The Department for Jewish Zionist Education

The Department for Jewish Zionist Education

The Jewish Agency for Israel ©

Chanukah – Best of the Web

An Annotated Guide to Online Resources by Language and Target Population

3. Chanukah Resources in Russian

|URL |Target |Type |Size/Media |Notes |

|Jewish Agency for Israel, Education Department |Formal / informal |Diverse audiences, |3 resource series: |Chanukah background, activities, curricula; |

| |education ages 7-18; |at different levels |text files, |themes include history, Jewish sources, |

| |students, adults | |activities. |ethics, independence; links; bibliography. |

|Aish HaTorah |Teachers, students, |Overview and |Online reading or |Articles, guides, laws and customs, stories, |

| |family |activities |download |songs for Chanukah; family activities & |

| | | | |recipes; ask the Rabbi. |

|Chabad Lubavitch |Children & families; |Intro; edu-tainment;|Text, games |Background, Chanukah how-to guide, brachot, |

| |adults |study. |video/audio; pdf file;|stories, interactive games cards, songs, |

| | | |photos |competition; recipes, video audio classes; |

| | | | |insight articles. |

|Istok; South African Board of Jewish Education [SABJE] |Educators, adults; |Diverse levels |4 text files; images |Comparison with Purim; Chanukah background |

| |schools | | |for lessons, with Hebrew embedded; Herman |

| | | | |Wouk. |

|Jewish Education Center/Pedagogic Center, Ukraine |Teachers, parents, |Background suitable |5 resource series; |Historical, national & religious meanings of |

| |children |for adults/ students|text files, graphic |Chanukah; Hassidut; curricula, drama; kids'|

| | | |charts. |stories; word searches. |

|Mountain Jews |Families |Introductory |1 text file; animated |Background & significance, outline of |

| | | |gif |customs. |

|eCards |

| |

4. Chanukah Resources in Spanish

|URL |Target |Type |Size/Media |Notes |

|Jewish Agency for Israel, Education Department |Formal / informal |Diverse audiences, |4 resource series: |Chanukah background; activities & games |

| |education ages 7-18; |at different levels |text files; graphics |collection; themes include history, |

| |students, adults | | |Jewish sources, ethics; links |

|Chabad Lubavitch | |Overview and |22 files for reading |2 series: Comprehensive Chanukah |

| |Adults; teachers, |inter-mediate study |online or download |background; guides, laws and customs; |

| [Portuguese] |students; family | | |stories & recipes. |

|First School |Pre-school, families. |Young children |7 files: line graphics|Chanukah games, symbols, colouring |

| | | | |pages. |

|Jinuj net - Jewish Youth Movement database, Latin America |Educators, ages 8-16 |Introductory & |14 text files, role |5 Articles, 9 activities & games; |

| |years. |inter-mediate |cards; logon needed |background; Talmud & commentary texts |

| | | |for games |for study. |

|Masuot/Central Pedagogica Nitzan, Chile |Educators, ages 8-12 |Introductory |1 file, text |5 games |

| |years | | | |

|Yehuda Ribco, Uruguay |Teachers; families; |Introductory thru |30 files: text, |Games & activities; history; miracle of |

| |adults. |inter-mediate. |transliterated |Chanukah; articles; traditions, |

| | | |brachot; audio; |brachot. |

| | | |tables. | |

5. Chanukah Resources in French

5A. Main Websites

|URL |Target |Type |Size/Media |Notes |

|Jewish Agency, Education Department |Formal / informal |Diverse audiences, |text files, activities|Background, activities, curricula; |

| |education ages 7-18; |at different levels | |themes include history, Jewish |

| |students, adults | | |sources, ethics, independence. |

|Alliance [Aharon Altabe,] |Parents, teachers, adults|General level |1 series, 2 related |Articles; 8 themes/stories for |

| | | |files; text/graphic |Chanukah lighting; candle-lighting |

| | | | |plan; recipe. |

| | | | | |

|Aish HaTorah |Adults, families, |Introductory – |18 files, text |Meaning, context; stories; questions;|

| |children |intermed-iate | |laws & customs. |

|Chabad Lubavitch |Adults; teachers; family |All levels |5 separate moderate |Articles; Laws & customs; brachot; |

| |& children | |collections and |songs; Chabad Hassidut, games, |

| | | |websites; text; |stories; study series |

| | | |visuals; audio | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

5B. Activity Websites

|URL |Target |Type |Size/Media |Notes |

|Consistoire of Jewish Communities in France |Educators; for ages 8-12 | | |Youth resources, games, activities |

| | | | | |

|Enfants Juifs - Jewish Children - Tsivot Hashem [Chabad] |Families & children | Pre-school plus |Graphic & interactive |Chanukah-related games; |

| | |level |files |candle-lighting & related game. |

| | | | | |

|Judaisme d'Alsace - Jews of Alsace [Barbara Weill/Warschawski/Rothe] |Educators, families |Introductory – |Online game graphics; |Online game – 2 levels; customs & |

| | |intermed-iate |text |recipes of Alsace Jews |

|JDC Paris |Educators, teachers |Introductory – |10 game & activity |Games for ages 8-14. |

| | |intermed-iate |files | |

| Momes – Kids [general website] |Family, pre-school & |Introductory |5 files, interactive |Chanukah symbols; quiz; crafts. |

| |early grades | |games | |

5C. Introductory websites

|URL |Target |Type |Size/Media |Notes |

|Mouvement Juif Liberal de France – French Liberal Jewish Community |Families | |1 file: graphics, |Outline: history; brachot; customs & |

| | | |images |meaning. |

|Sefarad |Parents & families |Introductory |1 text file |Historical outline & messages of |

| | | | |Chanukah |

|Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue, Montreal, Canada |Parents |Introductory |1 file with text, |Chanukah outline; historical photos & |

| | | |photos |documents; brachot |

|Terre D'Israel - Land of Israel; French speakers in Israel |Parents & families |Introductory |1 graphic file, 9 |Chanukah outline; transliterated |

| | | |music files, & ecards |brachot; 9 songs; 9 musical ecards. |

|Vie Juive – Jewish Life |Adults, students teachers|General - concepts |7 files, pdfs with |Sephardi/Ashkenazi brachot. Articles, |

| | | |graphic |stories. Links by halachic area. |

|Wikipedia |Adults; students; |Introductory & |1 file |History; names; laws; traditions; |

| |teachers |general | | |

5D. Adults/Students

|URL |Target |Type |Size/Media |Notes |

|Chiourim - Shiurim |Adults |General - advanced |audio |Chanukah miracle |

| | | | | |

|Rabbi Dufour |Adults |Interme-diate thru |Text; photos; 1 very |Chanukah prayers with meaning; psalms |

| | |advanced |long file!!! |for each day; Chanukah in different |

| | | | |communities; Q&A with sources; poem; |

| | | | |links by topic |

|Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliahou |Adults, teachers |Interme-diate thru |1 long file |Halachot of Chanukah |

| | |advanced | | |

|Shema Yisrael |Adults, parents, teachers|Interme-diate thru |30 sections – 13 text |Chanukah Halachot for the home; |

| | |advanced |files |tefilah; very detailed. |

5E. Films & Powerpoint Presentations

| |Powerpoint |

| |Video |

5F. eCards

| |

| [musical cards] |

| |

6. Chanukah Resources in German

|URL |Target |Type |Size/Media |Notes |

|JAFI Education - German |Teachers, educators, |Text files for |3 main series with |Overview and historical background;|

| |students |online use or |activities. |curricular material. Extensive |

| | |download | |files on: history, Jewish sources,|

| | | | |traditions, ethics; games and |

| | | | |activities. |

| |Family |Introductory |3 articles |Overview, story, candle-lighting |

| |Family, adults; students; |Introductory thru |7 sections; 25 files; |Focus on conceptual approahes; |

| |children |inter-mediate |audio; maps |brachot & songs; symbols & lexicon;|

| | | | |history with maps; games; making |

| | | | |and playing dreidl (sevivon). |

Researched and compiled by Gila Ansell Brauner

Updates by Naomi Goldberger, Sherut Leumi

The eLearning & Resource Division

The Department for Jewish Zionist Education

The Jewish Agency for Israel©


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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