Algeria - Avotaynu

Index to the first 21 Volumes of AVOTAYNU


Civil records of Algeria and Morocco VI/1/29

Jewish community in the Touat Oases VII/4/60

Brochures on colonization of Algeria VIII/3/51

Algerian Jews VIII/3/52

About the Jews of Morocco, Algeria and Libya X/3/38

Algerian records in Aix-en-Provence XI/1/45

Conference on the Jews of Algeria XXI/3/52


History of the Jews of Argentina II/3/21

Sources of vital statistic records III/3/18

Argentina, the other Golden Land V/2/16

Jewish Immigration to Argentina VII/2/34

Inquiries to Argentina XII/1/40

Cites Argentinean source for immigrant information XII/1/66

Jewish genealogical society founded XII/3/51

Using Argentina phone books on the Internet XII/4/59

How to obtain Argentinean vital records, immigration registers, census records, genea-

logical resources in Buenos Aires, history of the Jews of Chile, Jews of Rhodes XIII/2/50

History of the Moise Ville colony XIII/4/79

Moroccan community in Buenos Aires XIII/4/79

Jews of Belmonte XIV/4/69

Moises Ville colony school records XIV/4/69

Spanish Jewry XIV/4/69

My Search for Family in Argentina XVII/4/35

Jewish Colonization Association XIX/2/54

Río de la Plata XIX/2/54

Argentinian Immigration Database Now Online XIX/4/68


History of the Jews of Australia I/1/03

Australian Jewish Historical Society I/1/11

Migration of Belgian Holocaust survivors III/1/21

Book review: Australian genealogy books in print III/3/31

Demography of Australian Jews in 1986 census IV/2/24

Origin of Australian Jewry VI/2/19

Comments on "Origin of Australian Jewry" article VI/3/21

First governor Arthur Phillip's Jewish origins VII/1/24

Jewish genealogical societies founded VII/4/58

Activities of Australian JGS VIII/4/53

Your Australian cousins XI/1/37

Australian family histories XI/1/43

Burials in New South Wales XI/1/43

Five regional branches of the Australian Jewish Genealogical Society XII/4/59

Jewish genealogical activity throughout Australia XIII/1/39

Egyptian Jews in Australia XIII/4/79

New group in Perth XIII/4/79

Access to census records XIV/2/47

Holocaust arrival records XIV/2/47

Computerization of Australian immigration records XIV/4/69

Sophie Caplan Honored by Australian Government XVI/1/45

Book Review: Tracing Your Family History in Australia XIX/2/66

Early Australian-Jewish History XIX/2/54

Jewish Lives in Tasmania XIX/3/52

Burial CD XIX/4/68

Earliest Jewish Doctors of Australia XIX/4/68

National Archives of Australia XIX/4/68

CD of Australia Jewish qresources XX/2/50

CD of Sydney Burials XX/2/50

Australian Military Records Online XX/4/62

Early Immigrants to Australia XXI/2/43

Melbourne Chevra Kadisha records XXI/3/52

Monograph Holdings of AJGS XXI/3/52


Austrian Holocaust project planned X/2/66

Austrian Resource Cited XI/2/67

Jews Remain Identified in Austrian Baptismal Records XI/4/50

Vienna as a magnet for Austro-Hungarian Jews XII/4/26

Austrian-Jewish Records: Ill-gotten Gains XIV/2/13

Some Jewish Holdings in Vienna XIV/2/49

Jews of Vienna 1826-1945 XIII/1/39

Records from Burgenland at the Central Archives in Israel XIII/3/54

Austrian Records Controversy Continues XIV/3/17

Jewish first names in the Austrian Empire XIV/4/69

LDS Films of Viennese Registration Forms (Meldezettel)As a Genealogical Resource XVI/3/3

More About Viennese Registration Lists and Related Matters XVI/3/7

Book Review: Verdrängte Geschichte Schauplätze des Naziterrors in Oesterreich XIX/1/60

Cites Sources of German, Austrian and Czech Holocaust Victims Names XIX/4/79

Resources for Records of Vienna XX/1/34

Jewish Vital Records in Vienna: Two Sets XXI/3/22


Genealogy & migration: Jewish movement in 19th-Century Austro-Hungary XII/1/25

Residency in the Austro-Hungarian Empire XVI/4/89

The 1869 Austro-Hungarian Census XVII/3/25

Austro-Hungarian Military Records XIX/3/32

Belarus (see also Russia, USSR)

Byelorussian archival holdings VI/3/10

Inquiries made at Minsk archives VI/3/39

Location of Vitebsk records VII/2/39

Minsk archives will research for $1,000 VII/3/46

What we know about genealogical records in Belarus IX/4/06

Belorussian archives revisited X/3/12

First Belarus Jewish records arrive at LDS Family History Library X/4/07

Sources for Jewish Genealogy in Belarussian Archives; New Discoveries from Recent

Research XI/3/31

On-Site Research in Minsk XI/4/27

Records for the Lida District Available in the Grodno Archives XI/4/75

Book review: Jewish Documentary Sources in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. . XII/4/81

Jewish communities in Grodno province XII/4/83

The Pinkas of the Chevra Kadisha of Slutsk XIII/2/28

Not All Jewish Vital Records from Belarus Are Microfilmed XIII/2/53

RAGAS Provides Mogilev Guberniya Inventory; Visit to Ukrainian Archives XIII/4/31

Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People filming in Belarus and

negotiations with Lithuanians and Russians, Chinese Jews XIV/2/47

Belarussian Resources XV/3/71

Jewish Genealogical Research in Belarus XVI/3/19

Some Belarus Records in Vilnius Archives XVI/3/27

GSU, Belarus SIG and Litvak SIG Arrange Cooperative Indexing Project XVII/1/3

Book Review: Archival Judaica of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus XVII/3/66

Documentation of Byelorussian Jewish History at The Central Archives

for the History of the Jewish People XVIII/2/17

Book Review: Jewish Documentary Sources in Belarus Archives XX/3/61


Status of Jewish genealogy in Belgium I/1/11

Antwerp as a transit point from Eastern Europe to U.S. I/2/08

Holocaust survivors of Belgium II/1/23

The Jews of Antwerp II/2/14

Antwerp between the wars III/2/20

Accounting of Belgian Jews after Holocaust IV/2/17

Families who have lived in one place for generations V/1/15

New Belgian books on the Holocaust VI/2/25

Jews Who Contributed to the Belgian State Since Its Independence VI/3/20

Antwerp as haven for Jews after Spanish Inquisition VII/2/23

Marranos of Antwerp VIII/2/36

Jewish genealogical research in Belgium--an update XI/1/43

Museum of the Deportation and Resistance in Brussels inaugurated XI/3/62

Research on early Jews of Belgium XII/1/39

Museum of Deportation and Resistance XIII/3/49

Genealogy collections of the Jewish Museum of Belgium XIV/1/46

Jewish genealogical society founded in Brussels XIV/1/46

Resources in Belgium Illuminate Larger Geographical Area XIV/4/37

Brussels Jewry XIV/4/69

Museum of Deportation and Resistance in Mechelen (Malines), Belgium:

Holdings and Activities XVII/4/14

Migrations from Eastern Europe to the Netherlands and Belgium XIX/2/29

Papers Given at Dutch/Belgian Jewish Conference XIX/3/52


The Jews of Bermuda XIV/2/31

Book Reviews

1998 Cemetery Project on CD-ROM XIV/4/85

Address Book for Germanic Genealogy VIII/3/62

AJHS Reviews Books on Jewish Communities XIII/2/63

American Consuls in the Holy Land, 1832-1914 X/4/76

American Passenger Arrival Records IX/2/60

An Index to Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society X/4/77

Ancestry's Red Book VIII/3/63

The (Anglo) Jewish Year Book XII/1/64

Archival Sources for Canadian Jewry IV/2/25

The Archives VIII/2/54

Avotaynu Guide to Jewish Genealogy XX/3/61

Balkan Ghosts, A Journey Through History X/1/61

Bedford's Second Jewish Community X/2/63

Behind the Silken Curtain XIX/4/75

Bibliography of German-Jewish Genealogy IX/3/61

Bibliography of Projects on German Jewry and anti-Semitism IX/3/61

A Biographical Dictionary of Canadian Jewry, 1909-1914 VIII/4/61

Bohemia and Moravia Deportations: Terezin Memorial Book XII/4/81

Books About Towns XIII/2/63

Books on Hungary IX/4/69

Bridges to An American City: A Guide to Chicago's Landsmanshaften, 1870 to

1990 X/3/64

Bridging Three Worlds IX/1/62

Bukharian Jews VIII/4/62

Capital Collections: Resources for Jewish Genealogical Research in Washington, DC,

Area XII/3/70

The Center: A Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Capital Area XII/3/70

Cologne Gedenkbuch XII/3/71

Companion Guide to Romania X/1/61

The Concise Dictionary of American Jewish Biography X/4/75

Dallas Jewish Genealogical Guide X/2/62

Dicionário Sefardi de Sobrenomes XIX/4/75

A Dictionary of German-Jewish Surnames XXI/2/64

A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia XX/4/76

A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from the Russian Empire IX/1/61

A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from the Russian Empire IX/3/10

A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from the Kingdom of Poland XII/2/58

Dictionary of Surnames--some comments VI/2/26

Disraeli: A Biography XII/1/64

A Documentary History of Jewish Immigrants in Britain X/4/79

Documents of Our Ancestors: A Selection of Reproducible Genealogy Forms and Tips

for Using Them XII/4/80

Do People Grow on Family Trees VIII/3/62

Edge of the Diaspora VI/4/57

Eliyahu's Branches: The Descendants of the Vilna Gaon and His Family XIII/4/96

Encyclopedia of Jewish Genealogy VII/1/34

Evidence! XIV/3/87

Family Diseases: Are You At Risk? V/3/34

Family Research for Jewish Ancestors from Baden Wurttemberg in Hohenlohe District X/3/63

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About Jewish Genealogy XIII/1/64

Finding Home: In the Footsteps of the Jewish Fusgeyers XXI/1/60

Finding Your Jewish Roots in Galicia: A Resource Guide XIV/3/87

First American Jewish Families VIII/2/53

Following the Paper Trail: A Multilingual Translation Guide VIII/3/63

From a Ruined Garden: The Memorial Books of Polish Jewry XIV/4/85

From Generation to Generation X/3/59

From King David to Baron David VI/2/23

Gedenkbuch VII/3/36

Genealogical Guide to East and West Prussia XIX/4/75

Genealogical Resources in the New York Metropolitan Area V/1/29

Genealogica Hebraica: Jews of Portugal and Gibraltar VI/4/58

Genealogical Resources in the Atlanta Area XII/3/70

The Genealogist's Address Book VIII/4/62

A Genealogist's Guide to Discovering Your Female Ancestors XIV/4/85

De Geschiedenis van het Joodse Geslacht Schuit XII/2/63

Going Greek: Jewish College Fraternities in the United States, 1895-1945 ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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