
BSC 2010 Exam 1 Review:Disclaimer: This is my review for what I think will be on the exam. Do not use only this to study. I have not seen the exam, so I cannot say for sure what will be on it. Continue to use your notes, PowerPoints, homework, etc. to study. You got this!!!A scientist collects a sample of pure CH4 in a beaker. The types of bonds between the carbon and hydrogens are best classified as:Nonpolar covalentPolar covalentHydrogen bondsIonicIsotopes of an element differ in the:Number of protonsStructural arrangementNumber of neutronsNumber of electrons4698365000How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are present in the following element?p+= 5, n0=5, e-=5p+= 11, n0=11, e-=5p+= 6, n0=5, e-=6p+= 5, n0=6, e-=5What is the valence number?The number of electrons in the inner electron shellsThe number of electrons in the outermost electron shellThe number of paired electrons in an atom’s outermost shellThe number of unpaired electrons in an atom’s outermost shell (determines # of bonds atom can make, or number of combos they can share the e-)What is the valence number for the element in question 3?1234What is the difference between a hypothesis and a scientific theory?Theory – explanation based on substantiated bodies of evidenceHypothesis – explanation based on observation (but needs more research), never proven but accepted, can be a theory with more testingThe bonds between hydrogen and nitrogen in NH3 are ______ due to the electronegativity of the nitrogen atom.Nonpolar covalentHydrogenIonicPolar covalentGenerally, what molecules commonly exhibit hydrophilic and hydrophobic tendencies? What can we think of to remember these behaviors/characteristics?Hydrophilic: water loving, polar molecules and ionic compounds (form H bonds w/ H2O). Ex: sugars, salts, alcoholsHydrophobic: water hating, nonpolar molecules (avoid contact with polar molecules as much as possible). Ex: fats, oils, waxes, plastics (long hydrocarbon chains).Like dissolves/mixes with like! (for your future chemistry classes or Jeopardy/trivia questions)An electron in the first shell will have _______ potential energy than an electron in the third shell.MoreRoughly the same amount ofLessThe hydrogen bonds in water give it all the following properties EXCEPT:CohesionExpansion when frozenSurface tensionEvaporative coolingNone, they all are properties of water25 g of sodium chloride is dissolved in a 250 mL beaker of water. In this solution, the water is the:SolventSoluteSodium chloride is an iconic example of what type of bond? How can we tell if other molecules have this type of bond?Ionic bond COMPLETE TRANSFER OF e-!!! (covalent shares btwn atoms and does not have a definitive charge, only partials).What is the definition of an acid and a base?If you look this up, it will give different definitions (because there are multiple correct ways to identify which is an acid/base)… FOR THIS CLASS all you need to know:Draw out the scales of pH and pOH on a number line and identify the range of concentrations of when it’s an acid and when it’s a base.pOH scale: acid at ranges 8-14, base at ranges 0-6, 7 neutralpH scale: acid at ranges 0-6, base at ranges 8-14, 7 neutralA scientist is performing a titration in a lab. At the beginning of the titration, the solution had a hydrogen ion concentration of 1x10-7 At the end of the titration, the [OH-] = 1x10-5. How many times greater did the solution become more acidic? (HINT: pH + pOH=14, [H+] + [OH-] = 1x10-14)10 times10000 times1000 times100 times10000000000 timesAn isomer that are different in spatial arrangement around a double bond is a(n):Structural isomerEnantiomerGeometric isomerWhich of the following contains a carboxyl group?1569120500083001531709103715166537818514228979723296471802115432290012266933178811340568333373155944839745317708884203700214246916755521485892679513623643192321556749382475173874525977006875406105512779402439351579071318836139363422569300140425757821200165436614490200Which of the following contains a phosphate group?30373209309101560830850900015300961029716001413510302387000149796519583400026568403905251424305226695129095514541513284205607050013182601384300109982013201659855201304925131572023342601121410225171019075401959610190119020999451163320347599000115252531235650013379453197860693660783802923140-1592202651700229220296418037465034245551930403049905-457202778875167005002644825198120Which of the following contains a ketone group?1447165325818512617453183890001272540353631500201041021602702016760201993512306302312035142494023945851094740136525012090401380490142748014446251437640621030001400175205740153352528702027660604508501607185201866500152273030841950016389351089660001670524145953001910715790746331801444801897140205320Which of the following contains a hydroxyl group?663420140345237738039558514636751301750014325601074420001316355306895500140081020034250025596854356101327150271780119380019050012312656057900012211051429385100266513652508883651350010121856523793451024255229679518103852004695180403521450301066165352107500105537031686500012407903242945686460124795867540406675339834939695261796764522From the functional group questions (#18-20), what type of hydrocarbons are displayed?Straight chain hydrocarbonsDouble bonded hydrocarbonsRing (aka cyclic) hydrocarbonsBranching hydrocarbonsWhich of the following functional groups act as a base in a solution?AldehydeHydroxylPhosphateAminoNone of the aboveWhich of the following affects gene expression in nucleic acids?CarbonylSulfhydrylMethylCarboxyl ................

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