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From Russia with Love

Dear Friends and Family, Summer 2015

Greetings from St. Petersburg, Russia! From late May till early July we enjoyed White Nights, but now they have come to an end. Typically, the brightest period, is from about June 11th to July 2nd. St. Petersburg is the world's most northern city and its stands at such a high latitude that the sun does not descend below the horizon enough for the sky to grow dark. In fact, night is indistinguishable from day.

I cannot say that St. Petersburg is experiencing a very warm summer this year. According to the calendar, summer began June 1st, but you can't tell it by the temperatures, which have been hanging around the 60's (and even 50's!), with a few warmer days scattered in between.

Old Faithful

The change in routine is a good indication that summer is here. Our Old Faithful had their last meeting before summer vacation on May 26th. The week before that we went to the home a Anna Stephanovna to celebrate her 90th birthday. Now our grandmothers are enjoying their summer, resting, and spending time out at their dachas (summer homes, where they have their gardens.).


Since the Tuesday Old Faithful meetings went on summer hiatus, I have been putting in a full work at the ICEJ office. So far, this summer has been busy for us. This year we have seen an increase in aliyah (return of the Jewish people to the land of Israel) through our "Finnish Route." With the exception of January (and who wants to move in the winter with the snow, ice, and freezing temperatures!) we have had flights every month. In June and July we had 2 flights per month. Currently, aliyah from Russia is strong. Praise God! Prophecy is being fulfilled, as God is bringing His chosen people home to Eretz Israel.

ICEJ - Getting the word out

In the late winter/early spring Maya and I put together a new ICEJ Russian Branch brochure, highlighting the ministry of ICEJ, with an emphasis on aliyah, the Finnish Route, and The Feast of Tabernacles. In June I did a mass mailing: approximately 3,000 brochures to Jewish people in 8 Russian cities (Krasnodar, Norilsk, Maykop, Rostov-na-Donu, Samara, Stavropol, Taganrog, Volgograd), as well as to several churches in Moscow, Murmansk, Sakhalin, and Belarus. We pray that these brochure will be effective in raising an interest in aliyah, as well as raising funds for the continuing work of ICEJ. Please pray in agreement together with us.

Currently, we are in the process of redoing our ICEJ Russia website. We have found a company who will set up the site for us, and I am currently working with them in the process. Once they set it up, they tell me that I will be able to maintain it, update it, etc... Well, all I can say is, "With God ALL things are possible!" Hopefully, in the next newsletter I will be able to give you the web address so that you can go check it out and give me your opinion. Just keep in mind that's it all in Russian!

In the meantime, feel free to go our FaceBook pages and check them out. You may not be able to read the Russian, but don't let that deter you! We also have an English language page. A BIG THANK you to those of you who have already liked our pages!

English: ICEJ / Let My People Know:

Russian: МХПИ - ICEJ: МХПИ-ICEJ/487798461280921

Russian language Feast of Tabernacles page: Международное Христианское Посольство в Иерусалиме - Праздник Кущей:

The Messianic Jewish Home Group

The Messianic Jewish Home Group temporarily moved to my place for a month. On the evening of June 10th I received a call from Zina, the leader of the home group. She was calling from the hospital. It appears that she had been shopping for food for the home group and while crossing the street she was hit by a car, and have to have surgery on her knee. The ladies enjoyed coming to my place and I enjoyed having them. One week, we had a person come, whom we hadn't seen for a long time, so it was nice to her join us. Of course, my heart is rejoicing that Bella came to home group for that time. It was very convenient for her since it was at my place, which is right next door to her. My prayer is that during that time God spoke to her heart. She really enjoyed coming and even looked forward to it. She was actually disappointed when we moved back to Zina's place. Please continue to keep Bella in your prayers.

By the way, Bella went with me to a Passover Seder on April 8th, the Union of Christians Veteran's Banquet on May 9th (Victory Day), and to Resurrection Sunday service at Union of Christians Church on April 12th. One day at the table she made the comment to me, "Being around you I'm going to become a believer." I thought to myself, "May it be done unto you according to your words!" To God be the glory!

17 years!

July 5th 2015, marked 17 years of ministry here in St. Petersburg, Russia! I want to take this time to thank the Lord's House of Prayer for establishing, equipping, encouraging and sending me to Russia to serve and minister, and for supporting me in so many ways all these years. I also wish to thank all my family and friends outside of the Lord's House of Prayer, who have faithfully supported me. The words of Andre Crouch's song came to mind as I was writing this:

How can I say thanks

For all the things you have done for me

Things so undeserved

Yet you gave to prove your love for me

The voices of a million angels

Could not express my gratitude

All that I am and ever hope to be

I owe it all to Thee

And just as difficult as it is to find adequate words to express my thanksgiving to God, it is equally as difficult to find fitting words to express my thanks to you, my dear family and friends, for all that you have done for me. Your love, blessings, prayers, support me (this includes much more than just financially!) and encouragement, have uplifted and sustained me. I could have not done it without God and YOU! May God bless you exceeding abundantly above all you could think or imagine. I love you and appreciate you more than you know! Shalom!

From Russia with Love,

Sue Schramm

“The Lord bless you and keep you;  The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”’


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