linking Hispanic Heritage Through Archaeology: Session IV,” (PI, $72,000) 2014-17 National Science Foundation, Archaeology Program, “Exploring Adaptive Social Networks in the Face of Geographic Adversity” (PI, $113,327, BCS 1355374) (Lead PI for collaborative grant with Jeffery Clark, Archaeology Southwest, total award is $275,000).2015-16National Park Service, “Linking Hispanic Heritage Through Archaeology: Session III,” (PI, $61,750).2014-16National Science Foundation, Archaeology Program, “EAGER: Gender and Archaeological Research Grant Submissions," co-PI with Lynne Goldstein (August 1, 2014-August 31, 2016, $15,376). 2012-14National Park Service, “Using Archaeology to Link Students to Arizona’s Latino Heritage” (PI, $57,284).2008-13National Science Foundation, Human and Social Dynamics Program, “The Structure and Dynamics of Social Networks in the Prehispanic Southwest” ($299,490, PI) (Lead PI for Collaborative grant with Jeffery Clark, Center for Desert Archaeology, total award $749,000).2009-11National Park Service, Cooperative Agreements for Cultural Resources Surveys and Historic Preservation on Organ Pipe National Monument (co-PI with Brooks Jeffery; $100,000 2009-10; $100,000 2010-11). 2007National Geographic Society, “Chronology of the Andronovo Cultural Community in the Southern Urals, Kazakhstan” ($19,940, PI, co-PI: Irina Panyushkina)2005-07International Arid Lands Consortium, “Implications of Prehistoric Burning for Management of Southwestern Forests,” ($95,000, co-PI with V. Holliday, J. Dean, P. Goldberg, C. Roos, and S. Weiner)2004-05Rutgers University, Institute for Women’s Leadership, Ford Foundation funded grant, “Agencies of Change: Faculty Leadership in Initiating and Sustaining Structural Change at the University of Arizona,” ($24,000 with half as match from the Office of the Provost, U of Arizona), co-PI with L. Brigham, N. Miller, and J. Monk2003-04College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Institute, “An Information Gateway for Southwestern Anthropology” ($45,000) 2003University of Arizona Research Career Development Fund, Office of the Provost ($5000)2002-04National Science Foundation, Archaeology Program, “Ceramics, Colonialism, and Domestic Practice at Zuni Pueblo, A.D. 1300-1900” ($99,000) 2002-05National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates Sites Program, “Undergraduate Research Experience in Archaeology and Historic Preservation: A Cooperative Project of the University of Arizona and the White Mountain Apache Tribe” (PI, co-PI with John Welch) ($201,000) 2002Pueblo of Zuni, Analysis of Ceramics from the Middle Village Project ($7000) 2001-02U.S. Forest Service, Apache Sitgreaves National Forests, Cooperative Agreement for Analysis of Ceramics from Roundy Pueblo $13,000 2001Social and Behavioral Research Institute, University of Arizona, GIS Research Assistant Grant for “Ancestral Pueblo Landscapes and Communities in the Silver Creek Area” 2000Riecker Grant, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, “Labor, Consumption, and Identity: Western Pueblo Ethnogenesis in the Silver Creek Area, East-Central Arizona” ($4,000) 1999-2000National Geographic Society, Research Committee Small Grants Program, "The Spatial Structure of a Pueblo IV Community, Arizona" Grant #6463-99 ($24,700) 1999 Small Grants Program, Office of the Vice-President for Research, University of Arizona, "The Spatial Structure of a Pueblo IV Community, Arizona" ($5000) 1998-2000National Science Foundation, SBER Instrumentation Program, “An Integrated System for Digital Image Acquisition, Image Processing, and CD-Rom Publishing in Archaeology” (co-PI with David Killick and Steven Kuhn) SBR-9812157 ($28,450) 1997National Science Foundation, Anthropology Program, "The Economic, Social, and Political Reorganization of Late Prehistoric Pueblo Communities in the Silver Creek Area, Arizona" SBR-9507660 ($132,311) 1995-98. With REU Supplement SBR-9507661 ($4600) 1996-98Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, U.S. Forest Service, "Cooperative Agreement for Support of Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project" ($10,000) 1995-96 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, "The Archaeology of Integration: Western Pueblo Population Reorganization in the Silver Creek Area, Arizona" ($4,000) 1995Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, U.S. Forest Service, "Cooperative Agreement for Support of Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project" ($12,000) 1993-94 Small Grants Program, Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Arizona, "Prehistoric Population Dynamics in the Silver Creek Area" ($5,000) 1993Columbus Quincentenary Program, University of Arizona, "The Economic Consequences of European Contact: Evidence from the Zuni Area" ($2,400) 1993-94Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, U.S. Forest Service, "Cooperative Agreement for Analysis of Collections and Site Survey Information from the Silver Creek Drainage, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests" ($8000) 1991-93National Science Foundation, Division of Undergraduate Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Education, "Computer-Based Laboratory Exercises for Introductory Archaeology Courses" (co-PI with K. Cruz-Uribe) ($84,266) 1993Missouri University Reactor Facility, University of Missouri-Columbia, "A Neutron Activation Analysis of Protohistoric and Recent Historic Zuni Ceramics" ($20,000 in NSF-subsidized analysis charges) 1992-93Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, U.S. Forest Service, "Cooperative Agreement for Archaeological Inventory of Sites on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests" ($13,000) 1991-92 National Science Foundation, Anthropology Program, "Ceramic Production and the Economic Organization of Protohistoric Zuni Society" (BNS-9116686) ($41,168) 1990-91 University of New Mexico, Office of Contract Archeology, "Analysis of Ceramics Recovered from the Transwestern Pipeline Project" ($193,433) 1991-93; "Analysis and Write-Up of Transwestern Pipeline Project Survey Ceramic Data" ($9888) 1991; "Supplement to Ceramic Analysis" ($29,000) 1992; "Research Design for Ceramic Analysis on the Transwestern Pipeline Project" ($4000) 1990-91 American Anthropological Association, Margaret Cullinam Wray Grant Program, "A Trace-Element Analysis of Zuni Glaze Ware" (co-PI with Richard D. Foust) ($3000) 1991National Endowment for the Humanities, Humanities Travel to Collections Program, "Ceramic Specialization and Standardization at Hawikuh" ($750) 1990American Council of Learned Societies, International Travel Program, "Travel to Attend World Archaeological Congress II, Barquisimeto, Venezuela" ($1000) 1990-91 Northern Arizona University, Organized Research Committee Grant, "Ceramic Composition and Regional Interaction in the Zuni Area" ($12,500) 1989-90Northern Arizona University, Faculty Development Committee, "Development of Visual Materials for Southwestern Archaeology and Emergence of Civilization Courses" ($3000) 1990Northern Arizona University, Colorado Plateau Studies Program, "An Assessment of the Research Potential of the Babbitt Collection at the Museum of Northern Arizona" ($500) 1989Smithsonian Institution, Short-term Visiting Research Fellow, "A Preliminary Compositional Analysis of Matsaki Polychrome," Conservation Analytical Laboratory ($2000) 1986-88National Science Foundation, Anthropology Program, Dissertation Improvement Grant, "Ceramics and Settlement in the Cedar Mesa Area, Southeastern Utah: A Methodological Approach (co-PI with Dr. Jeremy A. Sabloff) ($4600) 1985Sigma Xi (The Scientific Research Society) Research Grant-in-Aid ($350) PUBLICATIONS: BOOKS, MONOGRAPHS, & JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUES Mills, Barbara J., and Severin Fowles (editors)2017The Oxford Handbook of Southwest Archaeology. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Collar, Anna, Fiona Coward, Tom Brughmans, and Barbara J. Mills (editors)2015 “The Connected Past: Critical and Innovative Approaches to Networks in Archaeology.” Special Issue of Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. Ashmore, Wendy, Dorothy Lippert, and Barbara J. Mills (editors)2010Voices in American Archaeology. SAA Press, Washington, D.C. (75th Anniversary Volume of the Society for American Archaeology.)Mills, Barbara J., and William H. Walker (editors)2008Memory Work: Archaeologies of Material Practice. School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe. Mills, Barbara J. (editor)2004 Identity, Feasting, and the Archaeology of the Greater Southwest. University Press of Colorado, Boulder. Mills, Barbara J. (editor)2000Alternative Leadership Strategies in the Prehispanic Southwest. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.Mills, Barbara J., Sarah A. Herr, and Scott Van Keuren (editors)1999Living on the Edge of the Rim: The Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project, 1993-1998. Archaeological Series No. 192 (2 volumes), Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson.Mills, Barbara J., and Patricia L. Crown (editors)1995Ceramic Production in the American Southwest. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Mills, Barbara J., Christine E. Goetze, and Nieves Zede?o1993Across the Colorado Plateau: Anthropological Studies Along the Transwestern Pipeline Route, Volume XVI, Interpretation of Ceramic Artifacts. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology and Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.Ferguson, T. J., and Barbara J. Mills1982Archaeological Investigations at Zuni Pueblo, 1977-1980. Zuni Archaeology Program Report 183. Pueblo of Zuni. (non-peer reviewed)PUBLICATIONS: JOURNAL ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS (PEER-REVIEWED UNLESS NOTED)Mills, Barbara J., and Matthew A. Peeples2019Reframing Diffusion through Social Network Theory. In Interaction and Connectivity in the Greater Southwest, edited by Karen G. Harry and Barbara Roth, pp. 40-62. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.Clark, Jeffery J., Jennifer A. Birch, Michelle Hegmon, Barbara J. Mills, Donna M. Glowacki, Scott G. Ortman, Jeffrey S. Dean, Rory Gauthier,?Patrick D. Lyons, Matthew A. Peeples, Lewis Borck, John A. Ware2019Resolving the Migrant Paradox: Two Pathways to Coalescence in the Late Precontact U.S. Southwest. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 53:262-287.Mills, Barbara J.2018Intermarriage, Technological Diffusion, and Boundary Objects in the U.S. Southwest. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 25(4):1051-1086.Mills, Barbara J., Matthew A. Peeples, Leslie Aragon, Benjamin Bellorado, Jeffery Clark, Evan Giomi, and Thomas C. Windes2018Evaluating Chaco Migration Scenarios Using Dynamic Network Analysis. Antiquity 92(364):922-939.Dungan, Katherine, Devin White, Sylviane Déderix, Barbara Mills, and Kristin Safi2018A Total Viewshed Approach to Local Visibility in the Chaco World. Antiquity 92(364):905-921.Mills, Barbara J. 2018What’s New in Chaco Archaeology? (Introduction to special research section on Chaco Archaeology). Antiquity 92(364):855-869 (non peer-reviewed).Mills, Barbara J. and T. J. Ferguson2018Archaeological Perspectives on Zuni Social History. In Puebloan Societies: Homology and Heterogeneity in Time and Space, edited by Peter M. Whiteley, pp. 187-205. School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Series, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. Mills, Barbara J.2018Navigating Mediterranean Archaeology’s Maritime Networks. In Networks of Maritime Connectivity in the Ancient Mediterranean, edited by Justin Leidwanger and Carl Knappett, pp. 238-256. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Peeples, Matthew A., and Barbara J. Mills2018Frontiers of Marginality and Mediation in the U.S. Southwest: A Social Networks Perspective. In Life Beyond Boundaries: Constructing Identity in Edge Regions of the North American Southwest, edited by Karen Harry and Sarah Herr, pp. 25-56. University Press of Colorado, Boulder. Habiba, Jan C. Athenstadt, Barbara J. Mills, and Ulrik Brandes2018Social Networks and Similarity of Site Assemblages. Journal of Archaeological Science 92:63-72.Goldstein, Lynne, Barbara J. Mills, Sarah Herr, Joanne Burkholder, Leslie Aiello, and Christopher Thorton2018Why Do Fewer Women than Men Apply for Grants After Their PhDs? American Antiquity 83(3):367-386.Altschul, Jeffrey H. William H. Doelle, Kelley A. Hays-Gilpin, Sarah A. Herr, Keith W. Kintigh, Terry H. Klein, Timothy A. Kohler, Barbara J. Mills, Lindsay M. Montgomery, Margaret C. Nelson, Scott G. Ortman, John N. Parker, Matthew A. Peeples, and Jeremy A. Sabloff2018Fostering Collaborative Synthetic Research in Archaeology. Advances in Archaeological Practice 6(1):19-29.Altschul, Jeffrey H. William H. Doelle, Kelley A. Hays-Gilpin, Sarah A. Herr, Keith W. Kintigh, Terry H. Klein, Timothy A. Kohler, Barbara J. Mills, Lindsay M. Montgomery, Margaret C. Nelson, Scott G. Ortman, John N. Parker, Matthew A. Peeples, and Jeremy A. Sabloff2017Opinion Piece: Fostering Synthetic Research in Archaeology to Advance Science and Benefit Society. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(42):10999-11002. Mills, Barbara J.2017Social Network Analysis in Archaeology. Annual Review of Anthropology 46:379-397.Fowles, Severin, and Barbara J. Mills2017On History in Southwest Archaeology. In The Oxford Handbook of Southwest Archaeology, edited by Barbara J. Mills and Severin Fowles, pp. 3–71. Oxford University Press, Oxford. (not peer reviewed)Borck, Lewis, and Barbara J. Mills2017Approaching an Archaeology of Choice: Consumption, Resistance, and Religion in the Prehispanic Southwest. In Foreign Objects: Rethinking Indigenous Consumption in American Archaeology, edited by Craig N. Cipolla, pp. 29–43. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.Vint, James and Barbara J. Mills2016Niches, Networks, and the Pathways to the Forager-to-Farmer Transition in the U.S. Southwest/Northwest Mexico. In The Origins of Food Production, edited by Nuria Sanz, pp. 264-281. UNESCO, Mexico Office. Peeples, Matthew A., Jeffery J. Clark, William H. Doelle, Andy Laurenzi, and Barbara J. Mills2016The Big Picture: The National Historic Preservation Act and Regional Syntheses in the U.S. Southwest. Journal of Arizona Archaeology 4(1):1-9.Mills, Barbara J. 2016Communities of Consumption: Cuisines as Networks of Situated Practice. In Knowledge in Motion?, Constellations of Learning Across Time and Place, edited by Andrew P. Roddick and Ann B. Stahl, pp. 248-270. Amerind Studies in Anthropology (SAA-Amerind Series), University of Arizona Press and Amerind Foundation, Tucson.???????????????????????????????????????????????????Mills, Barbara J., Jeffery J. Clark, and Matthew A. Peeples 2016Migration, Skill, and the Transformation of Social Networks in the pre-Hispanic Southwest. Economic Anthropology 3(2):203-215.Pailes, M. C., D. J. Killick, Barbara J. Mills, and T. J. Ferguson2016Diabase Temper as a Marker for Laguna Ceramics. Kiva 80(3-4):281-303.Peeples, Matthew, Barbara J. Mills, W. Randall. Haas, Jr., Jeffery J. Clark, and John M. Roberts, Jr.,2016Analytical Issues in the Application of Network Analyses to Archaeology. The Connected Past: Challenging Networks in Archaeology and History, edited by Tom Brughmans, Fiona Coward, and Ana Collar, pp. 59-84. Oxford University Press, Oxford.Mills, Barbara J., Lewis Borck, Jeffery J. Clark, Wm. Randall Haas, Jr., Matthew Peeples, and John M. Roberts, Jr.2015Multiscalar Perspectives on Social Networks in the Prehispanic Southwest. American Antiquity 80(1):3-24. Borck, Lewis, Barbara J. Mills, Matthew A. Peeples, and Jeffery J. Clark2015Are Social Networks Survival Networks? An Example from the Late Prehispanic U.S. Southwest. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 22(1):33-57. (Special Issue on “The Connected Past: Critical and Innovative Approaches to Networks in Archaeology”).Collar, Anna, Fiona Coward, Tom Brughmans, and Barbara J. Mills2015Networks in Archaeology: Phenomena, Abstraction, Representation. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 22(1):1-32. (Special Issue on “The Connected Past: Critical and Innovative Approaches to Networks in Archaeology”). (non-peer reviewed)Mills, Barbara J.2015Unpacking the House: Ritual Practice and Social Networks at Chaco. In Chaco Revisited: New Research on the Prehistory of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, edited by Carrie C. Heitman and Stephen Plog, pp. 249-271. Amerind Studies in Anthropology, University of Arizona Press, Tucson.Mills, Barbara J.2015 Challenges and Opportunities for Network Approaches to Interregional Interaction: Perspectives from the North American Southwest. In The Lapita Cultural Complex in Time and Space: Expansion Routes, Chronologies and Typologies, edited by Scarlett Chiu, Christoph Sand, and Nicholas Hogg. Archeologia Pasifika, Volume 3. Institute of Archaeology of New Caledonia and the Pacific and the Center for Archaeological Studies, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica. Mills, Barbara J.2015Regional Patterns of Ceramic Variability in the San Juan Basin: Ceramics of the Chaco Additions Inventory Survey. In The Chaco Additions Survey: An Archaeological Survey of the Additions to Chaco Culture National Historical Park, edited by Robert P. Powers and Ruth M. Van Dyke. Reports of the Chaco Center No. 14. Archaeology Program, Intermountain Region, National Park Service, Department of the Interior, Santa Fe. Electronic document, , accessed March 30, 2016.Mills, Barbara J.2014Relational Networks and Religious Sodalities at ?atalh?yük. In Religion at Work in a Neolithic Society: Vital Matters, edited by Ian Hodder, pp. 159-186. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Mills, Barbara J.2014Land, Labor, Bodies, and Objects: Comments on Inalienability and Mesoamerican Social Life. In The Inalienable in the Archaeology of Mesoamerica, edited by Brigitte Kovacevich and Michael Callahan, pp. 142-149. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.Leidwanger, Justin, Carl Knappett, Pascal Arnaud, Paul Arthur, Emma Blake, Cyprian Broodbank, Tom Brughmans, Tim Evans, Shawn Graham, Elizabeth S. Greene, Barbara Kowalzig, Barbara Mills, Ray Rivers, Thomas F. Tartaron, and Robert Van de Noort2014A Manifesto for the Study of Ancient Mediterranean Maritime Networks. Antiquity () (non-peer reviewed).Mills, Barbara J., Jeffery J. Clark, Matthew Peeples, Wm. R. Haas Jr., John M. Roberts Jr., Brett Hill, Deborah L. Huntley, Lewis Borck, Ronald L. Breiger, Aaron Clauset, and M. Steven Shackley2013The Transformation of Social Networks in the Late Prehispanic U.S. Southwest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(15):5785-5790.Mills, Barbara J., John M. Roberts, Jr., Jeffery C. Clark, Wm. Randall Haas, Jr., Deborah L. Huntley, Matthew Peeples, Lewis Borck, Susan C. Ryan, Meaghan Trowbridge, and Ronald L. Breiger 2013The Dynamics of Social Networks in the Late Prehispanic US Southwest. In Regional Network Analysis in Archaeology, edited by Carl Knappett, pp. 181-202. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Murray, Wendi Field, and Barbara J. Mills 2013Identity Communities and Memory Practices: Logics of Material Deposition in the U.S. Southwest. In Relational Archaeologies: Humans, Animals, Things, edited by Christopher Watts, pp. 135-153. Routledge, London. Mills, Barbara J., and Irina Panyushkina2013Analysis of Ceramics from Lisakovsk Cluster of Sites: Alakul and Fyodorovo Chronology and Interaction. In volume published in Russian, edited by Emma Usmanova, Karagan State University, Kazakhstan. (non-peer reviewed)Roberts, John M., Jr., Barbara J. Mills, Jeffery J. Clark, W. Randall Haas, Jr., Deborah L. Huntley, and Meaghan A. Trowbridge2012A Method for Chronological Apportioning of Ceramic Assemblages. Journal of Archaeological Science 39:1513-1520.Huntley, Deborah, Thomas Fenn, Barbara J. Mills, and Judith Habicht-Mauche2012Embedded Networks? Pigments and Long-Distance Procurement Strategies in the Late Prehispanic Southwest. In Potters and Communities of Practice: Glaze Paint and Polychrome Pottery in the American Southwest, A.D. 1250 to 1700, edited by Linda S. Cordell and Judith A. Habicht-Mauche, pp. 8-18. Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona, University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Mills, Barbara J.2012The Archaeology of the Greater Southwest: Migration, Inequality, and Religious Transformation. In The Oxford Handbook of North American Archaeology, edited by Timothy Pauketat, pp. 547-560. Oxford University Press, Oxford. (non-peer reviewed)Mills, Barbara J.2011Themes and Models for Understanding Migration in the Southwest. In Movement, Connectivity, and Landscape Change in the Ancient Southwest, edited by Margaret C. Nelson and Colleen Strawhacker, pp. 345-359. University Press of Colorado, Boulder. Ashmore, Wendy, Dorothy Lippert, and Barbara J. Mills2010Introduction. In Voices in American Archaeology, edited by Wendy Ashmore, Dorothy Lippert, and Barbara J. Mills, pp. 1-7. SAA Press, Washington, D.C. (75th Anniversary Volume of the Society for American Archaeology.)Murray, Wendi Field, Nicholas Laluk, Barbara J. Mills, and T. J. Ferguson2009Archaeological Collaboration with American Indians: Case Studies from the Western U.S. Collaborative Anthropologies 2:65-86. Mills, Barbara J. 2009From the Ground Up: Depositional History, Memory, and Materiality. Archaeological Dialogues 16(1):38-40. Panyushkina, Irina P., Barbara J. Mills, Emma R. Usmanova, and Li Cheng 2008Calendar Age of Lisakovsky Timbers Attributed to the Andronovo Community of the Bronze Age in Eurasia. Radiocarbon 50(3):459-469.Mills, Barbara J., and T. J. Ferguson2008Animate Objects: Shell Trumpets and Ritual Networks in the Greater Southwest. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 15(4):338-361.Mills, Barbara J.2008How the Pueblos Became Global: Colonial Appropriations, Resistance, and Diversity in the North American Southwest. Archaeologies: Journal of the World Archaeological Congress. 4(2):218-232.Mills, Barbara J., and William H. Walker2008Introduction: Memory, Materiality, and Depositional Practice. In Memory Work: Archaeologies of Material Practices, edited by Barbara J. Mills and William H. Walker pp. 3-23. School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe. Mills, Barbara J.2008Remembering While Forgetting: Depositional Practice and Social Memory at Chaco. In Memory Work: Archaeologies of Material Practices, edited by Barbara J. Mills and William H. Walker, pp. 81-108. School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe. [Reprinted in Contemporary Archaeology in Theory: The New Pragmatism, edited by Robert Pruecel and Stephen A. Mrozowski, pp. 362-384. Willey-Blackwell, Oxford, 2010]Mills, Barbara J., Mark Altaha, John Welch, and T. J. Ferguson2008Field Schools Without Trowels: Teaching Archaeological Ethics and Heritage Preservation in a Collaborative Context. In Collaborating at the Trowel’s Edge: Teaching and Learning in Indigenous Archaeology, edited by Stephen W. Silliman, pp. 25-49. Amerind Foundation and University of Arizona Press, Tucson.Mills, Barbara J.2008 Colonialism and Cuisine: Cultural Transmission, Domestic Practice, and Agency at Zuni Pueblo. In Cultural Transmission and Material Culture: Breaking Down Boundaries, edited by Lee Horne, Brenda Bowser, and Miriam Stark, pp. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Hart, Jeni, Lindy Brigham, Barbara Mills, Mary K. Good, and Jan Monk2008Agents of Change: Faculty Leadership in Initiating and Sustaining Institutional Change at the University of Arizona. In Doing Diversity in Higher Education: Faculty Leaders Share Challenges and Strategies, edited by Winnifred R. Brown-Glaude, pp. 166-183. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick. Mills, Barbara J.2007Ceramics and Pottery. In Encyclopedia of Archaeology, Volume 2, edited by Deborah Pearsall, pp. 975-984. Elsevier, New York. (non-peer reviewed)Mills, Barbara J.2007A Regional Perspective on Ceramics and Zuni Identity, A.D. 200-1630. In Zuni Origins: Toward a New Synthesis of Southwestern Archaeology, edited by David A. Gregory and David R. Wilcox, pp. 210-238. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.Mills, Barbara J.2007Multicrafting, Migration, and Identity in the Greater Southwest. In Rethinking Craft Production: Multicrafting and the Nature of Producers, edited by Izumi Shimada, pp. 25-43. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.Mills, Barbara J.2007Performing the Feast: Visual Display and Suprahousehold Commensalism in the Puebloan Southwest. American Antiquity 72(2):210-239. Fenn, Thomas R., Barbara J. Mills, and Maren Hopkins2006The Social Contexts of Glaze Paint Ceramic Production and Consumption in the Silver Creek Area. In The Social Life of Pots: Glaze Wares and Cultural Dynamics in the Southwest, AD 1250-1680, edited by Judith A. Habicht-Mauche, Suzanne L. Eckert, and Deborah L. Huntley, pp. 60-85. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Mills, Barbara J., and Rafael Vega-Centeno2005Sequence and Stratigraphy. In Handbook of Archaeological Methods, Volume I, edited by Herbert Maschner and Christopher Chippindale, pp. 176-215. AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek. Mills, Barbara J.2005Curricular Matters: The Impact of Field Schools on Southwest Archaeology. In Southwest Archaeology in the Twentieth Century, edited by Linda S. Cordell and Don Fowler, pp. 60-80. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.Mills, Barbara J.2004The Establishment and Defeat of Hierarchy: Inalienable Possessions and the History of Collective Prestige Structures in the Puebloan Southwest. American Anthropologist 106(2):238-251. (winner of the Gordon Willey Award from the Archeology Division, AAA).Mills, Barbara J.2004Identity, Feasting, and the Archaeology of the Greater Southwest. In Identity, Feasting, and the Archaeology of the Greater Southwest, edited by Barbara J. Mills, pp. 1-23. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.Kaldahl, Eric, Scott Van Keuren, and Barbara J. Mills2004Migration, Factionalism, and the Trajectories of Pueblo IV Period Clusters in the Mogollon Rim Region. In The Protohistoric Pueblo World, A.D. 1275-1600, edited by E. Charles Adams and Andrew I. Duff, pp. 85-94. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Mills, Barbara J.2004Key Debates in Chacoan Archaeology. In In Search of Chaco: New Approaches to an Archaeological Enigma, edited by David Noble, pp. 123-130. School of American Research Press, Santa Fe. (non-peer reviewed)Mills, Barbara J.2002Recent Research on Chaco: Changing Views on Economy, Ritual, and Society. Journal of Archaeological Research 10(1):65-117.Mills, Barbara J.2002Acts of Resistance: Zuni Ceramics, Social Identity, and the Pueblo Revolt. In Archaeologies of the Pueblo Revolt, edited by Robert W. Preucel, pp. 85-98. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.Triadan, Daniela, Andrew I. Duff, and Barbara J. Mills2002From Analytical to Anthropological: 14th Century Red Ware Circulation and Its Implications for Pueblo Reorganization. In Ceramic Production and Circulation in the Greater Southwest, edited by Donna M Glowacki and Hector Neff, pp. 85-97. Monograph 44, The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles. Mills, Barbara J.2000Gender, Craft Production, and Inequality in the American Southwest. In Women and Men in the Prehispanic Southwest: Labor, Power, and Prestige, edited by Patricia L. Crown, pp. 301-343. School of American Research Press, Santa Fe.Mills, Barbara J.2000Alternative Models, Alternative Strategies: Leadership in the Prehispanic Southwest. In Alternative Leadership Strategies in the Prehispanic Southwest, edited by Barbara J. Mills, pp. 1-18. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.Hardin, Margaret Ann, and Barbara J. Mills2000The Social and Historical Context of Short-Term Stylistic Replacement: A Zuni Case Study. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 7(3):139-164, special issue on “Recent Advances in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology, Part I,” edited by Brenda J. Bowser. Mills, Barbara J.1999Ceramics and the Social Contexts of Food Consumption in the Northern Southwest. In Pottery and People, A Dynamic Interaction, edited by James Skibo and Gary Feinman, pp. 99-114. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.Mills, Barbara J.1999The Research Setting. In Living on the Edge of the Rim: Excavations and Analyses by the Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project, 1993-1998, edited by Barbara J. Mills, Sarah A. Herr, and Scott Van Keuren, pp. 1-10. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series No. 192. University of Arizona, Tucson.Mills, Barbara J.1999Ceramic Ware and Type Systematics. In Living on the Edge of the Rim: Excavations and Analyses by the Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project, 1993-1998, edited by Barbara J. Mills, Sarah A. Herr, and Scott Van Keuren, pp. 243-268. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series No. 192. University of Arizona, Tucson.Mills, Barbara J.1999The Reorganization of 11th through 14th Century Communities in the Silver Creek Area. In Living on the Edge of the Rim: Excavations and Analyses by the Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project, 1993-1998, edited by Barbara J. Mills, Sarah A. Herr, and Scott Van Keuren, pp. 505-511. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series No. 192. University of Arizona, Tucson.Mills, Barbara J., Sarah A. Herr, Eric J. Kaldahl, Joanne M. Newcomb, Charles R. Riggs, and Ruth Van Dyke1999Excavations at Pottery Hill. In Living on the Edge of the Rim: Excavations and Analyses by the Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project, 1993-1998, edited by Barbara J. Mills, Sarah A. Herr, and Scott Van Keuren, pp. 117-148. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series No. 192. University of Arizona, Tucson. Scott Van Keuren, Barbara J. Mills, Susan L. Stinson, William Graves, Eric J. Kaldahl, and Joanne M. Newcomb1999Excavations at the Bailey Ruin. In Living on the Edge of the Rim: Excavations and Analyses by the Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project, 1993-1998, edited by Barbara J. Mills, Sarah A. Herr, and Scott Van Keuren, pp. 149-242. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series No. 192. University of Arizona, Tucson. Herr, Sarah A., and Barbara J. Mills1999Chronology of the Mogollon Rim Region. In Living on the Edge of the Rim: Excavations and Analyses by the Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project, 1993-1998, edited by Barbara J. Mills, Sarah A. Herr, and Scott Van Keuren, pp. 269-293. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series No. 192. University of Arizona, Tucson. Herr, Sarah A., Susan L. Stinson, Daniela Triadan, and Barbara J. Mills1999Ceramic Production and Distribution in the Silver Creek Area. In Living on the Edge of the Rim: Excavations and Analyses by the Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project, 1993-1998, edited by Barbara J. Mills, Sarah A. Herr, and Scott Van Keuren, pp. 295-324. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series No. 192. University of Arizona, Tucson. Mills, Barbara J.1998Migration and Pueblo IV Community Reorganization in the Silver Creek Area, East-Central Arizona. In Migration and Community Reorganization: The Pueblo IV Period in the American Southwest, edited by Katherine A. Spielmann, pp 65-80. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers 51, Tempe. Mills, Barbara J., and T. J. Ferguson1998Research and Preservation of Sacred Sites by the Zuni Indian Tribe of New Mexico. Human Organization 57:30-42. Mills, Barbara J., Andrea Carpenter, and William Grimm1997Sourcing Chuskan Ceramic Production: Petrographic and Experimental Approaches. Kiva 62:261-282. Varien, Mark D., and Barbara J. Mills1997Accumulations Research: Problems and Prospects for Estimating Site Occupation Span. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 4:141-191.Mills, Barbara J.1996The Social Context of Production. In Interpreting Southwestern Diversity: Underlying Principles and Overarching Patterns, edited by Paul Fish and J. Jefferson Reid, pp. 121-124. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers 48, Tempe. Mills, Barbara J.1995Assessing the Scale of Organizational Change in Protohistoric Zuni Ceramic Production and Distribution. Museum Anthropology 19(3):37-46. Mills, Barbara J.1995The Organization of Protohistoric Zuni Ceramic Production. In Ceramic Production in the American Southwest, edited by Barbara J. Mills and Patricia L. Crown, pp. 200-230. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.Mills, Barbara J.1995Gender and the Reorganization of Zuni Craft Production: Implications for Archaeology. Journal of Anthropological Research 51:149-172. Mills, Barbara J., and Patricia L. Crown1995Ceramic Production in the American Southwest: An Introduction. In Ceramic Production in thE American Southwest, edited by Barbara J. Mills and Patricia L. Crown, pp. 1-29. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Mills, Barbara J.1994Community Dynamics and Archaeological Dynamics: Some Considerations of Middle-Range Theory. In The Ancient Southwestern Community: Models and Methods for the Study of Prehistoric Social Organization, edited by W. H. Wills and Robert D. Leonard, pp. 55-65. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.Rothschild, Nan A., Barbara J. Mills, T. J. Ferguson, and Susan Dublin1993Abandonment at Zuni Farming Villages. In Abandonment of Settlements and Regions, edited by Catherine M. Cameron and Steve A. Tomka, pp. 123-137. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Mills, Barbara J., Eileen L. Camilli, and LuAnn Wandsnider1992Spatial Patterning in Ceramic Vessel Distributions. In Piecing Together the Past: Applications of Refitting Studies in Archaeology, edited by Jack Hofman and James G. Enloe, pp. 217-237. British Archaeological Reports International Series 578. Tempus Reparatum, Oxford. Mills, Barbara J., and Christine E. Goetze1990Assessing the Research Potential of Museum Collections: The Babbitt Collection at the Museum of Northern Arizona. Kiva 57(1):77-91. Ferguson, T. J., Barbara J. Mills, and Calbert Seciwa1990Contemporary Zuni Architecture and Society. In Pueblo Style and Regional Architecture, edited by Nicolas C. Markovich, Wolfgang F.E. Preiser, and Fred G. Sturm, pp. 103-121. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Mills, Barbara J.1989Integrating Analyses of Vessels and Sherds through Models of Ceramic Assemblage Formation. World Archaeology 21(1):133-147. Ferguson, T. J., and Barbara J. Mills1987Settlement and Growth of Zuni Pueblo: An Architectural History. Kiva 52:243-266. Mills, Barbara J.1984Functional Analysis of Ceramics from the Anderson Site. In Ladder Ranch Research Project, A Report of the First Season, edited by Margaret A. Nelson, pp. 67-81. Technical Series of the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, No. 1. Albuquerque. Gilman, Patricia A., and Barbara J. Mills1984Preliminary Report on the Ceramics from the Anderson Site. In Ladder Ranch Research Project, A Report of the First Season, edited by Margaret A. Nelson, pp. 51-66. Technical Series of the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, No. 1. Albuquerque. PUBLICATIONS: WORKS IN PROGRESS Manuscripts in Preparation:Brughmans, Tom, Barbara J. Mills, Jessica Munson, and Matthew Peeples (eds)n.d.The Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Network Analysis. Under contract to Oxford University Press, Oxford. Giomi, Evan, Leslie Aragon, Benjamin A. Bellorado, Barbara J. Mills, and Matthew Peeplesn.d.Dogoszhi-Style Ceramics as Markers of Elite Status within the Chacoan Regional System. In prep.PUBLICATIONS: BOOK REVIEWS 2019Book Review: Ceramics of Ancient America: Multidisciplinary Approaches. Yumi Park Huntington, Dean E. Arnold, and Johanna Minich, eds. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2018. Journal of Anthropological Research (in press). 2016 Book Review: Tracing the Relational: The Archaeology of Worlds, Spirits, and Temporalities. Edited by Meghan E. Buchanan and B. Jacob Skousen. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2015. American Indian Culture and Research 40(2):176-177.2013Human-Thing Theory, Review of Ian Hodder’s Entangled: An Archaeology of Human-Thing Relations. Current Anthropology 54(4):515-516.2008Book Review, Josephine Foard and the Glazed Pottery of Laguna Pueblo, by Dwight P. Lanmon, Lorraine Welling Lanmon, & Dominique Coulet du Gard. Journal of Anthropological Research. 2008Book Review, The Archaeology of Chaco Canyon: an Eleventh-Century Pueblo Regional Center. Stephen H. Lekson, ed. American Anthropologist 110(1):121-122. 2006Book Review, Mimbres Painted Pottery, Revised Edition, by J.J. Brody. Journal of Anthropological Research 62(2):296-297.2003Book Review, Chaco Society and Polity: Papers from the 1999 Conference, edited by Linda S. Cordell, W. James Judge, and June-el Piper; and Examining the Course of Southwest Archaeology, edited by David Phillips and Lynne Sebastian, American Antiquity 68(3):594. 2003Book Review, Indigenous Archaeology, by Joe Watkins, American Anthropologist 105(2):473-474.1996Book Review, Social Dynamics of Pottery Style in the Early American Southwest, by Michelle Hegmon, Kiva 62:205-207.1996Review Essay: The Organization of Prehistoric Southwestern Communities: Economic, Ideological, and Spatial Approaches. Reviews in Anthropology 25:49-60. 1994Book Review, Ceramics and Ideology: Salado Polychrome Pottery, by Patricia L. Crown, Antiquity 68(261):897-898. 1994Book Review, Acoma and Laguna Pottery, by Rick Dillingham and Melinda Elliott, The American Indian Quarterly 18(4):572-574.1993Book Review, Ceramic Production and Distribution, by George J. Bey, III and Christopher A. Pool, American Anthropologist 95(4):1015-16. 1993Book Review, Early Prehistoric Agriculture in the American Southwest, by W.H. Wills, American Antiquity 58(4):782-3.1993Book Note, Excavations at Three Prehistoric Sites along Pia Mesa Road, Zuni Indian Reservation, by Mark Varien et al., American Antiquity 58(1):181-2.Publications: Newsletter and Magazine Articles Clark, Jeffery, and Barbara J. Mills (editors)2018Chacoan Archaeology at the 21st Century: New Questions and Ongoing Revelations. Special Issue of Archaeology Southwest 32(2&3). [includes co-authorship of Introduction and two other articles]Peeples, Matthew A., Barbara J. Mills, Jeffery J. Clark, W. R. Haas, Jr., John M. Roberts, Jr., J. Brett Hill, Deborah Huntley, Lewis Borck, Ronald L. Breiger, Aaron Clauset, and M. Steven Shackley2013 Social Networks in the Distant Past, issue edited by Matthew A. Peeples. Archaeology Southwest Magazine 27(2), , Barbara 2006“A Diversity of Graduate Curricula in Applied Archaeology.” The SAA Archaeological Record, special issue on The New Graduate Curriculum, November.Yu, Pei Lin, Barbara Mills, and Anna Neuzil2006“What Skills Do I Need to Obtain and Keep a Job in Archaeology.” The SAA Archaeological Record, May, Society for American Archaeology, Washington, D.C.Mills, Barbara2005How the Past Becomes the Present. Anthro News, November. American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.Chamblee, John F., and Barbara J. Mills2001Archaeology in 2001: Current Research Based on the 2001 Annual Meeting Program. The SAA Archaeological Record 1(5):24-28. Society for American Archaeology, Washington, DMills, Barbara J., and John F. Chamblee2001Annual Meeting Highlights, New Orleans, 2001. The SAA Archaeological Record 1(1):11-12. Society for American Archaeology, Washington, D.C.Mills, Barbara J.1996Working Together, The Archaeological Field School in the 1990s: Collaboration in Research and Training. SAA Bulletin 14(5):18-20. Society for American Archaeology, Washington, D.C.SYMPOSIA/FORUM ORGANIZED2018Beyond Centrality: Bridging Network Approaches through Archaeological Narratives. Symposium organized for the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (co-organizer with Stefani Crabtree)2016Chaco and Hopewell: Rethinking “Interaction Spheres” Through Multiscalar Network Analysis. Symposium organized for the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. (co-organizer with Alice Wright). 2015Gender Disparities in Research Grant Submissions, Forum at Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, co-organizer and co-chair. 2013The Connected Past: Critical and Innovative Approaches to Networks in Archaeology, Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI. (co-organizer with Tom Brughmans)2012The Dynamics of Social Networks in the Prehispanic Southwest, A. D. 1200-1550. School of Advanced Research NSF Research Team Short Seminar (co-organizer with Jeffery Clark and Deborah Huntley) (March).2012Networking the Past: Applications of Social Network Analysis to Southwestern Archaeology, session at the Society for American Archaeology annual meeting, Memphis (co-organized with Jeffery J. Clark)2006“Memory Work: Archaeologies of Material Practice,” session organized for the TAG 2006, (Theoretical Archaeology Group), Exeter, U.K. (co-organizer with William H. Walker and Joshua Pollard)2005“The Archaeology of Ritual, Memory, and Materiality,” invited session by the AAA Executive Program Committee for the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C. (co-organizer with William H. Walker)2005“The Archaeology of Ritual, Memory, and Materiality” School of American Research Short Seminar, February 16-18, 2005, Santa Fe (co-organized with William H. Walker)2005“Mobile Farmers, Migrants, and Boundary Permeability: Putting the Mogollon Rim in Archaeological Perspective,” Session submitted for the 71st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Salt Lake City. 2003“Colonialism and Culture Change at Zuni Pueblo, 1300-1900,” Amerind Foundation Advanced Seminar, Dragoon. 2002“Identity, Feasting, and the Archaeology of the Greater Southwest,” Eighth Biennial Southwest Symposium, Tucson.1998“Alternative Leadership Strategies in the Greater Southwest,” 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 1992“The Organization of Ceramic Production in the American Southwest,” 57th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Scholarly Presentations (last 10 years only)Mills, Barbara J.2018Invited participant, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research international conference on “Cultural Heritage Crime,” at Fort Apache Indian ReservationMills, Barbara J.2018Invited Discussant. Room 28: Results of the NEH and National Geographic Society funded excavations at Pueblo Bonito. SAA 81st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.Peeples, Matthew A., Barbara J. Mills, and Jeffery J. Clark2018The Risks and Rewards of Network Position in the Chaco World, SAA 81st Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (invited)Mills, Barbara J.2018Cahokia in Continental Perspective. Presented at the “Ancient Cahokia Future Visions” Conference, University of Illinois, Champaign-UrbanaMills, Barbara J.2017Social Network Approaches to Prehispanic North American Migration and Coalescence, Plenary speaker, Midwest Archaeological Conference, Indianapolis. Mills, Barbara J.2017Modeling Archeological Interactions in Space, University of Paris 1 and Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris ?le-de-France.Mills, Barbara J., Matthew A. Peeples, Leslie Aragon, Jeffery Clark, and Thomas C. Windes2017“Mind the Gap”: Social Networks and Chaco Migration Scenarios. Invited paper for symposium on “Recent Analytical Contributions to Chacoan Archaeology,” Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, Vancouver.Dungan, Katherine, Sylviane Dederix, Barbara Mills, Kristin Safi, and Devin White2017Local Visibility and Monumentality in the Chaco World: A Total Viewshed Approach. Invited paper for symposium on “Recent Analytical Contributions to Chacoan Archaeology,” Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, Vancouver.Peeples, Matthew, Barbara Mills, and Jeffery Clark2017Tackling the Big Challenges of Big Data: Examples from the U.S. Southwest. Invited paper for symposium on “The Future of ‘Big Data’ in Archaeology,” Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, Vancouver. Giomi, Evan, Leslie Aragon, Benjamin A. Bellorado, Barbara Mills, and Matthew Peeples2017Dogoszhi-Style Ceramics as Markers of Elite Status within the Chacoan Regional System. Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, Vancouver.Mills, Barbara J. 2016Migration, Marriage Networks, and Weak Ties: Understanding Pottery Innovation and Diffusion in the U.S. Southwest. Invited presentation for French National Agency for Research funded conference, “Transmission, Social Boundaries, and Social Networks: Conditions for the Diffusion of Technical Innovations,” organized by V. Roux (CNRS, Nanterre), G. Manzo (CNRS, Paris), and B. Bril (EHESS, Paris). Sorbonne/University of Paris, June.Mills, Barbara J., and Alice Wright2016Chaco and Hopewell: An Introduction. In Chaco and Hopewell: Rethinking “Interaction Spheres” Through Multiscalar Network Analysis Paper, presented at the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meetings, Orlando, FL.Peeples, Matthew A., Barbara J. Mills, et al.2016Chaco. In Chaco and Hopewell: Rethinking “Interaction Spheres” Through Multiscalar Network Analysis. Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meetings, Orlando, FL.Roberts, John M., Matthew Peeples, Barbara J. Mills, and Ronald Breiger2016Filtering Methods in the Archaeological Context. Paper presented at the International Network for Social Network Analysis annual conference (INSNA). Newport Beach, CA. Mills, Barbara J. 2015Invited Discussant, session on Ceramics and Identity, Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Nashville, TN. November.Mills, Barbara J.2015The Southwest Social Networks Project: Perspectives and Prospects. Presented at the NEXUS 1492 Project Meeting, Musee de Quai Bramley, Paris, October.Ferguson, T. J., and Barbara J. Mills2015Archaeological Perspectives on Zuni Social History. Paper prepared for School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar, Santa Fe, October. Mills, Barbara J.2015Invited Participant, Amerind short seminar on Migration, organized by Jeffery Clark (September).Mills, Barbara J.2014The Social Contexts of Innovation in the Prehispanic US Southwest: A Network Approach. Paper presented at the conference, “Contextualising Technical Innovations in Prehistory,” TOPOI Excellence Cluster, Frei University and Max Plank Institute, Berlin, November 24-26.Mills, Barbara J.2014Unpacking the Forager-to-Farmer Transition in the U.S. Southwest/Northwest Mexico. Paper presented at UNESCO HEADS Expert Meeting, Puebla, Mexico, August 18-22, “Settlement Dynamics: The Forager-Farmer Transition, Origins of Food Production and the World Heritage Convention.”Mills, Barbara J.2014Re-connecting the Past: Network Approaches to Regional Interaction in the Archaeology of the Late Prehispanic Southwest. Colloquium presented at School for Advanced Research, Santa Fe, 16 July.Mills, Barbara J. 2014Communities of Consumption: Cuisines as Networks of Situated Practice. Invited Paper for Symposium on “Learning and Doing: Communities of Practice in Scalar Perspective?,” organized by Ann Stahl and Andrew Roddick, Austin, Texas (Paper presented at the SAA Annual meetings, Austin; revised for SAA-Amerind Seminar, Dragoon, AZ.)?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Borck, Lewis M., and Barbara J. Mills2014So If All of Your Friends Jumped Off of a Cliff [Polychrome], You Would Too? Modeling Precolonial Participation and Resistance to the Salado Social Movement. Invited paper for symposium at SAA Annual Meeting, Austin. Bellorado, Benjamin, and Barbara J. Mills2014The Ties that Bind: Textile Imagery, Social Proximity, and Communities of Practice in the Northern Southwest. Invited paper for symposium at SAA Annual Meeting, Austin.Mills, Barbara J., and Matthew A. Peeples2014Reframing Diffusion through Social Network Theory. Invited Paper for session on “Rethinking Diffusion: Beyond Exchange and Migration,” organized by Catherine Cameron and Stephen Lekson for the Southwest Symposium, University of Nevada at Las Vegas.Ferguson, T. J., and Barbara J. Mills2014Archaeological Perspectives on Zuni Social Organization. Invited paper for session on “Reconsidering Pueblo Social Organization,” organized by Peter Whitely for the Society for Anthropological Sciences Annual Meeting, Albuquerque. (selected for SAR seminar, 2015)Roberts, John M. Jr., Ronald Breiger, Matthew Peeples, and Barbara Mills2014Sampling Variability in Archaeological Networks Measures. Invited paper for session on “Archaeological Networks,” International Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, Tampa, FL.Mills, Barbara J., Matthew A. Peeples, Jeffery J. Clark, and John M. Roberts, Jr.2013How Migrants in Diaspora Overcame Inequality in the Prehispanic Southwest. Invited Paper for Symposium on “Bodies in Motion: Making a Case for Archaeological Studies of Migration,” organized by Benjamin Valentine for American Anthropological Association annual meeting.Dungan, Katherine, and Barbara Mills2013Great Kivas in a Shifting Social Landscape: Religious Architecture and Political Transformation in the Prehispanic Central U.S. Southwest. Invited paper for the session “The Archaeology of Religion and Politics in the Americas” at the 112th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, ILMills, Barbara J.2013Comparing Terrestrial and Maritime Networks: The View from the Desert. Invited presentation for Mediterranean Maritime Networks Conference, organized by Carl Knappett, University of Toronto. Mills, Barbara J., Matthew Peeples, W. R. Haas, Jr., J. Brett Hill, Jeffery Clark, and John M. Roberts Jr.2013The Social and Spatial Dynamics of Networks in the Prehispanic Southwest. Invited paper for the International Network of Social Network Analysis, Hamburg, Germany. Mills, Barbara J., Matthew Peeples, W. R. Haas, Jr., Lewis Borck, Jeffery Clark, and John M. Roberts Jr.2013Multiscalar Perspectives on Social Networks in the Late Prehispanic Southwest. In “The Connected Past: Critical and Innovative Approaches to Networks in Archaeology,” Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI.Mills, Barbara J.2013Discussant. Forum on “Re-connecting the Past: The Future of Social Network Analysis in Archaeology,” Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI. Mills, Barbara J.2012Macroregional Migration and Ceramics: Examples from the Southwest Social Networks Project, A.D. 1200-1500. Keynote address for International Conference on Cross-regional Comparison of Ancient Migration and Exchange Patterns, Academia Sinica, 1-3 September, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan.Mills, Barbara J., Jeffery Clark, Matthew Peeples, Lewis Borck, W. Randall Haas Jr., and John M. Roberts Jr.2012The Topology of Persistence: Network Analysis and Southwest Settlement Stability, A.D. 1200-1500. Paper presented at the 77nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Memphis.Lewis Borck, Jeffery J. Clark, Barbara J. Mills and Matthew A. Peeples2012The Structural Setting of Migration: Network Organization and the Kayenta Area Depopulation of the Late 13th Century. Paper presented at the 77nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Memphis.Wm. R. Haas Jr. and Barbara Mills2012Ceramics as Agents: Ware Affiliation Networks in the U.S. Southwest. Paper presented at the 77nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Memphis.Mills, Barbara J. Jeffery Clark, Matthew Peeples, William R. Haas, Jr., Lewis Borck,Deborah Huntley, M. Steven Shackley, Brett Hill, Ronald Breiger, and John M. Roberts, Jr.2012Dynamic Network Analysis: Stability and Collapse in U.S. Southwest, A.D. 1200-1500. Paper presented at “The Connected Past Conference,” U of Southampton, UK.Mills, Barbara J.2012Discussant Comments for The “Networked” Feast, organized by Janling Fu and Jeffery Dobereiner, 77th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Memphis.Murray, Wendi Field, and Barbara J. Mills2012Identity Communities and Material Practices: Relational Logics in the U.S. Southwest. Paper presented in the session, “No (Hu)Man is an Island”: Relational Ontologies in the Archaeological Past, organized by Christopher Watts, Paper presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Memphis.Mills, Barbara J., and Katherine Dungan2012Religious Diversity, Density, and Transformation: Archaeological Perspectives from the Greater Southwest. Paper presented at the conference “Sacred Spaces and Places,” organized by Suzanne Villanueve and Brian Hayden, Simon Fraser University.Mills, Barbara J., Lewis Borck, Jeffery J. Clark, Wm. Randall Haas, Jr., Matthew Peeples, and John M. Roberts, Jr.2012Multiscalar Perspectives on Southwest Social Networks, A.D. 1200-1500. Poster presented at the 13th Biennial Southwest Symposium, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.Haas, Wm. Randall, Jr., Jeffery J. Clark, Barbara J. Mills, Lewis Borck, Brett Hill, Deborah Huntley, Matthew Peeples, Susan C. Ryan, M. Steven Shackley, and Meaghan A. Trowbridge2012The SWSN Database: Late Prehispanic Artifact Distributions in the Western U.S. Southwest. Poster presented at the 13th Biennial Southwest Symposium, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.Mills, Barbara J.2011From Communities of Practice to Social Networks: Thinking Relationally in Archaeology. Patty Jo Watson Distinguished Lecture, Archeology Division, American Anthropological Association, Montreal.Mills, Barbara J.2011Discussants Comments for Pathways to Power in the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, organized by Gil Stein, Yorke Rowan, and Abbas Alizadah. Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago.Mills, Barbara J.2011Relational Networks and Networks of Relations: Ritual Sodalities at ?atalh?yük. Paper presented in Seminar on “Religion as the Basis for Power and Property at ?atalh?yük,” Konya and ?atalh?yük, Turkey. Mills, Barbara J.2011From Typology to Topology: Social Network Analysis and the Dynamics of Late Prehispanic Communities in the U.S. Southwest, AD 1200-1550. Invited Paper Presented at the “New Directions in Archaeology” Conference, Organized by the Harvard University Standing Committee on Archaeology, Cambridge, MA, April 15-16,th 2011.Панюшкина И.П., Усманова Э.Р., Миллс Б. Коррекция возраста Алакульской и 2011Федоровской культур в Северном Казахстане по дендрохрологическим датам могильника Лисаковский. // Маргулановские чтения – 2011. Материалы международной археологической конференции, Астана, 20-22 апреля 2011, с 431-435.(Panyushkina I.P., Usmanova E.R., Mills B.J. Revising Calendar Age of the Alakul and Fedorovo Cultures with Tree rings from the Lisakovsky Burial Site, Northern Kazakhstan. In Proceedings of International Archaeological conference “Margulan Readings,” Astana, April 22-22, 2011, pp. 431-435) (In Russian).Cerezo-Román, Jessica I., and Barbara J. Mills2011Pathways to Personhood: Cremation as a Social Practice among the Tucson Basin Hohokam. Invited paper for session on The Social Dimensions of Cremation, presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Sacramento, CA.Huntley, Deborah, Barbara Mills, Lara Muncaster, and Wm. R. Haas2011The White-on-red Pottery Phenomena in the Southwest. Invited paper for session on Beyond Typology, presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Sacramento, CA.Mills, Barbara J.2010The Southwest Social Networks Project and the Archaeology of the Late Prehistoric Southwest, A.D. 1200-1550. Invited presentation in the School of Information Science, Technology, and the Arts (SISTA) colloquium series, University of Arizona, December.Mills, Barbara J.2010The Circulation of People and Things: Materiality, Communities of Practice, and Social Networks in Archaeology. Invited paper for AAA 2010 meeting session, Five Fields Update, sponsored by Anthropology in Community Colleges Section, New Orleans.Mills, Barbara J.2010Unpacking the House: Ritual Practice and Social Networks at Chaco. Paper presented in Amerind Seminar, Current Research on Chaco, A.D. 850-1150, organized by Stephen Plog and Carolyn Heitman.Huntley, Deborah, Jeffery Clark, Barbara J. Mills, William R. Haas, Jr., and John M. Roberts2010The Southwest Social Networks Project. Paper presented at the Mogollon Conference, Las Cruces, NM.Mills, Barbara J., Jeffery C. Clark, Deborah Huntley, W. R. Haas, Jr., Meaghan Trowbridge, Susan C. Ryan, Ben MacMahan, M. Steven Shackley, Ronald M. Breiger, and John M. Roberts, Jr.2010The Southwest Social Networks Project: Late Prehispanic Social Dynamics in the Southwest U.S. Invited Paper for session on “New Approaches in Regional Network Analysis” at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis.Trowbridge, Meaghan, Jeffery C. Clark, Deborah Huntley, Barbara J. Mills, and John M. Roberts, Jr.2010Modeling Ceramic Distributions: A Network Approach. Poster prepared for the 75th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis. Ferguson, T. J., and Barbara J. Mills2010Reuniting Southwest Ethnography with Archaeology. Invited Paper presented in symposium on “Whither Southwest Archaeology” at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis. Mills, Barbara J.2010The Archaeology of Social Networks in the Prehispanic Southwest. Distinguished Lecture, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.Roberts, Jr., John M., Jeffery C. Clark, William R. Haas Jr., Barbara J. Mills, Deborah Huntley, and Meaghan Trowbridge2010Ceramic Assemblages and Network Representations of the San Pedro Valley, Arizona, A.D. 1200-1400. Paper presented at the Society for Anthropological Sciences Annual Meeting, Albuquerque.W. R. Haas, IV, Jeffery C. Clark, Deborah Huntley, Barbara J. Mills, John M. Roberts, Jr., Steven Shackley, and Meaghan Trowbridge2010The Southwest Social Networks Project: A Macroregional Social Network Approach to the Greater Southwest. Poster presented at the XXI Biennial Southwest Symposium, Hermosillo, Sonora, MX.Mills, Barbara J.2009The Archaeology of Memory and Materiality at Chaco Canyon, NM. Distinguished Lecture, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania.Mills, Barbra J.2009The Archaeology of Migration in the Greater Southwest. Invited presentation to the National Geographic Society Scientific Committee, Washington, D.C., February.Huntley, Deborah, Thomas Fenn, Barbara J. Mills, and Judith Habicht-Mauche2009Embedded Networks? Pigments and Long-Distance Procurement Strategies in the Late Prehispanic Southwest. Invited paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta, GA.Mills, Barbara J., and Wendi Field Murray2009Identity Communities and Memory Practices: Logics of Material Deposition in the U.S. Southwest, Invited paper presented at the Theoretical Archaeology Group, Stanford University. Mills, Barbara J.2009“The Archaeology of Social Networks and Memory Practices at Chaco Canyon, NM.” Distinguished Archaeology Lecture, University of Colorado, Boulder. Murray, Wendi Field, Nicholas C. Laluk, Barbara J. Mills, and T. J. Ferguson2008Archaeological Collaboration with Native Americans in the Western United States. Paper Delivered at the 107th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco.Mills, Barbara J., and Wendi Field Murray2008Identity Communities and Material Practices: Logics of Ritual Deposition in the U.S. Southwest. Paper presented at the World Archaeological Congress, Dublin, Ireland, session on “Materializing Identities.”Mills, Barbara J.2008Invited Discussant, “Inalienable Possessions in Mesoamerica,” Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver. Mills, Barbara J.2008Invited Discussant, “Migration” Session, 10th Biennial Southwest Symposium, Arizona State University, Tempe. SELECTED REPORTS AND NONREFEREED BOOK CHAPTERSGoldstein, Lynne, Barbara J. Mills, Jo Burkholder, Sarah A. Herr, Leslie Aiello, and Chris Thornton 2017Gender Disparities in Archaeology Research Grant Submissions. Final report submitted to the NSF and SAA, SAA Task Force Results. MATRIX website (MSU): ; go directly to the report here: , Barbara J.2010Chronological, Distributional and Functional Analyses of Ceramic Assemblages from the Casamero and Pierre's Complexes. In The Casamero Community in the Red Mesa Valley of Northwestern New Mexico, compiled and edited by Frances Joan Mathien, pp. 123-154. Special Publication of the Archaeological Society of New Mexico No. 4, New Mexico Bureau of Land Management Cultural Resources Series Monograph No. 17. Albuquerque. (republication of report prepared for OCA, UNM)Hart, Jeni, Lindy Brigham, Mary Good, Barbara Mills, and Jan Monk2007Agencies of Change: Faculty Leadership in Initiating and Sustaining Structural Change at the University of Arizona, Final report submitted to Rutgers University, Institute for Women’s Leadership. Southwest Institute for Research on Women, University of Arizona.Mills, Barbara J.2004Annual Report of the University of Arizona Archaeological Field School, submitted to the White Mountain Apache Tribe.Roos, Christopher I., and Barbara J. Mills2004Annual Report of the University of Arizona Archaeological Field School, submitted to the U. S. Forest Service, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, Springerville.Mills, Barbara J., et al.2003 Colonialism and Culture Change at Zuni Pueblo, A.D. 1300-1900. Collected papers from Amerind New World Seminar, Dragoon, AZ. Mills, Barbara J.2003Annual Report of the University of Arizona Archaeological Field School, submitted to the White Mountain Apache Tribe.Mills, Barbara J., and Samual Duwe2003Annual Report of the University of Arizona Archaeological Field School, submitted to the U. S. Forest Service, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, Springerville.Mills, Barbara J.2002Annual Report of the University of Arizona Archaeological Field School, submitted to the White Mountain Apache Tribe. Mills, Barbara J. and Michael Margolis2002Annual Report of the University of Arizona Archaeological Field School, submitted to the U. S. Forest Service, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, Springerville.Mills, Barbara J.2000The Archaeological Field School in the 1990s: Collaboration in Research and Training. In Working Together Native Americans and Archaeology, edited by Kurt E, Dongoske, Mark Aldenderfer, and Karen Doehner, pp. 121-128. Society for American Archaeology, Washington, D.C. (Reprint of article originally published in 1996 in the SAA Bulletin, with postscript)Mills, Barbara J., Thomas Fenn, Kristen Hagenbuckle, Shannon Plummer, Susan Stinson, and Raphael Vega-Centeno1999Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project, 1999 Field Report. Submitted to the U.S. Forest Service, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, Springerville, Arizona. Mills, Barbara J., Sarah A. Herr, and Scott Van Keuren (editors)1997Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project, 1997 Field Report. Submitted to the U.S. Forest Service, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, Springerville, Arizona.Mills, Barbara J., William Graves, Sarah A. Herr, Eric J. Kaldahl, Joanne M. Newcomb, Susan L. Stinson, and Scott Van Keuren1996Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project, 1996 Field Report. Submitted to the U.S. Forest Service, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, Springerville, Arizona.Mills, Barbara J., Sarah A. Herr, Eric J. Kaldahl, Joanne M. Newcomb, Susan L. Stinson, and Scott Van Keuren1995Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project, 1995 Field Report. Submitted to the U.S. Forest Service, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, Springerville, Arizona.Mills, Barbara J., Sarah A.Herr, Eric J. Kaldahl, Joanne M. Newcomb, and Scott Van Keuren1994Silver Creek Archaeological Research Project: 1994 Field Report. Submitted to the U.S. Forest Service, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests.Mills, Barbara J., and Christine E. GoetzeAppendix C: Ceramic Analysis. In Across the Colorado Plateau: Anthropological Studies for the Transwestern Pipeline Expansion Project, Volume XIII: Excavation of Cohonina and Cerbat Sites in the Western Arizona Uplands, by Gerald A. Bair and Karol W. Stoker, pp. C1-C9. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology and the Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Mills, Barbara J., Trixi Bubemyre, Doug Gann, Sarah Herr, Charles Riggs, and Ruth Van Dyke1993Report of the 1993 Activities of the University of Arizona Archaeological Field School. Submitted to the U.S. Forest Service, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests. Goetze, Christine E., and Barbara J. Mills1993Classification Criteria for Wares and Types. In Across the Colorado Plateau: Anthropological Studies Along the Transwestern Pipeline Route, Volume XVI, Ceramic Studies, by Barbara J. Mills, Christine Goetze, and Nieves Zede?o, pp. 21-85. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology and Office of Contract Archeology, U of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Goetze, Christine E., and Barbara J. Mills1993Ceramic Chronometry. In Across the Colorado Plateau: Anthropological Studies Along the Transwestern Pipeline Route, Volume XVI, Ceramic Studies, by Barbara J. Mills, Christine Goetze, and Nieves Zede?o, pp. 87-150. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology and Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Zede?o, Maria Nieves, and Barbara J. Mills1993Ceramic Production and Distribution: Introduction and Problem Definition. In Across the Colorado Plateau: Anthropological Studies Along the Transwestern Pipeline Route, Volume XVI, Ceramic Studies, by Barbara J. Mills, Christine Goetze, and Nieves Zede?o, pp. 175-185. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology and Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Zede?o, Maria Nieves, James Busman, James Burton, and Barbara J. Mills1993Ceramic Compositional Analyses. In Across the Colorado Plateau: Anthropological Studies Along the Transwestern Pipeline Route, Volume XVI, Ceramic Studies, by Barbara J. Mills, Christine Goetze, and Maria Nieves Zede?o, pp. 187-234. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology and Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.Trixi D. Bubemyre, and Barbara J. Mills1993Clay Oxidation Analyses. In Across the Colorado Plateau: Anthropological Studies Along the Transwestern Pipeline Route, Volume XVI, Ceramic Studies, by Barbara J. Mills, Christine Goetze, and Nieves Zede?o, pp. 235-277. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology and Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Mills, Barbara J.1993Functional Variation in the Ceramic Assemblages. In Across the Colorado Plateau: Anthropological Studies Along the Transwestern Pipeline Route, Volume XVI, Ceramic Studies, by Barbara J. Mills, Christine Goetze, and Nieves Zede?o, pp. 301-346. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology and Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Mills, Barbara J.Synthesis of Ceramic Interpretation. In Across the Colorado Plateau: Anthropological Studies Along the Transwestern Pipeline Route, Volume XVI, Ceramic Studies, by Barbara J. Mills, Christine Goetze, and Nieves Zede?o, pp. 413-423. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology and Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Mills, Barbara J.1993Ceramic Artifacts. In Across the Colorado Plateau: Anthropological Studies for the Transwestern Pipeline Expansion Project, Volume VI: Transwestern Mainline Survey, by Ronna J. Bradley, pp. 245-268. Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Mills, Barbara J., Timothy J. Burchett, and Christine E. Goetze1992Ceramics of the Chaco Mesa Route. In Across the Colorado Plateau: Anthropological Studies Along the Transwestern Pipeline Route, Volume III: Chaco Mesa Route, by Charles Amsden, pp.93-110. Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Mills, Barbara J., Timothy J. Burchett, and Christine E. Goetze1992Ceramics of the San Juan Basin Route. In Across the Colorado Plateau: Anthropological Studies Along the Transwestern Pipeline Route, Volume V: San Juan Lateral Survey, by Charles Amsden, pp. 181-196. Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Mills, Barbara J.1991Ceramics from the Box B Site. In Archeology of the San Juan Breaks, The Anasazi Occupation, edited by Patrick Hogan and Lynne Sebastian, pp. 51-88. Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Mills, Barbara J.1988Ceramic Production and Distribution. In Archeological Investigations at Eight Small Sites in West-Central New Mexico, by Patrick Hogan (et al.), pp. 145-154. Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.Mills Barbara J.1988Ceramic Analysis. In Archeological Investigations at Eight Small Sites in West-Central New Mexico, by Patrick Hogan, pp. 83-144. Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Seaman, Timothy J., and Barbara J. Mills1988What Are We Measuring? Rim Thickness Indices and Their Implications for Changes in Vessel Use. Proceedings of the Fourth Jornada Mogollon Conference, edited by David J. Kirkpatrick and Meliha Durhan, pp. 163-194. Human Systems Research, Tularosa, NM.Mills, Barbara J.1988Ceramic Typology. In Toward an Archeology of Landscapes, edited by Timothy J. Seaman, William H. Doleman, and Richard C. Chapman, pp. 163-168. Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.Mills, Barbara J., and Timothy J. Seaman1988El Paso Brownware Rim Analysis. In Toward an Archeology of Landscapes, edited by Timothy J. Seaman, William H. Doleman, and Richard C. Chapman, pp. 169-183. Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.Mills, Barbara J.1988Chronological, Distributional and Functional Analyses of the Ceramic Assemblages from the Casamero and Pierre's Outliers. In The Casamero and Pierre's Outliers Survey: An Archaeological Class III Inventory of the BLM Lands Surrounding the Outliers, By Randy Harper, Joseph Winter, Barbara Mills, and James Brandi, pp. 59-98. Office of Contract Archeology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.Mills, Barbara J.1988Ceramic Recording Procedures. In Distributional Survey and Excavation of Archaeological Resources in the Vicinity of El Paso, Texas, by Eileen L. Camilli, LuAnn Wandsnider, and James I. Ebert, pp. 7-1 to 7-11. Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces District Office.Mills, Barbara J.1986Temporal Variability in the Ceramic Assemblages of the Eastern Slope of the Black Range, New Mexico. In Mogollon Variability, Edited by Charlotte Benson and Steadman Upham, pp. 169-180. New Mexico State University Occasional Papers 25. Las Cruces. Mills, Barbara J.Prescribed Burning and Hunter-Gatherer Subsistence Systems. Haliksa'i: UNM Contributions to Anthropology 5:1-26.PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONSAmerican Anthropological Association: Archeology DivisionCouncil for Museum AnthropologySociety for Economic AnthropologyArizona Archaeological CouncilArizona Archaeological and Historical SocietyNew Mexico Archaeological CouncilRegister of Professional ArchaeologistsSociety for American ArchaeologySERVICE: EXTERNALAmerican Anthropological AssociationCommittee on the Status of Women in Anthropology (elected), 1995-98Chair, Committee on the Status of Women in Anthropology, 1997-98 Long-Range Planning Committee (elected), 2004-07 Amerind FoundationMember, SAA-Amerind Seminars Selection Committee, 2006, 2014, 2015Chair, SAA-Amerind Seminars Selection Committee, 2002-2005Arizona Archaeological Council, Elected to Executive Committee, 1991-93Arizona Archaeological and Historical SocietyPublic lectures 1992, 1997, 2001, 2004, 2013Archaeology Southwest (formerly Center for Desert Archaeology)Search Committee member, Preservation Archaeologist, 2007, 2019Public presentations: 2011, 2014Ford Foundation/National Academy of SciencesPanelist, Pre-Doctoral Fellowships, 2006Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Plan (GCDAMP) Science Advisor Program Science Advisor, 2013-2014Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowships Panelist, 2019-presentNational Historic Landmarks Committee, National Park System Advisory BoardCommittee Member, 2010-2017National Park ServicePresentation for International Archaeology Day, Chaco Culture National Historic Park, 2018National Science FoundationPanelist, Graduate Research Fellowships, 2004, 2009 Panelist, Archaeology Program, 1998-01Panelist, BGER Division, Research Instrumentation Competition, 1995-96Pecos Conference, Co-organizer, 72nd Pecos Conference, Pinedale, Arizona, 1999Pueblo of Laguna, Expert Witness, water rights litigation (State of New Mexico, ex. rel., State Engineer, Plaintiff vs. Kerr-McGee Corporation, et al., Defendants; No. CB-83-190-CV & CB-83-220-CV Consolidated), 2007-presentPueblo of Zuni Tribal Museum Advisory Board, 2002-2004Consultant, NEH Exhibit Planning and Implementation Grants, 2001-02, “Hawikku: Echos from Our Past”Society for American ArchaeologySecretary-elect, 2008-09; Secretary, 2009-2011By-Laws Committee, Chair, 2015-2018Task Force for Meeting Development, 2012Co-Chair, Task Force for Gender & Research Grant Submissions, 2013-17Task Force on Presentation Ethics, 2013-14 Member, SAA Book Award Committee, 2003-06, Chair 2006-08Chair, Committee on Curriculum, 2003-06 Member, Meetings Development Committee, 2002-03Member, Native American Scholarship Committee, 1997-02Program Chair, 66th Annual Meeting, 2001Fred Plog Fellowship Selection Committee, 2001Annual Meeting Program Committee, 1999-2000Southern Southwest Archaeology ConferenceReviewer, Conference Submissions, 2018Southwest SymposiumOrganizer, Eighth Biennial Southwest Symposium, 2002Advisory Board, 1992-94, 1996-02Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological ResearchReview Panel, 2008-2010Western Humanities Alliance, Program Committee, 2005 Annual MeetingEditorial/Advisory BoardsAmerican Antiquity, 2018-presentAntiquity, 2013-presentArchaeology of Food and Foodways, 2019-presentJournal of Anthropological Research, 2005-presentJournal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 2018-presentJournal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, 2017-presentUniversity of Arizona Press Advisory Board, 2009-presentShanghai Archaeology Forum, Nominations Committee, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 2013, 2015, 2017American Anthropologist, 2012-2016Kiva: Journal of Southwest Archaeology and History, 1999-2011Manuscript and Proposal Refereeing (since 2010)American Anthropologist (2012, 2013, 2014)American Antiquity (2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019)Antiquity (2013, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019)Cambridge Archaeological Review (2017)Current Anthropology (2013)Earthwatch (2015)Ecology and Society (2010)Fulbright Program (2018)J. of Anthropological Research (2012)J. of Archaeological Method and Theory (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018)J. of Archaeological Research (2013)J. of Archaeological Science (2010, 2013, 2016, 2018)J. of Social Archaeology (2011, 2018)Kiva, Journal of Southwestern Archaeology and History (1999-2011, 2018)National Geographic Society (2010, 2012, 2014)National Science Foundation (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019)PlosOne (2018)PNAS (2018)Routledge Press (2017)School for Advanced Research Press (2013)Science Advances (2017)Springer (2018)University of Chicago Press (2013)University of New Mexico Press (2019)University of Utah Press (2012, 2018)Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (2008-2010)External Program Reviews:Simon Fraser University, Department of ArchaeologyUC-Berkeley, Department of AnthropologyUC-Berkeley, Archaeological Research Facility UCLA, Interdisciplinary Archaeology ProgramU Oklahoma, Department of AnthropologyU Toronto, Mississauga, Department of AnthropologySERVICE: INTRAMURAL (since 2000)Department of AnthropologyActing Head (Summer 2006, Summer-Fall 2007)Admissions Committee (AY 1999-2000, 2014-15, 2015-17)Curriculum Committee (Spring 2005-2006; 2014-15; 2017-18)Development Committee (Fall 2013, 2018-19)Dozier Award (Chair, 2003-04)Executive Committee (AY 1998-2002, Fall 2007)Field School Committee (AY 1993-2004, Chair)Haury Fellowship (AY 2000-02)IGERT Coordinator (Fall 2005, Summer 2006)NSF IGERT in Archaeological Sciences Steering Committee (AY 2003-present)Old World Archaeology Search (2007-08)Promotion & Tenure Committee (AY 2005-06, 2006-07 [Chair], 2013-14, 2014-15)Scheduling Committee (AY 2016-17, Chair)Scholarships & Awards (AY 2004-05)Southwest Archaeology Search Committee, Chair (AY 2014-15)Southwest Land, Culture, and Society Executive Committee (AY 2003-present)TA/RA Selection (AY 1999-2000)Department of American Indian StudiesPromotion & Tenure Committee (AY 2015-16)American Indian Studies Graduate Interdisciplinary ProgramExecutive Committee (Fall, 2017)College of Social and Behavioral SciencesAustin Five-Year Review Committee (2018)Segrin Five-Year Review Committee (2012-13)Administrative Reorganization Committee (2009-10)Bergesen Five-Year Review Committee (Chair, 2011)Betteridge Five-Year Review Committee (Chair, 2008-09)Bonine Five-Year Review Committee (Chair, 2010)Dean’s Audit Committee (2005-07)Department of Linguistics Head Search (2010)Salary Equity Committee (2002-03)Olsen Five-Year Review Committee (Fall 2002) Undergraduate Scholarship Committee (Spring 2009)Honors CollegeMember, Advisory Committee (2018-present)University of ArizonaAcademic Program Review, School of North African and Middle East Studies (2013)Academic Program Review, SLAT GIDP (2017)Blue Ribbon Committee on Faculty Work Life (2006)Committee on Conciliation (2006-2009)Committee on Honorary Degrees (2010-2012)Committee on Promotion and Tenure (2018-present)Diversity Coalition (2003-2004)External Review Panel Member, UA Press Review (2007)Finance Committee Working Group on Academic Investments and Priorities (2004-2006)Head’s Up Steering Committee (2010-2013)HLC 2021 Re-Accreditation of University of Arizona (co-Chair) (2018-2021)Honors College Honors Faculty Advisory Council?Honors Course Standards and Hallmarks Committee (2019-present)Member, NSF ADVANCE Leadership Workgroup (2006-2011)Millennium Report Oversight Committee (MROC) (2002-2004 Executive Committee; co-Chair, 2003-2004)MROC FAIR Task Force (2002-2006; co-Chair, 2003-2006)Office of the Provost, Research Career Development Fund Selection Committee (2004)Participant in ad hoc grant-writing for NSF ADVANCE, Women in Science proposal submitted by the University of Arizona (June-July 2005, PI: Dr. Leslie Tolbert, Vice President for Research, funded)Arizona State MuseumArchaeological Series Fund Raising Committee (2007)Consultant for Public Exhibits (1997, 2002)Continuing Status and Promotion Committee (2003-04)Exhibit Planning for permanent exhibit on “Migration over Millennia” (2003-2010) Exhibit Preparation for “The Pottery Detectives” (2002-03) Head of Collections Search Committee (AY 1998-1999)Bioarchaeology Search Committee (AY 2007-08)Center for Middle Eastern StudiesAdvisory Board Member (AY 2006-07)Department of Classics (College of Humanities)Promotion and Tenure Committee (2003-04, 2006-07, 2008-09)Archaeology Search Committee (2007-08)SERVICE: PUBLIC OUTREACHPublic Lectures20th Festival Les rendez-vous de l’histoire, Blois, France (2017)Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest Interpretive Series (1994, 1995) Archaeological Institute of America, University of Arizona (2007)Archaeology Southwest, Archaeology Tea (2011), Archaeology Café (2014)Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society (1992, 1997, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2013)Arizona Archaeological Society, Agave Chapter (1999)Arizona Archaeological Society, Casa Malpais Chapter (1994)Arizona Archaeological Society, Cochise Chapter (2005)Arizona State Museum Rare Glimpses Series (2003)Chaco Culture National Historic Park, International Archaeology Day (2018)Center for Desert Archaeology (2011)Desert Foothills Chapter of the Arizona Archaeological Society (2013)El Paso Archaeological Society (2001)Heard Museum Guild (2015)Indiana Institute for Arts and Humanities, Indianapolis (2017)Luna Archaeological Society, Luna, NM (2009)Lyman Lake State Park Public Lecture Series (1995)Magellan Circle Inaugural Dinner, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Arizona (2004)Old Pueblo Archaeology Center, Morris K. Udall Community Center, Tucson (2007)SAGE Extended University, University of Arizona (2001)Santa Catalina Vista, Adult Learning Center, Tucson (2011)Southern Methodist University's SMU-in-Taos Summer Symposia (1996) Southwest Seminars Lecture Series, Santa Fe (2008, 2017, 2019)Springerville Chamber of Commerce/Center for Desert Archaeology (2003) Q Ranch Field School of the Arizona Archaeological Society (1996)Western Parks and Monuments Association, Emil W. Haury Distinguished Lecture Series (2014)Science and Mathematics Education Center: Science Teacher’s Colloquium Series, University of Arizona (2004) IGERT/Archaeology Summer Institute for Educators, University of Arizona, 2005, 2006"New Directions in Southwestern Anthropology" Co-organizer with Suzanne K. Fish, Public Lecture Series, co-sponsored by the Department of Anthropology and the Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, AY 1998-2001.Field School Excavation Open Houses: 1993-1997, and 1999.COURSES TAUGHT (*currently in rotation)Advanced Field Methods in Archaeology (Ugrad/Grad)Analysis of Archaeological Materials (Grad) Introduction to Archaeological Analysis (Ugrad)*Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology (Ugrad)Introduction to Archaeology (Ugrad) Ceramic Analysis: Theory* (Ugrad/Grad) and Ceramic Analysis: Practicum (Ugrad/Grad)Clovis to Coronado: Ancient Peoples of the Southwest (Ugrad)*Emergence of Civilization (Ugrad)Foundations of Archaeological Interpretation (Grad) Patterns in Prehistory (Ugrad)*Professional Skills and Research Ethics in Archaeology (Grad)*Pueblo Archaeology (Ugrad/Grad)*Southwest Land and Society (Ugrad/Grad)Graduate Seminars: American Indians and Archaeology, Archaeology of the Borderlands, Community Reorganization in the American Southwest, Data Analysis, The Roots of InequalitySTUDENT ADVISING Current Student Committees (AY 19-20):Major Advisor (Graduate): Leslie Aragon* (Ph.D.), Benjamin Bellorado (Ph.D., co-chair), Evan Giomi* (Ph.D.), Kelsey Hanson (Ph.D.), Catherine Honaman (M.A.), Gina Watkinson (Ph.D., co-chair)Committee Member: Luke Kaiser (Ph.D.), Nicholas Kessler (Ph.D.), Jose Raul Ortiz (Ph.D.), Mairead Poulin (Ph.D.), Izzy Stein (M.A., co-Chair)First Year co-Advisor: Katherine Barvick (M.A.), Rebecca Harkness (Ph.D.), Katelynne Johnson (M.A.)Student Committees Chaired to Degree Completion: Leslie Aragon (M.A. 2013, U Arizona), Lewis Borck* (M.A., 2012, Ph.D. 2016, U Arizona), Dale Brenneman (M.A. 1995, U Arizona), Timothy Burchett (M.A. 1991, Northern Arizona U), Jenny Cano (M.A. 2003, Ph.D. 2012, U Arizona), Jessica Cerezo-Román* (Ph.D. 2013, U Arizona), Katherine Dungan* (M.A. 2009, Ph.D., 2015, U of Arizona), Samuel Duwe* (M.A. 2005, Ph.D. 2011, U of Arizona), Mark Elson (Ph.D. 1996, U Arizona), Lisa Gavioli (M.A. 2004, U Arizona), Christine Goetze (M.A. 1994, Northern Arizona U), Donna Graves (M.A. 1990, Northern Arizona U), Kristen Hagenbuckle (M.A. 2000, U of Arizona), Erika B. Heacock (M.A. 2015, U Arizona), Sarah Herr* (M.A. 1994, Ph.D. 1999, U Arizona), Richard Higgins (M.A 2016, U Arizona), Eric Kaldahl (M.A. 1995, Ph.D. 2000, U Arizona), Nicholas Laluk (M.A. 2006, Ph.D. 2015, U Arizona), Sarah Luchetta (M.A. 2005, U Arizona), Rebecca McKim (M.A. 1994, U Arizona), David Mehalic (M.A. 2002, Ph.D., 2012, U Arizona), Anna Neuzil* (M.A. 2001, Ph.D. 2005, U Arizona), Joanne Newcomb (M.A. 1997, U of Arizona), Elizabeth Perry (M.A. 2000, Ph.D. 2004, U Arizona), Bonnie Pitblado (M.A. 1993, U Arizona), Shannon Plummer (M.A. 2000, U of Arizona), Molly Proue (M.A. 2005, U Arizona), Christopher Roos (Ph.D. 2008, U of Arizona), Susan Ryan (Ph.D. 2013, U Arizona), Jonathan Scholnick (M.A. 2003, U Arizona), Susan Stinson* (M.A. 1996, Ph.D. 2004, U Arizona), Kerry Thompson (Ph.D., 2009, U of Arizona), Meaghan Trowbridge (M.A., 2009, U of Arizona), Trenna Valado (M.A. 1999, U Arizona), Rafael Vega-Centeno (Ph.D. 2005 U Arizona), James Vint (Ph.D. 2017, U Arizona). *Students who received NSF DDIG Awards, with Mills as PIPost-Doctoral Scholar Advisees: Scarlett Chiu (Assistant Professor, Academia Sinica, Taiwan) Sylviane Déderix (current Humboldt Fellow, Germany; former Fulbright and Belgian-American Education Fund postdoc while at U of A)Emily Jones (Associate Professor, University of New Mexico) Matthew Peeples (Associate Professor, Arizona State University)Valeria Franco Salvi (Faculty member, CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina) Pre-Doctoral Scholar Sponsor at UA:Magdelena Lewandowska, University of Krakow, Poland, spring 2017Luyang Yu, Nankai University, China, 2015-2017 External Student Committees:Andrew I. Duff (Ph.D., 2000, Arizona State University), Katherine (Kit) Nelson (Ph.D., 2001, Southern Methodist University), Holly Martelle (Ph.D., 2002, Toronto University), Katherine Dungan (B.A. Honors, 2005, University of Michigan), Hannah Fretwell Mattson (Ph.D. 2015, University of New Mexico), Brigitte Kovacevich (Ph.D., 2006, Vanderbilt University), Matthew Liebmann (Ph.D., 2006, University of Pennsylvania), Darcey Matthews (Ph.D., 2014, University of Victoria), Marianne R. Tyndall (Ph.D. candidate, University of New Mexico)Total Students Chaired to Degree Completion: 28 M.A., 18 Ph.D.August 2019 ................

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