Jamaica, Queens | Downtown Revitalization Initiative Local ...

Jamaica, Queens | Downtown Revitalization Initiative Local Planning Committee Meeting #2

Tuesday, December 6 | 10:00 AM ? 12:00 PM

Meeting Overview


The meeting began with a welcome address from the LPC Co-Chair Carol Conslato and Queens Deputy Borough President Melva M. Miller (representing Co-Chair Queens Borough President Melinda R. Katz). Carol provided a brief review of the previous meeting, which took place on Wednesday, November 9th, and reminded attendees that all meeting summaries can be found on the Jamaica DRI website: . Melva thanked all Committee members for their continued involvement before introducing the Consultant Team, led by HR&A Advisors. Inc. (HR&A), to begin the presentation. Please note that the full presentation can be found on the DRI website.


Kate Collignon of HR&A described the progress that has been made on the project's work plan and timeline since the previous LPC meeting, including ongoing stakeholder outreach and the development of a project fact sheet. She also reviewed the roles and responsibilities of both the Steering Committee and the Advisory Committee and reiterated their importance to the success of this planning effort. Kate then provided a brief project overview to review the study area context, including recent public sector and private sector investments, and purpose of this DRI planning effort.

Bret Collazzi of HR&A reminded attendees that previous plans and stakeholder outreach for the Jamaica area will provide the foundation for this planning effort. As such, the development of the draft DRI vision and goals have been built off of previous planning efforts, especially Jamaica Now, in addition to the objectives defined by the DRI. The draft vision is as follows:

Build upon recent investment to expand economic opportunity for local residents and entrepreneurs; strengthen Downtown Jamaica's cultural and commercial assets; and support the development of a vibrant, attractive mixed-use downtown core for the benefit of the greater Jamaica area.

Bret and Neil Kittredge of planning and architecture firm Beyer Blinder Belle went on to describe the following goals and objectives in detail:

Goal #1: Increase access to quality jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities ? Improve workforce development programming and link training to new growth industries ? Foster development of growth industries ? Increase support for small businesses and entrepreneurs in downtown

Goal #2: Increase vibrancy by leveraging cultural and institutional assets ? Promote and strengthen anchor institutions ? Improve local parks and other public amenities ? Support the development of dining and entertainment amenities ? Integrate existing marketing efforts to create a cohesive Jamaica brand

Goal #3: Connect Downtown Jamaica's centers of activity ? Improve streetscapes and traffic patterns ? Mitigate barriers that physically divide Jamaica

? Strengthen programmatic ties across institutions to build a cohesive Downtown experience

Melva introduced the project selection process and asked the Committee to consider the community's existing assets and projects with regard to the selection criteria in order to maximize the DRI investment. Kate went on to review the types of projects that are permitted under the DRI project criteria and how a project can be submitted for consideration. She reviewed the criteria and emphasized that it draws directly from New York State's guidance. The criteria is organized into three main topics as follows:


? Alignment with DRI goals and existing plans

? Community benefits ? Economic and fiscal impact ? Employment and job growth ? Workforce development

potential ? Transformative potential ? Financial sustainability


? Estimated project cost ? Ability to leverage public/and/

or private funds ? Ability to leverage other

funding sources


? Market demand ? Site control and regulatory

challenges ? Readiness and timeline ? Capacity of responsible

parties to implement and maintain investment

After the presentation, members from the Steering Committee, Advisory Committee, and the public were invited to participate in a discussion or submit comments. The following provides a summary of that input.

Discussion | Steering Committee

Vision ? A committee member requested further clarification on the term `economic opportunity' to illustrate that the term is referencing actions such as opening up access to employment.

? A committee member stated that the vision should reference the need to ensure that any growth and development is inclusive of all members of the community.

? A committee member stated that the collaborative nature of this planning effort should be reflected in the vision.

? A committee member stated that the vision should reflect what is unique about Jamaica, including its people and its community assets.

Goals and Objectives ? The following suggestions were made in reference to "Goal #1: Increase access to quality jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities"

o Change objective #1 to "Improve workforce development programming and link training to existing and new growth industries."

o Include a note that emphasizes the importance of retaining employers as well.

o Include an objective that highlights the need for on-the-job training.

o Note the importance of attracting jobs that have career growth potential and that pay a living wage.

o Clarify the definition of "support" in objective #3: "Increase support for small businesses and entrepreneurs in downtown."

Project Evaluation Criteria ? A committee member emphasized the importance of ensuring that projects are sustainable and can be maintained.

? A committee member suggested that the criteria need to reflect the need to ensure that any growth and development is inclusive of all community members. For example, any recommendations should strive to ensure positive impacts across generations.

? The language should be updated from "workforce development" to "workforce development and placement potential" to reflect the importance of ensuring any training is connect to an employment opportunity.

Existing Conditions The following are subjects or topics that committee members asked to be incorporated into the existing conditions analysis.

? Opportunities that exist as a result of the proximity to Downtown Brooklyn in regards to both physical and economic connections as well as marketing opportunities.

? Focus on the community as one of Downtown Jamaica's strongest resources, including multiculturalism, youth population, senior population, etc.

? Include information about the increasing and diverse immigrant population.

Comments | Advisory Committee

? Rhonda Binda, Jamaica Center BID

o Emphasized the importance of marketing Jamaica and suggested that a promotional campaign be implemented at the airport.

o Highlighted the connection between the need for employment opportunities and the potential growth in regional hospitality. Suggested that technology could be utilized to create a new model that connects people to career paths in the retail and hospitality industries.

o Stated that businesses in the area need broadband access to compete, as well as sidewalk improvements .

? Seth Bornstein, Queens Economic Development Corporation

o Highlighted the importance of context and suggested that the project criteria should reflect the impact on the entire borough of Queens as well as the region.

o In regards to entrepreneurship and the work force, stated that many members of the community have felt disenfranchised and that they have not been included in previous planning efforts. It is imperative that there is outreach to all members of the community, including residents south of South Street, to ensure that they are part of the revitalization.

? Isa Abdur-Rahman, Farmers Boulevard CDC

o Stated that the issue of parking needs to be considered as part of this planning effort. There needs to be analysis on whether the available parking is adequate for the existing conditions and any potential developments.

Referenced difficulty of attracting outside retailers in the area due to the lack of parking (as compared to Nassau County) and limited density (as compared to Brooklyn).

o Requested clarification on the definition of `shovel ready.'

Kate explained that there is no set definition for how far along in the process a project should be in order to be considered "shovel ready." She stated that the

Committee will need to consider how far along in the process a project is when deciding whether it should be a priority.

? Pierina Ana Sanchez, Regional Plan Association and Co-Chair, Jamaica Now Leadership Council

o Agreed with the comments regarding the importance of inclusivity and the importance of regionalism.

o Stated that this effort needs to consider issues related to climate change and NYC's rising sea level, which will increase the importance of JFK Airport. This effort needs to consider the implications that this would have for Downtown Jamaica.

o Suggested consideration of the growing trend toward autonomous vehicles and how it will impact the neighborhood.

o Suggested consideration of issues relating to displacement and gentrification, and ensure the impacts from the selected projects are for the benefit of both the existing and future community.

Public Comment Period

The following members of the public participated in this comment period:

? Bryan D. White, Thomas White Jr. Foundation

o Recommended that the local community's involvement be further emphasized in the vision and the development of the action plan.

o Suggested that an effort should be made to include WBE and MBE businesses to ensure they are included in the process.

Next Steps

Kate stated that a review of the existing conditions as well as the vision and goals is necessary to build consensus for how priority projects will be framed as the effort moves forward. She stated that the next LPC meeting will focus on the consideration of potential projects in accordance with the criteria.

Carol thanked all meeting attendees for their time and reminded them that the next LPC Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 4, 2017.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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