Mechanics Modeling Training for Virginia High School ...

Mechanics Modeling Instruction Training for Virginia High School Teachers (pending state funding, to be announced in March 2012)

Start Date: June 25, 2012

End Date: June 28, 2013 (notice the year: 2013!)

Peer Leaders: Joseph Mahler, Charlie Payne, Tim Couillard

Description: Numerous studies have shown that traditional teaching methods are not adequately educating students in physics. The Modeling Method of instruction has a proven track record of improving students’ learning when used by an instructor who has been well-trainedwell trained in the pedagogy. The objective of this project is to enhance physics teaching at the high school level by offering training for teachers in Modeling Instruction in physics and to institute a community of physics teaching professionals where ideas can be shared and supported. This training is open to any high school physics teacher in Virginia and will be offered through James Madison University’s (JMU) Content Teaching Academy (CTA).

Space: The training is limited to 25 participants.

Training Schedule:

• The training will start with a one-week workshop at JMU’s CTA from June 25, 2012 to June 29, 2012. This first one-week session will focus on introducing the participants to Mthe modeling methodology Instruction and using the modeling methodologyit to teach kinematics and basic dynamics.

• There will then be three two-day follow-up sessions during the 2012-2013 school year. The follow- up sessions will start on Friday morning and end Saturday afternoon. The first follow up session with will take place in August, the second in October, and the third in February. [COMMENT: SPECIFY EXACT DATES NOW, RATHER THAN LATER. THIS GIVES TIME FOR TEACHERS TO CLEAR THEIR CALENDAR.] TheThese follow up sessions will be used to provide support to participants in implementing the Mmodeling curriculumInstruction, into their classrooms as well as to teachfocus on how to use the modeling methodology to teach linear forces and circular motion.

• The training will end with a final one-week workshop at JMU’s CTA in June 24-28, of 2013..[Joe: specify which week, if possible.] This last one-week session will focus on teaching how to use the modeling methodology of instruction to teach momentum and energy.


• Participants in the training will be given a $60.00 a day stipend. The training will consist of a total of 16 days,days; s. So participants will receive a total maximum stipend of $960.00. Participants will receive their stipend at the end of the CTA in 2013 or follow up sessions.[Joe: say that it will all be given after the end, and that they are expected to participate in at least 14 days to receive any stipend.]

• All registrations fees, lodgging, and food will be paid forFREE while the participants are at the CTA. Participants will stay in the a dorms at JMU and have a meal plan to eat in the cafeteriaaward winning dining hall.

• The participants will receive an allowancebe reimbursed up to of $684.00 for to cover travel and housing costs associated with travel to the CTA’s and follow up sessions. [Isn’t it better to require receipts? This seems unfair. What if you say, “will be reimbursed up to $684 for travel and housing costs… Submit receipts.”?]

• The schools of the participants will receive an allowance of $200.00 to cover the cost of a substitute teacher during the follow up sessions. [Is that enough for 3 Fridays?]

Graduate Credit: Up to 6 hours of graduate credit can be earned through JMU for completing the training. The cost is $300.00 per 3 credit hours. Participants can register for graduate credit when they register for the CTA.[Who do they contact to arrange this? What deadline?]

To participateInformation: If you are interested in participating in this training please contact Joe Mahler, jmahler@st., by email.


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