20th October, 2014



I trust that all of our students in Years 7 to 10 are taking every opportunity to prepare for their upcoming exams by preparing their study notes, using a well-lit and ventilated study area, avoiding distracters like Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram as well as online and electronic games, limiting social activities and exercising regularly to be as organised as possible for these important assessments.

A reminder to all students and families to make use of the Enhanced Learning Educational Services [ELES] Study Skills Handbook website that the College has subscribed to. To access the handbook visit the website; .au and use the following Username and Password:

Username Aquinas

Password 10success

There is no such thing as "Good Luck" in exams, only good preparation!

Congratulations to Alex Bolton [Year 8] who has been selected in the Indoor Netball NSW Under 14 Ladies state squad to compete in the 2014 Indoor Netball Titles to be held in Perth in December. Well done Alex on making a state level team!

On 12 September 2014, on advice from the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, the Australian Government raised the National Terrorism Public Alert level from `Medium' to `High'.

With the safety and wellbeing of all members of our community being our highest priority, and in light of this revised rating, the Catholic Education Office has asked that each school review its normal safety procedures to reflect this revised rating.

This direction is precautionary only and in most cases, you will not notice anything different. As is usual, everyone who enters the school will be required to sign in and out. Office staff will be carefully checking the identification of all visitors. We will be reviewing our critical incident response plan and conducting our normal emergency evacuation practice drills. In the main, it will simply be about being careful and vigilant.

If you have any questions or concerns about this matter, please contact the school. As you would be aware our current major capital works project addresses a number of factors contributing to a "safe and supportive environment" at the College that will create an even more secure campus for our students, staff and visitors.

Anzac Road Menai NSW 2234

Phone 9543 0188 Facsimile 9541 0398

`Enlivened by the Spirit'

The College has recently acquired a Phantom Aerial UAV Drone Quadcopter for our students exploring multimedia in the curriculum. It is an amazing tool and has certainly engaged students [and staff!] in learning and we look forward to seeing the products our students will create in using it. In the testing stage it was able to take some images of the building site, one of which appears below...

A picture can indeed be worth a thousand words!

James Corcoran Principal

Key Dates

Assistant Principal

Week 3(A) Term 4

Monday 20th October

HSC examinations Year 11/12 Hospitality work placement No. 2 Year 7-10 excursion free week Staff meeting at 3.15pm

Tuesday 21st October

HSC examinations

Wednesday 22nd October

HSC examinations Year 7 Parish Mass at 8.20am Volunteer's dinner at 6.30pm

Thursday 23rd October Friday 24th October

HSC examinations

HSC examinations Senior Blood Bank visit Summer Sport

`Enlivened by the Spirit'


Week 4(B) Term 4 Monday 27th October Tuesday 28th October Wednesday 29th October

Thursday 30th October

Friday 31st October

HSC examinations Extension 2 English seminar at the State Library Sydney

HSC examinations

HSC examinations Year 11 Parish Mass at 8.20am Peer Support 2015 training day at Menai Indoor Centre Meet a Keeper Taronga Park Zoo for select Year 10's Year 12 BOS information night around the HSC in JPII Hall at 7.00pm-8.00pm

HSC examinations Year 8 Reflection day Period 4 Pastoral Period Year 11-2015 leaders nominations during Pastoral lesson

HSC examinations Feast day of Nano Nagle Year 11 Reflection day Summer Sport

Menai Road public bus stop-M92 bus

Despite efforts from the College and parents requesting that Sutherland Shire Council considers the placement of pedestrian fencing at the Menai Road bus stop as a safety measure for the large numbers of students catching buses there, Council has written to us this week recognising our concerns, though indicating that they are unable to accede to the request for pedestrian fencing at this time.

To that end the College would ask that families of students catching the M92 and other buses on Menai Road continue to educate, as we do, the need for students to demonstrate caution when waiting to travel and board buses on this very busy road. Additionally the College will continue to provide teacher supervision at this public bus stop every afternoon.

Robert Nastasi Assistant Principal


W O W orkshops for rganised riting

Workshops begin this week for ALL Year 11 students.

Room 9, 3:10-4pm, every Thursday this term

Workshop One = Academic Language and how this is essential for high level academic achievement in the HSC.

Bring a piece of writing you have already completed (good or bad) for a starting point.

Please refer any inquiries to Mrs Wilson or Mr Roberts.

Looking forward to seeing you all there, Kate Wilson

(Literacy Facilitator)

`Enlivened by the Spirit'


Religious Education at Aquinas

Term 4 Religious Education Units

Throughout this term, students will undertake the following units of study in their Religious Education classes:

Year 7: Year 8: Year 9: Year 10: Year 11 Year 11 Year 11

Stewards of Creation; Affirming Human Dignity The Influence of Jesus; Ways of Being Catholics Images of Good and Evil; Ten Commandments and Beatitudes Personal and Moral Responsibility Catholic Studies: World Religions Studies of Religion (1 unit): Religion and Belief Systems in Australia ? post 1945 Studies of Religion (2 unit): Religion and Belief Systems in Australia ? post 1945; Religious Tradition Depth Study: Judaism

HSC Prayer Family Program

Late last term families who registered their interest in participating in the HSC Prayer Family program should have received the name of the student(s) for whom we ask for prayers.

We encourage you to send a written message to the student(s) that you have been allocated. These can be initially sent to the College office, labelled clearly with the student name and that it is from their HSC Prayer Family. Messages will then be forwarded to the student(s). Please contact me, via the College Office, if you have any questions.

Mrs Catherine Nolan Religious Education Coordinator

Reflection on the Gospel

In Sunday's Gospel (Matthew 22:15-21) people attempted to trap Jesus asking if it was permissible to pay taxes to Caesar. Aware of the trap Jesus replied `give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar ? and to God what belongs to God'.

In Jesus' time Roman taxation was an issue that could easily cause people to take sides. It was with this very issue that the Pharisees hoped to ensnare Jesus, but Jesus outwits them. Besides exonerating himself from possible political or religious reproach, Jesus' response suggests that one can indeed be loyal to both a religious tradition and a secular power.

Adapted from a reflection by Dianne Bergant CSS

Vinnie's Clothing Bin

With over two million people living below the poverty line in Australia, including over half a million children your donation allows the St Vincent de Paul Society to provide more than immediate help, it provides something much more valuable ? the opportunity of a better life.

Giving clothes is a great way of helping out the community. Donations of clothing can make a great difference to an individual or a family. Good quality second hand clothing can now be donated in our very own Vinnie's clothing bin. Our bin is currently located in the main staff car park, near the entrance to the College office where you can deposit clothing items during College hours.

Good clean, wearable clothing (of all sizes) and accessories, with no rips/stains or tears, either new or used, are the most valuable donations we request. These items are always in demand, so please drop them into our Vinnie's clothing bin to... MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

Thank you for your generosity,

Mr Peter Tsambalas Social Justice Coordinator

`Enlivened by the Spirit'


Social Justice Statement 2014

Late last term, six awesome Year 10 students (Liam Jefferys, Georgina Skinner, Jenna Lennon, Jack Pethybridge, Ethan Rix and Jordan Turner) accompanied me to the launch of the Australian Catholic Bishops Social Justice Statement 2014. The Statement is entitled, A Crown for Australia: Striving for the best our sporting nation.

The Statement was launched by Kevin Sheedy AM (AFL Coach and player) and Geraldine Doogue AO (Journalist and commentator) at The Crypt, St Mary's Cathedral, St Mary's Rd, Sydney.

The Statement challenges us to look at the place of sport in our lives ? where its strengths are and how we can ensure that sport can thrive and nourish our society. Sport is a key institution in our society for developing the dignity and health of the individual, in building up and uniting communities, and as a bridge that spans divides and is a source of social justice and inclusion. There are also some key challenges that threaten to undermine these positive attributes of sport and do damage to individuals, the community and those who are most vulnerable.

The Statement's title refers to St Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 9:24?27), where Paul compares the athletes of the time competing for a `wreath that will wither' with our aspiration for an imperishable crown as followers of Christ.

Peter Tsambalas Social Justice Coordinator

`Enlivened by the Spirit'



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