Spanish Basic - Ch. 1 - Worksheet 3 - Cuaderno Espanol


Nombre: _____________________ Bloque: ______ Fecha: _____________________

Cap?tulo 1 Repaso - Worksheet 3

A. Match the phrases with their meanings.

1. ?C?mo te llamas? _______ 2. ?C?mo est?s? _______ 3. ?De d?nde eres? _______ 4. Yo soy _______ 5. ?l _______ 6. Ella _______ 7. Ellos _______ 8. Buenos d?as _______ 9. Adi?s _______ 10. Hasta luego _______

a. Goodbye b. I am c. She d. How are you? e. See you later f. He g. They h. Where are you from? i. What is your name? j. Good day/morning

B. Find the subject and verb in each sentence.

1. Yo soy de Puerto Rico.

Subject : ______________ Verb: _____________

2. Ella es mi mejor amiga.

Subject : ______________ Verb: _____________

C. Write the time for each clock.



2:00 2.


3:10 3.


5:15 4.


6:50 5.


Spanish Basic

Ch. 1.



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