Minutes of the meeting of the Exceptional Need

Minutes of SCHP Trustees Meeting

on Monday 14th March 2016 at 6.15pm at Balmoral Community Centre

Present: Chris Sternshine (Chair/Jewish Care), Trish Carpenter (Secretary/Citizens Advice Southend), Aline Clayson (Trustee/South East and Central Essex Mind), Steve Dewberry (Vice Chair), Dawnette Fessey (Trustee), Ken Phillips (Treasurer/Southend Reform Synagogue), Jo-Ann Routh (Event Co-ordinator), Brenda Smith (Trustee/Residents Association of Westborough 2012), Dan Turpin (Trustee/SAVS)

1. Welcome: CS welcomed everyone to the meeting in particular JR who was attending her first meeting as the Event Co-ordinator.

2. Apologies: There were no apologies for absence. No conflicts of interest were declared.

3. Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th February 2016 and matters arising: The Minutes were agreed and signed by CS. There were no matters arising.

4. Fundraising: CS reported that funding applications had been submitted to the Rosca Trust and Essex Community Foundation. KP advised that the ECF application had been acknowledged and the decision would be notified on or after 21st April. CS said the Wilkinson store in Southend had donated a £10 gift voucher and it was agreed that this would be used a raffle prize for the quiz on 15th April. JR had been in contact with Asda about their community tokens scheme and the store would let her know when the scheme reopened to new applications. CS said it was nearly a year since we had received support from the Waitrose scheme, once the year had passed she would reapply. BS commented that Tesco donate the money charged for plastic carrier bags to charities. DT said that it had to be for a sustainable capital project. Suggestions were made about possible projects, such as SCHP sponsored benches and a wishing well. BS had been in touch with Sainsburys about a bag pack and had been told that these take place in June. The Manager will contact BS on his return from holiday. BS is still exploring other opportunities with smaller local stores. CS reminded everyone about the quiz on 15th April and asked for donations of raffle prizes. DT said that we had bookings for 8 tables and this was close to capacity. BS said that Sir David Amess MP had said he would be attending but it was not known if he would be staying for the whole event. DF suggested that we encourage participants to become members at the quiz and this was agreed.

5. The Big Event 2016: JR reported that Priory Park had been provisionally booked with SBC for 18th September, JR will now submit the formal application. CS advised that John Watson had confirmed his availability. JR said that she worked with young people undertaking the Duke of Edinburgh Award and JR felt that these young people could be involved at the Big Event in survey completion as this activity would meet the service element of the award. It was agreed that JR should progress this. JR suggested that she seek ‘good luck’ endorsements from celebrities connected with Southend, for example Helen Mirren and Jamie Oliver to be used for publicity and this was also agreed. JR added that if any celebrity also provided a signed object, this could be used for future fundraising. CS reported that the Leigh Regatta was being held on 18th September, on balance it was felt that this should not impact greatly on the Big Event. DT reported that some organisations had been confused by the recent contact about the STRF ‘Community Event’ being held in Priory Park on 3rd August. JR would send out another ‘save the date’ email to highlight that this was not the ‘Big Event’. JR had received all the paperwork from DT and had met with CS and DT. JR would also bring her own contacts.

6. Treasurer’s Report: KP circulated details of the activity since the AGM. The credit balance was £6217.31. The stall holder donation for the 2015 event had just been received from Healthwatch Southend, the only item of expenditure outstanding for the 2015 event was the hire of the park from SBC. This invoice was received very late last year.

7. Website/Marketing/Publicity: DF said that our posters and leaflets were being updated. DF reported that the comments made on Facebook about the Chinese New Year and International Women’s Day had been well received. DF asked if it would be possible to use the smartboard at SAVS at the quiz to highlight our website and our presence on Twitter and Facebook, DT would arrange this. The pop-up banner had still not been located, a replacement may need to be purchased.

8. Membership Update: As previously mentioned, membership would be promoted at the quiz on 15th April.

9. Any Other Business:

The Big Event 2017 – KP suggested that the 2017 event be held on the first Sunday of Carnival week to improve publicity. DT said that the Carnival was changing and there would not be a Carnival week as such in future so such a link was unlikely to be productive. Through Sir David Amess MP, Southend was being promoted as the ‘Alternative City of Culture’ for 2017 and this may be a possible link.

Constitution – CS reported that the last page of the constitution had been amended to reflect the current signatories. CS would circulate the new version.

Chand Sood – the email received from CSo had been circulated to all Trustees; the email refers to the minutes of the 12 Oct 2015 SCHP Trustees meeting – agenda item 9 “SEMF”. In view of CSo email comments CS asked AC to clarify the situation. AC confirmed that the Oct minutes accurately reflected what was said. CS would email CSo accordingly bringing this matter to a close.

Conduct of members – as we operated open membership it was agreed that members could only be asked to leave a meeting or be removed from membership based on their conduct at SCHP meetings or in relation to SCHP business.

10. Date of Next Meetings:

Monday 11th April at 6.15pm – Trustees meeting, Gleneagles Guesthouse

Monday 9th May at 6.15pm - Trustees meeting, Gleneagles Guesthouse

Monday 13th June at 6.15pm – Trustees meeting, followed by main meeting at 7.30pm, Balmoral Community Centre – Huw Williams from Terence Higgins Trust will be the speaker

Monday 11th July at 6.15pm - Trustees meeting, Gleneagles Guesthouse

Monday 8th August at 6.15pm – Trustees meeting, followed by main meeting at 7.30pm, Balmoral Community Centre – speaker to be arranged.

Monday 12th September at 6.15pm - Trustees meeting, Gleneagles Guesthouse – to be confirmed

Monday 10th October at 6.15pm - Trustees meeting, Gleneagles Guesthouse

Monday 14th November – AGM – venue and timing to be decided

Monday 12th December at 6.15pm – Trustees meeting followed by main meeting at 7.30pm, Balmoral Community Centre

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 7.05pm.

Actions: as described above.

Signed…………………………………………………….. Date…………………………….


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