“He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus,

so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit”

Galatians 3:14

Welcome to Bethel Christian Reformed Church on Sunday, December 13, 2020. This is the day the Lord has made! If you are hearing impaired, contact one of the ushers and they will direct you to a personal listening device. Please contact an usher if you have visual problems and need a large print Bible, hymnal, or bulletin.

Bethel Family

Jim and Marlene Wierenga have recently moved. There new address is:

721 Mayfair St. Apt #1

Waupun, WI 53963

Thank you! – On behalf of all those who enjoyed the meals made for them by church this last Saturday: “Thank you for a delicious Christmas Dinner! It was joyously made and seasoned with Godly love.” – A recipient.

Bethel Members – Action Needed: Please consider sending 1, 2 or all the missionaries listed below an encouraging and thankful Christmas Card/Letter this year as they carry out the great commission “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”. In this way we can all contribute to the important command from our Savior. Thank you.

Mike & Victoria Van Der Dyke Beautiful Response

c/o Christian Reformed World Missions Caleb & Sonja Schut

1700 28th Street SE 2059 N. Dayton St 3b

Grand Rapids, MI 49508-1407 Chicago, IL 60614

Tim Hilgers Marshview Ministries

Badgerland Youth for Christ Dave & Marilynne Kaatsma

N7766 Chestnut Rd 103 Cedar St

Randolph, WI 53956 PO Box 86

Horicon, WI 53032-0086

Ryan Hull

Camp Sonshine – Ryan Hull

PO Box 39

Iloilo City, 5000


At this time Cory Moreau will not have regularly scheduled office hours. If you need to get in contact with Cory please email waupunbethelcrc@ or call and leave a voice message at 920-324-4962 or 920-296-2521. Bulletin announcements continue to be due at Noon on Wednesdays. Thank you.

Bethel Activities and Ministries

Sunday School Teachers needed! Once we do meet back face to face we will be in need of a few Sunday School teachers. If you would be willing to help out please let Becky Vander Werff know. Most teachers share the duties. Grades that still need teachers are: Sixth Grade, Seventh Grade and Eighth Grade.

Community Activities and Ministries

Resonate Global Mission of the CRCNA is providing an interacve individual and small group

experience called, “Joining God in Your Neighborhood”. In four 1 ½ hour Zoom sessions

starng August 13th, facilitators will walk you (or a small group from your church) through:

Listening to Scripture, listening to your neighborhood and discovering new missional

opportunies and pracces within your neighborhood. This is a free opportunity available

to you directly by registering with Ruth Kelder at rkelder@ or call Ruth at

815.690.2410. You may also contact Pastor Dave Katsma at pastordlk@ or 920-


Resonate Global Mission of the CRCNA is providing an interacve individual and small group

experience called, “Joining God in Your Neighborhood”. In four 1 ½ hour Zoom sessions

starng August 13th, facilitators will walk you (or a small group from your church) through:

Listening to Scripture, listening to your neighborhood and discovering new missional

opportunies and pracces within your neighborhood. This is a free opportunity available

to you directly by registering with Ruth Kelder at rkelder@ or call Ruth at

815.690.2410. You may also contact Pastor Dave Katsma at pastordlk@ or 920-

296-1448Resonate Global Mission of the CRCNA is providing an interacve individual and small group

experience called, “Joining God in Your Neighborhood”. In four 1 ½ hour Zoom sessions

starng August 13th, facilitators will walk you (or a small group from your church) through:

Listening to Scripture, listening to your neighborhood and discovering new missional

opportunies and pracces within your neighborhood. This is a free opportunity available

to you directly by registering with Ruth Kelder at rkelder@ or call Ruth at

815.690.2410. You may also contact Pastor Dave Katsma at pastordlk@ or 920-


Resonate Global Mission of the CRCNA is providing an interacve individual and small group

experience called, “Joining God in Your Neighborhood”. In four 1 ½ hour Zoom sessions

starng August 13th, facilitators will walk you (or a small group from your church) through:

Listening to Scripture, listening to your neighborhood and discovering new missional

opportunies and pracces within your neighborhood. This is a free opportunity available

to you directly by registering with Ruth Kelder at rkelder@ or call Ruth at

815.690.2410. You may also contact Pastor Dave Katsma at pastordlk@ or 920-


Resonate Global Mission of the CRCNA is providing an interacve individual and small group

experience called, “Joining God in Your Neighborhood”. In four 1 ½ hour Zoom sessions

starng August 13th, facilitators will walk you (or a small group from your church) through:

Listening to Scripture, listening to your neighborhood and discovering new missional

opportunies and pracces within your neighborhood. This is a free opportunity available

to you directly by registering with Ruth Kelder at rkelder@ or call Ruth at

815.690.2410. You may also contact Pastor Dave Katsma at pastordlk@ or 920-


Apple Pie Auction – Randolph Christian School is making 25 of our delicious Apple Pies to be auctioned off just in time for Christmas! Go to or pies and start bidding today! This special auction will close on Friday, December 18th at 8:00pm. Winners can pick up their pie from RCS on Saturday, December 19th between 9:00am and Noon. (Or call the school office at 920-326-3320 to make special arrangements) Please pay with check or cash when you pick up your pie(s)

December 13, 2020

9:30 a.m. Worship Service


Lighting of the Advent Candle

Leader: The Christian life is full of ordinary things that together work for the extraordinary purpose of glorifying God. We rejoice in the promises of God and yet at times our hearts are sad.

Congregation: Even David, Israel’s great king, at times was downcast and disturbed within his soul.

Leader: Despite the problems we face in this world, we are called to be a people of rejoicing. The scriptures call us to “rejoice in the Lord always.”

Congregation: Why so downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God!

Leader: We light this third Advent candle with rejoicing, knowing that Christ will surely come and make all things new. Let us pray to the Lord who has come and is coming again. Gracious God, our world is often filled with disappointment, pain and sadness. In this dark place may your light shine. Ignite in our hearts this day a desire to rejoice in you and your promises that will surely come to pass. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

*Songs of Praise led by the Praise Team

The First Noel

*God's Greeting

Songs of Praise led by the Praise Team

What a Glorious Night

Silent Night

Congregational and Offertory Prayer

Offering: 1) General Fund

2) Fresh Start Ministries

Song of Preparation (see screen)

It Came Upon the Midnight Clear, vs 1, 2, 4


Galatians 3:6-19, 23-29


Our Hope is in the Son – of Abraham

*Song of Response #337

Joy to the World


*Closing Song #356

Go, Tell it on the Mountain



*Those who are able, please stand


Thank you!519pounds. Job well done!mas day represents Jesus, the Light of the World. The star represents the Star of bethlehPray For:

Those mourning the loss of loved ones…

~ Please continue to remember our many church families who are still in mourning.

Those recovering from injury, surgery, or illness…

~Please continue to pray for Anna Prochnow, and her family, as she continues to receive ongoing care.

~Please pray for Rose Westra, who is recovering from a procedure on her esophagus. May God bless her and give her strength.

Those suffering from chronic illnesses…

~ Sawyer Lange

~ Kristin Sauer

~Those who we have prayed for in weeks past who continue to deal with weakness and slow recoveries.

Those unable to attend worship services…

~ Donna Smith – Prairie Ridge

~ Harold Mulder – Christian Home

~ Bill Kastein - Crossroads Care Center of FDL

~ Henry Heeringa - Golden Living Center

~ Leah Kemink - Brandon

U.S. Military, either stateside or abroad…

~ Noelle Groenewold, daughter of Jayne Groenewold, currently home and serving one weekend/month.

~ Brendon Kemink, grandson of Betty Kemink, currently stationed at Virginia Beach, VA.

To have your name added/deleted or have other changes made to the prayer list, please contact Ruthie Brower at 920-324-4962 or waupunbethelcrc@. Office Hours are: Tuesday & Wednesday from 1:00-5:00 pm. Please have all bulletin announcements in by Noon on Wednesday to ensure they are included in the bulletin.


Helping with Worship and

Fellowship this morning

Ushers: Ryan Hopp, Eric Ter Beest & Dan Bos

Audio: Russ Smies & Mike Dull

Organist: Marilyn Smits

Helping with Worship/Fellowship on December 20th

Offering: Benevolent Fund

Ushers: Chad Guse, Mark Buteyn & Steve De Young

PP/Audio: Dave & Logan Wobschall

Organist: Betty Kemink


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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