March 27, 2014

Dear JNC 2014 Presenter:

We are pleased that you have been accepted to make a presentation at the Joint Navigation Conference (JNC) being held in Orlando, Florida, June 16-19, 2014. Enclosed you will find important information concerning the meeting and publication of your presentation. Please review these items carefully and feel free to contact me if you have questions.

Important Dates to Remember

May 9 The last day to register for the conference without a late fee. (Speakers are required to pay registration fees.) Register at

May 9 Have hotel reservations made at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld, to receive the special prevailing U.S. federal per diem government rate of $101 single/double per night. You can make a reservation by calling 1-800-327-6677. Please be sure to identify yourself as a JNC meeting participant to receive the special rate. Program brochure containing reservation information will also be posted on the Joint Navigation website in the near future.

May 12 Submit your Visit Request Form to the JNWC Security Office. Contact information is included on the Visit Request Form at . Note that speakers are required to submit a Visit Request Form.

May 12 Submission of the completed presentation formatted according to the guidelines provided and the JNC’s Copyright Release Form are due at the ION’s National Office.

Note: If you are unable to have your presentation completed by this date you must send/fax a photocopy of your Release Form, which will notify us of your intent to publish in the FOUO U.S.-Only conference proceedings. The original Release Form should accompany the final presentation.

May 12 Last day to call in program changes for the on-site program, meeting, signage, and session view graphs

June 16-19 JNC 2014. Attend the mandatory Speakers Breakfast on the morning of your presentation.

June 23 Revised presentations WILL NOT be accepted after this date.


The conference proceedings are intended to represent those presentations that were presented at the meeting. Presentations that were not presented at the meeting, for any reason, will not appear in the conference proceedings. Revised Presentations should be submitted to the ION National Office (meetings@) no later than June 23.

The following are required for submittal:


Please provide both PowerPoint and PDF electronic versions of your presentation for the FOUO proceedings. You may contact Miriam Lewis with any questions concerning your presentation's electronic version format or layout (703) 366-2723, E-mail: meetings@.


If for any reason you are unable to have your presentation completed by May 12, 2014 you must send in a copy of your Release Form, which will notify us of your intent to publish in the FOUO proceedings (Fax: 703-366-2724). The original Release Form should accompany the final presentation.

SEND ALL MATERIALS TO: ION National Office (Phone: 703-366-2723)

Attn: Miriam Lewis

8551 Rixlew Lane, Suite 360

Manassas, VA 20109, USA

E-mail: Meetings@

Late revised presentations will not be accepted after June 23. If you find it necessary to make corrections after you have submitted your presentation we are happy to accept a revised version during the conference, or prior to June 23. However, to ensure the correct version is included in the proceedings, please enclose a cover letter with your revised presentation clearly stating that the attached presentation has been revised.

JNC Speakers' Breakfast

The Speakers' Breakfast is MANDATORY for each author presenting that day. The author making the verbal presentation, as well as the author representing each alternate presentation, should attend. The Speakers’ Breakfast if you are presenting on Tuesday or Wednesday will be held in the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld Hotel from 7:30 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. on the day of your presentation. If you are presenting on Monday afternoon (June 16), a Speakers' Luncheon will be held from 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.

If you have not submitted your brief biography (100 words or less) through the Abstract Management Portal (AMP), provide it to your session chairs at the Speakers’ Breakfast (this will be used to introduce you prior to your presentation)

The purpose of this breakfast is to allow the Session Chairs to meet each of the presenters, to collect your biographical information and coordinate any last minute details. This is also the time that audio-visual equipment and the presentation timing system will be demonstrated.

If you are not in attendance the Session Chairs will not know if you are prepared to present and will allocate your presentation time to another author. Alternate speakers must be in attendance and prepared to present if called upon. If an alternate speaker is not present at the breakfast, and/or not prepared to make an oral presentation if called upon, their presentation will not be published in the proceedings.


Alternate speakers have an excellent chance of being able to present. If for any reason you are not able to present in your assigned session, we will attempt to move your presentation to another session. ALL alternates should be prepared to present in case of a last minute cancellation. You must attend the Speakers Breakfast on the day of your presentation. Please be sure to attend the session to which your presentation was assigned in order to be available to make an oral presentation in case of any last minute cancellations. Though there is no assurance you will have an opportunity to give an oral presentation, if you have attended the Speakers’ Breakfast and are in attendance at your session (prepared to present your work) your presentation will be published in the meeting’s proceedings regardless of whether or not you were able to present orally.

Presentation Schedule

A copy of the conference program for your session has been sent to you by e-mail. Please refer to this for the presentation order of the presentations in your session. An updated program, with the precise starting time of each presentation, will be circulated at the meeting. The printed schedule of presentation times will be strictly adhered to. You will be allotted 18 minutes for your presentation, plus a few moments for questions at the discretion of the Session Chair. A speech timer will be operated during your presentation as follows:

1.) The GREEN light will go on at the beginning of the scheduled presentation time and will remain on for 15 minutes.

2.) The YELLOW light will then come on signifying that you have 3 minutes left and will remain on for 3 minutes.

3.) The RED light will then signify that your 18 minutes are up and that you are to immediately return the floor to the Session Chair.


Include an introductory chart in your presentation specifies exactly how your presentation addresses warfighter needs

For example: “Capability Provides Precise Azimuth for Far Target Location”

Don’t assume your audience members are experts

There will be a few experts, but the majority will be there to learn. Be sure to provide necessary background information.

What your audience wants to know

Your presentation should detail the problem you are solving and should include background information. The most important things to describe are your key innovative steps and how they performed compared to the conventional approach. Be sure to present the basic technical concepts that underpin your solution.

Limit the number of your slides

Your presentation is limited to 18 minutes. Too many slides will cause you rush or run out of time. Plan on one slide per minute, but pace yourself accordingly—some slides require more time than others.

Don’t over-load slides: Aim for Simplicity

• Limit slides to a maximum of four or five bullet points. If you need more points to cover a topic, break the section into two slides, each with fewer bullets.

• Divide complex slides into two or more simplified slides. The slide will be more easily viewed by your audience, and will assist you in visually guiding your audience.

• The best presentations display only the core of the message on the slide. You are there to provide the important “extra” information.

• Limit sub-bullets to only a short phrase or sentence. Use sub-bullets only where absolutely necessary. If a particular topic requires five or six bullet points, remove the explanatory text and present this verbally.

Consider the following two slide sets:

Remember—your slides will be projected on a screen far from your average audience member. Make sure your text can be read from 50 feet by someone with 20-20 vision.

Preparing Charts and Graphics

Prepare your charts and graphs with large, legible text. Your presentation will be viewed from an average distance of approximately 30-40 feet. Imagine you are seated on the back row, and consider the following two charts:

Using Equations

If your presentation includes equations or special symbols, include these as an images rather than text. Capture your equation as an image, and import the image to your presentation. You will experience fewer problems in displaying your equations at the meeting.

Embedding Fonts

Avoid your presentation changing appearances at the last minute—embed fonts into your file. If you plan to use the ION-provided computer, embed fonts into your presentation files using the computer where you created the presentation. Check your software’s documentation for details.

Other tips to consider:

• Use a color scheme with contrasting background and font colors (i.e., black text on a white background).

• Limit use of slide “transitions” and “text building”. As with other aspects of your presentation, “less is often more”. If you wish to use transitions, choose one that is fast, simple and does not detract from your presentation.

• Practice, practice, practice! Consider rehearsing your presentation in front of a group of co-workers, including some who are not familiar with your work.

• Project your voice while you present! You will have a microphone, but you still must speak clearly at a volume louder than normal conversation.

Audio-Visual Aids

The conference will provide the following audio-visual equipment in each session for your use:


Windows laptop

Wireless Lapel Microphone

Laser Pointer and Presentation Remote

Hand-Held Microphone (for audience questions)

A Windows computer (connected to a projector) will be in your session room. The computer will accept CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or USB memory sticks. Use of other media formats may not be supported by the computer and is at your risk. Presentations must be created in PowerPoint 2007, 2010 or Acrobat 9.0, 10 compatible software (all files must be PC/Windows compatible). Copy your presentation to the computer’s desktop before your session begins.

A note about CD-ROMs: If you bring a presentation on a CD-ROM, make sure to properly “close” the disk to be read in any computer. Failure to do so will prevent your presentation from loading at the meeting.


If your presentation incorporates unique fonts or unusual symbols, be sure to embed the fonts in your PowerPoint or Acrobat file. Failure to do so may cause the fonts to display incorrectly at the meeting.

To embed fonts in PowerPoint 2003: FILE > SAVE AS ... > TOOLS > SAVE OPTIONS > Select the checkbox “Embed TrueType Fonts” > OK.

To embed fonts in PowerPoint 2007: Click the Microsoft Office Button > SAVE AS ... > TOOLS > SAVE OPTIONS > Select the checkbox “Embed fonts in the file” > OK.

If your presentation incorporates equations, you may wish to import the equations to PowerPoint as captured image files. This allows the equations to display correctly on most computers without any special fonts or equation editing software installed.

You may connect your own laptop directly to the ION provided LCD projector. You should plan on providing YOUR OWN COMPUTER if any of the following apply to your presentation:

• Presentation is not in PowerPoint (MS-Windows) or Adobe Acrobat compatible format.

• Your presentation includes multimedia content (video clips, MPEGs, DVD, etc.).

• You will be demonstrating proprietary software or an application.

Authors using a non-PC computer (i.e. Mac, etc.) should familiarize themselves with the steps necessary to (A) connect to an external monitor and (B) command the operating system to send video to the external monitor. Authors should also be certain to bring any necessary video adapters or cables unique to their personal laptops.

A projector and computer will be available in your meeting room approximately 30 minutes before the start of your session. We encourage you to check your electronic media (or laptop, if you plan to use your own computer) prior to the start of your session.

It is recommended that you bring two electronic copies of your presentation (on multiple media types, different file types, etc.). While conference staff will attempt to assist you if you experience any technical difficulties, please note that equipment does fail, and it is often not possible to instantaneously correct the problem. To avoid the loss of any presentation time you need to be prepared with a back up.

If you have additional equipment needs please contact Megan Andrews (e-mail: mandrews@) no later than May 1. It will not be possible to accommodate special equipment requests made the day of your presentation. There will be an audiovisual representative on site who can assist you in correcting any audiovisual problems you may encounter.


Should some unforeseen event make it impossible to attend the conference make your presentation we ask that you first attempt to find an associate to make the presentation on your behalf. If you cannot find an alternate presenter or, if for any other reason your presentation must be withdrawn, please be sure to immediately notify me at the ION National Office (phone: 703-366-2723/fax: 703-366-2724/e-mail: meetings@). Please note that only speakers who are in attendance at their assigned conference session will have their presentation published in the conference proceedings. This applies to both primary and alternate authors.


It is likely that your presentation will need to go through a clearance process before it can be released to be presented at the conference. Please begin the process immediately to ensure you will be able to present at the conference and be included in the published proceedings.

On behalf of the JNC 2014 organizing committee, I thank you for your participation.


Miriam Lewis



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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