Roman Catholic Diocese of Clifton

left252730Called to beA People of HopeCalled to beA People of Hope33337501333500Year 4 48951071488000Prayers Saints and Feasts. 208915971550048933101587500 489585011874500Possible Outcomes Working towards Age Related outcomesPupils will be able to tell the story of St Bernadette (or equivalent) AT1Pupils will be able to state some activities people take part in, in Lourdes and use a developing religious vocabulary when describing those activities. AT1Pupils will be able to ask and respond to questions about people’s experience of pilgrimage AT2Pupils will be able to retell the prayer of St Teresa AT1Pupils will be able to make a few links to show how the actions of Christians, live out the prayer of St Teresa AT2Age Related OutcomesPupils will be able to make links between the prayer of St Teresa, the teaching of Jesus and the way Christians try to live. AT1Pupils will be able to give reasons why people go on Pilgrimage and use a developing religious vocabulary to help them do this (this wold include ideas about an outer and inner journey [Pilgrims shell]) AT1&AT2Pupils will be able to make links to show how the beliefs and experiences of people might lead them to go on pilgrimage AT2Pupils will be able to compare their own and others’ ideas about questions which are difficult to answer such as ‘Why doesn’t everyone who goes to Lourdes get healed?’ or ‘Does going on a pilgrimage change you as a person?’ AT3 (providing they support their view with evidence) (note: to answer the question why everyone doesn’t who goes to Lourdes get healed you would need to think about Prayer. We are asking God for help that doesn’t always mean being physically cured but it may be that we feel closer to God, we feel greater strength or acceptance/not so isolated etc. - just knowing that people are there for you may help)Pupils will be able to make links between the prayer of St Teresa, the teaching of Jesus and the way Christians try to live. AT1Working in greater DepthPupils will be able to show an understanding of how taking part in a pilgrimage might affect a person’s life AT1&AT2Pupils will be able to engage with the question ‘Do I need to go to a special place of pilgrimage to deepen my relationship with God’ or engage with the issue of ‘How pilgrimages bring healing’.AT3Pupils will be able to show understanding of how a person’s religious belief will affect the way they live out the prayer of St Teresa AT2Additional Tasks to support Outcomes EngageAsk pupils to think of journeys they make every day. What makes a special journey? Is it the people you travel with, the place you go to, the transport you took? Collect ideas. AT2 Make a display. Explain that pilgrimage is a journey that people of faith make to a special place associated with their faith. Pilgrimage is both an outer and an inner journey. We physically go to a special place, but we also make an inner journey. We learn more about ourselves and try to grow closer to GodExplore and Express Watch This is a video made by the Lancaster Diocese about going on pilgrimage. If possible ask someone to come in and talk about a pilgrimage they went on. After watching the video and listening to the talk, ask the pupils to suggest reasons people may go on pilgrimage. You could use the sheet with possible reasons on and ask pupils to rank the reasons why people go on pilgrimage. Other resources would include : This is the site set up to look at the pilgrim’s way route from Canterbury Cathedral This is the RE Quest site. It has a lot of useful information and stories about pilgrimage. With both of these sites you need to select what you think is appropriate for your group. Studied one specific place of pilgrimage. Alternatively, have the pupils working in groups research different places. (suggestions would be Lourdes/Fatima/Taize/Walsingham). Use the template to guide their research. If only one place, chose Lourdes and all the class should know about this place eventually Look at the possibility of going on a class pilgrimage. There are places of pilgrimage within our diocese. If doing this, have the class plan it, thinking about how far they will walk/the liturgies they will have/what they would like to get out of it etc. If you can team up with another school do so.If time, go onto the prayer of St Teresa (words attached). Iif you want a very brief biography of St Teresa go to: )To see a new placeTo have time for GodTo be able to be part of a groupTo take part in prayer and worship with a lot of peopleTo make new friendsTo have an exciting timeTo have funTo seek healing (of mind or body)To have time to think about your lifeTo seek forgiveness To learn new skillsTo find peaceTo deepen your faith To share with other peopleTo help other people????Reasons for going on pilgrimageWhere is the Place of Pilgrimage? Tell the Story of this Place (Briefly- select what you think are the important facts)Give at least 3 things people do when they are thereHow does it help people to be there?Read the Prayer of St TeresaCheck you understand all the words What does the word Compassion mean? Who in this world needs compassion? What did Jesus do to show compassion? Give at least 2 actual examples. How can we be like Jesus?What do you think it means to use your hands to bless the world? The priest uses his hands to bless people but I think St Teresa is looking for more than this.Look at these words from St James “4?What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works? Can faith save you? 15?If a brother or sister lacks clothing or daily food, 16?and one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill,” and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that?”How do these words connect with the prayer of St Teresa?Either create a poster, showing how we can live out the words of St Teresa, or create a PowerPoint. For each image that you have, connect it to a quote from the Gospels. For the Poster, put the words of St Teresa in the centre, with the images and quotes around it; for the PowerPoint put the words of St Teresa on the first slide. Prayer of St Teresa “Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.” ................

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