Job Title FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT Job description / Purpose ...

[Pages:2]Job Title


Job description / Purpose statement

Contributes to the development and implementation of the departmental accounting systems, policies and procedures. Supports the department through

the collection, processesing, recording, reconciliation and reporting of financial data, verifying the validity, completeness and accuracy of source

documentation. Maintains complete and proper records of revenue, expenditure, assets and liabilities, and ensures the accuracy and integrity of financial


Product / Service Tasks

Accounting policies,

Develop, monitor and review departmental accounting policies,

procedures and processes procedures and processes


Accounting policies,

Implement departmental accounting policies, procedures and

procedures and processes processes

implemented Payments and/or receipts

Verify supporting documents for validity, accuracy and


completeness, and capture the payments and/or receipts on the

Payments verified and

accounting system Verify and approve payment transactions (including; transfers,


conditional grants, payroll transactions, S&T, etc), correctly

classified, and supported by appropriate source documentation

Masterfile information updated Capture and maintain masterfile information (creditors, debtors,

payroll, assets) on the accounting system

Masterfile information verified Verify and approve masterfile information (creditors, debtors,

and approved

payroll, assets) on the accounting system

Quarterly and Annual Financial Statements

Prepare the Quarterly and Annual Financial Statements and supporting working papers

Liabilities and commitments Manage liabilities and commitments within budget constraints,


including; recording, reconcilation and settlement

Receivables recorded,

Manage receivables due to the department, including; the

collected, banked and

recording, collection, banking and write-off of irrecoverable

irrecoverable amounts written- amounts


Indicator of competence Appropriate and effective accounting policies, procedures and processes are developed, maintained and continuously monitored in accordance with statutory requirements and accounting standards Accounting policies, procedures and processes are effectively and fully implemented

Supporting documents verified and payments and/or receipts accurately and timeously captured and correctly classified

Payments are valid, correctly classified, and supported by appropriate source documentation

Masterfile information is accurately and timeously updated in accordance with applicable policies and procedures Masterfile information is verified and approved in accordance with applicable policies and procedures Quarterly and Annual Financial Statements and supporting working papers are prepared in accordance with relevant Treasury guidelines, frameworks and statutory requirements Within applicable budget constraints, liabilities and commitments are; - accurately accounted for or recorded - accurately and completely reconciled, - settled in a timely manner, and - appropriately monitored, in accordance with departmental policies and procedures In accordance with departmental policies and procedures; - receivables are correctly and timeously recorded and accounted for - monies due are collected, banked and correctly allocated, and - authorised irrecoverable amounts are written-off

General Ledger Reconciliation Perform General Ledger reconciliations (including bank, suspense General ledger accounts are reconciled on a complete, accurate and

and interdepartmental accounts)

timely basis in line with relevant legislative requirements and

departmental policies and procedures

General Ledger

Manage General Ledger and Subsidiary Ledger reconciliations In accordance with departmental policies and procedures;

Reconciliations managed (including bank, debtors, creditors, suspense and

- general ledger reconciliations are reviewed,

interdepartmental accounts)

- long outstanding and unusual items are identified, and

- appropriate actions are taken

System interface exceptions Manage the system interface exceptions

System interface exceptions are effectively managed and appropriate


and timely actions are taken

Month-end and year-end Perform month-end and year-end accounts closure process

Timely and complete month-end and year-end accounts closure


process is performed in accordance with departmental policies and

procedures and statutory requirements

Payroll returns prepared

Consolidate and reconcile payroll data, and prepare statutory and Accurate, complete and timely payroll returns are prepared (PAYE,

other payroll returns

UIF, SDL, IRP5, pension, medical aid) in compliance with

departmental policies and procedures and relevant statutory


Payroll returns approved Review and approve statutory and other payroll returns for

Payroll returns are reviewed and approved timeously (PAYE, UIF,


SDL, IRP5, pension, medical aid) for submission in compliance with

departmental policies and procedures and relevant statutory


Source and face value

File, store, retrieve and safeguard source and face value

Source and face value documents are filed, stored, retrieved and

documents controlled


safeguarded in compliance with document management policies and

procedures and relevant statutory requirements

Petty cash managed

Manage the issuing, recording, reconciliation, replenishment,

Petty cash is issued, recorded, reconciled, replenished, safeguarded

safeguarding, and accounting of petty cash

and accounted for in compliance with departmental policies and


Product / Service Registers maintained

Financial management information Information and responses provided Basic Accounting System (BAS) utilised


Indicator of competence

Maintain statutory and other required registers with supporting Accurate, complete and up to date registers are maintained in

documents, including but not limited to;

accordance with departmental policies and procedures and statutory

- register of unauthorised, fruitless, wasteful and irregular



- register of losses, damages and claims, and

- register of gifts, donations and sponsorships Analyse and interpret data in order to provide financial

Timely, relevant and reliable financial management information is

management information for decision making

provided for decision making

Provide accounting and financial information and responses to Timely, relevant and reliable information and responses are provided

risk, audit and other assurance providers

Utilise BAS to capture accounting transactions, control the general BAS is effectively utilised to capture accounting transactions, maintain

ledger, perform financial administration and prepare financial

the general ledger, administer finances and prepare financial reports


in compliance with user and legislative requirements

PERSAL utilised

LOGIS utilised Vulindlela utilised

Utilise PERSAL for human resource management, payroll and reporting

Utilise LOGIS for provisioning, procurement, stock control and reporting Utilise Vulindlela as a management information system for monitoring and reporting of revenue, expenditure, assets and liabilities

PERSAL is effectively utilised to manage human resource information, administer the payroll and report in compliance with user and legislative requirements LOGIS is effectively utilised for provisioning, stock control and reporting in compliance with user and legislative requirements Vulindlela is effectively utilised as a management information system to monitor and report on revenue, expenditure, assets and liabilities in compliance with user and legislative requirements

Disciplinary Knowledge In Financial Accounting/ Management Accounting

Knowledge Organisational and government structures Applicable legislative and regulatory framework Public Finance and Management Act (PFMA), Treasury Regulations and guidelines Public Service Anti-corruption Strategy and anti-corruption and fraud prevention measures Departmental policies and procedures Government accounting standards (GRAP) Economic Reporting Framework including the standard chart of accounts Medium Term Strategic Framework (government priorities) Government financial systems Principles and practice of financial accounting Framework for managing performance information Tools and techniques for accounting and reporting


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