MOORE, JESSICA A., Ph.D. Friendship and Risk for ...

MOORE, JESSICA A., Ph.D. Friendship and Risk for Internalizing Behavior: Understanding the Selection and Socialization of Maladaptive Behavior. (2012) Directed by Dr. Susan P. Keane. 119 pp.

The present study sought to examine the role of friendship in the link between early individual risk and subsequent internalizing behavior. A model indicating friendship characteristics as mediating mechanisms between early individual risk and subsequent internalizing behavioral outcomes was tested using a longitudinal sample of children between the ages of 5 and 10.5 years. Two social behaviors were examined as early (5 year) individual risk factors for subsequent internalizing problems: early withdrawal and aggression. Characteristics for withdrawn and socially skilled behaviors in 2nd grade friends were targeted as mediators in the relation between early risk and subsequent internalizing problems. Finally, gender was examined as a potential moderator for specific mediation pathways. Support for the overall meditational model was not obtained; however, results supported gender as a moderator for boys' withdrawn behaviors and internalizing outcomes, highlighting the importance of gender roles in development. Additionally, findings highlighted several future research goals. The presented work provides a preliminary step in understanding the impact of children's friends on risk for internalizing behaviors. Ultimately, these results may shed light on unanswered questions that may help inform social intervention for children at risk for anxiety and depression.


by Jessica A. Moore

A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of The Graduate School at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Doctor of Philosophy

Greensboro 2012

Approved by

_Susan P. Keane, Ph.D_______________ Committee Chair

To my wonderful husband, parents, siblings, friends and family. Thank you for your endless support throughout my graduate career.


APPROVAL PAGE This dissertation has been approved by the following committee of the Faculty of The Graduate School at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Committee Chair ____Susan P. Keane__________ Committee Members _____Susan D. Calkins_______

_____Julia Mendez-Smith_____ _____Gabriela Stein__________

March 4, 2012________________ Date of Acceptance by Committee January 18, 2012____________ Date of Final Oral Examination


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Susan Keane for her guidance and contribution to this project. Thank you to members of my committee, Dr. Susan Calkins, Dr. Julia Mendez-Smith and Dr. Gabriela Stein for their helpful feedback incorporated in this document. Finally, I am especially grateful for members of the RIGHT Track team for their invaluable contribution to data collection and manuscript development.



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