Jesus – The Greatest Gift

Jesus – The Greatest Gift!

Main Point: Jesus is the greatest GIFT. There is no gift that can compare with the gift of eternal life.

Props: A large, wrapped box (lid wrapped separately); bread; pitcher of water; clear glass; light (maybe a candle and match?); mirror; shepherd staff

Say This: How many of you like to get presents? Isn’t it fun to see wrapped presents and wonder what’s inside them? I’ve seen some children enjoy unwrapping the present just as much as they enjoy what’s inside the present. When my kids were little, sometimes they would play with the box more than the toy that came in the box!

Say This: Turn to a friend, and tell them the best gift that anyone has ever given you.

(Wait for children to do this).

Say This: One present that I got that was very special to me was (you will need to personalize this part) this heart necklace. My husband gave this to me when he came home from a missionary trip. I missed him so much while he was away. When he brought me this necklace, I knew he was thinking about me! This gift was one way for him to express his love to me.

Ask This: Did you know that God is ALWAYS thinking about you? Did you know that His gift to you is more precious than ANY gift a person could ever give to you?

Say This: I love the heart necklace that my husband gave me because it represents his love for me.

But Jesus has given me a gift FAR GREATER than a heart necklace.

The Bible says that Jesus came to give us all ETERNAL LIFE.

Ask This: Who can tell me what ETERNAL LIFE means? (Eternal life means living forever with Jesus).

Show This: Show your large, wrapped present.

Read this verse aloud: Ephesians 2:8-9 God's grace has saved you because of your faith in Christ. Your salvation doesn't come from anything you do. It is God's gift.

9 It is not based on anything you have done. No one can brag about earning it.

Say This: A gift is given freely. If it’s really a gift, you can’t buy it; you can’t work for it; and really, you don’t deserve it. It’s a gift.

The Bible teaches us that eternal life in heaven with Jesus is a free gift. There isn’t anything we can do to earn it.

Do this: Point to your gift-wrapped box again: Say This: Let’s pretend that this box represents Jesus and His gift to you. Eternal life with Him would be more than a wonderful gift, but because Jesus loves you so much, He has many things to give you while you’re still here on earth:

Shake the box.

Ask: What do you think is inside the box?

Open the lid.

Pull out a pitcher of water.

Say This: Jesus told the woman that He met by the well that He was the Living Water.

Do This: Pour the water out into a clear glass, and let it overflow.

This is what Jesus wants for your life. He wants you to overflow with Him.

Shake the box again

Ask: What else do you think is in this box?

Open the lid.

Pull out a loaf of bread.

Say This: Many people came to Jesus because they were hungry. They wanted food – free food. Do you remember when we learned that Jesus fed over 5, 000 people? The next day crowds of people followed Him. They wanted more bread. Jesus told them that He alone was the Bread of Life.

Many of the people didn’t want Jesus; they wanted free food.

Most of us eat 3 times per day. Why? Because we get hungry.

Jesus wants us to have a hunger for Him. He wants us to want more of Him.

Just as our body requires food, our souls need more of Jesus.

Shake the box again

Ask: What else do you think is in this box?

Open the lid.

Pull out a light.

Say This: The first thing that God said when He created the world was, “Let there be light”. Most people do not like to be in the dark. I remember a few years ago, our electricity went out. At first it was fun to be in the dark, but after awhile, we all wanted the lights to come back on. It got so dark in our house, that we couldn’t see anything! I was afraid that someone would fall and get hurt. We had to light candles and oil lamps so that we could see. I learned that if I put the candle in front of a mirror, the room would get much brighter.

Jesus said that He was the Light of the World.

He came to take away our darkness. He doesn’t want us to stumble and fall. He wants us to see Him. AND – He wants us to reflect Him. Do you remember how I told you that if you put a candle up to a mirror you will see more light? (Show this) Jesus wants you to be just like that mirror: reflecting Him to everyone you see!

Say This: There is one more thing we’ve learned about Jesus’ gift to us:

Shake the box again

Ask: What else do you think is in this box?

Open the lid.

Pull out a shepherd’s staff.

Jesus told the people that He was The Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.

That’s exactly what Jesus has done for you. He has laid down His life so that you can have eternal life.

He wants to lead you; you need to follow Him.

Yes, Jesus is the greatest gift of all.

Not only does He promise eternal life with Him, but He is a gift to us everyday that we’re here by being our . . .

(Show props)

• Living Water

• Bread of Life

• Light of the World


• Our Good Shepherd

Main Point: Jesus is the greatest GIFT. There is no gift that can compare with the gift of eternal life.


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