Crafting guide minecraft 1. 12


Crafting guide minecraft 1. 12

Crafting guide 1.12.2.

A more technical description is that items that show the * accept anything with a specific item ID, even if the data values are different, while ones that show an F accept any specific items that different mods have declared interchangable (each of which may or may not accept any data value). To navigate the list, you have a few options: -The scroll bar: Just click on the slider, and drag it up or down to quickly scroll through the list. RecipeBook has improved greatly since then, though. For now, though:Reflection API: If you don't want to include any files at all, you can use reflection to do some simple tasks. One adds additional probability information (may be useful for Railcraft, Factorization, and Thermal Expansion recipes, among others), and one for IC2 EUBugfixes and polish - - Internal reorganization, now it is set up to make both the FML and modloader versions at the same timeUpdated for Minecraft 1.4.4BTW recipe support added to main build (previously was a separate build, posted elsewhere) - Various bugfixes (appeared in through added toggles for whether it searched for items in the input, output, and/or machines of a recipe.Added to the API, just a little bit. |>| You can get it's source here. - Show furnace, IC2 generator, and IC2 storage/power values for appropriate items in tooltipsInclude recipes for the serverside BTW mod "Better With Renewables". Try one of the General Download Pages listed above. -Mouse wheel: If you have one, just spin it to immediately scroll the list! Number of lines scrolled can be configured to suit your preferences. Note: For more advanced users, as you will have to add 256 (or 2048) to item IDs, because Minecraft bumps them all up to make room for block items. Now all of them are placed in .minecraft/config/CraftGuide/, so that they don't clutter the rest of the minecraft directory. - Texturepacks can override/add themesCleaned up existing themes, removing the test ones.Added a "dark" theme. CraftGuideInv for Minecraft 1.2.5 (Direct Link) QuickGuide (Only for CraftGuide 1.4.4 and earlier): Adds a configurable key to open the crafting guide screen without needing a special item. The tools you create will never disappear. -The up/down buttons: Quickly navigate one or ten pages at a time with the buttons above and below the scroll bar. -Shift: Holding shift while scrolling will multiply the movement by ten! At the end of the list, you will also find furnace recipes! Only ones that work in a regular furnace, though, and not any special furnace types added by a mod that specifically have their own separate set of recipes, unfortunately. As of 1.6.1, CraftGuide only requires FML, which is included in Forge and also available as a standalone download.Download a CraftGuide version for whichever loader you chose.Place the downloaded .zip or .litemod file into .minecraft/mods/ Current version: (No relation to the Minecraft version) General Download Pages: (Experimental) Minecraft 1.7.10, 1.8.9, 1.9.4, and 1.10.2 (and maybe miscellaneous versions in between): There are currently no alternate download links. Also, at some point I should really add a way to create a custom list of recipes, such as things that you often use, as a quick reference. -1.5.2 A lot of changes to the WIP API, finally most of it has an effectFixed a few bugs -1.5.1 Quick port to Minecraft 1.3.2Better visual feedback for type selectionBrewGuide and QuickGuide functionality included in main mod.Removed RP2 Alloy furnace support (temporarily, until I can test it against a 1.3.2 RP2) -1.5.0 Various bugfixes (Tooltip sometimes drawing behind other things, sometimes being too wide, items that draw as ERR or have no text for data -1 try data 0, perhaps others)Removed fake key repeat, now uses LWJGL'sOption to always show ID and data values for itemsSupport for the newer forge ore dictionary formatMoved everything to a new package (Left the old API behind, plus some code to let it continue working even though I'm going to be making significant changes to the new one) -1.4.4 API change: Added javadocAPI change: Added two new classes, allowing larger (or smaller) recipes (yay, 4x4 crafting grid support!), and a way to force CraftGuide to reload all recipes, if your mod adds, removes, or alters them during the game. Overview of Minecraft version 1.10: Added Polar Bear Added Husk and Stray An auto-jump option Structure blocks for custom maps Underground fossils made from bone blocks Added Magma ...Continue Reading Minecraft 1.10 Crafting Guide This is one of the first Minecraft 1.9 hacks. Just right click while holding it, to see every crafting recipe in the game. Direct links: If you don't want to use an link, you can get some versions directly ('d for statistics only): No loader: Link Removed (Link Removed) LiteLoader: CraftGuide for Minecraft 1.7.2 (Link Removed) FML/Forge: Link Removed (Link Removed)CraftGuide for Minecraft 1.7.2 (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink Removed Modloader: Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link Removed (Link Removed)Link RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink Removed I love the mod:) Post this in topic please? -1.4.3 Include Forge metadata-sensitive smelting recipes when presentSome other small changes -1.4.2 -1.4.1 Various bug fixes/stability improvementsA clear button to quickly clear the item list search -1.4.0 various small changes/fixesexperimental feature: RP2 alloy furnace recipes.Item list for quickly setting the filterText search for item listSome button tooltips -1.3.1 Doesn't crash when given a recipe using an item that doesn't existThe entire GUI can be resized by dragging the lower right corner. Matix hacked client can be download free below ? no premium required. Things for Minecraft 1.2.5 and older Installation (CraftGuide 1.5.0): If you don't have it yet, install Minecraft Forge. Once they ...Continue Reading Tinkers Construct 2 Mod Minecraft 1.10 ? The Frostburn update brought along some new crafting recipes. The World of Color Update was released earlier this year. CraftGuide Inventory Search: This works like QuickGuide, except it has the added feature that, if you have an inventory open with your cursor over an item, pressing the CraftGuide key will open CraftGuide, automatically filtering to that item. - Added a fourth number to the version. Lots of bugfixes.Buildcraft assembly table and refinery recipesGregTech lathe and plate cutter recipesExtra config options: default keybind and theme debug outputDid I mention bugfixes?There are probably still bugs that need to be fixed, though. Up/Down arrow keys scroll one line at a time, Left/Right and Page up/Page down go by pages, and Home/End can be used to immediately jump to the start or end of the list. It isn't anywhere close to complete, so I might end up renaming anything at any time. He will exchange emeralds for a exploration map, which will lead you to certain treasure caches. Other useful features include small recipes as well as shapeless recipes having a visually distinct bsckground. You may use CraftGuide in any videos, blog posts, screenshots, podcasts, school courses, university courses, political speeches, religious speeches, novel-length works of fiction, novel-length works of non-fiction, animated feature-length movies, and anything I failed to list earlier that you create or assist in the creation of. - Fix: Shows IC2 shapeless recipes (were overlooked originally)Added GregTech Implosion Compressor recipes.GregTech fusion reactor recipes show initial startup EU costGregTech blast furnace recipes show required temperature - Added IC2 and GregTech recipesTwo new slot implementations in the API. It is checked every time you open CraftGuide, so you don't need to restart Minecraft.Added a lot more options to themes, they can specify quite a bit more now. I have only tested with and, but I suspect it will work for everything later than *.*.*.127.Download CraftGuidePlace the downloaded .zip file into .minecraft/mods/Optional: Download an Extra or two! You'll probably want CraftGuide Inventory Search, if you'll be playing SMP with mods, or just don't care to craft an item and carry it with you everywhere. It does not come loaded with features, but it got the most necessary for PVP and stuff like that. ...Continue Reading Matix Client for Minecraft 1.9 Minecraft 1.9 the combat update is live, and with a new version comes a bunch of new items and blocks. There is also a keybind to open it without needing an item (defaults to G), which works even if you are playing on a server that doesn't have it installed. Note that you already need a compatible version of CraftGuide for them to do anything (except crash, for some of them), these just add to it. The base class will automatically register itself with CraftGuide (if it exists, otherwise silently do nothing), and will be called at the appropriate time(s) based on what interfaces it implements. It can be used to add, remove, or alter the recipes displayed by CraftGuide (not actually affecting crafting, just what is shown in the CraftGuide GUI). Right now, "net.minecraft.src.CraftGuide.ReflectionAPI" has a static method "public static void addFilter(Object callback)" that can be used to register an object that gets a chance to decide if each recipe should be discarded. At the bottom left corner, there is a small triangle. -still in progress Major rewrite of internal stuff. Others, with a small F in the top left, represent things in the Forge ore dictionary, which allows mods to use items like copper and tin in their crafting recipes, and have the recipes accept similar resources from *other* mods. - - BugfixesExtended Workbench recipesGregTech plasma generatorIC2 Massfab amplifier value in tooltipsVariable row heights (having a few taller than average recipes won't affect ALL of the rows) - Fixed some bugs (and procrastinated a lot) -1.6.7 Lots of bugfixesLots of GregTech machinesRemoved Depreciated APIs -1.6.6 More GregTech machinesPerformance enhancement with GregTech and text searchingBugfixesA little more network code for BWR. Regular API: Turns out the old one was broken. The mod will also change some of ...Continue Reading Gender Mod DownloadChangelogModpack permissionVideo permissionSource codeAPI It was created as a result of how useful Risugami's RecipeBook is, but how quickly it became a hassle to navigate once you have a hundred pages at the time. The new update is called "The Combat Update", due to all the changes and new items in combat/PvP etc. Keyboard shortcuts: Arrow keys, page up, page down, home, and end can all be used if you prefer a keyboard over a mouse. Minecraft has gotten yet another update, this time just a small one though. This provides an early SMP option (no server mod required!), as well as giving you a choice of how you use it, wither as an actual item, or merely a quick reference that you don't have to change windows to a web browser to use. -1.2.2 Shows the filter item, when there is oneFiltering works a bit better (Technical: Properly treats damage -1 as a wildcard value)Shows a * over any place an item will accept any damage valueAPI work -1.2.1 Bugfix: output quantities weren't showing. The old API still mostly works, and so does the WIP API, so that mods that interacted with CraftGuide continue to work unmodified.New theme system, making it easier to change how CraftGuide looks without replacing the images in the .zip. The mod does not change your skin, but instead change the model itself and also adds female sound effects. 1.8.9 Changelogs Added Texture to: All Axes All Hoes All Swords All Pickaxes All Shovels All ...Continue Reading Rectangular Resource Pack The gender mod gives you the ability to change your gender within the game. They can be named and changed to anything you like. One working example would be BrewGuide, which uses the API to add all brewing recipes (that it can find) to CraftGuide. If you want to use some (or all) of it in your own project, you are free to do so, though it would be nice if you mentioned CraftGuide in a text file or somewhere else where someone can find it. Use the clear button to go back to seeing them all. -1.2.0 FilteringDifferent backgrounds for small (2x2 or less) and shapeless recipesRecipe under the mouse visually changes to a different background -1.1.0 Remembers where you were when you closed the bookFurnace recipesRow number indicatorMassive internal changes to make later ones easier -1.00 Upcoming changes: -planned Advanced filteringSaving favourites for quick viewingPerhaps a close button? You may include any version of CraftGuide in any modpack. To post a comment, please login. At the moment, it isn't quite used for everything, yet, but that will change over time.Option to disable the keybindMoved the config file, the themes/skins, and CraftGuide.log. One of the more recent features is a searchable list of items, to quickly filter out unrelated recipes. Using the provided class, you just extend it, implementing IRecipeProvider, IRecipeFilter, and/or IRecipeFilter2, and create an instance of your class. Previous versions: Minecraft 1.2.5: Minecraft 1.2.4 and 1.2.5: Minecraft 1.2.3: 1.4.4: Minecraft 1.1.0: 1.4.3:, Direct Link1.4.2:, Direct Link1.4.1:, Direct Link1.4.0:, Direct Link Minecraft 1.0.0: Minecraft Beta 1.8.1: 1.2.2:, Direct Link1.2.1:, Direct Link1.2.0:, Direct Link1.1.0:, Direct Link1.00, Direct Link Extra: Here are some optional mods that enhance the abilities of CraftGuide. We have updated the crafting guide to ...Continue Reading Minecraft 1.9 Crafting Guide Minecraft version 1.9 has been released after a long long period without any major updates. Warning: VERY thorough, it adds nearly 1000 recipes on it's own, with only the ingredients found in unmodded Minecraft! CraftHide (Has no effect on CraftGuide 1.5.0): With this, you can exclude all recipes containing (a) specific item ID(s). The reflection API is still the same, howeverRecipes are now associated with an item type that is used to craft itCan show/hide recipes by associated crafting typeThe left side is finally getting some use, with buttons to change between various views.Lots of internal changes. This is especially useful if you have a lot of space around the edges, allowing you to see often four or more columns of recipes at once. (In my opinion, the single greatest change was the addition of the scroll wheel as a way to navigate quickly) To create your own, just place a crafting table in the centre of a crafting grid, put a piece of paper in each corner, and fill in the edges with four books. Source: If you want to make a custom version of CraftGuide, use bits of its code, or just see how it works, you can find the source code on Github. API: You can find the current source of the CraftGuide API on Github. This automatically increments whenever I create a non-testbuild build of CraftGuide (such as for minor bugfixes)Text searches: On the item list, after you have typed a few letters, press enter or click the extra entry that appears to search for text rather than any specific itemAdded color to the resize handle, hopefully making it easier to notice (since it seems that some people never realized it was there, and it's a fairly significant part of what makes CraftGuide unique compared to other recipe viewers)First official version to include the finished new API. We have collected all the new crafting recipes for you in this guide. So, a heavily altered (and working) API: download (1.3.0 and up), download (1.4.0 and up), download (1.4.3 and up) (only change was removing some imports that shouldn't have been there in the first place), download (1.4.4 and up) Well, you'll need to use reflection to inform CraftGuide that your mod provides and/or filters recipes, though the API includes a class you can extend that does it for you. To do so, it must have a method "public Boolean allowRecipe(ItemStack[] recipeItems)" or "public Boolean allowRecipe(ItemStack craftingType, ItemStack[] recipeItems)" More capabilities will be added as requested or whenever I feel like it. Future plans: Right now, I'm working on a fairly significant rewrite, to make it easier to set the appearance of things (anyone wanting to re-skin CraftGuide will be extremely happy), and more distant plans include adding an in-game settings menu so that anything in CraftGuide.cfg can be easily changed, without needing a text editor, or having to restart Minecraft to see the effects. The update includes a new villager called the Cartographer. Clicking and dragging it will allow you to resize the entire GUI. I haven't tested it with every version, but it probably works for most of the recent ones. Installation (CraftGuide 1.4.4 and older): If you don't have it yet, install Risugami's ModLoaderDownload CraftGuidePlace the downloaded .zip file into .minecraft/mods/ -or- copy the contents of the .zip file into your minecraft.jarOptional: Download an Extra or two! You'll probably want QuickGuide, if you'll be playing SMP with mods, or just don't care to craft an item and carry it with you everywhere. Additionally, you can click on an item in a recipe to filter the displayed recipes so that only ones that require or produce that item will be shown (In this case, books). That means that it will accept any variation of that item (for example, wool colour or tool damage). A JAR containing just the API (source and non-obfuscated binaries) is also available: CraftGuide_API.jar If you need help using it, or have ideas on how to improve the API, please send me a PM or some other form of communication. First try +256, it should be the one that most people need. Only shows if a config option is set or if a message from BWR is detected on connect. Installation: If you don't have it yet, install either Minecraft Forge, or LiteLoader. From the official blog: We're all working very hard on 1.13, which will be a technical update ...Continue Reading Minecraft 1.12.1 Update News The new version of Minecraft has been released and this time it is about colors! Summarize of Minecraft 1.12 Added Glazed Terracotta blocks Renamed Hardened Clay to Terracotta Added Concrete Powder blocks Added Concrete blocks Updated base color palette Added ...Continue Reading Minecraft 1.12 ? World of Color Update Minecraft 1.11 has been released and it is called the exploration update. For other modders: I'm starting to work on an API (probably misunderstanding the definition of "API", though). Overall the simple and rectangle textures make this resource pack look very cartoonish. Currently the only way to use it is to edit .minecraft/config/CraftGuide/themes/currentTheme.txt, and change the text from base_texpack to dark. Some items show a * over the top right corner. Changelog: - BugfixesTheme cycle buttonItemlist NBT support - A BugfixNow also has LiteLoader version - Improved BuildCraft, IC?, and Extended Workbench compatibilityBetter support for .lang filesConfig page!Texturepacks have more control over item appearance (default icon tinted blue directly rather than in code)A bugfix or two, as usual - Updated compatibility with IC2 and GregTechAdded more GregTech machinesFixed more bugsUses that item name thingy so that it won't be lost when updating to Minecraft 1.7 - Bugfixes. Other downloads Minecraft 1.7.10: Minecraft 1.7.2: Minecraft 1.6.4: Minecraft 1.6.2: Minecraft 1.5.2: Minecraft 1.5.1: Minecraft 1.5.0: Minecraft 1.4.6 (and 1.4.7): Minecraft 1.4.5: CraftGuide AdF.lyCraftGuide AdF.lyCraftGuide AdF.lyCraftGuide AdF.lyCraftGuide AdF.lyCraftGuide Minecraft 1.4.4: CraftGuide AdF.lyCraftGuide AdF.lyCraftGuide AdF.lyCraftGuide Minecraft 1.4.2: Minecraft 1.3.2: CraftGuide; Forge version: AdF.lyCraftGuide 1.5.2; Forge version: AdF.lyCraftGuide 1.5.1; Forge version: AdF.lyCraftGuide 1.5.1; Modloader version: Mod packs and distribution: Yes. (Note: In SMP, it shows every recipe from mods that YOU have installed, not what the server has) BrewGuide: Adds every potion brewing recipe it can find (anything that can be reached from water, with any combination of ingredients). Videos (and other things): Yes. Works in SMP. -1.3.0 Default scroll wheel rate is now one page rather than one rowDefault item ID changedChanging the item ID actually works (oops!)Changed the API. One of the updates is that ...Continue Reading Minecraft 1.9 ? The Combat Update This simplistic resource/texture pack uses rectangles to create its simplistic look. Minecraft 1.11 changelog ...Continue Reading Minecraft 1.11 ? The Exploration Update Tinkers' Construct is a mod about setting tools together in a variety of ways, then modifying them until they turn into something else. 08/11/2021 ? Our Virtual Villagers Origins 2 Crafting Guide Recipes gives you the perfect list of ingredients to make the ultimate recipe. Just use the Virtual Villagers Origins 2 Crafting Guide Recipes to create the best recipe. A crafting table is a utility block that allows the player to craft a variety of blocks and items. Crafting tables can be mined in any way, but axes are the quickest. Crafting tables naturally generate in witch huts and the basement of igloos. Crafting tables generate in woolen tents outside pillager outposts and in some small village houses. Pressing use on a crafting table ... 1.9.0 beta Added grindstones, but they have no functionality. 1.10.0 beta Grindstones can now generate in village weaponsmith houses. The texture of grindstones has now been changed. Added a crafting recipe for grindstones. 1.11.0 beta Grindstones are now functional. Grindstones are no longer immune from explosions. 01/09/2020 ? Millenaire Mod 1.12.2,1.8.9 and 1.7.10 ? NPC villages to Minecraft. SimpleOres Mod 1.16.5-1.15.2 for Minecraft ? 5 more new ores. Techguns Mod 1.12.2 ? New battlefield experience with Techguns mod. Screenshots: Custom NPCs Crafting Recipes: In the global -> recipes you can create and delete recipes. 17/04/2017 ? CraftGuide Mod 1.7.10 (Crafting Guide, Recipe Book) Author: Uristqwerty April 17, 2017 1,471,347 views CraftGuide Mod 1.7.10 is a fairly simple in-game recipe viewer for Minecraft with the goal of being able to display a lot of information at once, and have some fairly simple ways to quickly navigate it. 15/12/2021 ? Parrots are a passive mob in Minecraft that currently doesn't have any major purpose, but they are known to drop feathers upon death. In this guide, 26/11/2021 ? Read this guide on the weapon mod MrCrayfish's Gun Mod in Minecraft 2021. Know mod details, crafting recipes, enchantments, how to reload, & ... 16/09/2021 ? One of the main aspects of Minecraft, Crafting is the ability to use materials found throughout the world to make useful things, such as items and blocks. 04/02/2021 ? With your guide lvl 1-103 in jeweling, i'm now lvl 80 in jeweling. I'm very impatient and i can't wait the guide 1-103 for tailoring. If you will add again a new poll, i will choose the armouring. ( Big thanks at you to help a lot of people^^ )

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