Johns Hopkins University


|A guide for instructional planning |

|General Information |

|Co-Teaching Team: Webb and Adams |

|Class Period: 2 |# of Students in Class: 30 |

|Standard/Indicator: Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned |Assessment Type(s): Discovery Card (Challenge Question) |

|judgment in a text. | |

|Date Range of Instruction: 1/7 – 1/12 |Date of Assessment: 1/12/10 |




| |High Performing |On Track |Target Improvement |

| |# |% |# |% |# |% |

|Whole Class Performance |10 |33% |14 |47% |6 |20% |

| |Jill, Mary*, Nan, Tim, | |Ava, Nicholas*, Mario, | |Mia, Jake, Brad, Sasha, | |

| |Mark*, Jan*, Aaron, Aki, | |Julie*, James, Krista, | |Tia, Natalie | |

| |Carlos, Sam* | |Carla, Wendi, Juan, Todd, | | | |

| | | |Dwayne, Erica, Diana, Ali | | | |

|Students with Disabilities |3 |50% |1 |17% |2 |33% |

| |Jan*, Aaron, Aki | |Nicholas* | |Mia, Jake | |

|Other Student Populations (Optional) |2 |40% |2 |40% |1 |20% |

| |Carlos, Sam* | |Mario, Julie* | |Sasha | |


|General Behavior (Overall Class Behavior) ___ _____ |

|Target Behavior |Attendance ___ |Tardy ___ |Engagement _ x __ |Following Directions ___ |

| |Disruptions ___ |Transitions___ |Discipline Referrals ___ |Other ___ |


| |High Performing |On Track |Target Improvement |

| |# |% |# |% |# |% |

|Whole Class |12 |40% |12 |40% |6 |20% |

|Performance |Jill, Mary, Nan, Tim, Mark, Jan ,| |Ava, Mia, Mario, Krista, Carla, | |Erica, Ali, Jake, James, Tia, | |

| |Aaron*, Aki, Nicholas*, Julie*, | |Wendi, Juan, Todd, Dwayne, Sasha, | |Natalie | |

| |Carlos, Sam | |Diana, Brad | | | |

|Students with |4 |66% |1 |17% |1 |17% |

|Disabilities |Jan, Aaron*, Aki, Nicholas* | |Mia | |Jake | |

|Other Student |3 |60% |2 |40% |0 |0% |

|Populations |Julie*, Carlos, Sam* | |Mario, Sasha | | | |

|(Optional) | | | | | | |

* Denotes Spotlight Students who demonstrated exceptional, high performance or improvement in learning and/or behavior.



|STANDARD/INDICATOR: Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text. |


|High Performing |Jill, Mary*, Nan, Tim, |Work in partner groups |Ms. Adams (special educator) |

|(Instruction includes more complex|Mark*, Jan*, Aaron, Aki, |Use electronic and print resources to write a blog |Set up activity |

|tasks or enrichment activities.) |Carlos, Sam* |about a current event, including sports, |Monitor/facilitate student groups, |

| | |entertainment, and finance |as needed |

| | |Blog posts must be 3 -5 paragraphs and include facts,|Encourage Mary and Sam to take |

| | |opinions, and reasoned judgment |leadership roles |

|On Track |Ava, Nicholas*, Mario, |Assign students to 4-5 member groups |Ms. Adams (special educator) |

|(Instruction is delivered at the |Julie*, James, Krista, |Use electronic and print resources to locate current |Set up activity |

|current pace and level of |Carla, Wendi, Juan, Todd, |event articles, including sports, entertainment, and |Monitor/facilitate student groups, |

|difficulty with opportunities for |Dwayne, Erica, Diana, Ali |finance |as needed |

|additional practice.) | |Complete chart that identifies statements as fact, |Provide text-to-speech options for |

| | |opinion, reasoned judgment |reading |

| | |Include sound rationales | |

| | |Prepare to report to whole class | |

|Target Improvement |Mia, Jake, Brad, Sasha, |Provide a movie review or blog for Mia, Brad, and |Mr. Webb (general educator) |

|(Instruction and content is |Tia, Natalie |Sasha |Re-teach concepts with materials |

|scaffolded and retaught | |Working together, the group analyzes a review or blog|scaffolded by the Ms. Adams |

|differently.) | |for statements of fact, opinion, or reasoned judgment|Provide text-to-speech options for |

| | |Prepare to report to the whole class |reading instructions, |

| | | |Encourage use of electronic spellers|

| | | |Offer clarification |

| | | |Monitor/facilitate group process as |

| | | |needed. |

| |Specialized Support: |Use graphic organizers, visuals, and prompts to | |

| |Jake, Tia, Natalie |generate ideas of fact and opinion statements based | |

| | |on personal experience/interests | |

| | |Formulate ideas into statements | |

| | |If possible, guide thinking and discussion towards | |

| | |examples of “reasoned judgment” | |


|Target Behavior (whole class) |Reinforce cooperative and productive group work using the chip jar and purple tickets. |


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