To: John Doe, job title


November 27. 2013

In attendance:

Gloria Salazar Molly Cone Lisa Krieger Mart DeannaButherus Achut Adhikari Julie Garbus

Judy Guber Jeremy Hein Joan Gigliotti-Weber

Melissa Kelly Abe Herrera Amy Graefe

Bob Williams


Wes Tuttle Dr. George Betts Debi Rodriguez

Lisa Johnson

Facilitators: Dr. Stacie Datteri and Linda Johnson


• The meeting convened at 6:00pm with a welcome and introductions.

• The minutes from 11/27/13 meeting were approved by Joan Gigliotti-Weber and seconded by Molly Cone.

• Bob Williams, AP and Social Studies Coordinator shared information on AP classes as well as student benefits of taking these advanced courses.

• Linda shared 2013 GT Achievement goals and performance data:

Goal: Students verbally gifted will meet or exceed the State advanced level for gifted in reading

|2013 STATE GT Adv Reading Scores: 34% |2013 DISTRICT GT Adv Reading Scores: 40% |

We exceeded our achievement goal by 6%. Over 5 years we increased advanced scores by 6%.

Goal: Students verbally gifted will meet or exceed State advanced level for gifted in writing

|2013 STATE GT Adv Writing Scores: 37% |2013 DISTRICT GT Adv Writing Scores: 42% |

We exceeded our achievement goal by 5%. From 2012-13 our advanced scores increased by 7%

Goal: Students mathematically gifted will meet or exceed State advanced level for gifted in math.

|2013 STATE GT Adv Math Scores: 70% |2013 DISTRICT GT Adv Math Scores: 69% |

We missed our target by 1%; however, in 5 years’ time our advanced scores increased by 17%. From 2012-13, our scores increased by 5%. Middle schools showed the biggest gain in advanced math scores from 46% in 2010 to 73% in 2013 – an increase of 27% in 3 years.

• Linda shared Parent Survey results. Based on survey results, the group decided on the following date/schedule for the GT Parent Institute:

o Saturday, March 22 from 7:30-12:30

o 7:30-8:00 Registration/Coffee/donuts

o 8:00-9:00 Keynote

o 9:15-10:15 Session 1 – Breakout/networking

o 10:30-11:30 Session 2 – Breakout/networking

o 11:45-12:15 Recognitions and closing remarks

We talked about having 3 breakouts –

Session 1 and Session 2: Social emotional needs

Session 1 – Preparing for College –Session 2 – Career Pathways

Session 1 - Perfectionism – Sesson 2 – The elementary gifted child

We need to have “catchy titles”.

Keynote: My child is gifted – now what? (would really depend on the presenter)

Vendors would be available during the Institute beginning at 7:30:

o Aims Community College

o UNC – Summer Enrichment Program

o AP/IB programs

o High Plains Library

o Book vendors

o Camp Invention

o Summer opportunities

Translators would be available – we talked about high school student interpretors as well as high school volunteers.

A subcommittee would meet and report back to group.

The meeting ended at 8:10pm.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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