The Humanity of Christ

The Humanity of Christ

When studying the scriptures it is easy to see that Christ was the Son of God. We can see the great miracle he preformed. We can see the prophecies foretold of his coming and we can see the testimony of the Holy Spirit through the New Testament writers. However, reading all of this often distorts our view of Christ’s humanity.

Christ was just as human as you and I. “(He) made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men (Phil. 2:7).” Let us look at the Humanity of Christ.

Jesus Wept

John 11:35 is the shortest verse in the Bible, yet to this writer, it is one of the most important verses in all the New Testament. From this one verse we can see more clearly than perhaps any other in the New Testament that Jesus was just as human as you and I.

John records these words as the message that Lazarus, a close friend of Jesus, had died. The Jews who witnessed Jesus’ tears cried, “See how He loved him (John 11:36). In times of separation from our loved ones it is completely natural to weep. After all, we are only human.

What moves me all the more was that his tears were not for Lazarus alone. Twice John records that Jesus was deeply moved (John 11:33, 38). Christ felt compassion upon those who mourned. How many of us have shed a tear at a funeral, not because we lost a loved one, but because our friend, co-worker, or neighbor had? Then, his compassion moved him to comfort those who had lost their brother. Of course, the raising of Lazarus is a power of the divine, but the compassion is certainly human.

Lastly, Jesus wept after he was determined to raise Lazarus. In John 11:11 Jesus planned to raise Lazarus, yet, he still wept! He was truly human!

Lamentation for Jerusalem

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing (Matt. 23:37)!” Again, we can see Christ’s humanity in the way in which he cared for those whom he loved.

In this passage, we see Christ’s desire to protect those whom he loved. One reason a hen gathers her chicks under her wing is to protect them from the dangers of predators. Israel was being led astray by the world. They got caught up in materialism. They wanted an earthly kingdom, just like the other nations, and as a result they were rejecting the ways of their protector, God.

Another reason a hen gathers hr chicks is to provide protection from the elements. Israel was alone in the world. They were just as Solomon had warned against, living a life under the sun. Until they learned to return to the sanctuary of their Father, they would continue to be lost.

Of course, the main reason the hen gathers her chicks is because she loves them. Christ loved Jerusalem so much that He was willing to and did die for them. What parent wouldn’t do that for their child?

The Cross

There are fewer stories that are more difficult to read than the story of Christ‘s crucifixion, especially when you take into account He suffered every agonizing moment on that cruel cross.

The Hebrew writer points that he was made a little while lower than the angels (that is made human) so that he could cleanse man from sin. But, that cleansing power was only made possible by the suffering of the cross (Heb. 2:9). He had to taste death for every man. “To taste death” is to become intimate with it. One cannot taste death, until one actually dies!

Of course, John’s account of the cross gives us another human side of the cross. John tells us of Jesus’ relationship with His mother. It is hear that a son’s love looks to take care of his mother, even when he is gone. The love which Jesus had for his mother, and the comforting action he took is 100% human. Jesus in essence said, “Mom, you are going to be all right. My good friend John is going to look after you.”

Then, John records another saying from the cross, “I am thirsty.” When one is dying, the body becomes thirsty. It is said that the thirst is unquenchable. Although, the scripture points out that Christ said it to fulfill scripture, he would not have lied to do it!

Why is This Important?

In the overall scheme of things, Christ‘s being human seems to take a back seat in today‘s Christianity. But, we need to know that He was human. John saw it as so important that he taught that our salvation depended on it (II John 9-11). In fact, this writer would encourage you to read the Gospel of John with the mindset that John was not just proving Christ’s deity, but rather, he was proving Christ’s humanity.

One final passage for you to think on is Heb. 4:15. “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.” We have a High Priest who can sympathize with us? Why? He was just as human as you and I. He mourned for those who loved. He felt compassion on those who lost loved ones, he desired to protect those whom he loved, he felt compassion on a mother who was about to lose he firstborn son, he felt every agonizing moment on that cross. We have a High Priest to which we can never say, “You don’t know how it feels.” Jesus most certainly does!

With that in mind, the next time you hurt, the next time you feel weak, go to God in prayer. We have an intercessor who completely understands. -WTK


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