NAME_______STEP 1: CREATE TABLE____ DATE________________

Night Dialectical Journal

|Quote |Reaction |

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NAME____STEP 2: FILL IN TABLE____ DATE________________

Dialectical Journal

|Quote |Reaction |

|“Approximately 11 million people were killed because of Nazi |11 million people?! How is that possible? That’s more |

|genocidal policy.” |people that live in the whole state of VA. |

| | |

|Approximately six million died for one reason: they were Jewish |I didn’t realize so many people other than the Jewish were |

| |killed by the Nazis. |

|Intelligentsia, consisting of teachers, physicians, clergy, business |What? They killed intellectuals for being intellectuals? |

|owners, attorneys, engineers, landowners, and writers, were |Wouldn’t people with knowledge be the people they wanted |

|imprisoned in concentration camps or publicly executed. |around? Or maybe not, because they might be smart enough to |

| |see through it all. |

|In 1934, forced sterilization programs sterilized 300,000 - 400,000 |They’re killing so many people why did they bother |

|people, mainly those in mental hospitals and other institutions |sterilizing? Why didn’t they just kill all the people they |

| |didn’t want to procreate? |

|Under the Nazi regime, African-German children were labeled |How did people not see this was wrong? Do we do anything |

|"Rhineland Bastards" and forcibly sterilized. |close to this in our society today? |

| | |

|Father Jacques was imprisoned in several Nazi camps before being |It makes me so sad that this happened to so many people. |

|liberated by American troops at Mauthausen in early May 1945. |They were liberated only to die soon after because their |

|Suffering from tuberculosis and weighing only 75 pounds, he died |malnourished, diseased condition was irreversible. |

|several weeks later. | |

| | |

| |Seeing faces to go along with the stories of death and |

|[pic] |destruction really makes it human. It hurts to think that |

| |most everyone in this picture probably met a cruel and |

| |horrible death—even the children. |

| |184 calories a day! That’s ridiculous. Based on that alone |

|In the second half of 1941, the daily food ration received by Jews in|a person could not live. How did they find black market food|

|the GENERALGOUVERNEMENT, on the basis of ration cards, consisted of |in order to survive? How could they do it without getting |

|an average of 184 calories, which is 7.5 percent of the minimum daily|caught? What happened if they did get caught? |

|requirement. The Germans received a full ration and the Poles 26 | |

|percent. | |

| | |

|The Germans exploited the lack of food to persuade Jews to report for|Wow, they were really methodical about this. They actually |

|deportation of their own free will |convinced people that they’d be better off reporting to a |

| |death camp, then they were starving at home. |

|Finally food ran out, and famished Poles, as one man described it, |Gross. This really made me realize how desperate these |

|"cut off pieces of flesh as soon as a horse fell, leaving only the |people were. I’ve been hungry before, but I’ve never felt |

|skeleton." |hunger like that. The human will to survive is ridiculously |

| |strong. |

STEP 3: Choose a theme to title your poem. (Select from: Suffering, Death, Chaos, Devastation, or Torment) CHOOSE PHRASES (based on the theme you choose for your title). I chose SUFFERING.

Dialectical Journal

|Quote |Reaction |

|“Approximately 11 million people were killed because of Nazi |11 million people?! How is that possible? That’s more |

|genocidal policy.” |people that live in the whole state of VA. |

| | |

|Approximately six million died for one reason: they were Jewish |I didn’t realize so many people other than the Jewish were |

| |killed by the Nazis. |

|Intelligentsia, consisting of teachers, physicians, clergy, business |What? They killed intellectuals for being intellectuals? |

|owners, attorneys, engineers, landowners, and writers, were |Wouldn’t people with knowledge be the people they wanted |

|imprisoned in concentration camps or publicly executed. |around? Or maybe not, because they might be smart enough to |

| |see through it all. |

|In 1934, forced sterilization programs sterilized 300,000 - 400,000 |They’re killing so many people why did they bother |

|people, mainly those in mental hospitals and other institutions |sterilizing? Why didn’t they just kill all the people they |

| |didn’t want to procreate? |

|Under the Nazi regime, African-German children were labeled |How did people not see this was wrong? Do we do anything |

|"Rhineland Bastards" and forcibly sterilized. |close to this in our society today? |

| | |

|Father Jacques was imprisoned in several Nazi camps before being |It makes me so sad that this happened to so many people. |

|liberated by American troops at Mauthausen in early May 1945. |They were liberated only to die soon after because their |

|Suffering from tuberculosis and weighing only 75 pounds, he died |malnourished, diseased condition was irreversible. |

|several weeks later. | |

| | |

| |Seeing faces to go along with the stories of death and |

|[pic] |destruction really makes it human. It hurts to think that |

| |most everyone in this picture probably met a cruel and |

| |horrible death—even the children. |

| |184 calories a day! That’s ridiculous. Based on that alone |

|In the second half of 1941, the daily food ration received by Jews in|a person could not live. How did they find black market food|

|the GENERALGOUVERNEMENT, on the basis of ration cards, consisted of |in order to survive? How could they do it without getting |

|an average of 184 calories, which is 7.5 percent of the minimum daily|caught? What happened if they did get caught? |

|requirement. The Germans received a full ration and the Poles 26 | |

|percent. | |

| | |

|The Germans exploited the lack of food to persuade Jews to report for|Wow, they were really methodical about this. They actually |

|deportation of their own free will |convinced people that they’d be better off reporting to a |

| |death camp, then they were starving at home. |

|Finally food ran out, and famished Poles, as one man described it, |Gross. This really made me realize how desperate these |

|"cut off pieces of flesh as soon as a horse fell, leaving only the |people were. I’ve been hungry before, but I’ve never felt |

|skeleton." |hunger like that. The human will to survive is ridiculously |

| |strong. |

STEP 4: Write your Found Poem and paste your picture at the bottom.

Found Poem

K. Wiesner




forced sterilization

184 calories a day

imprisoned in concentration camps

11 million killed

six million died for one reason

they were Jewish




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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