A-Z US History Project

A-Z US History Project

The purpose of this project is to help students review the information covered in their 8th grade US History class. It allows the teacher to assess the student learning that has occurred throughout the year. You will need to use a combination of class time and work at home to complete this project. This project is worth 56 points and is due on Thursday April 23rd.


• Students will use each letter in the alphabet (X, Y, and Z count as one letter) and describe the person, place, thing, or idea learned in U.S. History. For example, the letter “J” could be for Jim Crow Laws.

• Students will create a page representation for each letter using programs such as Word or PowerPoint, Prezi, or a scrapbook.

• Each page/letter must contains the following components:

o The Letter

o The Person, Place, Thing, or Idea

o A Visual

o Definition- Contains the basic definition from class notes or the textbook. Who or what is it? What happened?

o Relevance- In 2-3 sentences explain why this person, place, thing, or idea was significant in the history of the United States.

• Your project will also require a title page.

Calendar of important dates:


|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|3/9 |3/10 |3/11 |3/12 |3/13 |

|Receive A-Z Project. Work on | | | | |

|A-L Notes | | | | |

| | | | | |

|3/16 |3/17 |3/18 |3/19 |3/20 |

|Continue working on A-L Notes | | | | |

|3/23 |3/24 |3/25 |3/26 |3/27 |

|A-L Notes Due. | | | |First day of Spring Break! |

|Work on M-Z Notes | | | | |

|4/6 |4/7 |4/8 |4/9 |4/10 |

|Last Day of Spring Break |Lab time to work on A-Z |Lab time to work on A-Z | | |

|Continue working on M-Z Notes |Project 3rd-4th hours. |Project 5th-6th hours. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|4/13 |4/14 |4/15 |4/16 |4/17 |

|M-Z Notes due. | | | | |

|4/20 |4/21 |4/22 |4/23 |4/24 |

|Lab time to work on A-Z |Lab time to work on A-Z | |A-Z Project Due. | |

|Project 3rd-4th hours. |Project 5th-6th hours. | | | |

**You will have to work at home on this project. We will provide you with days in the lab, but this is NOT enough. Plan to use the library at 8 a.m. or the after school lab if you are unable to use a computer at home. You may also handwrite this project if necessary.

|Letter |Topic & Date |Notes & Details |

|A | | |

| |Articles of Confederation | |

|B | | |

| | | |

| |Bill of Rights | |

|C |Checks and Balances (Give examples) | |

|D | | |

| |Dred Scott Decision | |

|E | | |

| |Emancipation Proclamation | |

|F | | |

| |Seneca Falls Convention | |

|G | | |

| |Great Compromise | |

|H | | |

| |Hamilton vs. Jefferson | |

| |(Feds vs. DR’s) | |

|I | | |

| |Industry in the North | |

|J | | |

| |Andrew Jackson | |

|K | | |

| |Kansas-Nebraska Act | |

|L | | |

| |Louisiana Purchase | |

| | | |

|Letter |Topic & Date |Notes & Details |

|M | | |

| |Monroe Doctrine | |

| | | |

|N | | |

| |Northwest Ordinance | |

|O | | |

| |Opposition to the Constitution | |

|P | | |

| |Powers of Govt. Branches | |

|Q |John Q. Adams & The Corrupt Bargain | |

|R | | |

| |Result of War with Mexico | |

| | | |

|S |Sectionalism (Give examples of issues| |

| |& views) | |

|T | | |

| |3/5 Compromise | |

|U | | |

| |Underground Railroad | |

| | | |

|V | | |

| |Virginia & NJ Plans | |

|W | | |

| |Washington’s Farewell/Precedents | |

|XYZ | | |

| |XYZ Affair | |

| | | |


Jim Crow Laws


Jim Crow Laws required African Americans and whites to be separated in almost every public place.

This separation of whites and African Americans further divided our country even though the Civil War had ended. It showed that some Americans still felt whites were superior to African Americans. It also resulted in African Americans having inferior resources such as schools, hospitals, etc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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