Spanish I May 4-May 8 Project (MODIFIED) 1. Label 10 things in your ...

Spanish I May 4-May 8 Project (MODIFIED)

1. Label 10 things in your house (furniture, appliances, toys, etc.) with a short description in Spanish (2-5 words). Use index cards, sticky notes or any type of paper and make sure you can see the sign from afar.

2. Verify that the spelling and grammar of your description is correct.

3. Take pictures of the things along with signs and send them to me via Remind on Friday, May 8.

Description Examples:

La televisi?n es negra.

La puerta es grande.

Week of May 11-15

Spanish I & Spanish II


Me llamo ____________________________________ Fecha ____________ Clase ____

You are going to create your ideal friend! You will draw him/her (or a robot?) and write a

paragraph describing him/her/it.

Be sure to include:

? His/her name ? where s/he is from ? how old s/he is ? 2 adjectives to describe him/her ? 2 thing s/he likes ? 2 thing s/he dislikes

(1 point) (1 point) (1 point) (2 points) (2 point) (2 point)

'08$( ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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