Bloodline Prayer - Sovereign Ministries SA

[Pages:5]Bloodline Prayer

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ I confess before You my own sins and the sins of my forefathers. Lord, as I confess these sins, I ask You for Your forgiveness in the mighty name of Jesus.


A)Asherah & Baal

I confess before You: All involvement in the occult, partaking in the counsel of Satan, consultations with mediums, fortune-tellers, divination, sorcery, witchcraft, white magic, all superstitious belief, all forms of Wicca spiritism, water witching, mirror magic, wizardry, Satanism, any participation in rituals, the worship of fire, wind, water and earth, astrology, worship of the Sun, Moon, stars, planets, numerology, Kabbalah, worship of Asherah and Serapha, consultations with the dead, demons, familiar spirits, spirit guides, blood pacts or covenants with Satan.

I cut myself free of all of the above, and ask God to bind the strongmen, Asherah and Baal, and forbid any further influence or control over me. I fire the gatekeepers and strip them of their assignments. I break the curses on my bloodline, changing them to blessings. I destroy the yokes of bondage and bad family patterns. I cut myself free of the powers of the Sun, Moon and stars, and use the fire of God to destroy altars and push over idols.


I confess before You: All forms of worship of the goat god, Baphomet, Pan, Dionysus, druid worship, all involvement in black magic, voodoo, curses spoken over myself and others, necromancy, realms of the dead, Apollyon and Abbadon and Hades, all the gods of the Underworld, Hecate and the three phases of the Hecate, the Grim Reaper, the Hounds of Hell, vampires, werewolves, zombies, the worship of the wolf, grave diggers, morticians, embalmers and any contact with dead bodies.

I cut myself free of all of the above, and ask You God to bind the strongman, Astarte, and forbid any further influence or control over me. I fire the gatekeeper and strip him of his assignment. I break the curses on my bloodline, changing them to blessings. I destroy the yokes of bondage and bad family patterns. I cut myself free of the powers of the Sun, Moon and stars, and use the fire of God to destroy altars and push over idols. I destroy the power of Hades and de-commission the Hounds of Hell.



I confess before You:

The shedding of blood, all acts of war, murder, plunder, rape, torture, suicide, the murder of children including abortions and miscarriages. I also confess violence, anger, strife, hatred, rebellion, bitterness, jealousy, cruelty, racism, revenge, blood sacrifices and the breaking of promises. I renounce the worship that all warring gods received, namely: Molech, Marduk, the Dragon, Nimrod, Thor, Odin, Koki, Grendle, Ice Giants, Morrigen, Athena, Mars and Valhalla. I confess any acts of assassination, hangmen, executioners and mercenaries.

I renounce all worship of the Anti-Christ and the Beast, blaspheming against God, any possible loyalty and allegiance with Hitler, the Third Reich and the SS.

I confess all acts of human and animal sacrifice and partaking in blood rituals, blood covenants and acts of cannibalism.

I ask forgiveness, Lord, where I have been guilty of any form of bloodshed. I break the vows of hate, death and murder in the name of Jesus. Cleanse my hands from any blood guilt in the name of Jesus, and where there be any blood still crying out for vengenace against me, I ask You, Lord, in the name of Jesus, to silence that blood with the blood of Jesus. Thank you Lord that You have set me free from every spirit of murder that has come down my bloodline, in the name of Jesus.

I cut myself free of all of the above, and ask You God to bind the strongman, Molech, and forbid any further influence or control over me. I fire the gatekeeper and strip him of his assignment. I break the curses on my bloodline, changing them to blessings. I destroy the yokes of bondage and bad family patterns, and use the fire of God to destroy altars and push over idols.



I confess before You: All involvement in secret societies, blood covenants and sworn oaths, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Brotherhood of the Knights, Knights Templar, worship of Satan, Illuminati, Roman Catholic Church, Jesuit priests, the Order of Alchemy and the Golden Dawn, the Broederbond, Ossewabrandwag, Ruiterwag, all Neo-Nazi organisations, the White Brotherhood, the Klu Klux Klan and the Temple of Set. I renounce the spirits of Pride and Deception. I ask you, Lord to set me free from all the curses that have come upon me through the generations by swearing the oaths of these secret societies. Curses of: allergies, sicknesses, divorces, miscarriages, horror deaths, bondage of finances, strife and division. I ask You Lord, to break the curses and set me free, in the name of Jesus.

I cut myself free from the Spirit of Death, and break the covenant that was made with the Spirit of Death, in Jesus name. I ask You God to bind the strongman, Satan, and forbid any further influence or control over me. I fire the gatekeeper and strip him of his assignment. I break every covenant and blood covenant, and cut the soul ties that were made with these parties and organisations. I also break the curses on my bloodline, changing them to blessings. I cancel all rituals performed and all witnesses

against me. I destroy the yokes of bondage and bad family patterns, and use the fire of God to destroy altars and push over idols.



I confess before You: The worship of Asherah, the Orders of Diana and Cleopatra and Isis, sexual impurities and harlotry, including necrophilia, paedophilia, sodomy, rape, incest, bestiality, illegitimacy, homosexuality, lesbianism, sex with demons, adultery and fornication, prostitution, all acts of lust and perversion, pornography and fantasy, voyeurism, masturbation, transvestitism, transsexualism, fetishism, sadism, all serpent worship, temple prostitution, the worship of Venus, Aphrodite, Eros and Cupid. I ask You, Lord, to forgive me for allowing my spirit to be defiled and my body to be used as a temple for Satan. Cleanse every part of me from these sins, and from the seeds of sexual sin that I have inherited from my forefathers. Break the curses on my marriage bed and any patterns of divorce in my family, and forgive my family for divorces. Thank You Lord for setting me free, in Jesus name.

I cut myself free of all of the above, and ask You God to bind the strongman, Asherah, and forbid any further influence or control over me. I fire the gatekeeper and strip him of his assignment. I break the curses on my bloodline, changing them to blessings. I destroy the yokes of bondage and bad family patterns, and use the fire of God to destroy altars and push over idols.


A)Strongman of the East / The Dragon

I confess before You: All involvement in false healing and the practice of spiritual arts of enlightenment, all forms of astral travel, meditation, spiritual trances, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, consultation of spirit guides, psychic powers, mind control, martial arts, Eastern religious Orders, and New Age religion. All involvement in the worship of animal spirits and totems, invoking the guardianship of animal totems, the practice of magic and herbal medicine directed by spirits, all forms of shamanism, transmutation, all forms of ancestral worship, all worship of Mother Earth (Gaia) or the Great Mother goddess.

I cut myself free of all of the above, and ask You God to bind the strongman, The Dragon, and forbid any further influence or control over me. I fire the gatekeeper and strip him of his assignment. I break the curses on my bloodline, changing them to blessings. I destroy the yokes of bondage and bad family patterns, and use the fire of God to destroy altars and push over idols.


I confess before You: All involvement in the worship of Water Spirits, Queen of the Sea, the Rain Goddess, Kali, Shiva, River Gods, worship of Neptune and Poseidon and all ties with the mystical city of Atlantis, guardian spirits of Nymphs, sirens, mermaids, mermen and symbols of the dolphin, and water vampires.

I cut myself free of all of the above, and ask You God to bind the strongman, Astarte, and forbid any further influence or control over me. I fire the gatekeeper and strip him of his assignment. I break the curses on my bloodline, changing them to blessings. I destroy the yokes of bondage and bad family patterns, and use the fire of God to destroy altars and push over idols.


I confess before You: All acts of worship of the Queen of Heaven, made knowingly or unknowingly, by whatever name she has been called. I renounce all forms of goddess worship and false religion, all involvement in the Mysteries / Mystery religions, and all mixing of paganism with Christianity. I repent of serving the Queen of Heaven by participating in the reversal of God's order between men and women, so that women have ruled over men, and men have either submitted or fought against the women in their lives.

I cut myself free of all of the above, and ask You God to bind the strongman, the Queen of Heaven, and forbid any further influence or control over me. I ask You Lord to remove the seal of the Queen of Heaven placed over me at my christening as a baby. I declare a divorce with the Queen of Heaven, and decree a godly order between men and women. I fire the gatekeeper and strip him of his assignment. I break the curses on my bloodline, changing them to blessings. I destroy the yokes of bondage and bad family patterns, and use the fire of God to destroy altars and push over idols.


I confess before You: All contracts made with the spirit of Jezebel. I cut myself off from the pattern of control and manipulation by Jezebel coming down through the bloodline. I repent of all sexual acts done in worship to Baal or Jezebel. I also repent and break the power of the false prophetic, superstition and the anti-prophetic. In the name of Jesus, I declare a divorce with the principality and power of Jezebel.


I confess before You: All ungodly involvement with finances, theft, fraud, withholding tithes (stealing God's money) and offerings, dishonest gain, covetousness, the love of money, lying and cheating, bribery, conflict over inheritance, wasting money, gambling, and involvement in lotteries.

I repent of money that was sown into the kingdom of darkness, and situations where money was used to gain power and control over other people.

I ask You, Lord, to cleanse my finances from defilement, to redeem my finances from anything ungodly, and to break curses that have come upon my finances, in the name of Jesus.


I confess before You: All forms of religious worship where religion was worshipped instead of God, all forms of superstition, rituals, trusting in the flesh, the temples of idols, and the criticism and judgement of others.

I ask You, Lord, to set me free from every religious spirit, and choose relationship with You instead.


I confess before You: All forms of addiction: alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, pills, gambling, pornography, masturbation, food addictions, gluttony, bulimia, anorexia, cutting, self-mutilation, body piercings and tattoos.

I ask You, Lord, to set me free from the yokes of slavery that have bound me to addiction, and to also break all patterns of addiction in my family.


Father, please forgive me for filthy language (profanity), swearing and cursing the Lord (blasphemy), grieving the Holy Spirit, rejecting God's voice, dishonouring my parents, and listening to ungodly music, especially heavy metal.


Father, I renounce my occultic callings, my gifts, psychic powers and rankings that I have received from Satan, which have been invested in me by the sins of my forefathers. I ask You, Lord, to take the Sword of the Spirit (the Bible) and to cut off the occultic root that I inherited. Jesus, I ask that you curse that root and the fruit and the seed, just like you cursed the fig tree, so that it will shrivel up and die.

Lord, please set me and my family free of all demonic strongholds, bondages, bonds of inherited physical or mental illness, and curses. I declare all legal ground of the enemy destroyed. In the name of Jesus, I command all demon spirits to leave me now, and confess that my body, soul and spirit is the dwelling place of the Spirit of God.

Thank You, Lord, for all the good things I have inherited from my forefathers. Please protect me and each member of my family.

Thank you Jesus for setting me free. Amen.


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