Patti Durr collection on Deaf Holocaust Survivors

Patti Durr collection on Deaf Holocaust Survivors



Patti Durr¡¯s original tapes of interviews she has conducted with deaf survivors of the holocaust. Also

included are copies of older interviews conducted by Simon Carmel, former NTID faculty as well as

copies of two films created from the interviews.

See also website created by Patti and colleagues at NTID:

Deaf People & World War II

Simon Carmel

1. Simon Carmel former RIT Professor interviews Deaf survivors: Bloch, Teger, Wurmfeld

1 DVD, 2 copies ¨C labeled compressed and encoded (AVI, WMV, MOV)

4 DVD¡¯s ¨C labeled raw capture

2. Patti Durr interviews Simon Carmel about his experiences interviewing Deaf survivors . How I

Became Involved with the Research on Deaf Holocaust Survivors, Spring 2006, Voice over by Jim


DV Cam Master in Domestic ASL and an additional copy

DV Cam Master in International ASL and an additional copy

2 DVD¡¯s labeled raw capture

1 typed transcript


New Jersey Deaf Jewish Convention (1990) Holocuast survivor testimonies.

Panel discussion between Frieda Wurmfeld, from Czechoslovakia, Rose Feld Roseman, from

Poland, and Stan Teger, from Poland.

Retold testimonies, given by Debbi Fink, a family member of a survivor, and Dorothy Pankua

and Marge Klugman, friends of survivors. (both interciews on one DVD (3 copies)

New Jersey Convention, Part 1 Simon Carmel interview with Laszlo Bardos, Magda Zimmet

Bardos (added 6/12)

New Jersey Convention Part 2, Simon Carmel interview with Ludovi Wurmfeld (added 6/12)

Second copies - New Jersey Deaf Jewish Convention ¨C Simon Carmel interviews Laszlo

Bardos from Hungary, Magda Zimmet Bardos, from Hungary, and Ludovi Wurmfeld,

from Czechoslovakia. DVD

Lilly Rattner

Patti Durr and Joshua Berman Interview with Lilly Rattner

1 DV Cam Master and an additional copy

1 transcript of full interview

Ingelore Honigstein

Patti Durr interview with Ingelore Honigstein, Fall 2006

1 DV Cam Master and an additional copy

1 transcript

Ingelore Honigstein Presentation at NTID, Fall 2006

Patti Durr Interview with Frank Stiefel. The Frank Steifel Interview by Online Multimedia Museum to

Commemorate the Deaf Experience in World War II, Steifel is Ingelore¡¯s son.

1 DV Cam Master and an additional copy

Lilly Rattner Shirey

Exodus: A Deaf Family Escapes the International Holocaust, the Lilly Rattner Shirey Story. 2nd edit.

(A copy is also in Rare Collection)

1 DV Cam

1 transcript of Exodus

1 transcript of the Lily Ratner Shirely Interview Fall 2006

Doris Fedrid

Patti Durr interview with Doris Fedrid, conducted Nov. 28, 2006 in Seattle, WA

1 DV Cam Master

1 transcript

Worry: A Jewish Deaf Blind Survivor Shares her Story. The Doris Fedrid Story (Online Museum to

Commemorate the Deaf Experience in World War II)

1 DV Cam Master

1 transcript

University of Southern California Shoah Foundation Institute

See paperwork related to this interview, which is on deposit from the Shoah foundation

3 DVD¡¯s of Miriam Rubin interview

Labeled no logo,split into 4 parts wmv and MOV

Labeled with logo,split into 4 parts wmv and MOV

Labeled no logo, full video, avi avi and move

Yad Vashem (Center for Holocaust Research)

On deposit from the Yad Vashem Center

1 DVD ¨C Interview with Perl Lazar

Signed Permission Forms:

Simon J. Carmel

Frank Steifel

Ingelore Honigstein (Frank Steifel¡¯s son)

Lilly R. Shirey

Doris Fedrid

Sonia Kastner (Voice over for Doris Fedrid documentary ¡°Worry¡±)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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