1. Paper must be 5-7 pages in length (double spaced, 1 inch margins, 10 point type). Papers of less than 5 complete pages will not be accepted. Tha'ts all the way down to the bottom of the 5th page! (If you cannot do five pages there is something wrong with either your topic or your research. Come and talk to me and I can help you get on the right track.)

2. In your research you should consult a minimum of 5 sources (not counting course textbooks). All sources should be listed on a separate bibliography page and attached to the back of your paper. (You can use whatever style you would like but you need to include author, title, date and publishing company). Also, your paper should include footnotes, endnotes or parentheses which give the author, title, page number, etc. for any information (quotes OR ideas) you are using from a source. See the attached statement on plagiarism. You are expected to do research in the library for this paper. Consquently, no internet sources are allowed except the electronic databases of scholarly journals available through the library's web site. In addition you can use the internet to access english translations of ancient texts when not available in the library. Also, it shouldn't have to be stated, but obviously the professor's lectures are not "research" sources and do not count as one of your five minimum sources.

3. The paper can basically be on any topic that requires scholarly research in biblical studies or the historical and cultural background of the Bible. You must choose the topic and have it approved by the instructor no later than Oct. 8. Grades will be primarily based upon quality of content and how well you demonstrate an ability to examine the issues and texts involved with your topic. If you should choose to argue for a particular position or disagree with an author you will be expected to show a genuine understanding of the other viewpoint and a thorough consideration of the issues. If you do not feel you can appreciate the different sides of a discussion you should choose another topic.

4. A brief paragraph describing your topic is due on Mon., Oct. 8. The topic must be submitted by email as a plain text message (no attachments accepted!) to "" with the subject line: "BIB TOPIC: Your Name". This does not have to be detailed and the paragraph will not be graded. However students failing to email the topic/paragraph will have their paper grade automatically reduced by one full letter grade.

5. If you use an idea, a quote or information from a source you must credit the source immediately at that point in the paper. This can be done with either parentheses (immediately after the idea, quote or information is used) or a number immediately after the idea, quote or information that refers to an endnote. Quotes must also be in quotation marks. All students must read and sign the statement on plagiarism included with the printed copy of this guide that was distributed in class. It should then be attached to the back of your paper before the paper is submitted. If the signed plagiarism statement is not turned in with your paper the paper will not be accepted.

6. You are required to turn in your paper BOTH by email AND in printed form. The printed copy will serve to demonstrate that you met the minimum length requirements. It will also make certain that you turned the paper in on time and it didn't get "lost" in cyberspace! :-) In most cases the instructor will actually grade the email version--making comments in a copy of the paper and emailing it back to you. To do the email part, write your paper in plain text format (give credit to your sources using parentheses or endnotes rather than footnotes). Then cut and paste the entire paper into an email message. NOTE: Do NOT "attach" your paper as a separate file. Attachments will not be accepted, I will not open them and your paper will NOT be considered "turned in" if you send it as an attachment.

You must email the paper to: (The subject heading must say: BIB PAPER: Your Name)



Graded comments will be made in a copy of your paper and bracketed [[[like this]]]]. As soon as I’m finished grading it I

will email the paper back to you.

7. Please note: The Paper is due on Mon., Dec. 3rd at the beginning of class.

8. Students must also read and follow the document, "Wisdom Sayings for those Who Would Write a Biblical Studies Term Paper" which is located on the course web site.

Sample Topics (Note: The following are just samples to give you ideas and get you started thinking about a topic. Some of these would need to be narrowed down considerably.):

|Methodology for Approaching the Bible (Issues in How One Studies |Early Jewish Literature (Choose a particular book or a topic) |

|Ancient Texts) |Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls (Choose some aspect here |

|Focus Upon a Specific Text that you Find interesting (i.e. a chapter |that you would like to study) |

|or issue in a particular text you read during the course, etc.) |The Historical Jesus (Focus on one area-example Jesus' View of the |

|Select a particular book of the Bible or Early Jewish or Christian |Jewish Law; Jesus' Action in the Temple) |

|Literature and examine it's date of writing, authorship, purpose, |John the Baptist and Jesus |

|major themes, etc |The “Messianic Secret” in the Book of Mark |

|Ancient Near Eastern Myths and the book of Genesis |The Portrayal of Judaism in the Book of Acts |

|Archaeology and the Bible (Focus in on one area or topic) |Paul's Understanding of Law and Faith |

|Ancient Near Eastern Law Codes and the Pentateuch |Paul's View of Faith Compared with the Viewpoint of the Book of |

|Theories Concerning the Exodus |James |

|Comparison of Canaanite and Israelite Religion |Corinth: Problems in a Gentile Christian Community (You could also |

|The Development of the Concept of One God in Israelite Religion |choose to examine one of the issues-for example: Marriage and |

|The Portrayal of Women in the Jewish Bible |Celibacy, Sexual Promiscuity, Division in Early Christianity, |

|Ritual in the Jewish Bible (i.e. Focus on one-for example: Sacrifice) |Worship, etc) |

|The Role of Prophets in Early Israel |1 Thessalonians and the Eschaton |

|Two Different Views of Wisdom: Proverbs and Ecclesiastes |Paul and the Role of Women in Christianity |

|Examine Jewish Poetry in One of the Psalms or Another Text |Melchizedek in the Jewish Bible, Early Jewish Literature and the New |

|Daniel as Apocalyptic Literature |Testament |

|The Maccabean Revolt |The Book of Revelation as Apocalyptic Literature |

|The Influence of Hellenism (Greek Culture) on Judaism |Jesus’ Teaching in the Gospel of Thomas |

|Jewish Concepts of Life after Death in the Hellenistic Period |Social Issues in the Jewish Bible and/or New Testament (Treatment |

|Jewish Views of the the Messiah in the Hellenistic Period |of the Poor, Homosexuality, War, etc) |

Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism Statement

Full details regarding Rowan University's policy and procedures regarding academic integrity and plagiarism can be found in the Student Handbook and Planner. The student should read and become familiar with these policies. Plagiarism with a course term paper can result in receiving an "F" for the course or even suspension from school. On p. 37 of the guide it defines plagiarism as follows:

"Plagiarism: Plagiarism occurs when a person represents someone else’s words, ideas, phrases, sentences, or data as

one’s own work. When submitting work that includes someone else’s words, ideas, syntax, data or organizational

patterns, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate and specific references.

All verbatim statements must be acknowledged through quotation marks. To avoid a charge of plagiarism, a person

should be sure to include an acknowledgment of indebtedness, such as a list of works cited or bibliography. Examples

of plagiarism include but are not limited to:

• Quoting, paraphrasing or even borrowing the syntax of another’s words without acknowledging the source.

• Using another’s ideas, opinions or theories even if they have been completely paraphrased in one’s own words

without acknowledging the source.

• Incorporating facts, statistics or other illustrative material taken from a source, without acknowledging the source,

unless the information is common knowledge.

• Submitting a computer program as original work that duplicates, in whole or in part, without citation, the work

of another."

Summary: Whenever you use an any idea or information that is from a source other than your own thoughts you MUST indicate at that exact point in the paper that you are using a source and what source you are using. The source can be indicated with parentheses, or a numbered endnote. Whenever you quote a source you must place the quote in quotation marks (or, if the quote is more than five lines, use an indented single spaced paragraph where the indentation is on both the left and right sides). Then you must immediately identify the source at that point in the paper with a parentheses or an endnote number.

I have read and understand the above information regarding plagiarism. I also understand that if I commit plagiarism in this course the instructor will submit a Rowan University Report of Academic Integrity Violation form (RAIV) along with documentation of the plagiarism to the office of the university Provost requesting disciplinary action.

Name: ___________________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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