Organization meeting of the Mayor and Council held on Monday, January 4, 2010 in the Borough Hall.

Meeting was called to order by Mayor O’Brien at 7:32 P.M.

Posting of Colors by the Sayreville American Legion Post #211 Color Guard.

Salute to the flag.

Opening prayer by the Rev. Fr. Kenneth Murphy from St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Sayreville, NJ

Municipal Clerk Farbaniec read “Statement received from the Middlesex County Clerk certifying the election of Councilman Frank J. Bella for a three year term and Councilman Nicholas J. Perrette, for a three year term.”

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Statement be received and filed on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Kelly.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Eicher, Kaiserman, Kelly, Perrette, Siarkiewicz, all ayes.

Municipal Clerk Farbaniec administered Oath of Office to newly elected Councilman Frank J. Bella and Councilman Nicholas J. Perrette.

Municipal Clerk read the Notice of Publication.

This Re-Organization meeting being held on January 4, 2010 has been satisfied in accordance with Chapter 231, P.L. 1975 by advertising in the Home News Tribune, notifying the Sentinel Publishing Co. and Star Ledger, posting on the bulletin board and filing with the Borough Clerk.

Mayor asked for an attendance roll call.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Eicher, Kaiserman, Kelly, Perrette, Siarkiewicz.

Others Present: Mayor O’Brien, Business Administrator Bertrand, C.F.O./Treasurer Kronowski, Attorney Verrone, Engineer Samuel and Cornell, Municipal Clerk Farbaniec and Assistant Municipal Clerk Miara.


Councilman Frank Bella

First I’d like to say Happy New Year to everyone. Thanked the voters of Sayreville for giving him the opportunity to serve as their representative on the Borough Council. He stated that he understood this past election was about tax relief through all levels of government. He assured the people that he heard that message and is committed on working toward that end. He said that he will always remember the tax payers come first.

He said the upcoming year will be filled with many challenges. The State Budget deficit will reduce State Aid to our community and lead to difficult budget decisions for our council. He is committed to fiscal responsibility and is looking for ways to increase efficiency and reduce costs. He sees the role of councilperson as a person who is willing and able to address the problems and issues of our community and to make the tough decisions that are required to move us forward for the benefit of all the residents. He believes we can bring common sense to local government. Thanked his wife Anna, daughters Adrianna and Rebecca and son Anthony for all of their efforts during the past election.

Mayor welcomed Councilman Bella to the Council.

Councilman Nicholas J. Perrette

He thanked the people of Sayreville for putting their trust in him. Stated that he was not much of a politician and doesn’t claim to be one. Truly wants to work for the people of Sayreville stating that his background brings him many advantages that come from the business sector that could be applied to the public sector. He said he and Councilman Bella ran on the same ticket and that they want to improve Sayreville as far as trying to lower taxes, or maintain them, as the economy is starting to hurt a lot of people. Wants to be proficient in what they do and who they charge as far as when revenues fall short, not putting it on the tax payer alone, taking a look at who truly uses the service and making everyone pay their fair share.

He thanked his wife Madeline, daughter Danielle, granddaughter Gabrielle and sun-in-law Joe for all of the support they provided as he ran during the election and everyone else on the Council.

Thank You.

Councilwoman Lisa Eicher

Wished everyone a Happy New Year and welcomed Councilmen Bella and Perrette for a fun and exciting three year term. She stated that she has been a Councilwoman for one year and three days and during that time she has been watching, learning and listening. She said that with a new year there are new beginnings and started with the changes that need to be made in the borough that would make it run more efficiently. We need to concentrate on making this community run more efficiently with the money we have and not ask for more. We cannot ask the taxpayers to fix the mistakes of politically motivated decisions made in these chambers. We need to leave our egos and political aspirations at the door and focus on doing what is right for the borough who gave us their votes of confidence. We need to stop spending beyond our means. We are not a money making entity and will not support any budget that will allow for any unnecessary spending because that is how it has always been done. Our economy does not allow for a twentieth century government any longer. She said she will not punish the tax payers with an increase in water or property tax rates because of mismanagement in the past.

If we are all up here to better the community and the quality of life for all who live here, we will all look to do things differently. We will look this year to go in house with our attorney and all of our professionals. We will study the overtime patterns and look to eliminate positions through attrition and combine responsibilities when feasible. We need to run more efficiently without losing programs or services. We cannot ask the taxpayers to give us more if we plan on giving them less. She said the Mayor has quoted Benjamin Franklin many times as whether the sun is rising or setting on Sayreville. I believe today the sun needs to set on the pattern of political needs-political game playing over progress and begin the new decade with the rising sun of putting residents first. Thank you.

Councilman David Kaiserman

Councilman Kaiserman congratulated Councilmen Perrette and Bella and welcomed them aboard.

He said he is truly honored to serve as Councilman. As you know, the past few months have taught us that almost anything can become political, even trees and leaves. However, I believe that my decision as leader, committed to making positive accomplishments, will continue to support the community that we live in. In my two years of service I have achieved a lot and would like to share that as a reflection of the past and will share where I wish to go for the future for this town, so I will briefly highlight a few small things that I have been able to help this town with.

• The Tree Ordinance – That protects the environment that we live in and keeps our town looking beautiful. Thereby protecting our property values, which is very important to all that live here.

• The dollar amounts for quotes for services that are needed, which department heads are required to get have been lowered, so that more items will be scrutinized.

• The unfit buildings Ordinance that protects our property values and what we see in this town. By removing buildings that are in disrepair in our neighborhoods. This ordinance had a major success and roll in knocking down Ocean Blue, which had been there for a very long time.

• The Surplus Vehicle Ordinance – which will be a good start of a shared services relationship with the Board of Education and other neighboring towns.

• Vote against tax and water rate increases, on behalf of what I believe are what the people’s wishes are. I believe our residents do not want increases and in my campaign I said that I was not going to vote for taxes or water rate increases and I have committed myself and I stand up for what I believe in.

I am encouraged when people talk about what I have done and debate what I have done because they’re a town of people who ultimately benefit and do need debate and dialog that is extremely positive.

My vision going forward for Sayreville is one where we progress and not stay stagnant. I believe that we are still confronted with some very serious issues in this town in the coming year. The municipal taxes and water rate increases among others. As my actions have shown I’m willing to take a stance on behalf of the residents as your advocate promoting what you believe in. I’m not afraid to take an unpopular position or one that is bi-partisan. I am a man for the people and by the people and will continue to work for you just as I promised during my election campaign. I promised not just to be a rubber stamp, and that is the position I continue to support. I promised independent leadership and not to engage in party politics when I campaigned, and to that end I believe that in order for the town of Sayreville to survive and to be affordable for all I urge all party politics be put aside, we should instead have bi-partisanship. I am very proud of my efforts too, to encourage each party to work together with me towards common goals to succeed in Sayreville, which is our motto, on behalf of those who live here.

In conclusion I have many ideas which no doubt will cause discussions to occur, and I am proud of that because I hope to make many decisions in the future that will ultimately lead towards progress and achievement. Moving forward and creating something new takes leadership that simply accepting status quo does not accomplish. I’m going to quote Jack Welch, a good businessman who said, and I quote, “good business leaders create a vision, articulate that vision, passionately own the vision and relentlessly drive it to completion”, and that is what I share in his vision.

He thanked his wife and one and one half year old son for dealing with the politics on the other end of the phone because when all is said and done it’s really family that matters.

He wished everyone happy holidays and happy new year and asked everyone to thank and remember all of our troops fighting to defend the United States of America. Thank You.

Councilman Kenneth P. Kelly, Sr.

Councilman Kelly wished everyone a Happy New Year, he welcomed Councilmen Bella and Perrette and looks forward to working with both of them. He just finished his first year as Councilman and it has been a learning experience. He stated that he would miss Councilman Drwal’s companionship and his opinion on things. He stated that everyone up here, both elected and professionals are concerned about increases in taxes and would work in a bi-partisan manner way to keep the taxes low or to stabilize them and to maintain the current level of service. For the New Year I look forward to working with everyone. God bless you all and thank you.

Council President Paula Siarkiewicz

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz wished everyone a Happy New Year and congratulated Frank Bella and Nick Perrette on their election and look forward to working with them. I have always been committed to the residents of Sayreville and will continue to do so. I have always worked in a bi-partisan fashion and will continue to do that as well.

I believe that the people of Sayreville deserve the best that we can give them. I think that we need to be bi-partisan. I think that whatever the situation is, if you are going to vote no to a specific item you need to have a reason as to why you are voting no. A plain no isn’t going to help, there has to be a reason along with a solution for issues. I am committed to do that as well as I am sure the rest of the council is as well. Thank you.


State of the Borough - January 4, 2010

Mayor O’Brien began by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. He welcomed Councilmen Bella and Perrette stating that he is looking forward to working with them.

The mayor’s annual address is often used as a time to celebrate the positive initiatives that have been accomplished in the previous year and to focus on many new victories to come. But, with deep economic challenges here in Sayreville and across this great nation, this type of speech would seem empty and unimportant. There are many worries in this room. They are personal. They are real. And, for many, there does not seem to be a solution in sight.

In my role as your mayor, I have spent countless hours in 2009 listening to the people of Sayreville. I have heard about job loss, about struggles to pay the mortgage and concerns about how to pay for health care if a loved one should fall sick. I don’t know if there is anyone here today who does not have a very personal story about how the economy has affected them. I know of no family in Sayreville that has not experienced the pain of tighter budgets, of trying to help an unemployed friend or wondering what their own job outlook will be in 2010. I can tell you, as I have told the many, many people who have come to me for help and guidance, that Sayreville is a family. We take care of our own. We always have. When this economy recovers, and we all pray to God it does in 2010, I believe Sayreville will be at the forefront of the recovery. That is because we are a special breed of people, living in the greatest town in the free world.

To quote John F. Kennedy: “The American, by nature, is optimistic. He is experimental, an inventor and a builder who builds best when called upon to build greatly."

It is simply not in our nature not to succeed. It never has been. America was built by overcoming one challenge at a time. And so was Sayreville. This is a community that is based on a strong foundation of volunteerism. Just look at the local houses of worship in town, or the emergency squads, or the schools, or the libraries. They are filled with caring people who want to help their neighbor, even in the darkest of hours.

In 2009, I have referred people in need to the many community groups that are here to help….Organizations such as Raritan Bay Hospital. In keeping with their strong commitment to the community, when a resident was having difficulty placing a family member in a nursing home with the necessary level of care, they recommended and worked to facilitate admission to Arista Care at Alameda Center in Perth Amboy, which offered the high-tech equipment and intensive rehabilitation program to best serve the patient’s needs and work on getting him walking again. When residents need food, housing assistance, or any type of outreach, Reverend Bulluck and Faith Fellowship ministries has been there. He also put together a federally certified counseling program for people in danger of losing their homes. The Saint Vincent DePaul Society at Our Lady of Victories has been very active with their food pantry, coat and blanket drives, and many other forms of assistance for local families. OLV parish’s Respect Life group raises funds to help support several crisis pregnancy centers. St. Stan’s also has a food pantry, and helps support the work of Rachel’s House, which offers many kinds of practical assistance to homeless pregnant women.

There is our Senior Center - when a resident lost her employer sponsored health insurance and was now transitioning to Medicare and was scared and confused, we had people to help her and anyone else who needed assistance. No matter the need, Sayreville opens its arms to its own. And we always take great pride in our VFW and American Legion for their service to their country and all they continue to do, such as the Mission of Honor, in which our own Nelly Malet also took such an active part. It is not possible to name them all here, but the open hearts and hands of Sayreville’s people are second to none, and I am proud and grateful.

On the dais here today, you see two new faces on the Borough Council – Nick Perrette and Frank Bella. I have spoken with Frank and Nick about leadership. They agree it is about putting politics and personal aspirations aside to do what is best to serve the people. I want to repeat that: To serve the People. In serving the people, elected leadership must put aside who is a Democrat or who is a Republican or whatever. I think we can all agree that the challenges of the day are too serious to focus on who ran for office against whom.

This governing body, working with me and the department heads in Borough Hall, must work as a unified voice to do what is best for every single person in this community. That doesn’t mean that we will always agree. While the majority of us sitting on this dais share the same political party, we are individuals with varied backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs.

Dissent shouldn’t be perceived of in a negative light. Rather, it should be welcomed.

To quote President Kennedy once more: “Without debate, without criticism, no administration and no country can succeed -- and no republic can survive”

Rest assured, just as in every family, we will disagree; however, in the end, we will be guided by the simple and most profound philosophy: Living up to the trust and faith that YOU have placed in us, to make this town that we all love so dearly, an even better place.

And in the matters that we disagree on, we will work to find common ground, and will not sit mired in politics. We will rise above pettiness, and will not lose sight of what needs to be accomplished.

I, and the other members of this governing body, have heard your call for change, and I am committed to that end.

We can take pride in the strides we made. The governing body, working with the police department and the apartment owners, came up with a proposed agreement to increase and enhance the security at our largest apartment complex. This agreement should enable the residents living in this complex to rest a little easier at night, in the knowledge that the governing body continues to address their concerns.

We also closed two local bars – businesses which were run badly, which failed to remember that a liquor license is not a right, but a privilege.

In December of 2008, at a crowded Town Hall meeting, I promised the residents of Sayreville that I would create an advisory committee to deal with the issue of the Main Street Bypass.

It is with a sense of gratitude that I inform you that not only has this committee been formed, and has spent countless hours meeting this past year, it continues to diligently address all the various issues and concerns that surround this project.

I am in receipt of the committee’s first phase of recommendations and am reviewing them. I will be inviting the members of the Main Street Bypass Committee to an upcoming Council meeting to share their Phase 1 findings with the members of the governing body.

I wish to thank all the members of this committee for their hard work and commitment to this project.

Sayreville is embarking on an economic renaissance for the Raritan Bay. When Sayreville was first settled, the Raritan River was the source of almost all our revenue; we now look to find a new economic source of property tax relief from the water side.

Although the design may be different than our original vision, one thing, one very important thing, remains the same: the redevelopment of this property will undoubtedly stabilize the property tax burden our residents face, create jobs, and present a source of pride and family enjoyment for Sayreville residents and visitors.

We took HUGE steps in 2009 towards accomplishing our redevelopment goals on the former National Lead site. The land is being cleaned up and we look forward to a groundbreaking this year.

Unfortunately, we will have to make tough choices in 2010. The economic crisis our nation is facing has not excluded Sayreville. Just as you, your family and friends have had to cut back, so will Sayreville.

There are no “sacred cows” in the municipal budget. I am tightening the belt to the point where we need to add new holes. Any and all spending is subject to review and adjustment.

For example, I will be recommending that the Borough put a moratorium on subsidizing the trip elected that officials and Board and Commission members take to annual League of Municipalities conference in Atlantic City. Funding three nights in Atlantic City with taxpayer money is a cut I am prepared to recommend. Despite the fact that this may hinder some from continuing to attend this function, we need to exercise prudence with taxpayer money.

We will also carefully look at staffing in 2010. I will be seeking a moratorium on hiring. We will be carefully reviewing all positions. We may look to save money through attrition and ensuring there is no waste.

I consider it an honor and privilege to serve the good, hard-working people of Sayreville. I take the trust and faith that you have placed in me very seriously, and I am humbled by your continued support.

In 2010, I will continue to do my level best to live up to the trust you have continued to place in me. On behalf of my family, I ask each and every one of you to ask in your daily prayers for the safety and protection of our troops, both at home and abroad, and to fly the flag of this great country daily as a sign of your support for these brave men and women.

And may God continue to bless the United States of America and the Borough of Sayreville.

Thank You.


Borough Attorney – 1 Year Term - DeCotiis, Fitzpatrick, Cole & Wisler

Borough Engineer – 1 Year Term - David Samuel of CME Associates

Labor Counsel – 1 Year Term - Robert Clarke of Apruzzese, McDermott

Mastro & Murphy

Bond Counsel – 1 Year Term - McCarter & English

Auditor – 1 Year Term - Wiss & Company, LLP

Municipal Prosecutor – 1 Year Term - Robert A. Blanda, Esq.

Public Defender - 1 year Term - Paul DeSarno

Special Counsel (Tax Matters–1 Yr. Term) - James Nolan & Assoc.

Special Counsel (Other Matters/Conflicts) 1 Yr. Term – Mauro, Savo, Camerino, & Grant, PA

Public Agency Compliance Officer – 1 Year Term - Jeffry Bertrand

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Mayor’s appointments be approved on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Kelly.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Nay for Borough Attorney, ; Ayes on all the rest

Comments: Co. Bella, asked to hold off on the Borough Attorney appointment until we get a chance to see what cost savings there may be with having an In-House Attorney. He said due to the tight budget situation we need to explore every possibility

Mayor stated that an In-House Attorney has been looked at over the past two years and that this could be discussed through the year it is not something that can be resolved now. He called for the vote. He made further comments that the DeCotiis firm is saving about half from the previous firm. He said he is very comfortable with them and their 80 member firm. Mayor stated that he was not going to withdraw his motion.

Councilman Kaiserman made a motion to postpone the appointment for one week in order to look into this further and give it the due diligence and thought is deserves.

Mayor reminded Councilman Kaiserman that there is a motion on the floor which has been seconded.

Councilman Kaiserman asked that the motion be retracted in order to have a conversation on the matter.

Mayor reminded Co. Kaiserman that this has been discussed for a number of years

Mayor stated that this had been discussed for a number of years and that the DeCotiis firm has done us a great service in reducing our legal bill by approximately 50%, we need to move forward with our daily business but encouraged him, along with Co. Bella, to work on this project as we go through the year. We need to move forward and will not retract the motion.

Additional comments made by Councilman Kaiserman suggesting an appointment for six months in order to have the time to research it.

Councilwoman Eicher commented on the use of an in house attorney and her review of the Rutgers study.

She stated that if we were going to keep the DeCotiis firm we should have someone different representing us, due to Ms. Verrone texting while on the dais along with being disrespectful.

Eicher, ayes on all except Nay for Borough Attorney;

Councilman Kaiserman made further comments about the meetings being cut to half the amount per year and asked the Attorney for another discount.

Kaiserman ayes on all except Nay for Borough Attorney;

Kelly, Ayes on all;

Perrette Ayes on all;

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz commented that the DeCotiis Lawfirm has not increased their fees at all. She stated that the Rutgers study indicated a savings of $24,000. With an in-house attorney, however, there would only be one attorney, where with the DeCotiis firm we have a whole host of attorneys.

Siarkiewicz, Ayes on all;


Clerk announced that there was a Tie Vote.

3 Nay Votes - Borough Attorney.

3 Aye Votes – Borough Attorney

Mayor O’Brien voted Ayes on the Borough Attorney and the appointment was upheld.

Mayor O’Brien stated that the DeCotiis firm is an 80 member firm with 20 Partners, 12 specialties with the majority pertaining to municipal law. He feels they have dramatically reduced our legal costs in hourly and more importantly productivity.



David Lewis -Member - 4 Year Term

Kenneth Kreismer -Member- 4 Year Term

Maria Catallo -Member- 4 Year Unexpired Term, expiring Dec. 31, 2011

Rosetta Fisher -Alt. #1 - 2 Yr. Term

Kevlyn Zurawski -Alt. #2 - 2 Yr. Term

Frank Bella -Co. Liaison- 1 Yr. Term

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Mayor’s appointments be confirmed on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Bella.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Eicher, Kaiserman, Kelly, Perrette, Siarkiewicz, all Ayes.


PLANNING BOARD (Mayoral Appointments)

Allen Chodkiewicz -Class I - 4 Yr. Term

Michael Macagnone

(Bd Ed Member) -Class II - 1 Year Term

Co. David Kaiserman -Class III- 1 Year Term

Thomas Tighe -Class IV – 4 Year Term

Deborah Lee -Class IV, Alt. 2 – 2 Year Term


Mike Horvath -Member- 3 Year Term

Joe Notorangelo -Member- 3 year Term

Shane Robinson -Member- 3 Year Unexpired Term, expiring Dec. 31, 2011.

Co. Lisa Eicher -Co. Liaison - 1 Year Term

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Mayor’s appointments be confirmed on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Bella.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Eicher, Kaiserman, Kelly, Perrette, Siarkiewicz, all Ayes.



Pat Walsh -Member- 3 Year Term

Beverly Rappleyea -Member- 3 Year Term

Suzan Naam -Alt. #1- 3 Year Term

Terry Yetsko -Alt. #2- 3 Year Term

Co. Siarkiewicz -Co. Liaison - 1 Year Term


Linda Kanc -Member - 5 Year Term

Jeff Bertrand -Alt for the Mayor - 1Year Term

Co. Bella -Co. Liaison - 1 Year Term

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Mayor’s appointments be confirmed on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Bella.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Eicher, Kaiserman, Kelly, Perrette, Siarkiewicz, all Ayes.


SHADE TREE COMMISSION (Mayoral appointments)

Stella Misiewicz -Member - 5 Year Term

Co. Kaiserman -Co. Liaison- 1 Year Term


Robert Downey -Member-

Pat Walsh -Alt. #1 -


Joseph Pitonak -Member- 3 Year Term

Jack Myatt -Alt. #1 - 1 Year Term

Co. Perrette -Co. Liaison- 1 Year Term

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Mayor’s appointments be confirmed on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Perrette.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Eicher, Kaiserman, Kelly, Perrette, Siarkiewicz, all Ayes.



Wayne McCormack -Member - 3 Year Term

Bonnie Constad -Member - 3 Year Term


Rosetta Fisher - Member - 3 Year Term;

Wendy Wojtaszek - Member - 3 Year Term;

Cheryl Mozdzen - Member - 3 Year Term;

Helen Bruno-Raccuia - Member - 3 Year Term;

Robert Havens - Member - 3 Year Term;

Elyse Barone - Member - 3 Year Term;

Maria Catallo - Member - 3 Year Term;

Joseph G. Bongiorno - Member - 3 Year Term;

Christine M. Siarkiewicz- Member - 3 Year Term

Co. Siarkiewicz - Co. Liaison - 1 Year Term

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Mayor’s appointments be confirmed on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Kaiserman.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Eicher, Kaiserman, Kelly, Perrette, Siarkiewicz, all Ayes.



Florence Samuel - Member -3 Year Term;

Rosina Schmidt - Member -3 Year Term;

Donna Kuchta - Member -3 Year Term-Non Voting Member;

Co. Kelly -Council Liaison -1 Year Term


Patsy Palma - 1 Year Term;

Naomi Koenig - 1 Year Term;

Katherine Boehm - 1 Year Term;

Josephine Marsch - 1 Year Term

Shirley Meirose - 1 Year Term;

Madeline Suchowiecki- 1 Year Term;

Hope Wolk - 1 Year Term;

Jacqueline Lakatos - 1 Year Term;

Harold Ron Magee - 1 Year Term.

Dorothy Magee - 1 Year Term;

Wilfrado Hernandez, Jr. - 1 Year Term;

Edna Pilch - 1 Year Term.

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Mayor’s appointments be confirmed on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Perrette.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Eicher, Kaiserman, Kelly, Perrette, Siarkiewicz, all Ayes.



Ed Pytel - 3 Year Term;


Lisa Starek - 1 Year Term;

Kathleen Tirpak - 1 Year Term;

Shirley Read - 1 Year Term;

Laurie Occhipanti - 1 Year Term;

Stanley Klimek - 1 Year Term;

Gina Rispoli - 1 Year Term;

Co. Kelly - 1 Year Council Liaison.

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Mayor’s appointments be confirmed on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Kelly.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Eicher, Kaiserman, Kelly, Perrette, Siarkiewicz, all Ayes.



Joseph Kupsch -Mayor’s Designee - 3 Year Term;

Co. Perrette -Co. Liaison - 1 Year Term.


Jeff Bertrand - 1 Year Term - Employee

Wayne Kronowski - 1 Year Term – Alternate


Jeff Bertrand - 1 Year Term;


Jeff Bertrand - 1 Year Term;

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Mayor’s appointments be confirmed on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Kelly.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Eicher, Kaiserman, Kelly, Perrette, Siarkiewicz, all Ayes.



Raniero Travisano - 1 Year Term;

Peter Martin - 1 Year Term;

Frank Makransky - 1 Year Term


William Jackson - 1 Year Term.

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Mayor’s appointments be confirmed on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Kelly.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Eicher, Kaiserman, Kelly, Perrette, Siarkiewicz, all Ayes.



Thomas Tighe - 1 Year Term (Boy Scouts);

Kathy Foderaro - 1 Year Term (Girl Scouts);


Rich Kosmoski - 1 Year Term


Pat Walsh - 1 Year Term;

Ernest R. Read, III - 1 Year Term



Pamela Lubeski - 1 Year Term;

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Mayor’s appointments be confirmed on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Bella.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Aye; Eicher, Aye; Kaiserman, Nay to Thomas Tighe as the Boy Scout Liaison, Ayes to the rest (with comments); Kelly, Aye; Perrette, Aye; Siarkiewicz (with comments), all Ayes.



Santo Triolo - 1 Year Term;


Santo Triolo - 1 Year Term;



John Rucki - 1 Year Term;

Rosetta Fisher - 1 Year Term;



Alert Warning/Communications Thomas Fogarty 1 yr. 2010

Auxiliary Police Christopher Bardsley 1 yr. 2010

Damage Assessment Joseph J. Kupsch 1 yr. 2010

Emergency Operations Center Teddy Grossman 1 yr. 2010

Emergency Medical Hold Over 1 yr. 2010

Hold Over 1 yr. 2010

Evacuation Debra Shedlock 1 yr. 2010

Shelter/Reception Loretta Albin 1 Yr 2010

Social Services Loretta Albin 1 Yr. 2010

Fire Michael Fulham 1 Yr. 2010

Fire John Maher 1 Yr. 2010

Environmental Gina Rispoli 1 Yr. 2010

Hazmat John Maher 1 Yr. 2010

Hazmat Michael Fulham 1 Yr. 2010

Law Enforcement Bruce Marcinczyk 1 Yr. 2010

Radiological Protection Barry Eck 1 Yr. 2010

Refugee Evacuation John Bartlinski 1 yr. 2010

Terrorism Barry Eck 1 yr. 2010

Public Information David Lasko 1 yr. 2010

Public Health Middlesex County Dept. of

Health & Senior Services 1 Yr. 2010

Public Works Bernard Bailey 1 yr. 2010

Public Works Alt #1 Robert Konen 1 yr. 2010

Board of Education Annex Manager Edward Aguiles 1 Yr. 2010

Animal Disaster Response Annex

Manager Walter & Wendy Wojtaszek 1 Yr. 2010

Resource Management Jeffry Bertrand 1 yr. 2010

Water & Sewer Management Santo Triolo 1 yr. 2010

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Mayor’s appointments be confirmed on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Bella.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Eicher, Kaiserman, Kelly, Perrette, Siarkiewicz, all Ayes.



Chairman Barry Eck 1 yr. 2010

Secretary Joan Kemble 1 yr. 2010


Alert Warning/Communications Thomas Fogarty 1 yr. 2010

Sayreville Police Department Bruce Marcinczyk 1 yr. 2010

Sayreville Fire Dept. Michael Fulham 1 yr. 2010

John Maher 1 yr. 2010

EMS Hold Over

Environmental Gina Rispoli 1 yr. 2010

Evacuation Debra Shedlock 1 yr. 2010

Sayreville Public Schools Edward Aguiles 1 yr. 2010

Public Works Bernard Bailey 1 yr. 2010

Public Works, Alt. Robert Konen 1 yr. 2010

Sayreville Police Christopher Bardsley 1 yr. 2010

Shelter Loretta Albin 1 yr. 2010

Animal Disaster Response Annex Walter & Wendy Wojtaszek 1 yr. 2010


DuPont, Inc.

Hercules, Inc.

ALZO, Inc.

AES /Red Oak

J.C.P & L.

Gerdau Ameristeel

P.S.E.& G.

Reliant Energy

Minteq International

CME Associates


Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Mayor’s appointments be confirmed on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Kelly.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Eicher, Kaiserman, Kelly, Perrette, Siarkiewicz, all Ayes.



JFK Medical Center – Occupational Health Services Provider &

Alt. Borough Physician - 1 yr. – 2010

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Mayor’s appointments be confirmed on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Kelly.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Eicher, Kaiserman, Kelly, Perrette, Siarkiewicz, all Ayes.


Councilman Bella asked how long we were going to hold over the appointment to the Housing Authority.

Mayor O’Brien stated that he wanted to wait for the Governor’s appointment. He said that Bill Jackson has done a great job for many, many years and would like Bill to remain on the Housing Authority.

Mayor asked Council President Siarkiewicz to read the Standing Committees for 2010.


Year 2010 Council President – Co. Paula Siarkiewicz

ADMINISTRATIVE & FINANCE: Co. Nicholas J. Perrette

Co. Kenneth P. Kelly, Sr.

Co. Paula Siarkiewicz

PLANNING & ZONING: Co. David Kaiserman

Co. Lisa Eicher

Co. Frank J. Bella

PUBLIC SAFETY: Co. Lisa Eicher

Co. Paula Siarkiewicz

Co. Nicholas J. Perrette

PUBLIC WORKS: Co. Kenneth P. Kelly, Sr.

Co. Frank J. Bella

Co. David Kaiserman

RECREATION: Co. Paula Siarkiewicz

Co. David Kaiserman

Co. Kenneth P. Kelly, Sr.


Co. Nicholas J. Perrette

Co. Lisa Eicher

Mayor O’Brien opened the meeting for any questions or comments on Consent Agenda Resolutions.

No one appeared.

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Public Hearing on Consent Agenda Resolutions be closed and the Resolutions be approved on Roll Call Vote. Seconded by Councilman Kelly.

Roll Call: Councilpersons Bella, Ayes;

Eicher, Ayes on all except Nay on Resolution #2010-10;

Kaiserman, ayes on all except Nay on Resolution #2010-10;

Kelly, Ayes;

Perrette, Ayes;


Mayor O’Brien opened the meeting to the Public on any and all matters.

Those appearing were:

• Charles Lukie, 324 Charles St., Melrose Section

Stated that he has noted calling the State of New Jersey regarding the ongoing problem with the Middlesex County Sewerage Authority.

Mayor stated that he was to contact Mr. Latham who was the Liaison between the Sewerage Authority and the Melrose Improvement Association.

Mr. Lukie stated that he had not heard from Mr. Latham and asked for the Council’s help.

Mayor asked that he forward his 51 phone complaints to the Clerk.

• Barbara Kilcomons, 22 Schmitt St.

Questioned the new Agenda & Council meeting format.

No further questions or comments.

Councilwoman Siarkiewicz moved the Public Portion be closed. Seconded by Councilman Bella.

Roll Call: Voice vote, all Ayes.

Councilman Kelly commented that as Chairman of Public Works Department, he personally thanked the employees of that department who worked through the snow storm and that they did an outstanding job.

Councilwoman Eicher questioned the protocol with regard to cars parking on the street when the streets are snow covered.

Mayor stated that we use kindness.

Councilwoman Eicher suggested we look at the ordinances that are on the books and that people want to see it enforced.

Further comments were made by Councilman Kelly, he felt although we have an ordinance he did not feel it was reasonable….


Closing Prayer by Rev. Fr. John Grimes from Our Lady of Victories Church.

No further business Councilman Kelly moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilwoman Siarkiewicz.

Roll Call: Voice Vote, all ayes.

Time 8:53 P.M.


Theresa A. Farbaniec, Municipal Clerk



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