To recruit and train an adequate organization of to-level volunteers for mobilizing local community dollars for the successful promotion of the scouting program with the council.

The Council Finance Committee is organized to provide the growing financial needs of Scouting so that every boy and teenage girl within the Council has opportunity to become a member of the Boy Scouts of America.

The major sources of income are: United Way, Special Events, Sustaining Membership Enrollment, Product Sales, Project Sales, Endowment and Camping and Activities Revenue.

1. Assume responsibility to raise the total dollars needed for the annual budget approved by the Executive Board.

2. Give leadership to recruiting chairmen for the finance sub-committees as shown on the council organization chart.

3. Preside at all Finance Committee Meetings.

4. Give direction to the Fund Raising Programs of the Council.

5. Aid in the selection of District Finance Chairmen and FOS Chairmen.

6. Serve as a active member of the Executive Board keeping the Board informed of Fund Raising activities.


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