Teacher Resource 7 - OMEA

Teacher Resource 7

Jingle Bells Variations – Teacher Reference Sheet - Lesson 3 ACTION!

|Theme |Timbre-Texture: Bells, piano, very clear bass line- |

| |Tempo and Dynamics: are moderate |

| |Style: classical / pop |

|Var. 1 |Style: techno disco beat - melody still recognizable- |

|Bass Hunter |Texture-Timbre: hand claps on off beats - strong drum beat - electronic instrumental section - echo effects - |

| |speaking commentary |

| |Beat-Rhythm: driving beat - at about 2 minutes the rhythm of the words change, and there are dotted notes |

| |added |

|Var. 2 |Style-Timbre- Texture: traditional jazz instruments - (e.g., bass, trumpet, trombone, keyboard, drum set) |

|Diana Krall and jazz |Rhythm and Melody many changes, no straight eighth notes, added notes |

|orchestra | |

|Var. 3 |Style-Timbre-Texture-Form: Celtic - hammered dulcimer - guitar – marimbula - this is actually a hybrid of |

|Beltaine |“Mari’s Wedding” and “Jingle Bells”. The melody of “Jingle Bells” doesn’t appear until 1:10 in. Students can |

| |listen for when it comes in. |

|Var. 4 |Form-Texture: there is a counter melody |

|Sandler and Young |Language: counter melody is sung in French |

| |Style-Timbre: pop style, using strings and woodwind orchestral instruments |

|Var. 5 |Style: jazz (“swung” notes) |

|Frank Sinatra |Timbre: strings, bells, choir as back-up singers |

|Var. 6 |Style: rag time |

|Billy Pollard |Tempo: speeds up at the end |

| |Timbre: solo piano |

| |Melody: lots of embellishments in the melody |

|Var. 7 Schroeder from |This is a short clip where Lucy asks Schroeder to play “Jingle Bells”. |

|“Peanuts” |He plays it three times...once with smooth notes (Articulation, style) |

| |Once with an organ sound (Timbre) and once with very short Toy Piano sounds (Articulation, Timbre) |

|Var. 8 Nickelodeon Punjabi |Melody-Rhythm-Form: segmented melody, and the melody has been changed in places |

|Parody |Timbre: Instruments are quite different sounding. |

|Var. 9 |Timbre: starts with piano, bass and voice - at about 1:44 changes to banjo, bells and drums - at about 3 |

|Bare Naked Ladies |minutes changes to an all vocal interlude |

| |Tempo: slow then fast then quite fast |

| |Dynamics: also change |

|Var. 10 Bratislava Boy’s |Style: Victorian England, |

|Choir |Texture: four-part harmony |

| |Timbre: orchestral accompaniment |

|Var. 11 |Timbre- Texture: bells and violin |

|Blank Shot Instrumental |Mood/Style: quiet - like a lullaby |

|Var. 12 |A set of different variations on Twinkle- sung by an eight voice man’s choir. |

|Captain Smartypants Version|1st variation is in Pig Latin, |

| |2nd in 3/4 time, (you can hear the melody from “Bolero” and “Carol of the Bells” in the background) |

| |3rd variation is in 5/4 time, |

| |4th is back to 4/4 time, with lots of different sound effect instruments added at the end. |


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