Chapter 1—We Believe

Faith First® Legacy Edition Chapter Review, Grade 4

Chapter 2—God’s Word to Us

1. The words that mean “holy writings” are _____.

a. Blessed Trinity

b. Holy Spirit

c. Sacred Scriptures

d. all of the above

2. The Hebrew name for God is _____.

a. Yahweh

b. Lord

c. Jesus

d. all of the above

3. Writers who wrote down the faith stories of God’s people were _____.

a. secretaries

b. scribes

c. authors

d. none of the above

4. The real author of the Bible is _____.

a. a scribe

b. a saint

c. God

d. none of the above

5. Human writers wrote the Bible _____.

a. with the guidance and inspiration of God

b. with no help from anyone

c. to tell their personal story

d. all of the above

6. At first God’s people passed on stories of faith _____.

a. in plays

b. on paper

c. by word of mouth

d. none of the above

7. God revealed his name to _____.

a. Mark

b. Moses

c. Matthew

d. all of the above

8. The name that God revealed to Moses is _____.


b. Exodus

c. Israelites

d. all of the above

9. God said to Moses, “This is what you shall tell the Israelites: _____ sent me to you.”

a. Jesus

b. I AM

c. He Is

d. none of the above

10. The first part of the Bible is the _____.

a. Book of Psalms

b. New Testament

c. Old Testament

d. all of the above

11. God revealed himself to and made a Covenant with the _____.

a. Israelites

b. Gentiles

c. Egyptians

d. Greeks

12. A promise or solemn agreement between people and God is a _____.

a. contract

b. agreement

c. Covenant

d. all of the above

13. The Old Testament has _____ books.

a. 27

b. 35

c. 17

d. 46

14. The Old Testament begins with the story of the _____.

a. exodus

b. creation

c. flood

d. none of the above

15. In the Old Testament we read that _____.

a. God created Adam and Eve

b. Adam and Eve turned away from God

c. God fulfills his promises

d. all of the above

16. The people promised God to _____.

a. worship and obey him

b. work hard and become wealthy

c. fight anyone who stood in their way

d. none of the above

17. God’s laws are summarized in the _____.

a. creed

b. Ten Commandments

c. scripture

d. none of the above

18. The word “gospel” means _____.

a. truth

b. story

c. good news

d. none of the above

19. The New Testament is made up of _____ books.

a. 46

b. 27

c. 32

d. 17

20. The Gospels _____.

a. were inspired by God

b. are the heart of the whole New Testament

c. share the good news of Jesus’ life

d. all of the above


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